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Frequently Asked Questions about amfori QMI

关于 amfori QMI 质量管理倡议的常见问题

Part I: General

1. What are the roles of amfori, and relevant participating parties’ roles involved in amfori QMI
amfori 及参与 amfori QMI 服务的相关机构的角色是什么?

参与 amfori QMI 各方的角色

全球贸易协会 amfori: amfori 会员(买家):
• 标准的开发者和拥有者; • 服务用户:发起审核和查看报告
• 运营 amfori 可持续发展项目; • 鼓励生产商参与
• 质量保证/诚信项目的领导者和设计 • 监督生产商的表现

香港品质保证局 HKQAA: 生产商(被审核方):
• 行业标准伙伴 • 服务用户:被审核方
• 审核员培训的服务提供商 • 做出改善
• 审核质量保证计划的执行伙伴 • 提供反馈以便提升系统
审核公司: 2022 年提供服务地区:
• 现场审核和报告 ** 中国内地,有可能推展至其它地区
• 校正最佳实践以及有关审核工具和系
2. Will amfori QMI be available in other countries out of China? If yes, which will be the next roll
out country?
amfori QMI 是否在中国以外的其它国家推出?如果是,下一步将在哪些国家推出?

amfori will review the market responses and needs and will review the possibility of extending
the service from China to other neighbouring countries by the end of 2022. Other potential
countries in the regions will possibly be amfori Members’ top sourcing bases. Currently the top
5 amfori Members’ sourcing countries are China, India, Bangladesh, Turkey, Vietnam, etc. The
decision will be subject to further review.
amfori 会研究市场反应和需要,并在中国推出服务后,在 2022 年年底做评估,在计划推
广至中国周边国家。区域内其它潜在国家可能包括 amfori 会员的首要采购基地。目前,排
在前 5 名的 amfori 会员采购国包括中国、印度、巴基斯坦、土耳其和越南等。有关决定将

3. We want to apply for amfori QMI and BSCI in the same time. Is it possible to arrange all in
one or two working days, because assuming some general question should be same?
我们想同时申请 amfori QMI 和 BSCI。 考虑到有部分常规问题可能会类同,是否有可能在
1-2 个工作日内同时安排两项审核?

amfori QMI focuses on quality management capability while amfori BSCI focuses on social
compliance. They are two different auditing systems and questionnaires are different.
Therefore the representatives from factory management, documents for checking and focus on
facilities and workflow checking are not the same. If amfori Member, the producer and the
auditing companies involved have prior alignment, and consent drawn, to have two audits are
conducted on the same or with some overlapping days, the auditors cannot be the same as they
must be dedicated to conduct their two different audits.
amfori QMI 的审核重点是质量管理能力,而 amfori BSCI 的审核重点是社会责任。这是两项
核查的文件,需查看的设施与工作流程和角度并不相同。 如果 amfori 会员、生产商和受
的审核项目, 不可以同时兼任。。

4. As some Members may have their own quality management capability audit or assessment
systems in place or they accept such as but not limited to FCCA audit, GMP audit, how will
they accept or recognize the QMI audit?
(如 FCCA 审核、GMP 审核等),他们是否会接受或认可 QMI 审核?

The QMI audit is designed to help buyers to have quick scanning of new producers or efficient
cross checking of updated quality management performance of existing producers. It is not
meant to be replacing other systems but complementary to small and big buyers who need to
have multiple dimensional to make their assessment on their producers in the current complex
supply chains. amfori welcomes all buyers with or without their existing assessment systems to
subscribe amfori QMI which can produce added values to their systems. Whether a company
accepts amfori QMI, it would be at the discretion of the buyer or their producers. By accepting
amfori QMI, it is believed that all can avoid duplication of quality related audits and all can
benefit from this service to lower supply chain costs.
QMI 审核旨在帮助买家快速评估新合作的生产商,或对目前已经有合作的生产商近期质量
下,QMI 审核可协助买家从多维度评估生产商。 无论买家是否已建立自己的评估体系,
amfori 都欢迎买家有效利用 amfori QMI 辅助其现有体系快速评估生产商的质量管理能力。
至于公司是否决定接受 amfori QMI,则完全由买家或其生产商自行决定。我们相信 amfori
QMI 能避免质量管理方面的重复审核,从而降低供应链成本,让所有人都从中受益。

Part II: Technical / Operational

第二部分:技术 / 使用方面的问题

1. Is there any pre-requisite requirement that a new factory has to have before auditing the
新工厂在接受 QMI 审核之前,是否需要满足任何先决条件?

There should be no pre-requisite for a new factory in technical aspects as long as they have
obtained all permits for operations from relevant local government according to local law and
have accumulated at least 6 most recent full consecutive calendar months’ relevant operational
records with actual productions that fit for auditor’s assessment.
府发出的经营许可,并有最近的连续运营至少 6 个自然月实际从事生产的相关记录供审核

2. Will the checklist cover that the manufacturers are aware of the product legislation in the
importing country?

Yes. Examples of audit questions with product safety coverage are under the following aspects:
是的。 涉及产品安全的审核问题会在下述方面体现:

Aspect A1 Infrastructure, system and environment

A1.6 Product safety Management
Aspect A2 Product Design
A2.1 Product design responsibility & procedure
A2.2 Laboratory testing
A2.4 Safety warnings to consumers
A2.5 Change control
审核领域 A1 基础设施、体系及环境
A1.6 产品安全管理
审核领域 A2 产品设计
A2.1 产品设计责任与流程
A2.2 实验室测试
A2.4 向消费者发出安全警告
A2.5 变更控制

Samples of the questionnaire can be shared with Members who signed off the TOI.
会员签署 TOI(实施条款)后,即可浏览审核问题范本。

3. Will the checklist cover the request for GMP for manufacturing of food contact materials (non-
审核清单是否涉及 GMP 有关食品接触材料(非食品)的生产要求?

If GMP is a regulatory or contractual requirement on the product, auditor will review evidence
to support such regulatory or contractual requirement is fulfilled and pick audit samples with
consideration of GMP requirements. However, QMI audit will not cover all GMP requirements.
如果 GMP 属于产品的监管或合同要求,审核员将查阅相关证据,以判断是否符合监管或
合同要求。审核员还会根据 GMP 要求选取审核样本。 但 QMI 审核并不涵盖 GMP 的全部

4. What are the differences between QMI and ISO9001?

QMI 和 ISO9001 有何区别?

ISO9001 is a long-established internationally recognized Quality Management System (QMS)

standard which is the only standard in the ISO9000 family that sets out requirements for
certification purpose. It can be used by any organizations, large or small, regardless of
complexity and field of activity. QMI is a fast assessment tool for auditing the core and essential
factors that reflect the quality management capability and relevant performance of a producer
for buyers’ assessment of potential or existing suppliers. The tool was designed based on the
needs of global buyers with deliberate consideration of inputs from stakeholders and
requirements of global standards, including ISO9001. QMI is a buyer-driven assessment program
and not a certification scheme. It references to multiple brands’ inhouse and third-party's
quality assessment programs but with common assessment methodology and standard for non-
food sector.
ISO9001 标准历史悠久,是一项国际公认的质量管理体系 (QMS) 。ISO9001 是 ISO9000 系列
中唯一设立认证要求的标准。 无论机构规模、复杂程度或所属行业,均可使用 ISO9001。
QMI 属于一种快速评估工具,主要审核与质量管理能力和生产商表现相关的核心与基本因
参考了利益相关方的意见和国际标准的要求(包括 ISO9001 标准)而设计。QMI 属于由买
家主导的审核标准,而并非认证体系。 QMI 参考了来自众多品牌的内部和第三方的质量评

5. If a producer already is ISO 9001 certificate, does it make sense to conduct a QMI audit?
如果生产商已经获得 ISO 9001 证书,进行 QMI 审核是否依然有意义?

Yes, amfori QMI is not a duplication of ISO9001 but it can serve as a quick scanning tool for
buyers to assess quality management performance of producers; or it can also be a refreshment
tool for producers to identify high risk areas and pursue continuous improvements in quality
management capability.
是有意义的,amfori QMI 并非 ISO9001 的翻版,买家可以通过 QMI 来快速评估生产商在质

6. May I know if it is a new platform call amfori QMI like BSCI and BEPI? When will the platform
be launched?
请问 amfori QMI 是否会有一个类似 BSCI 和 BEPI 的新平台?这个平台何时上线?

The amfori QMI platform has been made available on the amfori Sustainability Platform since
May 2022. Authorized users of Members, producers who have signed up Terms of
Implementations of amfori QMI auditing services can access the same platform with the same
password and view reports at the same time.
自 2022 年 5 月起,用户可已经可以通过 amfori 可持续发展平台访问 amfori QMI 平台。获
授权的会员和已签署 amfori QMI 审核服务实施条款的生产商,可以使用相同的密码访问这

7. May I know if any user manual that can explain how to use platform to schedule the new QMI
是否有一份用户手册详细解释如何通过平台来安排新推出的 QMI 审核?

Yes, amfori does provide QMI Members and their producers a set of briefing documents
including the platform use guidance and recorded briefing sessions to support their usage of the
platform features.
是的,amfori 会向 QMI 会员及其生产商提供一套说明文件,包括平台使用指引和说明会的

8. What if any aspect such as product design is not part of the scope of the factory? Will this part
be excluded from the total rating?

Any parts of the amfori QMI questions raised but out of the scope of the factory, the relevant
questions will be marked as Not Applicable and will not be counted as part of the overall score.
如果工厂的业务范围并未包含 amfori QMI 问题所涉及的内容,相关问题将标注为“不适

Part III If I were an amfori Member?

第三部分 如果我是 amfori 会员?

1. How can I subscribe the amfori QMI Service?

我可以怎样申请 amfori QMI 服务?

Join the introduction briefing session; sign and return the Terms of Implementation (TOI)
Access right to the QMI section on amfori Sustainability Platform will be created and you can
start to create producers’ profile and start the auditing journey
参加说明会;签署并交回实施条款(TOI)。我们会给予您使用 amfori 可持续发展平台
QMI 部分的权限,您便可以开始创建生产商资料并安排审核。

2. Do I need to pay additional service fee as a member to subscribe the service?


No additional Membership or service fee, all included in your Membership fee


3. If we are not the amfori Members but want to subscribe the amfori QMI service, it is possible?
如果我们不是 amfori 会员但希望申请 amfori QMI 服务,是否有可能?

At the first year of launch, amfori welcomes all existing or new Members to join first. Possibility
of non-Members’ participation will be reviewed in the end of 2022 and it is subject to market
在推出此项服务的首年,amfori 欢迎所有现有会员或新会员加入。我们计划在 2022 年年

4. What is the commitment of amfori QMI Members?

amfori QMI 会员需做出哪些承诺?

Please refer to the Terms of Implementation for Participants


Part IV If I were a Producer?

第四部分 如果我是一名生产商?

1. What is the commitment of our company if our factories are receiving amfori QMI audits or
related activities?
如果工厂收到有关 amfori QMI 审核或相关活动,我公司需做出哪些承诺?

Please refer to the Terms of Implementation for Producers


2. What product types does amfori QMI cover?

amfori QMI 涵盖哪些类型的产品?

The audit questionnaire is designed for Fast Moving Consumer Goods’ non-food sector
3. Does producer need to pay Membership fee to amfori?
生产商是否需向 amfori 支付会员费?

amfori doesn’t charge to producers and currently producers must be engaged/invited by at least
one amfori Member to get onboard before any audit can be scheduled
amfori 不会向生产商收取费用。目前,在安排审核之前,生产商必须收到至少一名 amfori

4. If we don’t have an amfori Members’ invitation, can we join the amfori QMI?
如果我们未曾收到 amfori 会员的邀请,我们额能否加入 amfori QMI?

As of current, the only channel is opened to producers via the amfori Members’ invitation.
However, amfori will keep assessing the needs and will enhance the engagement channel with
potential variety channel of engagement in the longer run.
目前,生产商參與服務的唯一渠道是通过 amfori 会员的邀请。然而,amfori 会持续评估有

5. Who are the amfori QMI’s recognized Auditing Service Providers and how do they charge?
目前受认可的 amfori QMI 审核服务商有哪些,以及如何收费?

As of current, amfori is pleased to have QIMA and TUV SUD signed off the Framework
Agreement with commitment to all terms are the authorized parties to provide amfori QMI
auditing service in China. The ultimate selection of the auditing service of any trained auditors
however would be subject to amfori Members and/or their engaged producers. Audits
conducted by auditors without the qualifications granted by amfori will be considered invalid.
Third-party auditing companies’ charges of auditing fee will be subject to their liaison with
amfori Members and/or the producers (auditees) with respect to the following principles:
截至目前,amfori 很荣幸与启迈(QIMA)和 TÜV 南德(TUV SUD)签署框架协议,这两家
机构愿意遵守所有条款,并将在中国提供审核服务。amfori 会员和/或相关联的生产商需
决定如何选择审核服务商和受训审核员。未获 amfori 认可的审核员所进行的审核将视为无
效。第三方审核公司收取审核费时会与 amfori 会员和/或生产商(受审单位)沟通,并遵

• Each QMI audit is designed for a maximum of 1 man-day onsite (8 hours) and 0.5 day reporting
regardless of workforce size, area or number of processes. Charges should be based on this
无论工厂规模、地区或流程数量,每次 QMI 审核最多在现场占用 1 个人工天(8 小时)并
• Auditing companies should assign the QMI auditors with the nearest proximity access to the
production sites without overnight travel
审核公司必须根据工厂位置安排距离最近的 QMI 审核员而无需过夜停留。
Part V For Auditors or Auditing Companies
第五部分 针对审核员或审核公司

1. Is amfori QMI a certification system?

amfori QMI 是否一种认证体系?

No, it is not a certification system but it does carry a scoring system that indicate the capability of
the auditee (producer) in 4 aspects. Non-compliances will be subject to remediation or continuous
improvement actions to be taken by the producers.
QMI 不是一种认证体系,但包含一个评分系统,并从 4 个方面来展示被审核方(生产商)的

2. What is the eligibility of and auditing company to become recognized as amfori QMI auditing
service provider?
审核公司需满足哪些条件才能成为受认可的 amfori QMI 审核服务商?

During the first 6 months of soft launch of the amfori QMI service in China, amfori does not have
plans for increasing new auditing service providers. Subject to market’s needs and responses,
amfori will review the resources available by partnered third parties and interested parties may
send expression of interests to amfori before end of 2022 and amfori will revert to interested
parties in due course.
amfori QMI 服务在中国运营的首年,amfori 并无计划新增审核服务商。基于市场需求和反应,
amfori 会研究第三方合作伙伴所具备的资源,有兴趣的合作伙伴可于 2022 年年底前向 amfori
发出意向书,amfori 将适时做出回复。

All auditing companies partnered to deliver the amfori QMI auditing service will be required to sign
off a Framework Agreement and also have their auditors trained by amfori’s designated trainers and
pass the examination before they can deliver the QMI audits.
在审核公司提供 QMI 审核服务之前,所有已与 amfori 建立伙伴关系的审核公司必须签署一份
框架协议,安排其审核员接受 amfori 指定培训机构的培训并通过考试。

3. Do auditing companies need to pay to amfori by being an Auditing Service Provider?

作为审核服务商,审核公司是否需向 amfori 支付费用?

There is a unit cost per audit conducted and the rate is offered to all the same as per the Agreement
每次审核都有一个行政费用需要收取,根据协议内容, amfori 向所有审核公司收取的单价是

This FAQ is a living document and on and off amfori will keep ongoing update of the content. Last
Update: August 2022
这份常见问题(FAQ)是一份动态文件,amfori 会不定期更新其内容。
更新日期:2022 年 8 月
Since the market situation may change over time and should there be queries not covered in this list or
some content may not be up to date due to discrepancies happened in the fast-changing world, any
feedback, suggestions, questions are welcomed to send to for our follow up.

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