Quiz - Wasdeek 6 - Task - Tysdapes of Stories

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1/5/23, 10:59 Quiz: Week 6 - Task - Types of stories

Week 6 - Task - Types of stories

Started: May 1 at 10:53am

Quiz Instructions
Hello! It’s time to do the task of this week. Read the instructions carefully and do the activity. Keep in mind you have to do this homework during week 06. 

1. Lesson outcome:  

Through this activity, test your listening comprehension skills by choosing the correct answers. 

2. Instructions 

Listen to the conversation between two friends.  Then, choose the correct answer for each statement.

Attend the workshops and reinforce and practice the topics of the week to do the task. You can register at Portal del Estudiante or UTP+: Refuerzo Académico.

Listen the conversation between two friends.

1:36 / 1:36

(Audio from the British Council)

Question 1 4 pts

Ismael is...

Ok, but bored.

Ok, but tired.

Ok, but sick.

Ok, but has a lot of homework.

Question 2 4 pts

How many people are going to the cinema with Ismael tonight?

Question 3 3 pts

“Light and dark” is ….

a science fiction film.

a romantic comedy.

an action film.

a horror film.

Question 4 3 pts

The comedy is about…





Question 5 3 pts

What kind of films does Jack hate?

Romantic films.

Action films.

Science fiction films.

Horror films.

Question 6 3 pts

They decide to see a…

sci-fi film.

horror film.



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