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The US by 1975

USA as a Superpower - a superpower is a country which holds a dominant position in

international affairs and has the dominant position in international Affairs And

has the ability to exert a very strong influence on world affairs through military,

economic and diplomatic affairs.

To what extent was the US a divided nation by 1975

The United States was often referred to as a divided nation as a result of their

treatment of Native Americans, African Americans and Women

The Impact of Watergate

For more than 40 years the power and authority of the presidents had grown which

meant that other government branches such as

● Supreme Court

● Congress

Found it essentially impossible to limit what the presidents did however after the

Watergate scandal this quickly changed and a new determination to enforce limits

on what the president could do began.

In further detail regarding the Watergate scandal it was that Richard Nixon's

embellishment at the executive administration provided an opportunity for

collectively minded congress members to Re-commit themselves to the hard but

necessary work of institutional maintenance. Faced with hostile presidents who

sought to enact change primarily through unilateral Power. Congressional democrats

attempted to reinvigorate the systems of checks and balances by altering the

chambers of procedures and reorganising the committee.

The Watergate affair left the position of the presidency much weakened by 1975,

Many Americans were delusional with their system of government and felt that the

president had held too much power and they no longer had confidence in or respect

for their own politicians and government.

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