Team Charter

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Project name: Moneh application Date prepared:3/9/2023

Project reference : BMBOK Version no: 2.2.1


Name Job title or role

Wissam Shamrokh Project Sponsor

Alaa Abu Madi Project Manager

Basil Herbawi Developer

Qais Amro Developer


ID Value or principle

1 Team members will work collaboratively, sharing ideas and knowledge to achieve common goals.

2 All team members must agree on any change in the project idea.

3 Each team member will take responsibility for their actions and be accountable for meeting their
commitments in the project.

4 The team will be flexible and adaptable, able to respond quickly to changing circumstances and new

5 As a team, we have to accept failure, persistence, and repeated attempts to achieve goals.

5 trust among team members by being reliable, honest, and transparent in your actions and


ID Guideline

1 The repeated weekly meetings of the team members are essential to follow up on the progress of the
project according to the requirements of each time station.

2 We set a clear agenda to define the purpose of the meeting and create an agenda to define the topics
to be discussed and the objectives of each item.

3 At the end of each meeting, we must write at least a new resolution and implement it , depend on
problems in the project.

4 The presence of all team members is a prerequisite for the start of the meeting or give an excuse
previously for not attending .

5 We start the meeting directly and end it on time to respect everyone's schedule and make sure the
meeting is efficient.

6 We encourage all attendees to participate by asking open-ended questions, creating a safe

environment for discussion.


ID Guideline

1 We use clear and concise language when speaking, avoiding technical terms that not understood by
all team members and that can be confusing also and , We treat others with respect, and avoid using
language or tone that could be perceived as aggressive .

2 The team should agree on how and where important information will be documented and stored,
such as project updates.

3 We continue to focus on the topic at hand, avoiding unrelated issues.

4 we Choose the most suitable means of communication, such as email, phone .

5 The team should agree on how often they will meet, and what the format of the meetings will be ( in-
person, virtual).



The team agrees to make decisions by consensus, with all members having an opportunity
to express their opinions and concerns. The team will work together to find a solution
that everyone can agree on, In addition to The team agrees to make decisions by majority
vote, a decision is made if a majority of team members vote in favor of it. also, the team
agrees to refer to the opinion of sponsor when making decisions on certain topic that fall
within his competence as project sponsor.

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