C.S.E.C. Spanish June 2019 P1

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CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE® EXAMINATION SPANISH Paper 01 — General Proficiency PART A-—LISTENING COMPREHENSION PART B— READING COMPREHENSION J hour 15 minutes 06 JUNE 2019 (p. READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1. This test consists of 60 items. You will have 1 hour and 15 minutes to answer them. 2. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. 3. Donot be concerned that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items in this test. 4. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). After listening to or reading each item you are about to answer, decide which choice is best. 5. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sample Item Venezuela es... (A) unpais Sample Answer @) una ciudad (©) una colonia @®OOD (D) —uncontinente The correct answer to this item is “un pais”, so (A) has been shaded. 6 If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. 7. The supervisor will tell you when to start and stop working on the different parts of this test. Follow the instructions which you will hear. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2018 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. aa PART A: ITEMS 1-30 LISTENING COMPREHENSION 45 minutes SECTION I Instructions: For each question in this section you will hear a single sentence. Choose from the four pictures in your test booklet the ONE picture which shows what the sentence says. Then, shade the corresponding space on your answer sheet. For example, you hear: El muchacho va a correr. ‘You see: Sample Answer ®2®O®e The correct answer is picture (D), so you would shade the space with the letter (D) on your answer sheet. TO THE NEXT PAGE GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (A) @) (© ©) SECTION IL iMamé, tengo muchisima sed! (Twice) {Qué quiere esta persona? Un médico Una bebida Una galleta Una manzana Instructions: In this section you will hear a number of sentences. Each sentence will be read’ twice and will be followed by one question or incomplete statement. Four suggested answers. for each question are printed in your test booklet. For each question, choose the answer which BEST completes the question or statement. For example, you will hear: After examining the suggested answers, you should select the BEST one and shade the] corresponding space on your answer sheet. ‘The correct answer is (B), so you would shade the space with the letter (B) on your answer sheet. Sample Answer ol Joke) 9 “| () © @) 10. (A) (B) © @) u. () ®) ©) @) 12. (A) @) © @) Frustrada 13. Desolada Contenta Rica Auna libreria 14. Aun almacén Auna sastreria Auna biblioteca iFeliz Navidad! 15. jBuen provecho! iQué lo pasen bien! iQué les vaya bien! La azafata 16. El paisaje El pasajero La aduanera () @) © @) (A) @) © @) (A) @) © @) () @) © @) Con estilo Con rapidez Con permiso Con cuidado ir al bafio salir del restaurante sentarse para comer pedir informacién sobre un plato Vender Pescar Cocinar Estudiar En el parque En la libreria En la escuela En el hospital GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, SECTION III Instructions: In this section you will hear two announcements or selections followed by a number| of questions. Each announcement or selection will be read twice. For each question, there is ‘a choice of four answers. Select the BEST answer and shade the corresponding space on your answer sheet. There is no sample question for this section. irst Selection Second Selection] 17. (A) Hace diez afios 20. (A) Enlaestacion (B) Hace doce afios (B) Enelavién (C) Hace veinte afios (©) Enlaaduana (D) Hace quince afios (D) Enel aeropuerto 18. (A) __ El dos de marzo 21. (A) Chile (B)__Eldoce de marzo (B) Lima (©) Elocho del presente mes (©) Caracas (D) _ El veintiocho del presente mes (D) Bogota 19. (A) Enlasala 22. (A) Méstarde (@B) Enlaoficina (B) Enunahora (©) Enlaescuela (©) Enmedia hora (D) Enlacafeteria (D) Mas temprano GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Tis SECTION IV Instructions: A passage has just been read to you (in Spanish). You may now study the: questions and make notes. You must select the BEST answer and shade the corresponding letter on your answer sheet. There is no sample question for this section. 23. 25. 26. First Date PARTA Why did Adolfo decide to meet at the time he did? (A) twas cooler at that hour. (B) It was crowded at the park. (C)__Itwas getting dark at that hour. (D) There were fewer people at the park, Howdid Adolfo and Julia communicate with each other? (A) Byemail (B) Chatting online (© Talking in person (D) _ By public payphone Why was Adolfo nervous? (A) He was not sure that he would be able to recognize her. (B) He did not have enough money for their meeting. (C) __ Itwas the first time meeting her in person. (D) He forgot to get his hair cut How would Adolfo recognize Julia? (A) Shewouldbewearingareddress. (B) She would have a flower in her hand. (© Her hair would be short and straight. (D) Her dresss would have a flower pattern. 27. 28. 29. 30. PARTB Where was Adolfo when he saw Julia? (A) Atthe café (B) Atthe entrance (C) Near the Ferris wheel (D) Onis way to the café ‘What did Adolfo do as he met Julia? (A) Greeted her (B) Jumped for joy (©) Kissed her hand (D) Shouted in excitement Why was Adolfo surprised when he heard the voice behind him? (A) _ Itwas his mother. (B) The voice was loud. (©) __Itwas his ex-girlfriend. (D) The voice sounded frightful. ‘What did the person say to Adolfo? (A) _ Iwill buy you a new cellphone. (B) _ Weneed to getanother computer. (C) You seem very surprised to see me in the park. () Now know why youare always on the Internet, STOP. THIS IS THE END OF THE LISTENING COMPREHENSION. NOW GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AND WORK THROUGH THE READING COMPREHENSION AS QUICKLY AND AS CAREFULLY AS YOU CAN. IF YOU CANNOT ANSWER A QUESTION, GO ON TO THE NEXT ONE. YOU MAY RETURN TO THAT QUESTION LATER. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ee PART B: ITEMS 31-60 READING COMPREHENSION 30 minutes SECTION Instructions: Each of the following sentences contains a blank space. Below each sentence are four choices, Select the one which BEST completes the sentence. Then, shade the corresponding space on your answer sheet. Example: ‘No me levanto temprano porque la oficina esta ... hoy. (A) rota (B) fuera (©) cerca (D) cerrada “The correct answer is (D), so you will shade the space with the letter (D) on your answer sheet. Sample Answer ®O®oOe®e 31. 32. mafiana, Por lo tanto, necesito ira la (A) _ oficina (B) zapateria (©) __lavanderia (D) _ tienda de ropa histéricas, pero estoy seguro de que . no las recordaré. (A) anoche () mafiana (© anteayer (D) esta mafiana No tengo una blusa roja para ponerme 33. Ahora recuerdo todas las fechas 34. Gloria no tiene muchos ... y por eso ella puede ahorrar mucho dinero en el banco. (A) gastos (B) _ ahorros (©) sueldos (D) cambios Los amigos de Juan le trajeron ... para su fiesta. (A) unregalo (B) unexamen (C) Ios papeles () _ Ios anuncios GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE i x. 36. aor Los obretos ... porque desean sueldos 37. mejores. (A) se burlan del duetio (B) estén en huelga (©) orana menudo (D) no almuerzan Tienes que comprar una cémara si 38. quieres ... fotos. (A) salir (B) sacar (©) coger () enviar Alverquesehabianchocadodoscoches, el hombre exclamé: . .. (A) {Qué fortuna! (B) Qué vista! (© {Qué desgracial (D) Qué alivio! Cuando sond ... , Isabel corrié a contestarlo. (A) lacampana (B) el teléfono (©) eldisparo () laalarma -10- SECTION IL Instructions: The paragraph below contains blank spaces indicating that words are left out. For each blank space there are four suggested answers. After reading the paragraph carefully, select the choice for each blank space that is grammatically correct and BEST in the context. Then, shade the corresponding space on your answer sheet. Example: Se ... lacasa el afio pasado, y ahora... muy bonita 1 2 mmple Answers I. (A) pinta 2. (A) esta ©@60 (B) pint (@) fue LL @ © _ pinto (©) estaba ©) Pitan () tiene 2 @®OO ‘The correct answers are (B) and (A), so you would shade the space with the letters (B) and (A) on your answer sheet. in el | aire Lil ~ Hola sofor, venga. ver nuestros productos de artesanial .; Gnicosy representan ejemplos excelentes de nuestra cultura local ... indigena. Lo que es .; , estas artesanfas no 41 . una fortuna. 43 jEs una verdadera .. ! 44 - Oiga sefiora, si llevamos una . . de ponchos, {cuanto nos ... ? 46 39. (A) a 42. (A) demasiado 45. (A) libra ®) de (B) mucho (B)_racién © a © mejor (© — docena (D) por () major (D) — muchedumbre 40. (A) Es 43. (A) estén 46. (A) da (B) Son (B) hacen (B) pasa (© Esti © tienen (© cobra () Esti (D) — cuestan (D) _ encarga 41. (A) 0 44. (A) oferta ® e (B) suerte © u (©) __ pérdida @) y (D) — aventura GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, aie SECTION Ut Instructions: The conversation below contains blank spaces indicating that words are left out. For each blank space there are four suggested answers. After reading the conversation carefully, select the choice for each blank space that is BEST in the context. Then, shade the corresponding space on your answer sheet. Example: La casa fue ... el afio pasado, y ahora ... muy bonita, 1 2 Sample Ans\ ft. (A) __ pintado 2. (A) esté (B) pintada (B) fue 1®@@o©O (© _ pintadas (C) estaba (D) _ pintados (D) tiene 2@® ©O ‘The correct answers are (B) and (A), so you would shade the space with the letters (B) and (A) on your answer sheet. Haci Lan — Manuel, {quieres acompafarme al concierto de Shakira ... noche? 47 ~Me gustaria mucho, Lola, pero... tengo que ... ami hermanito porque mis padres van a 48 49 salir. ~Ay, iqué ... | Tengo una entrada extra y esperaba que . ... ir conmigo. Sino puedes ir se 50 51 . ofreceréa Julio. Aélle ... 52 33 47. (A) esa 50. (A) Tico 53. (A) gusta (B) esta (B) alegria (B) encanta (C) este (©) léstima (©) quisiera () esto (D) chévere (D) — encantara 48. (A) tal vez 51. (A) __ pudieras (B) por suerte (B) _ puedes (©) dichosamente (©) puedas (D) — desafortunadamente (D) _ podias 49. (A) jugar 52. (A) les (B) _ hablar () le (C) cuidar © ila (@) buscar @) to GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -12- SECTION IV Instructions: Read the following selections carefully for comprehension. Each selection is followed by a number of questions or incomplete statements. Select the answer that is BEST according to the information given in the selection. Then, shade the corresponding space on ‘your answer sheet. There is no sample question for this section. (@ Items 54-56 refer to the following selection. Disfrute de deliciosos platos en el nuevo y elegante restaurante del Hotel La Estrella, situado en el rea del aeropuerto y luego descanse toda la noche en su habitacién a prueba de ruidos. Duerma un poco mas por la mafiana jUsted ya esté en el aeropuerto! Nosotros nos encargamos de llevarlo a usted y a su ‘equipaje. iSIN TARDANZAS! ;SIN TAXIS! Ofrecemos precios especiales a los miembros del Club Estrella 54, Eneste hotel los huéspedes 56. Nose necesitan taxis porque (A) descansan bien (A) _ no hay tardanzas (B) no duermen mucho (B) el hotel ofrece carros (C) _ se levantan temprano (C) _ el hotel esté en el aeropuerto (D) encuentran mucho ruido (D) _ elhotel no permite la entrada de taxis 55. Paralos miembros del club Estrella los precios del hotel son (A) més econdmicos (B) los mismos (© adecuados (D) _ mis caros GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, i () 57. 58. 13% Items 57-60 refer to the following selection. Ellugar donde trabajaba Mariela era pequefio, pero aellano le importaba nada; se respiraba un aire de mucha organizacién y Mariela se sentfa cémoda ahi. Acababan de dar las nueve cuando soné el teléfono que estaba en su escritorio. En seguida escuché la voz de su jefe: - Buenos dias sefiorita, ;Est4 muy ocupada ahora? - No, nada urgente. - Entonces, hagame el favor de venir a mi despacho porque tengo que dictarle unas cartas muy importantes. Mariela colgé el teléfono y guardé la revista que estaba leyendo. Como era la oficina de Mariela? 59. {Qué hacia Mariela cuando soné el teléfono? (A) Pequefia e incoméda (B) Grande e importante (A) Lefa (©) Organizada y pequefia (B) Escribia (D) Organizada pero ineémoda (©) Sesentaba (D) Searreglaba Cémo se sentia Mariela? 60. {Qué queria el jefe? (A) Encarcelada (B) Preocupada (A) Hacerle un favor a Mariela (© — Sofocada (B) _ Escribirle una carta a Mariela (@) Cémoda (C)___Llamarle la atencién a Mariela (D) Que Mariela fuera a su oficina END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST.

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