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Pakistan International School Jeddah English Section

Academic Year: 2022–2023

Islamiyat 0493
Notes and Guidelines

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Class/ Section

Chapter 3 The Life and Importance of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

Topics Life of Prophet (SAW) in Madinah

1st Year after Hijrah – Main Events & Brotherhood

Reference notes - 1
Chapter 3 - 1st Year after Hijrah

Generic Guidelines
➢ These notes are consisted of outlines NOT the complete answer.
➢ Outlines are based on the IGCSE requirements with the reference of past paper question and
guidelines with examiner report for the relevant topics.
➢ These notes will serve the students as a mind map, in order to form a well-developed answer.
➢ Students are required to use the given key points to develop the response in their own words.
➢ For some topics notes are given in complete paragraph form to give idea how to develop the
➢ References are also included within the notes to help students memorize

Life of Prophet (SAW) in Madinah

1st Year after Hijrah – Main Events

A good answer should have most of the information and a lot of detail, accurate chronology,
perhaps giving relevant quotes. Following is the outline for a well-developed response.

General outlines

➢ Condition of Madinah
• Inhabitants of Madinah and their social and political state
➢ Arrival & Welcome to the Prophet (SAW)
➢ Main Events of first year in Madinah
• Construction of Masjid of the Prophet (SAW)
• Method of Adhan
• Brotherhood
• Charter of Madinah
➢ Conclusion

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Chapter 3 - 1st Year after Hijrah

Past Paper Questions and Marking Scheme

Part ‘a’ (10 Marks Question)
Students are required to recall, select and present relevant facts from the main elements of the faith and
history of Islam in part ‘A’.

1. Write about the Events of the first year following the Prophet’s arrival in Madinah. [10]
May/June 2013
Marking Scheme:
(a)Good answers will be able to provide a detailed and concise narrative of events that occurred
once the Prophet arrived in Madina, and not the events of his journey. Candidates could write
about how on arrival from Quba, the Prophet was greeted joyfully by the people of Yathrib, with
children singing as he arrived. As the Prophet passed through the city many people requested
that he stay with them, but he told them his she-camel would make the decision. They could also
mention where the camel stopped and that the Prophet purchased the land where the mosque
would be built, as well as mentioning that he stayed with Ayyub al- Ansari while the mosque and
his house were being built. He himself took part in the construction. Other points could be that a
treaty was made with the Jews and that the Ansar and Muhajirun were made brothers. The
adhan was introduced. The city was re-named Madina tun-Nabi.
Excellent answers will expand on these points and give an in-depth narrative.

1st Year after Hijrah – Main Events

Answer must begin with the general introduction and details about the ‘main events of first year after
Hijrah (migration to Madinah) of Prophet (SAW)’ as mentioned in the outline.

Condition of Madinah

o The two main idolator tribes of Yathrib were Aws and Khazraj.
o There was no security of life and property due to their inter-tribal wars and disputes which
affected their economy too.
o In order to put end to their troubles, Aws & Khazraj were almost ready to choose Abdullah
Bin Ubbaya of Khazraj tribe as leader but arrival of Prophet (SAW) undermined his
o Abdullah Bin Ubay turned as a lifelong enemy of Islam and a new group emerged in
Madinah under his enmity known as Hypocrite. He was leader of hypocrites
o There were three main Tribes of Jews namely; Banu Qainuqa, Banu Nadeer & Banu
Quraizah who were considered prosperous tribes.
o They used to exploit the idolaters’ tribes, lend money on high interest rates and threatened
the Arabs due to their scriptures' prediction.

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Chapter 3 - 1st Year after Hijrah

Arrival & Welcome to the Prophet (SAW)

o A warm reception was given by the people of Yathrib upon arrival of Prophet (SAW)
o Children were singing with happiness.
o Many people requested Prophet (SAW) to stay with them.
o They grabbed the halter of she-camel (Al Qaswah) but Prophet (SAW) said, “Let it go its
own way. It is under orders.”
o She-camel stopped at Banu Malik ibn An Najjar, a plot belongs two orphan boys, Sahil &
o Prophet (SAW) stayed in house of Abu Ayyub Ansari, the nearest house to the plot, for
almost seven months.

Main Events of first year in Madinah

Construction of Masjid-e-Nabvi:

o First thing Prophet (SAW) did, was to build a masjid.

o The price of plot where his she-camel stopped, was paid by Abu Bakr (RA), Ten Gold
o The Prophet (SAW) himself participated in construction of masjid.
o It was a simple square building. Walls were built with unbaked bricks, roof was made of
mud, date palm leaves, and stones, pillars were of trunk of date palm and as floor, sand
and pebbles were spread.
o A platform was made for poor and Muslims known As – Suffah which served as base of
Islamic education.
o Two rooms were built adjoining the masjid for Prophet (SAW) and his family residence for
his two wives Saudah (RA) and Aisha (RA).
o While mosque and his house were being built Prophet (SAW) stayed at Al Ayub Al Ansari.
o The mosque was known as Masjid-e- Nabvi. It served as, place of worship, meeting place,
parliament house, a military headquarter and a place of learning.

Method of Adhan:

o Method to call for prayer, Adhan was introduced to summon the Muslims to Masjid for
congregational prayer.
o Some suggestions were to ring the bell, way of Christians or to blow horns, way of Jews
o Prophet rejected both ways.
o Umar (RA) suggested appointing someone to call out loudly. “Prayer is about to begin.”
Prophet liked it.
o During this Abdullah ibn Zayd & Umar (RA) both dreamt the same wordings and Prophet
(SAW) approved it.
o He appointed Bilal ibn Rabah Al Habashi as First “Muazzin” of Islam.

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Chapter 3 - 1st Year after Hijrah


o Muhajreen had left their families and belongings in Makkah and now they needed financial
o Prophet (SAW) established a new bond of Brotherhood between the Ansar and Muhajirun.
o Each emigrant was paired with an Ansar –the people of Medina.
o They were declared as brothers in faith- It is also known “Mawakhaat”.
o The Ansars shared all their wealth and property with the emigrants and they were even
allowed to inherit from them.
o The Ansar offered endless support to the emigrants and tried their best to facilitate them.
o The emigrants, on the other hand, did not become a burden on the Ansar and soon started
living independently. like Sa’d bin Rabi’a (Ansari) & Abdul Rahman bin Auf (Muhajir)
o Prophet (SAW) was being paired with Ali (RA).
o The Yathrib city was renamed as Madina – tun – Nabi.

The Treaty (charter) of Madinah:

o After establishing brotherhood, the Prophet (SAW) defined religious, social, and political
relations with Jews to establish peace and friendship.
o A charter was drawn for the Jews and various tribe of Madinah known as “Treaty of
o The terms of the charter were as follows:

1. Both the parties enjoy complete religious freedom and tolerance.

2. Both the parties would be allies and make peace together with outsider.
3. The Jews and the Muslims civil society and enjoy equal rights.
4. Madinah would be a city of peace for both the parties. Murder and killing in Madinah will
be prohibited.
5. The allies of both the parties would enjoy the same security and freedom.
6. In case of attack on Madinah, both the parties would assist each other and defend it.
7. The Prophet (SAW) would decide all the disputes and his decision would be final.


o It completely changed the political, social and religious life of Madinah.

o It established political unity and transformed the city of fighting tribes into a peaceful state.

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Chapter 3 - 1st Year after Hijrah

1st Year after Hijrah – Brotherhood

Candidates should give details of this relationship using examples of what they shared, and
how their relationship developed. The best answers will write about the character of the
relationship in terms of cooperation and selflessness, etc. Candidates could also refer to any
Qur’anic ayahs relating to these events (9:20; 9:100; 9:117; 59:8–9). Level 3, 7 answers
should know most of this information with some detail. Level 4 answers will know most of
this information, providing more detail of names of the people involved, including quotations.

A good answer should have most of the information and a lot of detail, accurate chronology,
perhaps giving relevant quotes. Following is the outline for a well-developed response.


➢ Establishment of brotherhood in Madinah in 1st Year after Hijrah

➢ Reason of Establishing Brotherhood
➢ Method of Establishing Brotherhood
➢ Reaction and response of Ansar and Muhajroon
➢ Examples of pairs who were brothers in faith
➢ Virtue of Ansaar and Muhajroon in the Qur’an
➢ Outcomes and Conclusion

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Chapter 3 - 1st Year after Hijrah

Past Paper Questions and Marking Scheme

Part ‘a’ (10 Marks Question)
Students are required to recall, select and present relevant facts from the main elements of the faith and
history of Islam in part ‘A’.

2. In Madinah, the Helpers (Ansar) and Emigrants (Muhajireen) were made brothers. Give an
account of the main developments of this relationship. [10] May/June 2019

3. The Prophet paired Muslims from Makkah and from Madina after the migration (hijra). Give
examples to show the character of the relationship between various Emigrants and Helpers. [10]

Marking Scheme:

Use the AO1 Mark Grid A comprehensive answer will provide an account of the way in which the
Prophet (pbuh) paired the Ansar and Muhajirun, as well as the reactions to the pairings and the
relationships that developed. Candidates may include some of the following points. All other relevant
points must be credited. When the Muslims of Makka first arrived in Madina they were without many
belongings. The Muslims of Madina (mainly from the Aws and Khazraj tribes), who had invited the
Prophet (pbuh) to their city, were happy to welcome the migrating Muslims.
• To unite the two groups, the Prophet (pbuh) made them brothers, pairing each of the Ansar with the
Muhajirun. This was to help each other materially and spiritually. The Ansar had already been eager to
help their migrating brothers and sisters with accommodation and food. • The Prophet (pbuh) gathered
the two groups and started calling out the name of one Ansar and one Muhajir. ‘Ali had complained that
he had been left out of the pairings, to which the Prophet said, you are my brother in this world as well
as the Hereafter.
• Sa’d bin ar-Rabi and Abdur Rahman bin Awf were made brothers and Sa’d was willing to share half his
property and divorce one of his wives for Abdur Rahman to marry. He refused, saying ‘direct me to the
nearest marketplace so that I may make my fortune with my own hands.
• The Ansar wanted to share their date palms with the Muhajirun but the Muhajirun refused, so the
Ansar offered them to work in their orchards and in return they were given dates. In this way the
Madinans gave protection and material assistance to their Makkan brothers and the Makkans came with
their faith to share and spread in Madinah.
• Some Ansar specified an amount for their Muhajir brother to inherit and happened until the verse was
revealed ‘Blood relatives are nearer to one another regarding inheritance’ [8.75]
• The virtue of these two groups has been mentioned in the Qur’an, e.g. ‘Those who believed and
emigrated and carried out jihad in the way of Allah with their wealth and lives are greater in rank in the
sight of Allah, and it is they who are the successful.’ [9.20]
Candidates should give details of this relationship using examples of what they shared, and how their
relationship developed.
Candidates could also make reference to any Qur’anic ayahs relating to these events (9:20; 9:100; 9:117;
59:8–9). The best answers will write about the character of the relationship in terms of cooperation and
selflessness, etc.

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Chapter 3 - 1st Year after Hijrah
1st Year after Hijrah – Brotherhood

Answer must begin with the general introduction and details about the ‘establishment of
Brotherhood in first year after Hijrah’ as mentioned in the outline.

➢ Establishment of brotherhood in Madinah in 1st Year after Hijrah

o The formation of a brotherhood between the Muhajreen (Immigrants from Makkah) and
Ansar (Helpers from Madinah), was one of the first blessed steps of Prophet (SAW) in First
year after migration to Madinah.
o It was the strongest form of support in the building and establishment of the new Muslim
society in Madinah.

➢ Reason of Establishing Brotherhood

o The migrants were not familiar with Medina’s climate, customs and working conditions.
They did not bring anything with them while leaving Mecca. For this reason, they needed
to be familiarized with Medina’s working conditions and with Muslims of Medina, who came
to be called the Ansar (the helpers) because they offered all kinds of help to them.
o Therefore, the Messenger of God gathered the Ansar and the migrants together five
months after migrating to Medina. He appointed ninety Muslims, the forty-five of whom
were from the Ansar and the other forty-five from the migrants, as brothers.
o This brotherhood was based on the principle of helping each other out, both materially and

➢ Method of Establishing Brotherhood

o According to this foundation of brotherhood established, leaders of each family in Medina
would provide a Muslim family from Mecca with accommodation and share their
belongings with them, and they would work together.
o The Prophet did not choose two Muslims to become brothers randomly. Contrarily, he
investigated them carefully and appointed the best matches as brothers. For instance,
there was an exact harmony between Salman al Farisi and Abu’d-Dardaa; Ammar and
Khuzaifa; Talha ibn Ubaydullah and Abu Ayyub, in terms of character, nature, and

➢ Reaction and response of Ansar and Muhajroon

o The Ansar, embraced the migrants with love and sincerity even gave asylum to their
Muhajirin brothers in their own homes and comforted them with their wealth.
o The Ansar offered endless support to the emigrants and tried their best to facilitate them.
o The emigrants, on the other hand, demonstrated nobility of conduct and did not become a
burden on the Ansar and soon started living independently.
o It is reported that Saad ibn Rabi (RA) said to ‘Abdur Rahman bin Awf (RA), “I am the
richest of all the Ansars, so I want to divide my properties (between us), and I have
two wives, so see which of the two you like and tell me, so that I may divorce her
and when she finishes her prescribed period ( ‘Idda) of divorce, then marry her.”
Abdur Rahman said, “May Allah bless your family and properties for you; where is
your market so that I may make my fortune with my own hands’” (Bukhari)

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Chapter 3 - 1st Year after Hijrah

➢ Examples of pairs who were brothers in faith

Muhajir Ansaar

Abdul Rahman bin Awf(RA) Saad ibn Rabi (RA)

Salman al Farisi (RA) Abu’d-Dardaa (RA)

Talha ibn Ubaydullah (RA) Abu Ayyub Ansari (RA)

➢ Virtue of Ansaar and Muhajroon in the Qur’an

The ones who have believed, emigrated and striven in the cause of Allah with their wealth
and their lives are greater in rank in the sight of Allah. And it is those who are the attainers
[of success]. (Surah Tawbah 9:20)

Allah has already forgiven the Prophet and the Muhajireen and the Ansar who followed him
in the hour of difficulty after the hearts of a party of them had almost inclined [to doubt], and
then He forgave them. Indeed, He was to them Kind and Merciful. (Surah Tawbah 9:117)

Prophet (SAW) said, “Love for the Ansar is a sign of faith and hatred for the Ansar is a sign
of hypocrisy.” [Bukhari & Muslim]

➢ Outcomes and Conclusion

o The brotherhood established yielded positive outcomes in a short time.
o Various strata of society got closer to each other with the help of this brotherhood.
o This brotherhood also abolished tribalistic pride and enmity. As a result, a society with
divine aims, supreme goals, and virtuous souls emerged.

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Chapter 3 - 1st Year after Hijrah

Past Paper Questions and Marking Scheme

Part ‘b’ (4 Marks Question)

1. What lessons can Muslims learn from the brotherhood that was created in Madinah? [4]
May/June 2013
Marking Scheme:

Candidates could write about the concept of sharing their wealth and family and giving up
material possessions, welcoming other people, in particular other Muslims, into their lives,
creating unity, and/or about equality. Good answers will be able to give a thoughtful answer as to
the merits the brotherhood created, and how they can be relevant to the lives of Muslims.

2. How can Muslims apply this model of brotherhood to help their communities? [4]

Marking Scheme:
Muslims can help by looking to see what they can offer others. Help can be in any form, e.g.,
financial assistance to poor, youth services, challenging social injustice etc. Muslims may live in
areas where people from another country have come to settle, whether it be because they are
fleeing from persecution or to seek work. Muslims can help them by finding out about them,
asking if they need any help, providing food/clothing/information and /or by helping them to

3. How is this brotherhood a good example for Muslim communities now? [4] Oct/Nov 2013

Marking Scheme:

Answers here should reflect upon the relationship between these two groups and write about
how it can be relevant to Muslim communities. Candidates could write about being selfless,
sharing material belongings with others (whether to friends/family or charity), or they could
mention giving loyalty and protection to others. Good answers will not only give reference to
these qualities but will say how they can help improve the Muslim community.

4. Today Muslims often seek refuge in neighbouring countries. Show how the example of
the Emigrants and Helpers can still provide a model today. [4] May / June 2015

Marking Scheme:
Candidates can provide any examples that are relevant but should develop the answers they
give and not just provide statements. They could say that Muslims should look to people coming
to their country and neighbourhood from other places, especially if they have had to leave their
belongings behind, e.g., from Afghanistan or Syria, and should help provide them with food and
shelter if they can. Muslims should always look to what they have and what they can offer other
people who are in need, like warm clothes in the winter. Giving up extra items has more reward
than keeping them and will create better relations in the community.

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