Corte 2 Homework #1 - A Better World

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1. What is wrong with current translating machines?

2. When will we see new translating machines on the


3. Explain how nano-monitors will work?

4. What we will do with 3D printers in the future?

5. How will full immersion VR allow people to experience

games differently?

6. What can you do if things get too real?

7. Why will we need to change traditional framing


8. Explain what vertical farming is?

9. Which of the innovations mentioned in the article do you

think is the most useful?

10. Tell one change you think may happen in the future.

Use a time marker to tell when this might happen

Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Question 9
Question 10

___ / 50 = .

5 points 4 Points
You wrote the right You wrote the right
answer in a complete answer in a complete
sentence and there are no sentence, but there are
mistakes. some grammar

3 Points 2 Points
You wrote the right You wrote the wrong
answer, but it is not answer, but you have
a complete sentence a good sentence.

1 Point O Points
I appreciate your effort You wrote the wrong
and don’t want to give answer and it isn’t even a
you a zero good sentence.
Please try again.

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