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GROEPWERK / GROUPWORK Inhandigingsdatum/Due date: 2 June 2023

 Remember to write all the group member’s names, surnames and Student numbers on the
cover page
 Only one person in the group will submit the portfolio.
 Remember to add the Rubric at the end of your Portefolio – add two open pages after that.
 You will submit two documents – Powerpoint ( Q1) as well as a PDF document ( Q 2 + Q3 )

VRAAG 1 Leereenheid 3.2 Ondersteuningstrategieë / Support strategies (40)


Ontwerp ‘n Afrikaanse addisionele taal les waar jy elkeen van bogenoemde toepas
Skryf jou eie Afrikaanse storie met begripstoets vir ‘n Gr 2 klas, waarin jy ook ‘n nuwe klank
aan hul voorstel. Kies een uit die volgende klanke. Die storie moet korter as ‘n bladsy wees
oei (bv. koei)
ng (bv vang)
Ooi ( bv rooi)

Gebruik ook die volgende hulpmiddels / ondersteuningstrategiee as jy die les beplan

1. Prente
2. Woordeskat
3. Vraagstelling
4. Groepwerk
5. Werkkaart

FORMAAT: Powerpoints met “voice overs”

Bogenoemde storie en les word in die vorm van a POWEPOINT en Voice Over aangebied en
ingegee. Bied die les dus aan op PowerPoint, ingesluit die storie, prente en vrae (duidelik
gevra) Jy moet ook op jou PowerPoint die klas se groepwerk verduidelik asook die werkkaart
bespreek met die leerders. Hierdie vraag moet in Afrikaans gedoen word.


Design an Afrikaans additional language lesson where you apply each of the above
Write your own Afrikaans story with a comprehension test for a Gr 2 class, in which you also
introduce a new sound to them. Choose one of the following sounds. Story must be shorter
than one page

oei (bv. koei)

ng (bv vang)
Ooi ( bv rooi)
Use the following tools / support strategies when planning
the lesson
1. Pictures

AFAF211 June 2023 Mini Portfolio Page 1

2. Vocabulary
3 Using questioning )
4. Group work
5. Worksheet)

 The above story and lesson are presented and submitted in the form of a
POWEPROIN and Voice Over.
 Present the lesson on PowerPoint, including the story and pictures and questions
(asked clearly)
 You must also explain the class's group work on your PowerPoint as well as how you will
discuss the worksheet with the learners.
 This question should be done in Afrikaans.

VRAAG 2 - Kinderlektuur in ‘n multikulturele klas (40)

Kies een Afrikaanse kinderboek wat aan die kriteria voldoen vir multikulturele literatuur.
Enige kinderboek wat jy in ‘n boekwinkel, aanlyn of in jou huis kry.

2.1 Noem en beskryf die boek, hoekom sal jy dit as diverse / multikulturele boek kies? (5)
2.2 Wat is die hoogtepunt van die boek – neem ‘n foto van die bladsy en verduidelik
hoekom jy so sê. (5)
2.3 Evalueer die boek-
Noem die kriteria en daarna, gebruik kriteria wat voorkom in die artikels in Leereenheid 4
(efundi) om die boek te evalueer. (20)
2.4 Waarom is dit belangrik dat leerders met die karakters in kinderverhale moet kan
identifiseer? Verduidelik hoe leerder kan identifiseer met die karakters in die boek wat jy
gekies het (10)

Choose one Afrikaans children's book that meets the criteria for multicultural literature
( you can answer this question in English)

2.1 Name and describe the book, why would you choose it as a diverse / multicultural book?
2.2 What is the highlight of the book - take a picture of the page and explain why you say so.
2.3 Evaluate the book- First name the criteria and use criteria that appear in the articles in
Study Unit 4 (efundi) and then use the criteria to evaluate the book (20)
2.4 Why is it important for learners to be able to identify with the characters in children's
2.5 Explain how learner can identify with the characters in the book you have chosen .(10)

VRAAG 3 Multilingualism and translanguaging (20)

Lees en bestudeer die artikel van Hornberger & Link “Translanguaging in Today’s
Classrooms: A Biliteracy Lens” (LEEREENHEID 2 in efundi).
3.1 Bespreek die gebruik van Transtaling in die aanleer van ‘n nuwe taal en

AFAF211 June 2023 Mini Portfolio Page 2

3.2 verduidelik dit aan die hand van Senatio 1 en Senario 2 , (voorbeelde uit Mexiko en
This question can be answered in English.

Read and study the article by Hornberger & Link “Translanguaging in Today’s
Classrooms: A Biliteracy Lens ”(Study Unit 2on efundi).

3.1 Discuss the use of Trans-languaging in learning a new language and

3.2 explain it with reference to Scenario 1 and Scenario 2, (examples from Mexico and
South Africa)
This question can be answered in English.

AFAF211 Formatiewe Assessering Portefulje

VRAAG 1 Les/lesson 40
1. Prente / Pictures /5
2. Woordeskat/ vocabulary /5
3. Vraagstelling/ Questioning /5
4. Groepwerk/ groupwork /5
5. Werkkaart/ worksheet /10
6. Power point & voice over /10
VRAAG 2 Kinderlektuur / Afrikaans Children’s literature 40
2.1 Noem en beskryf boek / name and describe the book /5
2.2 Hoogtepunte / Highlights /5
2.3 Evalueer (gee kriteria en toepassing) / Evaluate the book, /20
provide also the criteria you will use.
2.4 How is this book on the children’s level / can they identify /10
with the characters?
VRAAG 3 Transtaling 20
3.1 Bespreek die gebruik van Transtaling in die aanleer van ‘n /10
nuwe taal / Explain the use of Trans-languaging in the learning
of a new language
3.2 Verduidelik dit aan die hand van Senatio 1 en Senario 2 / /10
Explain it using the examples of Scenario one and two.

AFAF211 June 2023 Mini Portfolio Page 3

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