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Chapter 24 Review Questions:

1. What are the definitions of science, technology, and STEM?

2. List three reasons why science should be studies.

3. Why is it important for young children to learn about technology?

4. Do all science projects need to be planned in detail? Explain why or why not.

5. List three processes that science activities should give the children the opportunity to do.

6. Why should a teacher avoid giving a child unneeded input during science activities?

7. List the five basic process skills.

8. Why type of question promotes discussion? Why type of question tends to require only one-
word answers?

9. Name four ways to teach science concepts using other types of activities. Of these four ways,
explain one in detail.

10. What is the main concern about having animals in an early childhood classroom? Name four
animals to avoid according to the CDC.

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