Political Scientists Are Part Researcher

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1. Political scientists are part researcher, part analyst and part forecaster.

They use their

expertise to understand how policies and laws affect government, business and
2. Political science includes the study of institutions of government, formal laws,
political processes and political issues.
3. Political economy, political philosophy.
4. Political philosophy is the most abstract branch of political science. Is concerned with
fundamental questions about the slate, government, politics, liberty, and justice, civil
5. Ask questions like: What is a government? Why are governments needed? What
makes a government legitimate?
6. Political scientists in this subfield investigate how a country is managed or governed,
taking into account both political and economic factors.
7. Political scientists who study international relations examine the ways that nations
8. Study of how politics and economics affect each other.
9. Considers how countries relate to one another.
10. Their specialized knowledge in one or more of the subfields described above,
comparative politics, international relations, political economy or political
11. Political scientists do not do one specific thing.
12. On the government and politics, political scientist is a lobbyist.
13. On the political campaign manager, getting a political candidate elected is the
objective of a political campaign manager.
14. Political scientists may be found in a variety of workplaces of course, professors and
graduate students teach and conduct research within the ivy-covered walls of

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