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Ladder Diagram and Petri-Net-Based Discrete-Event Control Design Methods

Article  in  IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part C (Applications and Reviews) · December 2004
DOI: 10.1109/TSMCC.2004.829286 · Source: IEEE Xplore

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Mengchu Zhou
New Jersey Institute of Technology


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Ladder Diagram and Petri-Net-Based Discrete-Event

Control Design Methods
Shih Sen Peng, Senior Member, IEEE, and Meng Chu Zhou, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Ladder diagrams (LDs) for a programmable logic tween academia and industry. Industry expresses a desire for
controller are a dominant method in discrete event control of researchers to carry out a critical comparison of the capabilities
industrial automated systems. Yet, the ever-increasing function- of different approaches and offer a better education in logic con-
ality and complexity of these systems have challenged the use of
LDs to design their discrete-event controllers. Researchers are trol. Industry also perceives that new languages are required to
constantly pursuing integrated tools that eliminate the limitations remove the barriers and build a collaboration avenue between
of LDs. These tools are aimed not only for control but also system academia and industry. This paper reviews some recently pub-
analysis, evaluation, and simulation. For the past several decades, lished papers on Petri nets (PNs) and LD-based methods and
Petri nets (PNs) have emerged as an important tool to provide an their conversion for the control design and emphasizes that PN
integrated solution for modeling, analysis, simulation, and control
of industrial automated systems. Different types of PN-based can be developed to establish an open system controller to var-
controllers are proposed and intended to apply in the industry. ious PLC in more flexible and understandable way than LD is.
There is a need for more benchmark studies of PN and LD
methods in order to form a structured and integrated framework II. LADDER DIAGRAMS
for logic control software development. This paper, for the first
time, presents a comprehensive survey on the recent methods for In 1968, the Hydromatic Division of GM wrote a design spec-
discrete event control design. ification for a new type of PLC that would eventually be pro-
Index Terms—Discrete event control system (DECS), ladder dia- grammed using LD. LDs are a graphical programming language
gram (LD), Petri nets (PN), programmable logic controller (PLC). that uses software “device” to emulate the hardwired devices of
the relay ladder logic scheme [23], [28]. They are developed
I. INTRODUCTION to smooth the transition from relay control systems to PLC.
The initial intent of LD is to allow plant maintenance personnel

I N INDUSTRIAL practice, programmable logic controllers

(PLCs) are programmed using a low-level language such
as ladder diagrams (LDs), resulting in large and unwieldy pro-
to troubleshoot, maintain and make minor modifications of the
system. PLC has greatly improved the flexibility of DECS and
reduced the downtime required to make modifications. How-
grams. The overall design is experience-based, and verification ever, the larger DECS, the more difficult to determine the initial
is typically done only through experiments or simulation. Due design specifications by examining the control logic. Further-
to the complexity of control programs and manufacturing sys- more their usage is limited only to control the system but not
tems, either verification option is time-consuming and expen- to analyze and evaluate the qualitative and performance char-
sive. Also, there are too many different logic control-program- acteristics. This still holds true today despite the definition of
ming languages used by the industry. In June 2000, a workshop other languages in the IEC 1131-3 standard [22]. The standard
with participants from industry and academia held at the Uni- suggests five languages for PLC programming: instruction list
versity of Michigan discussed the coordination and sequencing (IL), structure text (ST), function block diagram (FBD), sequen-
problems. tial function chart (SFC), and finally LD. It is claimed in IEC
They try to create an understanding of the gaps that exist be- 1131-3 that all five languages are equivalent. Yet, this claim
tween the theories of discrete-event control systems (DECS) and is not verified in the standard since none of the suggested lan-
their industrial implementation. They indicate that the prolifer- guages are design methodologies, nor are they widely accepted
ation of multiple standards makes true standardization difficult or tested, with the exception of LD [32]. Due to these reasons
in practice. Hence, no consensus of logic control emerges be- modern DECS have challenged the use of LDs to design se-
quence controllers. Researchers are seeking integrated tools that
Manuscript received March 1, 2002; revised October 31, 2003. This work was eliminate the limitations of LDs. Such tools aim not only at con-
supported in part by the New Jersey Commission on Higher Education via the NJ
I-TOWER project of New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), by the CNSF
trol, but also system analysis, evaluation, and simulation. PN
under Grant No. 60228004, and by the Mechatronic Control System Research originated from the field of computer science hold a great po-
Project at the Chinese Military Academy, Taiwan. This paper was recommended tential to evolve into such a tool as evident from their versatile
by Associate Editor J. Wang.
S. S. Peng is with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chinese
applications in DECS.
Military Academy, Feng-Shan City, 830 Taiwan, R.O.C. (e-mail: pengss@
cc.cma.edu.tw). III. PNS
M. C. Zhou is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ 07102 USA and also with the A manufacturing system can be viewed as a sequence of dis-
Lab of Complex Systems and Intelligent Science, Institute of Automation, CAS,
Beijing 100080, China (e-mail: zhou@njit.edu). crete events that can be sequential, asynchronous, concurrent
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSMCC.2004.829286 and mutually exclusive. PNs have proven to be a useful tool
1094-6977/04$20.00 © 2004 IEEE

for its modeling, control and performance evaluation [25], [47], PC and coded in general purpose languages or LD. The problem
[49]. Different types of PNs are used to model, analyze, and con- is that the mapping between sequential information and the code
trol discrete manufacturing systems briefed below. is not straightforward, and hence the sequencing information is
hard to see by just looking at the code. The PN can be used to
A. Ordinary PNs design the sequence of operations in a manufacturing system.
Ordinary PNs have several basic elements, as follows. As transitions fire, events are made to occur and so the flow
1) Places (circles) are used to represent conditions of tokens through the net can be used as a real-time controller.
(true/false), resource availability, or a process status. The controller can also be analyzed for deadlock, boundedness,
2) Transitions (bars) are used for the occurrence of events. etc., and evaluated against various performance measures. PNs
3) Input functions are defined as “arcs” from places to have been augmented and implemented in a variety of ways to
transitions. achieve real-time control as shown in Table I [44]. They include
4) Output functions are defined as “arcs” from transitions to the use of a compiler [5], interpreter [26], [41], execution algo-
places. rithms and software [2], [6], simulator [31], and/or token players
[44], [46].
They define a PN structure. The PN state is defined by its
marking denoted as an -vector M, where is the total number
of places. Its component , represents the number of tokens IV. PN- AND LD-BASED METHODS AND THEIR CONVERSION
in place . In order to simulate the dynamic behavior of a system For the past decades, researchers have developed many de-
or the flow of tokens, a state or marking is changed according to sign methods based on PN and LD from specification for PLC
the defined “firing” rules. These firing rules are also referred to programming.
as the rules of a token player game. For more information, refer From specification, the existing work intends to:
to [25], [49]. 1) design LD and PN directly for design comparison;
2) design and convert LD to PN for analysis and validation;
B. Timed PNs 3) design and convert PN to LD for PLC implementation.
Time can be incorporated into ordinary PN by associating a
deterministic delay to a transition. This results in a timed tran- A. From Specifications to PN and LD for Design Comparison
sition PN. If the transition times are random variables, the re-
The specification and discrete-event control of a system using
sulting PN is a stochastic timed PN (STPN) [25], [49]. The tran-
PN can be dated back to [5], [30], and [41]. Boucher et al. [2]
sition times may follow one of several distributions. If they all
developed a controller for a robot and numerically controlled
follow an exponential distribution, these nets become Stochastic
lathe with the PN and LD loaders and compliers. They compared
PNs. When a transition becomes enabled in an STPN, it fires
their control performance and reported that the PN described
after a random interval time. This is useful for modeling op-
the flow of the process more efficiently than the corresponding
eration, failure, and repair times of individual machines. If an
LD. Jafari and Boucher [14] developed an interface between
STPN contains both immediate transitions with zero time delay
a high-level specification of a system and its logic controller.
and timed ones with exponential distribution, then a generalized
Their interface is based on a number of rules to transform an
stochastic PN results. This is useful for modeling activities that
IDEF0 specification into a PN-based controller and to transfer
occur almost instantly along with processes that take a longer
the intermediate specification into a LD. These rules could be
random amount of time.
used as a basis for developing an expert system to handle the
C. Colored PNs (CPNs)
Baker and Song [1] proposed PN as a substitute for LD. They
The CPN [15], [16], [45] is an important extension to ordi- defined an extended PN, the programmable logic controller net
nary PN. It provides compact models for large systems with a (PLCNet) to simplify the PN structure by defining more com-
higher level of abstraction and an improved graphical represen- plex semantics. A set of operation rules is formally synthesized
tation capability. The analysis of CPNs is mainly done with in- in order to implement the semantics of the PLCNet. The op-
variant matrix-based techniques. It exploits the symmetries that eration rules constitute those in the rule base of the tool. The
exist in a PN model by grouping identical places and transitions database of the simulation tool is composed of the underlying
together, and defining appropriate matrix functions to represent models in the first order predicate. Their simulation tool makes a
the nodes, arcs, colors, marking, and invariants. user-friendly graphical environment. But the representation ap-
pearance is different from that of LD. For complex systems with
D. PNs as Real-Time Controllers many I/O, the method needs a more consistent development of
A controller in a hierarchical structure must be able to process the logic controllers to meet the specification formalism and de-
commands sent from higher levels, to synchronize the activ- sign criteria.
ities of the equipment below it, and to report status back. In Sato and Nose [29] described a method for automated gen-
DECS, there is a need for a large number of controllers and eration of a ladder list program for a PLC used for sequence
therefore a large amount of software development. More impor- control of industrial machinery. The method enhances the read-
tantly, the controllers should be able to handle the addition of ability of sequence control specification that is expressed by a
equipment and should be easily transportable to other worksta- sequence of motions and logic tables. PNs specify the sequence
tions. Some common controllers are PLC, microprocessors, and of motions combined with the on/off readings of sensors. Logic


tables specify the on/off logic of switches and actuators. The

specifications that are independently expressed by PN and the
logic table are converted to the ladder list program by rules. The
generated program can be linked to the simulator of the machine
motions to simplify verification and debugging of the control
specifications. The method was proved effective through its ap-
plication to a press machine and reduced the period for making
a ladder list program by about 75% as compared with a conven-
Fig. 1. The standard control unit developed for logic controllers by Ferrarini
tional method that directly prepares it. et al. [8]–[11].
Ferrarini and Maffezzoni [8]–[10], proposed a CAD/CAE
environment for the design, synthesis and analysis of PN-based combinatorial net (OCN). The method allows a decomposition
sequence controllers. Their representation formalism for the of the original control problem into a number of subproblems.
particular algorithms is developed under the CAD environment The SP has been substantially modeled as a PN and the PN
to meet the consistent requirement for both PN and LD. To properties are verified at every step of design.
reduce the complexity of logic controller design with PN, Ferrarini et al. [11] also presented PN-based modular simu-
an incremental approach by using simple rules and theorems lation for logic, distributed, and real-time control systems by
to create both sequential part (SP) and standard control unit using their developed CAD environment. The simulation of
(SCN), where SP is modeled as a PN and SCN represents a PLC is essentially modeled as a module consisting of both I/O
control module developed for logic controllers. The control combinational nets and an ordinary PN to implement the SP
unit as shown in Fig. 1 can make decisions on its own on the (memory) of PLC.
basis of the values measured from the field and send them to Cazzola et al. [3] investigated how the performance and cor-
actuators or to other controllers through the analog-to-binary rectness of a logic controller algorithm are affected by the par-
converter (ABC), input combinatorial net (ICN), SP, and output ticular way in which a PN scheme is converted into an algorithm

Fig. 2. PNs and LD modeling of logic constructs [49].

running on a PLC. The interpretation rules of PN for logic con- within the model. An RTPN can be obtained by associating
trol were established. timing, and I/O sensory information to the untimed PN. It is
Venkatesh et al. [43]–[44] presented a methodology for auto- an eight tuples and defined as: RTPN=(P, T, I, O, m, D, X, Y)
matic generation of PN models and proposed a new class of PNs with the first five to represent the five tuples of the untimed PN
called real-time PNs (RTPN) from logic control specification. and the last three as extensions, timing vector (D), input signal
The RTPN design algorithm mainly consists of: 1) dividing the vector (X), and output signal vectors (Y). RTPNs are suitable at
sequence of events into groups; 2) building the PN models via the lower level of system control since they model the system
top-down refinement; and 3) merging the common place/paths more realistically by naturally mapping the limit switches, start,

and stop buttons to places with attributes and actuators as tran-

sitions with attributes.
The systematic methods to formulate PN for PLC and com-
pare PN and LD for industrial systems can be seen in [49]. The
modeling logic constructs by PN and LD as shown in Fig. 2 can
be used to estimate the number of basic elements needed for PN
and LD.
The comparison criteria include design complexity, under-
Fig. 3. Implementation scheme of PN-based controllers by Taholakian and
standability, flexibility, and response time. Design complexity Hales et al. [32].
is measured by the number of the basic nodes and links. Un-
derstandability is the ability to evaluate the programmed logic,
verify its correctness, and maintain the control system. Flexi- them to LDs. The rules are proposed for creating PN and sub-
bility measures how easy it is to modify the control system when sequently translating to LD. This can prevent designers from
the specification changes. The response time is the scan time in developing uncodable design. The proposed design rules derive
LD and execution time in PN. a PN by focusing on outputs (internal and external) and their
Several benchmark studies [42]–[44] are used to evaluate and switching on and off, respectively one by one. The similar idea
compare the number of nodes and links in LD and PN as a mea- is applied to translate a PN into an LD. The presented example
sure to compare the design complexibility and response time. also shows that the resulting LD is less complex than the direct
The result indicates that PN gives 50% shorter model than LD. translation of its SFC representation. The PN simulation is used
Zhou and Twiss [48] first use an industrial scale system to com- to validate the resulting design. The application of this method-
pare LD and PN design method. Both LD and PN are designed in ology to a sizable system remains to be seen while it is a signif-
a top-down method given the same specification and compared icant step to allow engineers to design LD using a PN method.
for their design complexity. The result of their study concludes The implementation scheme of their approach can be summa-
that when the specification of logic design is more complex, PN rized in Fig. 3.
are more easily modifiable and hence maintainable than LD. Jones et al. [17], [18] created a new concept for converting
PNs into LD using the token pass ladder logic (TPLL). This new
B. Design of and Conversion from LD to PN for Analysis technique makes use of the fact that the prime control mecha-
Jackman et al. [13] proposed a conceptual model and working nism within the PN is the token. The program control is achieved
algorithm for converting relay ladder logic (RLL) to PN models through the use of flags or auxiliary relays. The methodology
in order to provide future system designers with a common lan- is extended to embrace T-Timed PNs by using delay timers in
guage for design, analysis and documentation. Future and ex- different contexts. The fundamental T-Timed PN structure and
isting RLL models can be converted to PNs for verification and their associated ladder logic equivalents have been established.
validation prior to their implementation on the factory floor. The Uzam et al. [34]–[37] introduced the TPLL technique in both
algorithm is demonstrated using an RLL model. A comparison methodology and application facets to convert CPN controllers
of the PN and RLL is performed through an example. Neverthe- into LD. This technique can also provide a straightforward map-
less, the drastically increased number of the PN basic elements ping between the basic sequencing information and the pro-
has resulted in the difficulty of the PN implementation. The re- gramming steps. The fundamental T-timed PN structures and
sulting PN suffer from the same drawbacks of the original RLL their associated LD equivalents are described. They also devel-
since they cannot reveal sequential, concurrent behavior of the oped a heuristic PN controller for DECS and a methodology
system by visualization compared with the PN derived directly to derive structured LD. Since their advent of TPLL, the con-
from the specification. version technique has been developed for ordinary, P-timed,
Lee and Lee [20], [21] presented a methodology of obtaining T-timed and Colored PNs. They also extended this technique to
an augmented PN from LD by introducing the new augmented design PNCs by including actuators and sensors as formal struc-
elements such as preservation arc, buffer place, and reset arc. tures within PNC. They established a set of additional features
The augmented graph is also compared with the conventional for ordinary PN that facilitate the addition of sensor readings at
PN by using the timing chart to evaluate the conversion result. transitions and both the impulse and level control of actuators,
A conversion table that converts the LD core functions into PN resulting in automation PN (APN). Given a system’s specifica-
is then constructed. This equips LD programs with the formal tion, an APN is first created by constructing a PN module for
analysis capability normally available in PN. The state equa- each actuators on and off and sequence modules and adding en-
tion of PN is used as an analysis technique to validate the cor- abling (self-loop) and disabling arcs (inhibitor arcs) for certain
responding flow mechanism of the generated PN. Yet, the total specifications. Then every place is associated with a memory
number of nodes and links in the generated PN (164) increases word, also called counter, or bit (for a safe place). Every tran-
almost double than that of the original LD (84). sition’s enabling and firing rules are converted into LD rungs
one module after another. Initialization and certain places also
C. Design of and Conversion from PN to LD for PLC need LD rungs during the conversion from APN to LD. After
Implementation the PN-based formal controller is introduced, Uzam et al. [38]
Taholakian and Hales [32] introduced a PN PLC method- considered the IEC1131-3 standard for the possible implemen-
ology that designs PNs from specifications and then converts tations of APNs using an IL code. Then, in [39], the method-

Fig. 4. Implementation scheme of PN-based controllers by Uzam and Jones


ology is extended to embrace the IEC1131-3 LD standard for Fig. 5. Implementation scheme of PN-based controllers by Feldmann et al.
Uzam et al. [40], proposed a bottom-up synthesis technique
involving the construction of the reachability graph of the con-
trolled APN model of the system. A supervisor as a controller
of the system, which is obtained by using the uncontrolled APN
model and the token pass marking (TPM) rules, is related to the
forbidden state specifications. The TPM rules are obtained di-
rectly from the forbidden state specifications and implemented
through the use of a mixture of enabling arcs and inhibitor arcs,
which are connected from the corresponding places to the re-
lated controllers’ transitions. This design technique is called
C-TPM rule method. Their approach is summarized in Fig. 4.
Feldmann et al. [7] designed and implemented logic control
structures that allow a combination of the advantages of clas-
sical techniques for the development of PLC code and elimi-
nation of disadvantages such as the lack of formal validation.
They first introduced ordered colored PNs (OCPN) in combi- Fig. 6. Implementation scheme of PN-based controllers by Park et al. [27]
(dotted boxes to be implemented).
nation with some extensions as a modeling tool for logic con-
trollers. The OPCN-based model of a logic control system is
made up of two main structures: a model of the coordination
control system and a submodel for some elements of the first used as an example, for which its PLC control model is con-
model, obtained after a refinement of transition. The validation structed, and validated via PNs.
of both the model and specifications of logic control structures Chirn and McFarlane [4] proposed a method to design an
are then pursued through structural analysis of the net. They then LD for a PLC based on a PN modeling approach. A general
developed a method to automatically generate code for a PLC method for mapping PNs to LDs is implemented using a variety
from a validated textual description of OCPN. A special com- of PLCs. To complete LD for an industrial application, the ap-
plier that generates code according to standard IEC 1131-3, the proach also considers the combinational logic of action outputs
IL, is discussed as in Fig. 5. The modeling and implementation to the external environment.
of a logic control system of a flexible assembly cell serves as an Minas and Frey [24] developed a new approach for the
illustrated example for this methodology. visual programming of PLCs using signal-interpreted PNs
Park et al. [27] proposed a control logic generation method (SIPNs) that are able to model the causality and the con-
for machining systems using PN. Two PNs are used to repre- currency of control algorithms. An SIPN is described by a
sent control logic: one for the mode decision and the other for 9-tuple with the first four
the sequence. The PN control logic for each operation can be to represent an ordinary PN and the last five as extensions,
generated from the operation module templates by replacing the logical input signals (I), logical output signals (O), Boolean
I/Os for the corresponding sensors, actuators, and operator com- function as the firing condition associated to every transition
mands. The proposed formal and modular PN representation of (o), a mapping associated every place, and the output function
the control logic is still under study and expecting to provide a combines the output u of all marked places (U). By using
way for automatically generating verified control logic code of four established firing process rules, an SIPN can be obtained
IEC 1131-3 programming languages. The proposed scheme is by associated each transition with a firing condition given
shown in Fig. 6. as a Boolean function of the input signals. The places of an
Kato et al. [19] proposed a modular machine PLC control SIPN are associated with actions specifying output signals.
modeling approach using PN. They used the PN PLC method A prototypical tool for the editing, visualizing, animating,
in [32], and [43]–[44] for both “building” and “validation” steps. analyzing, and translating SIPNs has been implemented using
An automated CNC lathe door interlocking control program is the Diagram Editor Generator (DiaGen), an environment for


As automated manufacturing systems become more complex,
there is a growing need for an effective design tool to produce
their DECS. PNs represent the most effective method for de-
sign and implementation of DECS. The conversion of PN into
real-time applications has been greatly simplified in several ap-
proaches. These techniques have been developed for various
types of PN.
Topics for future research include improving logic control
software design and implementation through integrated diag-
nostics, better human-machine interfaces, validation, and auto-
mated code generation following IEC 1131-3. IEC 1131-3 de-
fines a program as a logical assembly of all programming ele-
ments and constructs for the intended signal processing required
for the control of a machine or process by a programmable con-
troller system. Its languages are as follows.
1) LD.
2) IL: A low level “assemble like” language based on similar
Fig. 7. Proposed technique steps of the design/implementation of a logic languages found in many of PLCs.
controller by Tzafestas et al. [33].
3) FBD: A graphical language for depicting signal and
data flows through function blocks-reusable software
rapidly developing diagram editors from a formal specification 4) ST: A PASCAL language that encourages structured pro-
of the diagram language based on hypergraph grammars and gramming with PASCAL-like language structure.
hypergraph transformation [12]. The DiaGen tool provides 5) SFC: A graphical language used for defining time and
a tailored graphic editor for SIPNs and translates SIPNs to event-driven control sequences.
equivalent IL programs implementing the SIPN behavior on 6) FBs: A reusable software integrated circuits concept as
a logic controller. The tool moreover provides interfaces for ICs. Using high-level languages such as visual BASIC
further analyzing and accessing SIPNs. and C++, it can develop specific function block object
Tzafestas et al. [33] proposed a method for using PN models libraries, e.g., PID algorithms, fuzzy logic controllers,
in order to design and implement a sequence controller for a PN-based controllers, and alarm handlers.
small scale robotic cell which consists of a robotic manipulator, The standard allows users to select any languages and mix
a variety of sensors and electro-pneumatic actuators. The exper- their use in the program. They can choose the best language
imentation was applied on an educational system using Allen for each part of an application. Since the current specification
Bradley PLC as a controller for programming. This educational formalisms and design criteria are still far from being standard-
system incorporates a variety of sensors and actuators, most of
ized and able to meet characteristics like easy maintenance to
them found in real-life industrial systems and a quite simple
support the new processes, it still requires great effort on the
logic of operation. The PLC was programmed using the previ-
PN-based controller development for PLC programming. To fill
ously generated PN model, as the proposed technique described.
the gap between academic research and industrial applications,
The method leads directly to generate the associated LD for the
researchers need to combine different languages directly from
PLC and it has proved to be effective through the application
the standard into PN-based controllers for implementation.
to sequence control of a small-scale industrial system. It also
has reduced the period for developing, debugging and reengi- To establish a consistent standard of IEC languages, re-
neering of the LD, compared to the traditional method that di- searchers as well as the industry need to build reusable function
rectly prepares an LD for the PLC implementation. The whole block software as PN-based controllers for the PLC in the
implementing process of the proposed technique is depicted in future. Furthermore, as distributed control becomes more
Fig. 7. popular in implementations, design and analysis techniques for
All the approaches discussed above intend to apply some distributed logic control systems are needed. A system with
user-friendly high-level languages or the hardware configura- thousands of I/O points will end up with complex implemen-
tion to generate a PN-based controller to be checked, analyzed tation. Effective compositional methods for distributed control
and maintained reliably. Furthermore, they convert PN into the systems through the modular design using PN techniques are
required IEC 1131-3 standard languages for PLC. Obviously, of increasing importance. The most important research issues
if the conversion methodologies between PN and IEC 1131-3 are related to the interfaces or interlocks between different
programming languages can be verified and automated, the sig- PN-based control modules. Specification, modeling, and
nificance would be tremendous in the automation industry. analysis of these interlocks remain an open area of research.

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[46] M. C. Zhou, F. DiCesare, and D. Rudolph, “Design and implementation Meng Chu Zhou (S’88–M’90–SM’93–F’03)
of a Petri net based supervisor for a flexible manufacturing systems,” received the B.S. degree from Nanjing University
IFAC J. Automatica, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 1199–1208, 1992. of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China, in
[47] M. C. Zhou and F. DiCesare, Petri Net Synthesis for Discrete Event Con- 1983, the M.S. degree from Beijing Institute of
trol of Manufacturing Systems. Boston, MA: Kluwer, 1993. Technology, Beijing, China, in 1986, and the Ph.D.
[48] M. C. Zhou and E. Twiss, “Design of industrial automated systems via degree in computer and systems engineering from
relay ladder logic programming and Petri nets,” IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, in 1990.
Cybern., vol. 28, pp. 137–150, Feb. 1998. He joined New Jersey Institute of Technology
[49] M. C. Zhou and K. Venkatesh, Modeling, Simulation, and Control of (NJIT), Newark, in 1990, and is currently a Professor
Flexible Manufacturing Systems—A Petri Net Approach, Singapore: of electrical and computer engineering and the
Director of Discrete-Event Systems Laboratory. His
World Scientific, 1998.
research interests are in computer-integrated systems, Petri nets, semiconductor
manufacturing, multilifecycle engineering, ad hoc networks, and system
security. He has authored over 200 publications, including four books, over 50
journal papers, and ten book chapters. He co-authored (with F. DiCesare) Petri
Net Synthesis for Discrete Event Control of Manufacturing Systems (Boston,
MA: Kluwer, 1993), edited Petri Nets in Flexible and Agile Automation
(Boston, MA: Kluwer, 1993), and co-authored (with K. Venkatesh) Modeling,
Simulation, and Control of Flexible Manufacturing Systems: A Petri Net
Approach (Singapore: World Scientific, 1998). He has been invited to lecture in
Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Korea,
Mexico, Taiwan, and the U.S. He has led or participated in 26 research and
education projects funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the
Department of Defense, the Engineering Foundation, the New Jersey Science
and Technology Commission, and by industry.
Dr. Zhou served as Associate Editor of IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS
AND AUTOMATION from 1997 to 2000 and is currently an Associate Editor of the
He has been an editor of the International Journal of Intelligent Control and
Systems since 1996. He has organized and Chaired over 60 technical sessions
and served on program committees for many conferences. He was Program
Chair in 1998 and Co-Chair in 2001 for the IEEE International Conference on
SMC and the 1997 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies
and Factory Automation. He was Guest Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
MANUFACTURING. He was General Co-Chair of 2003 IEEE International Con-
Shih Sen Peng (M’01–SM’01) received the B.S. de- ference on SMC, held in Washington, DC, in 2003 and a Founding General
gree in mechanical engineering from CCIT, Taiwan, Co-Chair of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing,
R.O.C., in 1960, the M.S. degree from the University and Control. He was the recipient of the NSF’s Research Initiation Award, the
of Oklahoma, Norman, in 1979, and the Ph.D. degree CIM University-LEAD Award from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers,
from Lamar University, Beaumont, TX, in 1996, both the Perlis Research Award from NJIT, the Humboldt Research Award for U.S.
in industrial engineering. Senior Scientists, the Leadership Award and Academic Achievement Award
He is currently an Associate Professor in the from the Chinese Association for Science and Technology-USA, and the Asian
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chinese American Achievement Award from the Asian American Heritage Council of
Military Academy, Taiwan, R.O.C. His research New Jersey. He was Founding Chair (founding) of the Discrete Event Systems
interests include automated manufacturing sys- Technical Committee of the IEEE SMC Society, and Co-Chair (founding) of the
tems, computer-integrated manufacturing, and Semiconductor Factory Automation Technical Committee of the IEEE Robotics
discrete-event control system modeling. and Automation Society. He is a Life Member of the Chinese Association for
Dr. Peng is a senior member of the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE). Science and Technology-USA and served as its President in 1999.

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