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Food Chemistry 412 (2023) 135556

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Arabic coffee infusion based kombucha: Characterization and biological

activity during fermentation, and in vivo toxicity
Jeniffer Ferreira de Miranda a, Giulia Martins Pereira Belo a, Laís Silva de Lima a,
Kelly Alencar Silva a, Thais Matsue Uekane a, Alice Gonçalves Martins Gonzalez a,
Vanessa Naciuk Castelo Branco a, Nayla Souza Pitangui b, Fabrício Freitas Fernandes c, *,
Adriene Ribeiro Lima a, *
Department of Bromatology, Pharmacy School, Fluminense Federal University, Niterói, RJ, Brazil
Department of Cell and Molecular Biology and Pathogenic Bioagents, Ribeirão Preto Medical School, University of São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Mato Grosso (IFMT), Juína Campus, Linha J, s/n, Setor de Chácaras, CEP: 78320-000, Juína, MT, Brazil


Keywords: In this study, arabic coffee infusion was used to produce a fermented beverage known as kombucha. The
Fermented beverage physicochemical, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities, as well as in vivo toxicity were evaluate throughout 21
Coffea arabica L. days of fermentation. Reduction in pH and sugar levels were observed throughout the fermentation period. There
Antioxidant activity
was no significant difference in the content of total phenolic compounds between the unfermented and fer­
Antimicrobial effect
mented beverage, nor between the fermentation times, as well as in the antioxidant activity. The 5-caffeoylquinic
Galleria mellonella
acid was identified at all fermentation times evaluated, and no significant difference was observed regarding its
concentration. It showed antibacterial and antifungal activity against all strains tested. No toxic effect of the
beverages was observed in the in vivo model (Galleria mellonella) studied. These results demonstrated that coffee
infusion is a possible alternative for kombucha production since the physicochemical changes prove the meta­
bolic activity of Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast.

1. Introduction contaminating microorganisms, which makes this beverage safe from a

microbiological point of view (Jayabalan et al., 2014). In addition,
The search for a healthier diet and, consequently, for foods that several therapeutic and health-promoting properties have been inves­
contribute to the promotion of health has increased significantly. This tigated in kombucha over time, such as antioxidant agent, treatment and
change in the dietary profile of the population has encouraged research prevention of diabetes, reduction of cancer spread, improvement of liver
on foods and beverages related to reducing health risks, allowing the function, immune system and gastrointestinal functions, detoxifying
development and creation of new food products (Santos-Buelga et al., action, anti-inflammatory properties, among others (De Miranda et al.,
2019). 2022). Its supposed health benefits are attributed to substances with
A product that confers beneficial properties to health, and that has bioactive properties, especially phenolic compounds, the main antioxi­
been gaining great prominence in the world, and is currently becoming dant elements present in the beverage (Cardoso et al., 2020), which are
popular in Brazil, is kombucha. Kombucha is a beverage traditionally in the substrate used for fermentation and/or produced as a result of
obtained by fermenting C. sinensis tea, added sugar, by a symbiotic microbial fermentation (Bhattacharya et al., 2016).
culture of bacteria and yeast (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast- As reported in the literature, a variety of new substrates have been
SCOBY), also known as “tea fungus” (Dutta & Paul, 2019). used as alternatives to C. sinensis tea to obtain new kombucha beverages
The microbiota present in kombucha establish a strong symbiotic with different sensory, chemical and biological characteristics.
relationship capable of inhibiting the growth of potentially Fermentation of kombucha culture on alternative substrates has already

* Corresponding authors at: Department of Bromatology, Pharmacy School, Fluminense Federal University, Rua Dr. Mario Vianna, 523, Santa Rosa, CEP 24241-
000, Niterói, RJ, Brazil (A. R. Lima). Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Mato Grosso (IFMT), Juína Campus, Linha J, s/n, Setor de Chácaras,
CEP: 78320-000, Juína, MT, Brazil (F. F. Fernandes).
E-mail address: (A. Ribeiro Lima).
Received 1 October 2022; Received in revised form 17 January 2023; Accepted 21 January 2023
Available online 24 January 2023
0308-8146/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Ferreira de Miranda et al. Food Chemistry 412 (2023) 135556

been related, such as herbal infusions, flowers, fruit juices, cow’s milk, solutions at 25 ◦ C, according to AOAC (1992).
soybean, marshmallow, a non-conventional food plant (PANC) (Emil­ The titratable acidity of the fermented beverages, expressed as a
janowicz & Malinowska-Pańczyk, 2019; Silva et al., 2021) among percentage of acetic acid, was determined by diluting 5 mL of homog­
others, which showed satisfactory results regarding its kinetics and enized sample in 50 mL of distilled water with the addition of 2 drops of
biological properties. phenolphthalein solution. Afterwards titration was performed with a
In this context, coffee is a good option for diversification of substrates 0.1 N NaOH solution. The potentiometer (Mult-007, Ion®, Brazil) was
for kombucha production, because besides being one of the most used during the titration for better accuracy of the phenolphthalein
consumed beverages in the world, it represents a source of bioactive turning point at pH 8.2 to 8.4 (IAL, 2008).
compounds. Different constituents of coffee have been suggested as
potentially chemoprotective in different chemical and biological sys­ 2.2.2. Total soluble solids and determination of reducing sugars
tems, due to bioactive compounds present in the beverage, such as Soluble solids were monitored by reading in a digital refractometer
caffeine, chlorogenic acids, and products resulting from the Maillard (Nova Instruments Equipment Laboratories Ltda, Brazil), with a scale of
reaction originating in the roasting of the bean, such as melanoidins 0 to 45◦ Brix, calibrated with distilled water.
(Ludwig et al., 2014). The determination of reducing sugars was performed by the 3,5-dini­
Knowing that microbial fermentation results in the enhancement of trosalicylic acid (DNS) method according to Miller (1959), with modi­
biological effects in beverages containing polyphenols, and that there is fications. Initially acid hydrolysis of the samples was performed since
very little scientific information about the use of coffee as a possible they were prepared with sucrose, a non-reducing sugar. One milliliter of
substrate for obtaining kombucha, this study aimed to produce kom­ each sample was dispensed into test tubes, then 1 mL of 2 N HCl was
bucha beverages using coffee infusion and evaluate the physicochemical added and subjected to a water bath at 65 ◦ C for 10 min. After the time,
profile, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity, as well as possible toxic 3 mL of 1 N NaOH was added to each tube in order to stop the hydrolysis.
effects in vivo. After homogenization, 1 mL of the hydrolysate was transferred to a 25
mL volumetric flask, where it was diluted by making up the volume with
2. Materials and methods distilled water. After preparing the samples, the DNS test was per­
formed. One milliliter of the diluted samples was transferred to Folin Wu
2.1. Preparation of fermented coffee beverage tubes, where 1 mL of the DNS reagent was added. Subsequently, the
tubes were homogenized and submitted to a water bath at 100 ◦ C for 5
The 100% Arabic coffee (Coffea arabica L.), from the Southern region min. After cooling the tubes under running water, the absorbance was
of Minas Gerais (Brazil), medium roast and fine grind, crystal sugar and read in a spectrophotometer (Vis Spectro 560, Germany) at 540 nm. The
mineral water were purchased in the local market in Niterói, RJ (Brazil). concentration of reducing sugars present in the samples was calculated
Coffee concentration used for infusion preparation was defined based on the straight line equation generated from the glucose (0.9 g/L)
based on previous tests with 10, 5 and 2% of coffee (w/v), this was calibration curve.
submitted to 14 days of fermentation with kombucha culture. Only the
infusion fermented with 2% of coffee showed a pH within the estab­ 2.2.3. Colorimetry
lished range for kombucha (pH ≥ 2.5 to pH ≤ 4.2) (De Miranda et al., The colorimetric analyses of the samples were performed by reflec­
2022). tance using a spectrophotometer (Colorview 9000 Byk-Gardner,
Three liters of coffee infusion in the ratio of 2% (w/v) coffee and 5% Columbia, MD) with QC Manager Software. A CIE Illuminant D65 was
(w/v) sucrose (Jayabalan et al., 2014) were prepared in triplicate. The used in all the colour measurements. The colour measured was
infusion was stirred for 5 min with a glass rod, and then filtered through expressed by the CIE L*, a*, b* (CIELAB) colour space values (Silva et al.,
Whatman #1 filter paper. This beverage was used as a base for preparing 2021).
the fermented beverages and aliquots were frozen at − 20 ◦ C to be used
as a control and thus establish a comparison with the fermented 2.3. Bioactive compound analysis
The coffee infusion intended for the preparation of the fermented 2.3.1. Total phenolics determination
beverage was cooled to approximately 25 ◦ C and distributed in 600 mL The concentration of total phenolic compounds was determined by
glass containers, one for each day of fermentation to be monitored. means of the Folin-Ciocalteu (FC) colorimetric assay using gallic acid as
Symbiotic kombucha culture (5%, w/v) and 10% (v/v) of the previous standard, as described by Silva et al. (2021). The total content of
fermented were added (Jayabalan et al., 2014; De Miranda et al., 2022). phenolic compounds was expressed as µg gallic acid equivalent per mL
The glass containers were covered with paper towels to protect the of sample (µg GAE /mL) and calculated based on the straight-line
drinks from insects and still allow oxygen to enter. The beverages were equation generated from the calibration curve at concentrations 10,
incubated at 25 ± 3 ◦ C (Cardoso et al., 2020) and evaluated at 20, 30, 40, 60, and 80 µg GAE/mL.
fermentation times of 0, 6, 12, 15, and 21 days.
The resulting beverages were filtered on Whatman #1 paper filter to 2.3.2. Determination of 5-caffeoylquinic acid and caffeic acid
remove cellulose residue. For the analyses of bioactive compounds, The identification and quantification of 5-caffeoylquinic acid (5-
antioxidant and antimicrobial activity, the samples were centrifuged at CQA) and caffeic acid in the beverages were performed by the high-
7000 rpm for 15 min, and the supernatant was sterilized by filtration performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method. Initially, the
through a 0.22 µm filter (Millipore®). Subsequently all samples were samples were freeze-dried and subjected to a liquid–liquid extraction
frozen (- 20 ◦ C) in closed containers for analysis. The samples were process. A volume of 24 mL of methanol and 36 mL of ultrapure water
coded as CI for the unfermented coffee infusion and as CIK for the coffee were added to each sample and shaken at room temperature in a bench-
infusion kombucha with their respective fermentation times (CIK0, CIK6, top shaker incubator (Lucadema®, Brazil) for 30 min at 200 rpm for
CIK12, CIK15 and CIK21). resuspension of the samples. Afterwards, the solution was transferred to
a 100 mL volumetric flask by filtration through a Whatman #1 paper
2.2. Physical-chemical characterization filter. One milliliter of each solution, carrez 1 and carrez 2, were added
to the contents of the flask for precipitation of proteins and other high
2.2.1. pH and total acidity molecular weight molecules, the volume was made up to mark with
The pH was determined by direct reading in a potentiometer (Mult- ultrapure water. The solution was stirred for 5 s and allowed to stand for
007, Ion®, Brazil) periodically calibrated with pH 4.0 and 7.0 buffer 10 min for colloidal precipitation. After the procedures, the samples

J. Ferreira de Miranda et al. Food Chemistry 412 (2023) 135556

were filtered on Whatman #1 paper filter, and the resulting solution was culture was inoculated into all wells except the negative control wells
submitted to the chromatographic method (Farah et al., 2005). (TSB broth). The final volume of each well was 200 μL, and after
The analysis was performed in an HPLC equipment (Shimadzu®, micropipetting, the microplates were capped and incubated at 35 ◦ C for
Japan) composed of a LC-20AT quaternary pump, SPD-M20A diode 24 ± 2 h.
array detector (DAD), CBM-20A control system, DGU-20A5 degasser Once the incubation period was over, all wells were visually
and SIL-20AC automatic injector. Chromatographic separation of the observed to check for microbial growth (CLSI, 2012; Cardoso et al.,
compounds was achieved using a C18 reversed-phase column (Shim- 2020). Turbidity or the presence of precipitate were considered to be
pack VP-ODS, 5 µm, 250 mm × 4.6 mm, Shimadzu®) and a mobile phase indicative of growth. MBC was determined from wells that did not show
containing 80% of 10 mM citric acid solution, pH adjusted to 2.5 with 2 turbidity, indicative of bacterial inhibition. An aliquot of the contents of
N hydrochloric acid, and 20% of methanol (Eluent A), and methanol the wells, which showed no growth, was plated with TSA and incubated
(Eluent B), with flow rate of 1 mL/min, and run time of 39 min (Farah at 35 ◦ C for 24 ± 2 h in order to determine the presence or absence of
et al., 2005). The 5-CQA and caffeic acid were monitored at 330 nm. The microbial colonies. MBC was considered as the lowest concentration at
chromatographic data were integrated in the LC Solution software which there was no growth of colonies in TSA. All tests were performed
(Shimadzu®). with the controls Chloramphenicol (CLO) at concentrations ranging
Commercial standards of 5-CQA (Sigma®, 95.0% purity) and caffeic from 100 to 0.2 µg/mL, TSB broth, and TSB broth with added bacterial
acid (Sigma®, 98.0% purity) were used for the identification and inoculum.
quantification of chromatographic peaks by comparison with retention Antifungal activity was also evaluated by the microdilution method
time and by external standardization, respectively. The concentration of in 96-well microplates, as stated by the document M27-A3 (CLSI, 2017),
5-CQA and caffeic acid was calculated based on the straight-line equa­ with determination of MIC and minimum fungicidal concentration
tion generated from the calibration curve at the concentrations 5, 10, 25, (MFC), according to the procedure described above.
50, 75, and 100 mg/L. The antifungal activity was verified in Sabouraud medium. A sus­
pension of 108 cells/mL, of each fungal strain was diluted to 5 × 106
2.4. Antioxidant activity cells/mL distributed into the wells. The microplates were incubated at
37 ◦ C for 24 h. The MIC was determined by reading the optical density
The antioxidant activity was evaluated by the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl­ (OD) at 600 nm. The determination of MFC was performed qualitatively,
hydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity (%DPPH) and by the by checking the presence or absence of fungal growth after treatment
maximum effective concentration (EC50), according to Silva et al. with the samples in solid Sabouraud medium incubated at 37 ◦ C for 3
(2021). days. Amphotericin (AmB), Sabouraud medium and untreated fungal
growth were used as controls. The AmB concentrations used as controls
2.5. Antimicrobial activity in the experiment were 8 to 0.015625 (µg/mL).

2.5.1. Microbial strains and cultivation 2.6. In vivo toxicity

Bacterial strains of food importance, Listeria monocytogenes
CLIST2033 (CDCF6254), enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) To evaluate the in vivo toxicity effect, the Galleria mellonella model
INCQS 00185 (CDC 0127a), obtained from the Collection of Reference was employed (Megaw et al., 2015). The larvae with an average weight
Microorganisms in Health Surveillance (CMRVS) of the National Insti­ of 150 mg were divided into 5 groups with a total of 10 larvae, namely: a
tute for Quality Control in Health (INCQS) of FIOCRUZ, Staphylococcus control group treated with 10 mM phosphate buffered saline, pH 7.2
aureus (ATCC 13565) and enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) O157:H7 (PBS); a group treated with coffee infusion (CI); a group treated with
(RJ 691/1) were used to evaluate antibacterial activity of unfermented coffee infusion and SCOBY inoculum without fermentation (CIK0); and
and fermented coffee infusion. The strains frozen at − 20 ◦ C were reac­ two groups treated with coffee-infused kombucha for 15 and 21 days
tivated on Soy Tryptone Agar (TSA) plates (Kasvi®, Brazil), and incu­ (CIK15 and CIK21). Prior to application of the samples, asepsis of the
bated at 35 ◦ C for 24 h. larvae was performed with swab and 70% ethanol, then 10 µL of each
The fungi tested are etiological agents of high-incidence mycoses sample was inoculated into the hind paw using an insulin syringe.
(Singulani et al., 2019), and were kindly provided by the Immuno­ Subsequently, the larvae were incubated at 37 ◦ C and observed daily for
chemistry and Glycobiology Laboratory of the Medicine School of São 10 days to verify changes in pigmentation, locomotion, and larval death
Paulo University (Ribeirão Preto, Brazil). Candida albicans (ATCC for the elaboration of the survival curve. The assay was performed in
90028), C. neoformans (H99) and Cryptococcus gattii (R265) were replicates of independent experiments.
maintained by cultivation on Sabouraud agar medium (Kasvi®, Brazil)
for 7 days at 30 ◦ C. 2.7. Statistical analysis

2.5.2. Antibacterial and antifungal activity Independent triplicates of non-fermented and fermented beverages
Antibacterial activity was evaluated using a broth microdilution were prepared, and all analyzes were performed in triplicate. Results
method, where the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and the were expressed as means ± standard deviations (SD). The means of the
minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC), the lowest concentration of sample groups for analyzed parameters were compared using a one-way
a substance capable of killing a particular strain of bacteria, were analysis of variance (ANOVA) and of Tukey’s multiple comparison. The
determined. The analyses were performed in triplicate in 96-well correlation between pH and titratable acidity, total phenolic content and
microplates (CLSI, 2012). the antioxidant activity for the DPPH radical (%) were performed by
Isolated colonies were transferred from the TSA plates to tubes Pearson’s Correlation. The analyses were performed using GraphPad
containing tryptone soy broth (TSB) (Kasvi®, Brazil), and incubated Prim® version 9 software, and the significance level was set at 5%.
under stirring at 35 ◦ C for 24 ± 2 h. The inoculum was standardized
until it reached a turbidity equivalent to 0.5 on the McFarland scale (108 3. Results and discussion
CFU/mL). A dilution to 105 CFU/mL was then prepared, so that the final
concentration of bacteria in each well was approximately 104 CFU/mL. 3.1. Physical-chemical characterization
Serial dilutions were prepared by adding 100 µL of a sample in 100
µL of TSB broth. The concentrations of the samples tested ranged from The graphical representation below (Fig. 1) shows the variations of
500 to 1 µL/mL. Subsequently, 100 µL of the standardized bacterial pH parameters, titratable acidity in acetic acid, soluble solids (◦ Brix) and

J. Ferreira de Miranda et al. Food Chemistry 412 (2023) 135556

Fig. 1. pH variation, total soluble solids (◦ Brix), titratable acidity (TA) in acetic acid (A) and reducing sugars of coffee infusion kombucha (CIK) over the 21-day
fermentation period (B).

reducing sugars of CIK over the fermentation time. According to the data production. According to this study, the coffee sample had an initial pH
obtained, a reduction in pH values and a gradual increase acidity are value of 5.0, which decreased to 4.1 after 7 days of fermentation.
observed. At the end of 21 days of fermentation, the pH ranged from According to the regulations establishing quality parameters for
4.52 (CIK0) to 3.25 (CIK21), reducing rapidly in the first 6 days followed kombucha (De Miranda et al., 2022), the beverage can be considered
by a slight decrease until the end of fermentation, and showed an acetic safe for consumption, from a microbiological point of view, when the pH
acid content equivalent to 0.72% (7.2 g/L), with a significant difference value corresponds to the range pH ≥ 2.5 to pH ≤ 4.2. In this sense, when
between CI and CIK at all times evaluated. But from day 6 of fermen­ making a comparison with our results, CIK has a pH parameter that
tation there was no difference in pH between CIK (there was no differ­ indicates it is a safe beverage from day 6 of fermentation on. The pH is
ence between CIK6, CIK12, CIK15 and CIK21). The increase in organic acid the most important parameter in the fermentation of this beverage,
production is related to the decrease in pH of the fermented beverage because the organic acids formed are attributed as the main responsible
(Fig. 1A), indicated by a strong negative correlation between these two for the functional activities, in particular the antimicrobial activity
factors. These results can be explained by the production of organic (Villarreal et al., 2018).
acids by the microbial consortium, which metabolizes sucrose producing Soluble solids present in sugary drinks are represented mainly by
various acids, mainly acetic and glycuronic acid, contributing to the sugars and organic acids and measured in ◦ Brix. Given the results, a
increased acidity of the medium (Jayabalan et al., 2014), thus being a reduction in soluble solids was observed (Fig. 1A), ranging from 5.17
characteristic of SCOBY-fermented beverages (Jayabalan, Marimuthu & (CIK0) to 3.96 ◦ Brix (CIK21) after 21 days of fermentation. Similarly, a
Swaminathan, 2007). gradual reduction in reducing sugars was also seen throughout the
These results are in agreement with the results of other studies pre­ fermentative process (Fig. 1B). The CIK0 had 51.4 g/L of reducing
sent in the literature (Cardoso et al., 2020; Silva et al., 2021; Zou et al., sugars, and after 21 days of fermentation it had 39.2 g/L (CIK21), a 24%
2021), as well as with the study of Watawana, Jayawardena, and Wai­ reduction; this difference was significant. Since sugar is the main carbon
sundara (2015), who also used coffee as a substrate for kombucha source used by SCOBY, this reduction may be associated with the

J. Ferreira de Miranda et al. Food Chemistry 412 (2023) 135556

consumption of this compound during the fermentation process. During content between CI and CIK after 21 days, nor between the fermentation
fermentation, yeasts hydrolyze sucrose into glucose and fructose, times, as well as in the DPPH radical scavenging activity (Table 2). There
metabolizing them into ethanol. Acetic bacteria, in turn, use ethanol to was no significant correlation between total phenolic compound content
produce acetic acid, and glucose to produce glycuronic acid and bacte­ and DPPH scavenging ability (%) of all beverages was non-significant.
rial cellulose (Gomes et al., 2018). The half maximum effective concentration (EC50) was also calculated
Table 1 presents the results of the color determination analysis. The and determined in the range of 121.97 ± 25.37 to 142.19 ± 16.73 mL/L,
color was expressed in parameters of the scale developed by the Com­ however, no significant difference was found between the beverages
ission Internationale de l’Éclairage (CIE) L*a*b*. The L* coordinate rep­ evaluated (Table 2).
resents how light or dark the sample is (luminosity), with values Coffee is especially characterized by the presence of important
between 0 (totally black) and 100 (totally white). The a* coordinate can contents of caffeine, diterpenes, trigonelline, chlorogenic acids (CGA),
assume values between − 80 and + 100, whose extremes correspond to and melanoidins. Chlorogenic acids represent the main bioactive con­
green and red, respectively. The b* coordinate can vary from − 50 to + stituents responsible for the antioxidant properties of coffee, with 5-CQA
70, with intensity from blue to yellow. The use of polar coordinates as the main class of CGA (Ludwig et al., 2014). The 5-CQA was identified
allows for a more adequate interpretation of color variations: C* or in all analyzed samples according to the retention time of the standard
chromaticity, which provides a measure of color intensity or saturation, (13 min), however, caffeic acid was not identified in any of the analyzed
and hue angle (h◦ ), which corresponds to tone (Ferreira & Spricigo, samples, perhaps because its concentrations were below the detection
2017). limit of the method. Table 2 presents the results of the 5-CQA concen­
In CIK, a significant increase in the a* coordinate was observed trations of the beverages, also with no significant differences observed.
regarding with CI, ranging from − 0.1 (CI) to 1.22 (CIK21), this was These results differ from the data in the literature. In general, ac­
statistically significant. The b* coordinate showed oscillation cording to studies already conducted evaluating the antioxidant poten­
throughout the fermentation period, ranging from 8.06 to 7.06, however tial of beverages fermented with SCOBY, both with C. sinensis and other
there was no significant difference between CI and CIK21. The highest alternative substrates, the fermentative process may be able to enhance
degree of saturation (C*) was observed on the 6th day of fermentation, this activity, mainly due to the increased content of phenolic com­
however after 21 days the saturation decreased to 7.17 being lower in pounds. Several studies point out that the complexed forms of phenolic
the CIK21 than in the CI, this difference was not significant. Regarding compounds can be broken down into more simplified forms or smaller
Luminosity (L*), there was no significant difference between CI and CIK molecules due to the acidic environment and by the action of enzymes
during fermentation. The hue (h◦ ) also decreased throughout fermen­ released by bacteria and yeasts in the symbiotic kombucha culture,
tation, reaching the lowest value (80.08) on day 21, showing a signifi­ increasing their total content (Bhattacharya et al., 2016; Gamboa-
cant difference between CI and CIK21 (Table 1). According to Watawana, Gómez et al., 2016; Jayabalan et al., 2008; Silva et al., 2021).
Jayawardena, and Waisundara (2015), the variation in the colors of According to a study by Jayabalan, Marimuthu, and Swaminathan
kombucha drinks may be related to the biotransformation processes of (2007), the catechin isomers (epicatechin, epicatechin-3-gallate, epi­
phenolic compounds, in which the process of polymerization (joining of gallocatechin, and epigallocatechin-3-gallate), the main phenolic com­
molecules) or depolymerization (degradation) of these compounds may pound present in tea, showed variable concentrations during
occur. This process can increase or decrease the content of phenolic fermentation of kombuchas prepared from green tea, black tea, and
compounds and end up modifying the color. waste tea brewing. Degradation of the isomers and a marked increase of
these compounds were observed on the 12th day of fermentation. A fact
3.2. Bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity also verified by Vitas et al. (2018), who, when developing a new variety
of kombucha from the flowers of Achillea millefolium (milfoil), found that
Phenolic compounds are side products of plant metabolism (Liu, all the fermented beverages produced had higher levels of phenolic
2013), and have high antioxidant capacity, as they are able to neutralize compounds compared to the unfermented substrates. Silva et al. (2021)
free radicals and reactive oxygen species (Jayabalan et al., 2008). In produced kombucha from the infusion of wax mallow flowers (Malva­
kombucha, antioxidant activity is associated with the presence of these viscus arboreus) flowers and observed a 145% increase in total phenolic
compounds in the substrate used for fermentation (Malbaša et al., 2011). content after 14 days of fermentation. According to these authors, these
The results regarding the concentration of total phenolics, as well as the results can be explained by the biotransformation/degradation process
antioxidant activity against DPPH● radical neutralization, and 5-CQA of these compounds by kombucha activity (low pH and enzyme pro­
concentration of CI and CIK are presented in Table 2. duction by bacteria and yeasts present in the beverage). In these studies,
There was not any significant difference regarding the total phenolic the increase in phenolic compound content was correlated with
increased antioxidant activity.
Watawana, Jayawardena and Waisundara (2015) used three types of
Table 1
Color analysis of coffee infusion (CI) and coffee infusion kombucha (CIK) on
coffee beverage (fine-ground, coarse-ground and instant coffee) with a
days 0 (CIK0), 6 (CIK6), 12 (CIK12), 15 (CIK15) and 21 (CIK21) of fermentation concentration of 1% coffee and 10% sucrose, as substrate for fermen­
according to the color parameters of CIELAB scale. tation with SCOBY in order to investigate whether the antioxidant po­
tential of coffee could be enhanced. After the 7-day fermentation period,
Parameters CI CIK0 CIK6 CIK12 CIK15 CIK21
a significant increase in phenolic compounds, CGA, caffeic acid, and
Lightness 79.15 79.12 79.04 78.42 78.87 ± 79.15
caffeine was observed, especially in the kombucha sample produced
(L*) ± 0.01a ± 0.06a ± 0.08a ± 1.12a 1.68a ± 0.05a
Coordinate − 0.1 ± 1.32 ± 0.62 ± 0.65 ± 0.77 ± 1.22 ±
with fine-ground coffee drink (FGC). The same was verified in the
a* 0.01b 0.21a 0.72a 0.35a 0.01a 0.35a antioxidant activity analyses. Antioxidant capacity was enhanced after
Coordinate 8.06 ± 6.97 ± 8.44 ± 6.45 ± 7.39 ± 7.06 ± fermentation, with FGC standing out in all antioxidant assays tested
b* 0.02ab 0.19c 0.80a 0.71c 0.48bc 0.39bc (ORAC, EC50, and superoxide radical scavenging), which was correlated
Chroma 8.05 ± 7.10 ± 8.47 ± 6.49 ± 7.43 ± 7.17 ±
with the increased content of bioactive compounds. However, the study
(C*) 0.00ab 0.15bc 0.84a 0.74c 0.48bc 0.32bc
Hue (h◦ ) 90.70 79.28 86.32 84.37 84.00 ± 80.08 by Watawana, Jayawardena and Waisundara (2015) does not specify the
± 0.50a ± 1.95b ± ± 2.52 0.43bcd ± species of coffee used, nor the degree of roasting of the bean. This in­
4.02ac formation is relevant, since the concentration of compounds can vary

Values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation from triplicate experiments. among coffee species and with the degree of roasting of the bean,
Different letters in the same line indicate significantly different values, ANOVA, contributing to products with different characteristics, which can make
Tukey post-test (p < 0.05). it difficult to compare studies on the same substrate (Butt & Sultan,

J. Ferreira de Miranda et al. Food Chemistry 412 (2023) 135556

Table 2
Total phenolic content, DPPH radical scavenging activity, maximum effective concentration (EC50) and 5-caffeoylquinic acid (5-CQA) of coffee infusion (CI) and
coffee infusion kombucha (CIK) over 21 days of fermentation.

Total phenolics (µg GAE*/mL) 510.82 ± 1.34a 551.33 ± 3.93a 521.71 ± 30.93a 541.67 ± 11.44a 571.12 ± 32.83a 542.91 ± 63.66a
%DPPH 70.61 ± 3.97a 73.46 ± 4.99a 69.02 ± 6.28a 68.86 ± 4.90a 72.59 ± 3.58a 66.82 ± 7.85a
EC50 (mL/L) 142.19 ± 16.73a 121.97 ± 25.37a 136.34 ± 27.51a 132.39 ± 18.61a 123.71 ± 13.96a 141.03 ± 22.93a
5-CQA (µL/mL) 162.31 ± 13.71ª 175.35 ± 14.62ª 143.91 ± 31.42ª 167.57 ± 1.89ª 169.96 ± 2.82ª 175.42 ± 53.52ª

Values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation from triplicate experiments. *Gallic acid equivalents.
Different letters in the same line indicate significantly different values, ANOVA, Tukey post-test (p < 0.05).

2011). day. Also, bacteriostatic activity against L. monocytogenes and entero­

Despite the divergences found, in comparison with literature data, it pathogenic E. coli from the 6th day of fermentation. CI exhibited
is important to emphasize that several factors can influence the bacteriostatic activity only against S. aureus.
fermentation process and contribute to obtaining fermented beverages Regarding antifungal activity, CIK showed fungicidal activity against
with different physicochemical and biological characteristics. The va­ C. albicans, C. gattiie, C. neoformans on the 21st day of fermentation, and
riety and amount of raw material, preparation method, as well as carbon inhibitory activity against C. neoformans on the 12th and 15th day. CI
source, inoculum, fermentation time and temperature, pH, oxygen, are did not show activity against any of the tested fungi.
all factors that can contribute to the variability in compositions among Antimicrobial activity in kombucha beverages produced from both
beverages (Villarreal et al.,2018). C. sinensis and alternative substrates have already been reported by
Furthermore, coffee beverage already has a high antioxidant ca­ several studies. The drink is known for its antimicrobial properties
pacity as it is rich in bioactive compounds. On the report of a study by against various pathogenic microorganisms. This activity can be
Bobková et al. (2020), the antioxidant capacity of an Arabic coffee attributed to the presence of acetic acid, and a variety of other organic
beverage (at a concentration of approximately 6%), according to the acids, which can influence antimicrobial activity by cytoplasmic acidi­
DPPH sequestering activity, can vary from 46.86 to 78.55%, depending fication that inhibits cell growth (Četojević-Simin et al, 2012) by
on the location of coffee production and degree of bean roasting. phenolic compounds already present in raw material and formed during
Although fermentation did not enhance this activity, all the beverages fermentation (Jayabalan, Marimuthu & Swaminathan, 2007; Jayabalan
evaluated showed a high percentage of DPPH sequestration, around et al., 2008), as well as by bacteriocins, high molecular weight proteins
70%, and can be considered antioxidant. and enzymes, which are produced during fermentation (Battikh et al.,
2011; Bhattacharya et al., 2016).
3.3. Antimicrobial activity Battikh, Bakhrouf and Ammar (2012) compared the antimicrobial
activity of kombucha produced from black tea to kombuchas produced
Antibacterial and antifungal activity of the beverages against from five plants with medicinal properties (Thymus vulgaris L., Lippia
microbiological pathogens are presented in Table 3. citriodora, Rosmarinus officinalis, Foeniculum vulgare and Mentha piperita).
At time 0, no activity was observed against all bacteria tested. From Antimicrobial activity, by means of the agar diffusion method (wells),
the 6th day of fermentation, CIK exhibited activity against all bacterial was investigated against Staphylococcus epidermidis, S. aureus, Micro­
strains studied. CIK showed bactericidal activity against S. aureus from coccus luteus, E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella Typhimurium,
the 6th day of fermentation, and against the other strains on the 12th L. monocytogenes, C. albicans, Candida krusei, Candida tropicalis, Candida

Table 3
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC), Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) and Minimum Fungicide Concentration (MFC) of coffee infusion (CI) and
coffee infusion kombucha (CIK) on days 0 (CIK0), 6 (CIK6), 12 (CIK12), 15 (CIK15) and 21 (CIK21) of fermentation, against bacterial and fungal strains.
Bacterial Samples MIC (µL/ MBC (µL/ Fungal Samples MIC (µL/ MFC (µL/
mL) mL) mL) mL)

Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC13565) CI 500 ND Candida albicans (ATCC CI ND ND

CIK0 ND ND 90028) CIK0 ND ND
CIK6 500 500 CIK6 ND ND
CIK12 250 500 CIK12 ND ND
CIK15 250 500 CIK15 ND ND
CIK21 250 500 CIK21 500 500
Listeria monocytogenes (CLIST2033) CI ND ND Cryptococcus gattii (R265) CI ND ND
CIK12 250 500 CIK12 ND ND
CIK15 250 ND CIK15 ND ND
CIK21 250 ND CIK21 500 500
Escherichia coli enteropatogênica (INCQS CI ND ND Candida neoformans (H99) CI ND ND
00185) CIK0 ND ND CIK0 ND ND
CIK12 250 500 CIK12 500 ND
CIK15 250 ND CIK15 500 ND
CIK21 250 ND CIK21 500 500
Escherichia coli O157:H7 (RJ 691/1) CI ND ND
CIK6 500 ND
CIK12 250 500
CIK15 250 ND
CIK21 250 ND

ND - Not detected.

J. Ferreira de Miranda et al. Food Chemistry 412 (2023) 135556

parapsilosis, Candida glabrata, Candida dubliniensis and Candida sake. The important factor in mediating antibacterial activity of this compound
beverages were fermented for 21 days, and all bacteria tested were (Mueller et al., 2011; Rufián-Henares & De La Cueva, 2009). According
sensitive to fermented beverages resulting from C. sinensis, L. citriodora to Rufián-Henares and De La Cueva (2009), at low concentrations,
and Me. piperite. F. vulgare kombucha inhibited the activity of melanoidins can exert bacteriostatic activity mediated by iron chelation,
S. epidermidis, Mi. luteus, P. aeruginosa, S. Typhimurium and limiting the availability of iron needed by bacteria; and at high con­
L. monocytogenes, and the infusion only showed no activity against centrations, melanoidins can have bactericidal activity by removing
S. Typhimurium. T. vulgaris kombucha did not exhibit any antibacterial Mg2+ ions from the outer membrane, promoting cell membrane
activity. Regarding antifungal activity, fermented beverages from disruption. However, no mechanism of the antimicrobial action of coffee
R. officinalis and T. vulgaris were not active against all the fungi tested. melanoidins is well understood.
C. albicans, C. dubliniensis and C. tropicalis were sensitive to kombuchas There are still many controversies and doubts about the main com­
from black tea, F. vulgare, Me. piperita and L. citriodora. C. parapsilosis pounds and mechanisms involved in antimicrobial activity of coffee,
was sensitive to fermented beverages from F. vulgare and Me. piperita, what requires further study, and it also makes it difficult to establish a
while C. sake was inhibited by kombucha from F. vulgare and correlation of the antimicrobial activity with other coffee-based prod­
L. citriodora. The fermented F. vulgare beverage acted moderately on ucts. With regard to kombucha produced from coffee infusion, no report
C. krusei. Furthermore, this study observed that kombuchas from has been found in the literature regarding its antimicrobial property,
L. citriodora, R. officinalis, F. vulgare and Me. piperita showed higher and this work may be the first to investigate such activity.
antibacterial and antifungal activity compared to traditional black tea According to the results obtained, the fermentation of coffee infusion
kombucha (Battikh et al., 2012). with SCOBY potentiated antimicrobial effects of the coffee beverage,
The infusion of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) fermented with which after fermentation became effective against all strains tested.
SCOBY, showed positive results regarding antimicrobial activity. However, the results are inconclusive regarding the factors that
Četojević-Simin et al. (2012) examined the antimicrobial activity of contributed to this antimicrobial action. The main compounds or
lemon balm kombucha (Melissa officinalis L.) against potentially patho­ mechanisms involved in the antimicrobial activity of CIK are still not
genic bacteria, yeasts and fungi using the agar diffusion method (wells). known, and further studies are needed. A more detailed study on
The strains of P. aeruginosa, Proteus mirabilis, E. coli, Salmonella enter­ biotransformation processes of the chemical compounds during the
itidis, Erwinia carotovora, S. aureus, Bacillus cereus, Sarcina Lutea, fermentation process is needed. Identify and quantify the remaining
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida pseudotropicalis, Rhodotorula sp., chemical compounds, both of those that already come from the coffee
Aspergillus niger, Penicillium aurantiogriseum and Aspergillus flavus were infusion and those that were probably produced during the fermentation
tested. According to the results, lemon balm kombucha was able to process. Chemical characterization of the metabolites present in the
inhibit the activity of P. aeruginosa, P. mirabilis, E. coli, S. enteritidis, fermented beverage would be essential to better understand possible
E. carotovora, S. aureus and B. cereus. processes and mechanisms involved in the beverage’s beneficial
As seen in Table 3, CI exhibited bacteriostatic activity against properties.
S. aureus, indicating that coffee bioactive compounds may be associated
with this activity. There is evidence that coffee extracts or beverages can
exert activity against S. aureus (Daglia et al., 2007), enterobacteria 3.4. In vivo toxicity
(C. freundii, E. aerogenes, E. cloacae, E. coli, K. oxytoca, P. hauseri,
P. mirabilis, Serratia marcescens, Salmonella enterica) (Almeida et al, Toxicity was evaluated after treatment of G. mellonella larvae with
2006), B. cereus, P. aeruginosa, S. Typhimurium (Rufián-Henares & De La the tested samples. The larvae were observed for 10 days to verify the
Cueva, 2009), L. innocua and L. monocytogenes (Ludwig et al., 2014; presence or absence of melanization, a very common process during the
Mueller et al., 2011). immune response of insects, occurring as a result of stress or infection
According to Almeida et al. (2006), caffeic acid, trigonelline, (Megaw et al., 2015). In addition, the death/survival of the larvae, as
caffeine, chlorogenic acids, and protocatechuic acid are the potential well as the presence or absence of melanization, were also analyzed. In
antimicrobial agents, natural from coffee (without the bean roasting this experiment, all larvae treated with all samples survived and did not
process), against several strains of enterobacteria, especially against show melanization, therefore, we can say that the studied samples do
Salmonella enterica. Bioactive compounds can exert antimicrobial ac­ not show toxicity (Fig. 2).
tivity by altering the structure and function of the cytoplasmic mem­ Galleria mellonella larvae are commonly used to study the virulence
brane, disrupting the active transport and flow of protons and electrons, of microbial pathogens, to measure the efficacy of antimicrobial agents,
and inhibiting enzymes by oxidizing compounds (Almeida et al., 2006). to study in vivo toxicity of preservatives, and to test new antimicrobial
However, the main contributors to the antimicrobial activity of drugs (Trevijano-Contador & Zaragoza, 2019). Maguire, Duggan, and
coffee have been found to be related to compounds formed by the Kavanagh (2016) used G. mellonella larvae model to measure the toxicity
roasting process, since little or no antimicrobial activity has been of a variety of food preservatives, such as potassium nitrate, potassium
observed in analyses performed on green coffee (Mueller et al., 2011). sorbate, sodium benzoate, sodium nitrate, sodium chloride, sodium ni­
Mueller et al. (2011) evaluated the antimicrobial activity of coffee trite, and sodium acetate. The results showed a strong positive correla­
against E. coli and L. innocua and observed that at higher concentrations tion with results obtained using cell culture and mammalian models
the coffee beverage was able to exhibit inhibitory and microbicidal ac­ (Maguire, Duggan, & Kavanagh, 2016). Allegra et al., (2018) investi­
tivity against L. innocua and E. coli, respectively; however, this activity gated the suitability of G. mellonella larvae to measure chemical toxicity
was not observed in beverages prepared with green coffee. Within this compared to cell culture systems. Cell culture systems overestimated the
perspective, Maillard reaction products, especially melanoidins, are toxicity of chemicals, especially in low-toxicity chemicals. In contrast,
supposed to be the main compounds involved in the antimicrobial the toxicity test on G. mellonella larvae was found to be reliable for
mechanisms of coffee (Daglia et al., 2007). chemicals of low toxicity. These studies demonstrate the feasibility of
Melanoidins are formed from carbohydrates, proteins/amino acids using this in vivo model for toxicity evaluation, proving to be an
and phenolic compounds during coffee roasting (Maillard reaction) attractive alternative.
(Mueller et al., 2011; Rufián-Henares & De La Cueva, 2009). The anti­ So far only the study by Silva et al. (2021) used this technique to
microbial activity of coffee melanoidins can be attributed to their ability analyze the toxicity of kombucha drinks. Similar to our results, Silva
to permeabilize external and internal membranes of microorganisms, et al. (2021) also observed no signs of toxicity in larvae treated with
and to interfere with microbial cell synthesis processes (Mueller et al., green tea kombucha and marshmallow kombucha after 7 days of
2011). In addition, they are involved in metal chelation mechanisms, an treatment.

J. Ferreira de Miranda et al. Food Chemistry 412 (2023) 135556

Fig. 2. Galleria mellonella larvae treated with coffee-infused kombucha (CIK) at fermentation times 0 (CIK0), 15 (CIK15) and 21 (CIK21) days, and with coffee infusion
(CI) and phosphate-buffered saline controls (PSB) (A). Graph of toxicity absence of the evaluated samples (B).

4. Conclusion Acknowledgements

The results presented and discussed allow us to conclude that the The authors received financial support from Fundação de Amparo à
elaboration of a kombucha based on coffee infusion, under the prepa­ Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ, Brazil), through Project
ration conditions presented, is feasible, since the changes in the physi­ E-26/200 930/2017. We are also grateful to the Fundação de Amparo à
cochemical characteristics, such as reduction in the contents of total Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP, Brazil), the Coordenação de
soluble solids and reducing sugars and increase acidity expressed as Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES, Brazil), and to
acetic acid proved the metabolic activity of SCOBY. Besides, according the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
to the pH value, CIK can be considered safe from a microbiological point (CNPq, Brazil) for their continued support.
of view since pathogenic microorganisms are hardly able to grow in
acidic foods. References
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