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Inglês > Pronomes | Pronouns , Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension ,

11 Q819792
Pronome objetivo | Objective pronoun
Ano: 2017 Banca: Marinha Órgão: COLÉGIO NAVAL Prova: Marinha - 2017 - COLÉGIO NAVAL - Aluno - 1° Dia

Helpinq at a hospital
Every year many young peopie finish school and then take a year off before they start work or go to college. Some of them
go to other countries and work as volunteers. Volunteers give their time to help people. For example, they work in schools
or hospitais, orthey help with conservation.
Mike Coleman is 19 and______________in Omaha, Nebraska, in the United States. He wants to become a teacher but now he
______________ in Namibia. He's working in a hospital near Katima Mulilo. He says, " I'm working with the doctors and nurses
here to help sick peopie. I'm not a doctor but I can do a lot of things to help. For example, I help carry peopie who can't walk.
Sometimes I go to villages in the mobile hospital, too. There aren't many doctors here so they need help from peopie like
me. I don't get any money, but that's OK, l'm not here for the money.”
"I'm staying here for two months, and I'm living in a small house with five other volunteers. The work is hard and the days
are long, but I'm enjoying my life here. I'm learning a lot about life in Southern África and about myself! When I finish the two
months' work, I want to travel in and around Namibia for three weeks. For example, I want to see the animais in the
Okavango Delta in Botswana."
Read the fragment from the text.
“Some of them go to other countries and work as volunteers.” (lines 2 and 3)
What does the object pronoun them refer to?

A Schools and hospitais.

B People in general.

C Hospital volunteers.

D Young people.

E College students.

Inglês > Pronomes | Pronouns , Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension ,

12 Q816571
Pronome objetivo | Objective pronoun
Ano: 2017 Banca: Aeronáutica Órgão: EEAR Prova: Aeronáutica - 2017 - EEAR - Sargento da Aeronáutica - Aeronavegantes e Não-

Read the cartoon and answer question.

“It”, underlined in the text (third balloon), refers to:

A Character’s hat.

B Character’s headache.

C The doctor’s examine.

D The doctor’s medicine.

Inglês > Pronomes | Pronouns , Pronome possessivo adjetivo | Possessive adjective ,

13 Q815236
Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension
Ano: 2017 Banca: Aeronáutica Órgão: EEAR Prova: Aeronáutica - 2017 - EEAR - Sargento da Aeronáutica - Controle de Tráfego

“Their”, (line 7), underlined in the text, refers to

A powers.

B drones.

C numbers.

D surveillance and attack.

Inglês > Pronomes | Pronouns , Pronome possessivo adjetivo | Possessive adjective ,

14 Q773806 Pronome possessivo substantivo | Possessive pronoun Pronome subjetivo | Subjective pronoun ,
Pronome objetivo | Objective pronoun
Ano: 2016 Banca: Exército Órgão: EsFCEx Provas: Exército - 2016 - EsFCEx - Oficial - Conhecimentos Gerais ...

Choose the alternative that correctly completes the sentences according to the right use of pronouns. Dear friend, thanks
for _____email. It is so nice to hear from ______. Let _____tell you ______news, even though ______are much more interesting.

A your - you - me - my - yours

B yours - you - I - mine - your

C you - yours - my - his - they

D my - me - mine - my - you

E yours - I - I - mine - theirs

Inglês > Pronomes | Pronouns , Pronome possessivo substantivo | Possessive pronoun ,

15 Q754430
Pronome demonstrativo | Demonstrative pronoun Pronome subjetivo | Subjective pronoun
Ano: 2016 Banca: Aeronáutica Órgão: ITA Provas: Aeronáutica - 2016 - ITA - Aluno - Inglês ...

A tirinha a seguir mostra um diálogo entre duas pessoas, com a participação de um terceiro interlocutor. Analise-a e
responda a questão.
As palavras utilizadas como referentes aos aplicativos são

A that, mine, it.

B it, even, mine.

C that's, it, them.

D that, me, mine.

E them, that, it.

Inglês > Pronomes | Pronouns , Pronome possessivo adjetivo | Possessive adjective ,

16 Q745640
Pronome subjetivo | Subjective pronoun Pronome objetivo | Objective pronoun
Ano: 2015 Banca: Exército Órgão: EsPCEx Prova: Exército - 2015 - EsPCEx - Primeiro Tenente - Inglês (Para todos os cargos)

Choose the correct option to complete the text.

“Lily is worried about her boyfriend, Jamie. She calls _______ every day, but he doesn´t call _______. When she wants to talk
to Jamie, _______ always says he`s busy. She waits for _______ after work, but he`s usually with some friends. Jamie`s
friends don`t like Lily, and she doesn`t like _______. Lily says hello, but _______ won`t look at her. Now she knows that
Jamie doesn`t love _______. But she`s happy because she knows that _______ can find a new boyfriend.”

A him – her – she – he – they – they – her – she

B he – she – they – her – he – he – them – he

C him – her – he – him – them – they – her – she

D her – he – his – she – she – them – she – them

Inglês > Pronomes | Pronouns , Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension ,

17 Q719478
Pronome objetivo | Objective pronoun
Ano: 2015 Banca: IBFC Órgão: PM-MG Prova: IBFC - 2015 - PM-MG - Professor de Educação Básica - Língua Estrangeira Moderna -

In the sentence “They´ll let you take it home” The object pronoun “it” refers to:

A The boy.
B The Book.

C The library.

D The girl.

Inglês > Pronomes | Pronouns , Pronome possessivo adjetivo | Possessive adjective ,

18 Q679308
Pronome subjetivo | Subjective pronoun
Ano: 2015 Banca: Aeronáutica Órgão: EEAR Prova: Aeronáutica - 2015 - EEAR - Sargento da Aeronáutica - Controle de Tráfego Aéreo
(Turma 2)

Fill in the blanks with the correct options, respectively.

A They – They – Them – them

B They – Their – Them – their

C They – They – They – their

D They – They – They – them

Inglês > Pronomes | Pronouns , Pronome possessivo adjetivo | Possessive adjective ,

19 Q677010
Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects
Ano: 2015 Banca: Exército Órgão: IME Prova: Exército - 2015 - IME - Aluno - Português e Inglês



Ben & Jerry's asked his customers to invent their new varieties of ice cream flavors – the submitters of the best flavors were
given a trip to the Dominican Republic to see a sustainable fair trade cocoa farm. LG similarly used crowdsourcing to
develop a new mobile phone, for a reward of $20,000.

A his

B submitters

C given

D sustainable
E for

20 Q620734 Inglês > Pronomes | Pronouns , Pronome possessivo substantivo | Possessive pronoun
Ano: 2015 Banca: Aeronáutica Órgão: EEAR Prova: Aeronáutica - 2015 - EEAR - Sargento da Aeronáutica - Aeronavegantes e Não
Aeronavegantes (Turma 2)

Choose the alternative that best completes the dialogue below.

Mary: Whose pencil is that? Is it yours, Paul?
Paul: No, it’s not ____. I saw Susan using it. I think it’s ____.

A mine - him

B mine - hers

C my - hers

D my - her


11: D 12: A 13: B 14: A 15: A 16: C 17: B 18: C 19: A 20: B

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