02 Tutorial Vectors+Electrostatics

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PYL 101: Electromagnetics and Quantum Mechanics

Semester II, 2022-2023

Problem Set-2: Vector Analysis and Electrostatics
Mar 17, 2023

Q.1 Suppose the electric field in some region is found to be E = kr3 r̂ , in spherical coordinates (k is some
(a) Find the charge density ρ.
(b) Find the total charge contained in a sphere of radius R, centered at the origin.

Q.2 Verify the divergence theorem for the function

v = r2 cosθr̂ + r2 cosφθ̂ − r2 cosθsinφφ̂

for an octant of the sphere of radius R as shown in the figure. Make sure you include the entire surface.

Q.3 Sketch the vector function given by v = r̂/r2 . Calculate its divergence and explain your answer?

Q.4 REvaluate the following integrals:

(a) 2 (3x2 − 2x − 1)δ(x − 3)dx
(b) 0 cosxδ(x − π)dx
(c) R0 x3 δ(x + 1)dx
(d) ν (r4 + r2 (r.c) + c4 )δ 3 (r − c)dτ , where ν is a sphere of radius 6 about the origin, ~c = 5x̂ + 3ŷ + 2ẑ, and c is
its magnitude.
(e) J = ν e−r (∇. rr̂2 )dτ , (where ν is a sphere of radius r, centered at the origin) by two different methods.

Q.5 Show that

R dx (δ(x))
(a) x = −δ(x) [Hint: UseHintegration by parts.]
(b) ν [T ∇2 U + (∇T ).(∇U )]dτ = (T ∇U ).da [Hint: Let v = T ∇U in the divergence theorem.]

Q.6 A long cylinder (see figure) carries a charge density that is proportional to the distance from the axis:
ρ = ks , for some constant k. Find the electric field inside this cylinder.

Q.7 (a) A thick spherical shell carries charge density ρ = r 2 ; (a ≤ r ≤ b). Find the electric field in the
three regions: (i) r < a, (ii) a < r < b, (iii) r > b.

(b) Plot |E| as a function of r, for the case b = 2a.
(c) Find the potential at the center, using infinity as your reference point.

Q.8 Two infinite parallel planes carry equal but opposite uniform charge densities ±σ (Figure). Find the
field in each of the three regions: (i) to the left of both, (ii) between them, (iii) to the right of both.

Q.9 Two positive point charges, qA and qB (masses mA and mB ) are at rest, held together by a massless
string of length a. Now the string is cut, and the particles fly off in opposite directions. How fast is each one
going, when they are far apart?

Q.10 The electric potential in a certain region of space is given by

q e−ar
φ(r) =
4π0 r
where a is a constant and r is the position vector. Find the corresponding electric field E(r) and charge density

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