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Task 4 - let’s talk about obligations and needs in your job.

Full name
Leidy Yuliana Salazar Segura

Inglés ll

Group number

Tutor name
Liliana Del Lozano Zapata

Pasto, 2023.
Step 1: Practice pronunciation.

Screenshot that evidences your audio of Module 3. Exercise 11

in the forum.

Step 2: Video talking about obligations.

Screenshot that evidences your video in the forum.

Step 3: Participation in Student Talking Time (STT).

Screenshot that evidences your participation in Student Talking

time or in the Face to face practice.
Best regard
Tutor sent evidence that I connected to the SST class, we were
connected with some colleagues and the tutor did not arrive,
tomorrow, April 27, I will connect to another class and I will send the
evidence by mail.
Thank you.

Step 4: Self-evaluation.
Evidence of your self-evaluation

1. Did you read the guide step by step carefully?

a. Yes, I did it. I read this many times.
b. I read the guide but I didn´t take into account some steps.
c. I didn´t do a carefully reading.
d. I didn´t read this.

2. Did you record the audio with the course tool?

a. I did it with the course tool.
b. I did it but with other different tool.
c. I knew I had to do it like the guide indicated, but I didn´t present
d. I didn´t send this.

3. Did you record the video with the course tool?

a. I did the video with the course tool.
b. I did it but with other different tool.
c. I knew I had to do it like the guide indicated, but I didn´t present
d. I didn´t send this.

4. Did you studied the use of present perfect structure and you
practiced in the E-book?
a. I studied the structure and I practiced in the E-book.
b. I studied the structure but I didn´t practice in the E-book.
c. I didn´t study the structure and I neither practice in the E-book.
d. I didn´t know I had to study the structure.

5. How frequently did you practice the pronunciation of words

and phrases?
a. Every day.
b. Many times (More than five times)
c. A few times.
d. I didn´t practice.

6. Were you motivated to learn new vocabulary?

a. I always was motivated.
b. Sometimes.
c. I don´t like English but I practiced.
d. I didn´t study.

7. Did you attend two Student Talking Time?

a. Yes, I attended more than two Student Talking Times.
b. Yes, I attended only two Student Talking Times.
c. I was absent Student Talking Time, I only attended one of these.
d. I didn´t attend any Student Talking Time.

8. Do you consider you had to study more in the English

a. No, I was interested all the time and I belonged active in the
b. I studied English but this was not sufficient.
c. I had to be more active in the course.
d. I didn´t study much.

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