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Nowadays people take care about their appearance and image, but the number of people
taking care about themselves is increasing, for example going to a gym, or having a diet.
It doesn’t have to be a strict diet or go every day to the gym, you just can go for a walk,
change some ingredients of your meal, for example substitute fries for carrots, to have a
healthy life.

In generally a lot of people think that they have to eat less to lose weight and then they’ll be
healthy, that’s not correct although you will have a lower weight. One of the most common
symptoms of stop eating is the sensation of feeling dizzy and don’t have strength until you
turn to eat with normality, but that could be worse than you imagine and become in a
important illness, for instance bulimia, or another TCA. That’s why we have to take care
about our diets, as you can see, if you search in internet, there would be a lot of them, but
it’s important to talk with your doctor before doing a diet, especially if it’s gonna be a strict
diet, another idea it’s changing some food, as I said, fries for carrots, refreshments for water,

By the other hand, we have the exercise, this concept is fixed in going to a gym, and that’s
not the correct way to see it, you can do exercise in your home it doesn’t have to be in a gym
or you have to compete like some federated people that play that sport professionally. You
can just go for a walk, or put these dance programs in the TV, you can choose a lot of
activities to do. Maybe your just a gym person that prefer doing exercise with a friend, and
that’s a nice idea too.

For a long time obesity on children was a big problem, especially in EEUU, because
generally speaking, they don’t have a healthy life, and a lot of children and the population
there don’t usually practice sport, and their diet is famous for being rich in sugar and
calories, this fact has been a big problem for the country, because the health of the
population was decreasing and lot of people used to die from heart disease.
Luckily nowadays this problem is being solving but not solved yet.

I’m my personal opinion I think people have to know and be informed about what a healthy
life is, and be aware of all the problems that having an unhealthy life can bring to you.

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