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Does technology make life more convenient?

Technology has made life easier for us in many ways since its first
appearance, solving many problems and making our day-to-day situations
easier to handle, but at the same time it triggered other problems as a result of
it, which we have to resolve by moving away from this technology.

Technology is everywhere, such as cell phones, which most of the population

have one because they are lightweight, slim and touch-sensitive and that's
why this pieces of technology are so easy to use and handheld, or computers
with their metallic and rounded shapes, which are very important if you are in
any level of studies or work and also in the context that we are going through
that is the pandemic because thanks to the technology we were able to
continue with the activities we used to do, but in a remote way without the
need to put ourselves in risk,And Also making us closer to people without the
need to be physically there, so in this way we can say that communication is
much easier than in past times, it also keeps us up to date with news and
events that are happening now in our country and in the whole world because
having a technological device means to be connected with the world through

But not everything is so perfect because there are some drawbacks,

technology has caused problems due to its excessive use, creating
dependency in some people or through its applications inside of each device,
but the worst reason is people who use technology in an inappropriate way,
triggering diseases such as anxiety and depression,affecting their
victims,causing problems such as cyber bullying or harassment by networks.

That is why I truly believe that technology is good and helps us in many ways,
making life easier and more peaceful, but this will be the case depending on
the use we give it and knowing the possible problems that we can go through
if we use it wrong, and avoid hurting ourselves or others, that is why it’s so
important of being aware when we use technology so that it can help us in a
good way.

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