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Number Question

Put these in order of smallest size; Cell, DNA, Nucleus, Chromosome, Gene

Define sexual and asexual reproduction

Describe the similarities and differences between plant and animal cells

State the function of the following; Nucleus, Cytoplasm, Cell Membrane

Describe what happens during the 28 days of the menstrual cycle.

State the function of the following; Cell wall, chloroplast, vacuole

Name the four main parts of blood and state their function

Define photosynthesis and respiration. Write the equation for each.

Describe the path that food takes as it travels through your body

Describe the function of the following; stomach, small intestine, large intestine

Define producer, herbivore, carnivore and omnivore.

Describe the path of blood through the heart. (start with vena cava)
DNA Nucleus
Gene The control centre of the cell
1 Chromosome Contains DNA
Cell 4 Cytoplasm
Site of chemical reactions
cell membrane
controls what goes in and out of
the cell.
Asexual is the formation of living

2 things from one parent only.

Sexual reproduction involves
Days 1-5
The lining breaks down and is released
the formation of living things
Days 6 - 13
from two parents
5 The lining begins to grow again
Day 14
An egg is released (ovulation)
Days 15 - 28
The lining stays in place
both contain; the nucleus,
Cell wall
cytoplasm and cell membrane.
Gives strength to the cell

3 Differences
Plant cells contain;

chloroplasts, vacuoles and a cell 6 Site of photosynthesis

Gives strength to the cell
Red blood cells stomach
Carry oxygen breaks down food using
White blood cells hydrochloric acid
7 Fight infection
Platelets 10 small intestine
absorbs nutrients from food
Blood clotting into the bloodstream
Plasma large intestine
Transports food etc absorbs excess water

Photosynthesis is the process a living organism that can make
of making glucose using the its own food
8 sun's energy
respiration is the process of 11 Herbivore
eats only plants
releasing energy from glucose carnivore
using oxygen eats only meat
eats both plants and animals
mouth ->
oesophagus -> vena cava -> Right atrium ->
stomach ->
9 small intestine ->
Right ventricle ->
pulmonary artery-> lungs
Large intestine -> -> pulmonary vein ->
Rectum left atrium -> left ventricle
-> Aorta

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