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Bullying is a very bad action

Bullying (known in Indonesian as "oppression/risak") is any form of oppression or

violence that is carried out intentionally by one person or group of people who are
stronger or more powerful towards another person, with the aim of causing harm
and is carried out continuously.

Cases of bullying do not only occur at the junior and senior high school levels, but
elementary schools are also included in this case. Where the perpetrator often
ridiculed his classmates so that the victim wanted to quit school, stay away from
social relationships, often daydream (depressed), and even commit suicide. This can
be proven from research conducted by Nauli in 2017 which stated that on July 15,
2005 a 13-year-old elementary school student committed suicide because he felt
ashamed and frustrated due to being ridiculed.

Other data based on a survey conducted by Borba found that children aged 9 to 13
years admitted to bullying. A survey conducted at one of the elementary schools in
Pekanbaru City showed that 6 out of 10 students had bullied their friends verbally or
physically. This shows the high cases of bullying at school age.

Factors for the occurrence of this bullying include, namely differences in class
(seniority), economy, religion, gender, families not getting along, the school situation
is not harmonious, differences in individual or group characters, there is
grudge/jealousy, there is a passion to control the victim with physical strength, and
increase the actor's popularity in the circle of his peers.

Forms of bullying that occur in schools can be in the form of: first, verbal. Where
violence is done in the form of ridicule, insults, insults, reproaches, slander. Second,
physical. Where the violence perpetrated relates to a person's body which can be
in the form of punches, spitting, slaps, kicks. Third, relational. Where violence occurs
because of the emergence of certain groups that oppose other groups or
individuals until there is exclusion.

With quite a worrying impact on victims of bullying, prevention is needed as soon as

possible. Based on article 54 of Law Number 35 of 2014, "Children within and within
the education unit are required to receive protection from acts of physical,
psychological violence, sexual crimes, and other crimes committed by educators,
education staff, fellow students, and/or other parties. other."

This Artikel explain about Bullying, Many people who are often insulted commit
suicide, so it is advised that no one bullies friends or anyone else.

My comment
in my own opinion this article is very good, so they know that bullying has a bad

Bullying prevention that can be done

1. Building Children's Character

The first step you can take is to build a child's character. This is because usually
children who are the object of bullying tend to have characters who are shy,
introverted, and not good at socializing.

Therefore, parents must teach their children how to socialize so that they can get
along and adapt well in a new environment. To start with this, you can invite your
child to take a walk around the complex so that he can meet his peers and
establish good friendships.

When this character has been formed from a young age, the possibility of getting
bullied will be even smaller.

2. Teach an Open Attitude to Children

Usually, victims of bullying tend not to have the courage to tell the truth when they
have experienced bullying both physically and mentally. They usually tend to keep it
to themselves to the risk of experiencing depression.

As a parent, of course you don't want your child to experience a worse impact due
to bullying behavior. Therefore, it is very important to teach openness to children
from an early age. Emphasize to him that an open attitude will make children get
full support from parents and teachers, so that children don't have to worry about
the impact of bullying that occurs.

3. Establish Friendship

Sometimes, bullying behavior in early childhood can occur because they do not
understand how to make friends or establish more intense friendships. In this case,
parents can teach their children about strategies for socializing and making friends
with their peers.

When children have strong intensity and cohesion in their friendships, the potential
for bullying to occur can be suppressed. Even when bullying occurs, of course the
child will get more support from his friends.

In an effort to make new friends, you can direct your child to join positive and
popular activity groups. For example, like art, sports, or other fields that are in
accordance with children's favorites.

4. Teach Children How to Take Care of themselves

You need to make sure that your child can take care of himself, especially when
hanging out with his friends. Apart from that, you also have to make sure that your
child is able to maintain healthy food, sleep for sufficient duration, and maintain
their health when you are not with them.

When the child is able to take care of himself, then you don't need to worry too
much when the child is out of reach. This is because, a child's habit of taking good
care of himself can be a reflection of the response he will make when he gets
bullying behavior.

6. Teach Children to Be Courageous

In making friends, of course, there must be certain moral boundaries that must be
obeyed by children. This is so that children can respect others. But when these
limits are violated by other people and even tend to harm the child, then at that
moment, he must be able to be brave.

Being brave will also reduce the risk of bullying or bullying of children. However, if
this is not enough to prevent bullying behavior, then asking for help from teachers
and parents is the most appropriate way to do it.

That's the way to prevent bullying in early childhood. In practice, the role of parents
is needed to be on the side of the child, so they can apply it better.

My comment
This article has good content but the writing of this article is not good


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