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Pakistan International School Jubail

Subject: Studies in Islam

Grade: 7th (Boys & Girls)
Objective Work Sheet

A. Fill in the missing words.

i. When the month of Ramadan begins, the gates of Mercy are opened, the gates of Hell are
locked and the devils are shut.
ii. Lailatul-Qadr is one of the last ten odd nights of the holy month of Ramadan.
iii. Zakat ul Fitr is obligatory on every Muslim who possess more than he need.
iv. In Paradise there is a gate called the Rayyan through which only the fasters would enter on
the day of resurrection.
v. Fasting is only obligatory on Believers.
vi. The first Revelation of the holy Quran began on the month of Ramadan or thirteen years
before al Hijrah.
vii. The Holy Quran is the book of Hidayah.
viii. The great battle of Badr took place on 17 Ramadan, 2 H.
ix. There are two blessings which most people misuse Health and Leisure.
x. Nuaim ibn Abdullah (R.A) belonged to Hazrat Umar (R.A) tribe.
xi. Hazrat Umar (R.A) beat Saeed ibn Zaid, husband of Fatima (R.A).
xii. The most outstanding qualities of Hazrat Umar (R.A) were his Simplicity and Courtesy.
xiii. Prophet NUH (A.S) was noble, kind-hearted and trust worthy.
xiv. There is no interval between Allah (S.W.T) command and its accomplishment.
xv. The miraculous birth Prophet Isa (A.S) was only a sign of Allah’s Power.
xvi. Hazrat Aishah (R.A) is known as the mother of all believers.
xvii. Hazrat Aishah (R.A) was accused of zina which was proven to be false in Holy Quran.
xviii. Man and women is Islam has equal rights but duties are different.
xix. The Holy Quran has 114 surahs and the first surah is surah Fatihah.
xx. Islam requires men and women to behave modestly and decently towards one another.
xxi. Saher must be taken before Fajr Azan.
xxii. The story of Hazrat Nuh (A.S) and flood is often referred to in the Holy Quran.
xxiii. Allah himself is the guardian of the Holy Quran.
xxiv. Before Islam Hazrat Umar (R.A) was one of the greatest enemies of Islam.
xxv. Fatima (R.A) was reciting Surah Taha when Umar (R.A) entered her house.
xxvi. Hazrat Nuaim ibn Abdullah (R.A) stopped Hazrat Umar (R.A) to see what his intention was.
xxvii. Makkans army was consisting of about 1000 armoured soldiers.
xxviii. Hazrat Aisha (R.A) reported 2210 Ahadith.
xxix. Injeel was the book revealed to Hazrat Isa (A.S).
xxx. There are eight people who are entitled to receive Zakat-Ul-Fitr.
B. Mark F for false & T for true statements.
i. Allah Himself is the guardian of the Holy Book Quran. True
ii. The battle of Badr took place in 4H. False
iii. The Jews were friendly to the Muslim. False
iv. The Quran is the Holy Book in the world. True
v. Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and His companions migrated to Makkah. False
vi. Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A) was the one of the greatest enemy of the Islam before accepting
Islam. True
vii. Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬first wife was Hazrat Khadijah Bint Khuwaylid. True
viii. Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa (R.A) was died in the night of 17 Ramadan 68 H. False
ix. After the marriage ceremony Hazrat Aishah Siddiqa (R.A) continued to live in her father’s
house for 4 years. False
x. The battle of Badr is one of the great events of Islamic history. True
xi. The story of Nuh (A.S) and the flood is not mentioned in the Holy Quran. False
xii. Sawm (Fasting) is obligatory on every adult believer. True
xiii. Hazrat Isa (A.S) was born without a human father. True
xiv. The Holy Quran contains 115 surahs. False
xv. Imran (Father of Hazrat Maryam) descended from the family of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S). False
xvi. There are eight people who are entitled to receive Zakat Ul Fitr. True
xvii. Those who followed Hazrat Nuh (A.S) were from the lowest classes of their society. True
xviii. The search for knowledge is duty of every Muslim. True
xix. It is right to be sad on the birth of baby girl in Islam. False
xx. Hazrat Khadija (R.A) died in Ramadan 10 Nabwi, 619 A.D. True
C. Match the columns.
S# Column A Column B
01 Sawm fasting is the forth pillar of Islam.

02 Every act of a man is for him except fasting.

03 The Holy Quran was revealed in Laila-tul-qadr.

04 Reward of passing Laila-tul-qadr is forgiveness of past sins.

05 Zakat Ul Fitr is an obligation on every Muslim who possess more than he needs.

06 Approach the Holy Quran with a strong Faith.

07 The miraculous birth of Prophet Isa (A.S) was a sign of Allah's power.

08 Children are the gift of Allah (S.W.T).

09 The holy Quran is the most sacred book in the world.

10 Before Umar (R.A) was one of the greatest enemy of Islam.


11 The search of knowledge is a duty of every Muslim.

12 Laila-tul-qadr is one of the odd night of Ramadan.

13 Hazrat A Ishah (R.A) is one of the mothers of all believers.

14 The great battle of Badr took place in 17 Ramadan, 2H.

15 The Holy Quran is in its same form as it was at the time of prophet Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬

16 Prophet Nuh (A.S) was a noble and kind-hearted person.

17 The holy Quran is protected by Allah from all corruptions.


18 Laila-tul-qadr is also known as the night of power.

19 There are eight people who are entitled to receive Zakat Ul Fitr.

20 The fast should be broken immediately after sunset.

D. Choose the best answer.

i. Fasting
asting is __________ pillar of Islam.
a) Second (b)Fourth (c)Third (d)First
ii. _____ is the pre-dawn
dawn meal taken in Ramadan.
a) Iftar (b) Breakfast (c) Saher (d)Lunch
iii. Worshipping Allah in the Night of Laila-tul-Qadr is more valuable than worshipping Him a
_______ months.
a) 100 (b) 1000 (c) 100’000 (d) 1’000’000
iv. Laila-tul-Qadr
Qadr is one of the last __ nights of Ramadan.
a) Ten (b) Fifteen (c) Twenty (d) Five
v. ______ should be taken as near the break of dawn as possible.
a) Iftar (b) Breakfast (c) Dinner (d) Saher
vi. In Paradise, There is a gate called the ________ through
hrough which only the faster would enter on
the day of Resurrection”.
a) Ahmed (b) Jannah (c) Rayyan (d) Saum
vii. __________ means the purifying dues given on ending the fasts of Ramadan.
a) Zakat-ul-Fitr (b) Salah (c) Goat Slaughtering (d) Fasting
viii. Zakat-ul-Fitr should better be paid a couple of days before _____.
a) Ramadan (b) Muharram (c) Eid-ul-Adha (d) Eid-ul-Fitr
ix. There are _______ categories of people entitled to receive Zakat-ul-Fitr.
a) Three (b) Five (c) Eight (d) 100
x. ___________ is a festival of alms-giving.
a) Eid-ul-Adha (b) Eid-ul-Fitr (c) Ramadan (d) Muharram
xi. The ________ is the heart of Quran.
a) Surah Fatihah (b) Surah Yasin (c) Surah Rehman (d) Surah Falaq
xii. The Revelation of the Quran began in the month of _______.
a) Shaban (b) Muharram (c) Zul Hajj (d) Ramadan
xiii. The Battle of Badr took place on ___ Ramadan, 2H/ March 624 AD.
a) 12th (b) 17th (c) 15th (d) 30th
xiv. Prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬set out of Madinah on the ____ day of Ramadan in 2H.
a) 1st (b) 10th (c) 12th (d) 17th
xv. The ______had already taken up their position on the firm clay soil.
a) Bani Israel (b) Muslims (c) Caravan (d) Quraish
xvi. Hazrat Fatima (RA) and her Husband Saeed bin Zaid (R.A) were reciting a portion of Surah:
ٓ ٓ ٓ
a) ‫ﻃﻪ‬ (b) ‫ق‬ (c) ‫ص‬ (d) ‫س‬
xvii. ______ ___ (R.A) became Khalifah in 13H/634 AD after Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA).
a) Hazrat Umar (b) Hazrat Usman (c) Hazrat Hasan (d) Hazrat Ali
xviii. Prophet Nuh’s People worshipped ______ different gods.
a) Five (b) Fifty (c) Sixty (d) Three
xix. The rich and wealthy Rejected Nuh’s Message because he (A.S) was ____________.
a) Child (b) Poor (c) Old (d) Young
xx. Prophet ______ (AS) was the last prominent Prophet sent to Bani Israel.
a) Nuh (b)Dawood (c) Isa (d) Ibrahim
xxi. Hazrat _______ (A.S) was the mother of Hazrat Isa (AS).
a) Fatima (b) Ayesha (c) Khadija (d) Maryam
xxii. The Prophet Muhammad’s first wife was Hazrat __________(R.A).
a) Zainab (b) Khadija (c) Ayesha (d) Maryam
xxiii. Hazrat Aisha’s father was Hazrat _________.
a) Abu bakr (R.A) (b) Umar (R.A) (c) Nuh (A.S) (d) Isa (A.S)
xxiv. People before the arrival of The Prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬used to feel very ________ if a girl
was born into their family.
a) Happy (b) Angry (c) Unhappy (d) Excited
xxv. “The Search of _________ is a duty of every Muslim.’’
a) Gold (b) Knowledge (c) Wealth (d) Job

Islamic Studies Department

Pakistan International School Jubail

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