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Pakistan International School Jubail

Subject: Studies in Islam

Grade: 7/B1
UNIT 35: Women in Islam
Find answers to the following questions:

Q. 01: Is it wise to feel sorry on the birth of a baby girl in the family? Why?

Ans: No, it is not wise to feel sorry on the birth of a baby girl because our creator is Allah. He
creates whatever He will. Allah has created us in pairs and man and woman are equally important.

Q. 02: What picture has the Holy Quran draw of people who become s sad on the birth of
a baby girl?
Ans: The Holy Quran draws a picture of those who become sad on the birth of a baby girl, by
saying, "and when any of them is given the good news of the birth of a girl, his face darkens and he
chokes inwardly, as he hides himself from people for Shame at the news.

Q. 03: Man and woman are equally important? Explain?

Ans: Man and woman are equally important in an important in a Society. Due to several physical
differences between two, they have different / important roles to play in the society.

Q. 04: Who is superior? Man or woman?

Ans: It is idle to debate who is superior man or woman. In fact, woman is not the same as man, she
is different. In Islam both have same rights but duties are different. Just like man, woman has right
to own the property, can rum abusive, of her own, has a right of inheritance in the property of her
father and husband.

Q. 05: How does woman’s role in society, according to Islam, differ from man?

Ans: Islam has given man and woman different roles in life. Traditionally, Woman’s place has been
home but maintenance of the family in a Muslim society is the responsibility of a man.

Q. 06: The search of the knowledge the duty of every Muslim. What was the effect of this
Hadith on Muslim women's education?

Ans: As the result of this many women become famous Scholars, writers, doctors and teacher.
Hazrat Aisha (R. A) was one of the most reliable sources of Sahih-al- Bukhari, Shuhda-Bint-alIbari
used to lecture Publicly in one of the universities of Baghdad.
Q. 07: What was the condition of women in west until about the twentieth century?

Ans: In Britain. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, women have no legal rights, they could
not sign a contract, nor they could own the property. Any property owns by them, become their
husbands on the marriage. Until 1948, renowned universities refused to give women any degree.

Q. 08: What kind of a dress should a Muslim woman wear?

Ans: A Muslim woman. should cover her head, bosom and neck completely so that nothing of
them is seen. When she goes out should wear a dress which will conceal all parts of her body.
Dresses should be loose and not reveal the shape of the body.

Q. 09: What type of dress is sinful for a Muslim woman?

Ans: It is Sinful for a woman to wear almost skin-tight clothes, mini dress, micro dress, see through
and all sort of topless garments designed to display the intimate parts of the body.

Q. 10: What does Islam say about marriage?

Ans: Islam considers happy family life as the foundation ok a healthy society. Quran encourages
Muslims to marry.

Q. 11: Can a Muslim girl be a married off without obtaining her consent?

Ans: A Muslim girl cannot be forced to marry without her consent. It is reported that once a girl
complained to Prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬about her marriage against her desire. The prophet
Muhammad ordered that she was free to have her marriage dissolve if she desired.

Q. 12: What is Mehr? What is its importance in Islam?

Ans: Mehr is a gift from bride groom to the bride at the time of marriage. It cannot be fixed and it
can be anything. Islam requires the bridegroom to give her a which dowry maybe any agreed value
and it becomes entirely hers.

Islamic Studies Department

Pakistan International School Jubail

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