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Sat Paul Mittal School,Ludhiana


I) Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:

1) I do not understand why he has suddenly turned _____me.

2) She soon got ____ her anxiety.
3) In anger he told the man to get ____ of his house.
4) The policeman ran ______ the thief and at last caught him.
5) Shikha called _____ more food in a loud voice.
6) When the fog got thicker,the search was called_____.
7) Deepa’s statement is no proof _____ accusation on her.
8) Shalu had good cause ____ compliant as she was innocent.
9) The three sisters could not agree _____ themselves.
10) Robert was entrusted ___ the job of preparing the draft of the project.
11) Though he is sick , he will pull____.
12) He was pulled _____ for his slovenliness.
13) Mr Khanna’s creditors became impatient ____ payment.
14) Fleeing villagers were hunted___ by the army helicopters.
15) Leonard acted ____ his part so perfectly that all cheered aloud.
16) Can’t students act _______the instructions given in the paper?
17) We shall descend ____the heights of the sky scrapers with the help of the
18) The Government came ____ heavily on hoarders during the natural calamity .
19) Can we enter ___ a valid pass?
20) The company of a good friend has brought ___ a great change in him.
21) Let’s not argue ____such a foolish matter.
22) Can you cure me of ______ this ailment?
23) Hehas given us the job _____sorting out these books.
24) She was quick ____ realise that something was amiss.
25) We are astonished ____ what he told us.
26) The audience showed their approval ___ his speech by prolonged appluse.
27) He fell a victim ____ his own greed.
28) Printed ____ the poster in large, broad letters was the word “wanted.”
29) The rain poured _____ from a hole in the roof.
30) We must refrain ____ stealing.
31) He jumped ___ the rive to evade his enemy.
32) He took a long time to recover _____ his illness .

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