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Lessons Learned

By: J.M. Wilson

I used to live in the jungle. It was a beautiful place. The trees stretched as far as I could
see. All we needed was in front of us. Most of my days were spent playing with my friends. I
learned many things. My mother taught me how to find the best food. My father taught me how
to listen and watch for jungle cats, hippos, and other dangerous things. My friends and cousins
taught me how to climb and have fun. I was happy.

That all changed when they came. I don’t know why they attacked us. We had never
harmed anyone and rarely saw others. I watched as my father was murdered trying to protect us.
They shot him when he tried to keep them from getting at my mother and me. My mother roared
at my father’s murderers, but she did not fight them. She just grabbed me and ran. We were
going faster than I had ever seen her move before. But it wasn’t fast enough. I did not know why
she had stopped. She sat me down and I saw the blood. I grabbed her and cried. I begged her to
get up and be ok. She would not.

I saw others running and tried to catch them. They were too fast. I don’t think they even
noticed me. I hid for a long time. I was scared, hungry, and cold. It was summer but I was chilled
to the bone.

The next day I went home. It was an empty place. No one was there. I went to the spot
my mother fell. Her body was gone but the ground was still dark from her blood. I laid there for
hours trying to feel her, smell her, anything, to be closer. She was gone. Nothing left but the dark
spot in the dirt.

I left that day and have never been back. It was not my home anymore. My home was
taken away by men with guns. I wandered the jungle for a long time. The hungrier I got the more
lost I became. I traveled farther than I ever had before. I was lost and so scared.

Then the man came; he was tall and skinny. I was afraid of him. Did he come with the
others? Would he try to hurt me? He was not like them though. The man smiled and offered me
food. My fear gave to hunger. The food tasted so good after being so hungry. I stayed with him
until I was better. The man said I was too young to stay on my own so I live with him now.

The place the man took me to was nothing like I had seen before. Giant buildings of glass
stretched into the sky! They were taller than the trees of my old home. I wanted to climb to the
top of everything. I learned that this was not allowed. I tried to explain that I just wanted to see
and play. The man told me this was not the way here. I don’t climb as much anymore because the
man says so.

There was so much to learn in this new world. The man was kind and taught me. One day
he took me to the park. I was so excited to find someplace like home. The trees and grass were
different but the same. I started to play my old games but the man told me I could not. He took
me to a playground and said I must play the way the children here do. I had fun playing with
them but I missed my old games. I play this way now because the man says this is better.

I learned that even eating is different here. At home, we used to eat together with all the
food piled up. My manners were just fine in my old family but here they were no good. I learned
to use a fork because the man says I should.

All those I lived with before, from young to old looked after one another. I could play
with anyone. It did not matter if we had ever met before. Here though it is different. I learned
that you can only play with those you know. I do not understand because we all live in this place.
Why can’t we all play? Now I only play with those I know because the man says so.

There were many more lessons. The way I did things before I could not do here. I have
been taught how to do things correctly now. I learn all the lessons because the man says I must.

The place I live now is nice, but I still miss my home. I miss playing my old games and
climbing. I have learned new games and can even climb in some places. I do not know if I will
ever stop missing my old life. The man tells me I have a good life and I should be happy. I
should be happy.

I must be happy because the man in the yellow hat says so.

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