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Movie facts

1.- What were the 3 top brands of tennis shoes they mention in the
movie? Nike, adidas and converse
2.- How was the amount of monney CEO from nike “phill”
autorized for that year to give to 3 players?
3.- Where is the brand of tennis shoes “adidas” from?
4.- What does “just do it” means?
5.- In what year the movie is talking place?
6.- Describe 5 adjectives Sonny and Phill.
7.- What was the brand of tennis shoes and sports clothes M. Jordan
liked the most at the begining of the movie?
8.- What is the name of nike CEO in the movie?
9.- Where is Michael Jordan from?
North Carolina
10.-Where is the nike company located at the particular time of the
11.- Where is the name of the university where M. Jordan used top
lay before singing to NBA?
12.- Which NBA team signed M. Jordan after playing for his collage
team? Chicago Bulls
13.- Name 3 famous basketball players from NBA mentioned in the
14.- How did the advertising comercial inspired Sonny choose
Michael Jordan?
15.- What did Sonny discovered in a video from M. J.?

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