Trust Meaning Document - 2022-08!01!193955

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‘Apr251808:26p Devine 641-622-2646 ps ‘TRUSTOR: The grantor, creator, maker, or Settlor of a trust. Trust patent to Indians. See restricted allotment. SETTLOR: The creator of a trust. One who has conveyed or transferred property to anotier Soho fete hold the same astrusce forthe benefit ofa third person or persons. The person who peishes the consideration for the trust, even though in form the trust is created by another person, as where a decedent by paying a quid pro quo has caused another person to make 8 Pensfcr of property with enjoyment sabject to change by the exercise of such power by the decedent. Lyman v Commissioner (CA2 NY) 109 F2¢ 99. RESTRICTED ALLOTMENT: Conditions imposed in the allotment of tribal lands to individuals, perticularly conditions against alienation by the allotee, intended to safeguard and onserve the property for the Indians. United States v Ramsey, 271 US 467, 470, 70 1, Fa 1039, 1041, 46 S Ct 559.

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