Lutoslawski Dance Preludes

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WARMIMG: che photocopying of any pes of this publication is ilIegat. If cOpies are
made in breach of copyrighc, the Publishers will where possible, sue for des.
Every illeg copy means a lost sale. Losc sales lead co shorter print runs and rising
prices. Soon the music goes out Of print, and mOre fine works are lost frOm the

cHEsTE Mvsc
J. & W. Chester / Edition Wilhelm Hnsn LDndOn Ltd.
Eae Court, LDndon EC1M 5QD.
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l rits assied in 0ctober 1972 to & Chester/EditiOn Wilh3!m

Hansen London Ltd, w1'th the exception of Poland, bania, Bulgaria,
Chinese People's Republic, Democratic Republic Of Germany, YugOslavia,
Cuba, Korea, Vietnam, Rumania, CzechoslovaJcia, Hungar , Uni On Of the ' C W' S
Soviet Socialist Republics, where the copyright ( l 956 is heId by PWM
Edition Cracow, assi e to Zaiks, Warsaw.

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