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Nombre: Juan Miguel Chica, Isabella Correa, María Paulina

Oquendo, Juan Esteban Suaza

Once upon a time, there was a warrior called Marte, this warrior was
very strong and all the enemies feared him, this warrior fought them with
a shield, a helmet and a sword, but also has a spear that moved when a
war was approaching. Marte has a wife that called Juno was also woman
warrior, for that reason the romans considered Marte and Juno as divine

One day, an enemy arrived but the spear of Marte did not predicted, for
that reason, the enemies attached every Rome and Juno died with his son
who was 3 months, this angered Marte and he vowed revenge.

Marte fled from Rome with his shield, a helmet and a sword and left his
spear so his enemies know about his arrival.

He was with Jupiter the God of gods, for this reason is a stronger god,
Marte asked him if you can train it, and Jupiter accepted, but with a
condition, Marte will be indebted to him if he succeeds in defeating his

The first month Jupiter give him a vest a Marte him vest weighed 1
planet, and Jupiter creates a tornado that chased him for a month. Marte
after the month asked question to Jupiter “How will this help me?” and
Jupiter immediately removed the vest to Marte and return to create a
tornado that chased him for a day, but this day Marte ran very speed and
the tornado never reach it.

The second month Jupiter gave him a planet to Marte and he said that
Marte must make a 2000 push-ups and pull-ups, in one month, Marte see
this impossible but Jupiter left. Marte managed to make 2000 push-ups
and 1000 pull-ups with the planet on top and although was unable to
finish them, Jupiter accepted and let it rest one day. This training hard
was around two long years, making Marte a warrior very strong and fast,
and at the end, Jupiter said him a Marte “are you ready for fight”.

Marte was a Roma ready for fight, has a shield, a helmet, a sword and a
armor that Jupiter gift a Marte, While Marte walked the spear tremble,
and the enemy was prepared. In the distance Marte see a warrior very big
and stronger this warrior ran to Marte and Marte await your arrival whit
patience and whit 1 punch Marte throw to the ground the enemy and so it
stared the fight. This fight har 2 months and it looked that never finish,
but in a moment to fight Marte hitting the enemy and broke his helmet,
and see your face and discovered that it was his son and Marte was
paralyzed and stop fighiting and whit tears in your eyes Marte embraced
his son, and this moment the warrior understood that it was his father
and the fight end.

Marte talked with your son and I explain everything that happened, and
you son explain that the enemies trained him for kill. Then to talk whit
you son stared ran a roma for defeat your enemies and then they fought
for 1 year Marte whit your son wined and stared a build a new roma.

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