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San Francisco St. Butuan City 8600, Region XIII

Caraga, Philippines
Nursing Program

Name: Trixy Mae F. Hortillano

Section: BSN2- N25
Date: April 4, 2022
Activity: Cooking Demonstration
Title/Topic: Easy Utan Bisaya (Law-Uy) Recipe
Utan bisaya is a simple Filipino vegetable soup or dish made up of a variety of
vegetables. Water is used to cook the veggies, and fish is occasionally added. It resembles other
Philippine regional dishes such as dinengdeng or inabraw (Ilocos region), bulanglang
(CALABARZON), and laswa (Malaysia) ( Western Visayas). This recipe may appear simple, yet it
is loaded with vitamins and nutrients that can help us stay healthy (as long as you limit your
rice intake)

Recipe’s Ingredients:

• 2 thumbs ginger crushed

• 3 stalks green onions sliced
• 1 cup malunggay leaves
• 2 slices fish fillet
• 1 ½ cups spinach
• 1 handful lemongrass
• 2 red bell pepper
• 2 cups water
• 1 pinch magic sarap to taste
• Salt to taste
• 2 sliced tomato

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 25 minutes
Total Time: 35 minutes
1. Bring the water to boil.
2. Add the ginger, lemon grass, bell pepper and tomato. Continue to boil for 5 minutes
3. Stir and add the fish. Cover and cook for 10 minutes.
4. Add the green onions, malunggay leaves and spinach. Cover and cook for 3 to 5
minutes. Add some salt and magic sarap to taste.
5. Transfer to a serving bowl. Serve.
6. Share and enjoy!
Utan Bisaya is packed with many vitamins and healthy nutrients that can boost your
health but make sure you limit your rice intake.
In my recipe this is the ingredients used and its benefits to our health to maintain healthy
lifestyle and also have a longer life.
1. Alugbati leaves- Eating alugbati leaves provides fiber which helps to prevents
constipation and might reduce diabetes and heart failure problems.
2. Lemongrass- high in potassium, and helps to increase the production of urine in the
body. This, in turn, lowers blood pressure and boosts circulation. According to a study
published in the Medical Forum Monthly, lemongrass is effective in decreasing blood
3. Malunggay- the number one benefits of malunggay is to lower your blood sugar levels.
Effective also to treat diabetes.
4. Tomatoes- major source for antioxidant – lycopene which is purely good for the heart.
5. Ginger- appears to lower blood pressure by acting as a natural calcium channel blocker
and dilating the blood vessels.
6. Green onions- contain antioxidants and compounds that fight inflammation, decrease
triglycerides and reduce cholesterol levels – all of which may lower heart disease risk.
Their potent anti-inflammatory properties may also help reduce high blood pressure
and protect against blood clots.
7. Bell peppers- Studies have revealed that all types of bell pepper inhibit an enzyme
called ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme). Such an inhibition prevents the production
of angiotensin II, a substance that causes narrowing of the arteries and blood vessels
which increases blood pressure. Inhibition of ACE by bell pepper results in widening and
relaxation of the arteries and blood vessels and thus it helps in lowering blood pressure.
8. Condiments- helps to give taste to the food.

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