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Construction and Building Materials 291 (2021) 123363

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Carbon sequestration in cementitious composites using biochar and fly

ash – Effect on mechanical and durability properties
Souradeep Gupta, Alireza Kashani, Aziz Hasan Mahmood, Tianhao Han
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Oval Ln, Kingsford, NSW 2032, Australia

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

 Biochar enhances carbon

sequestration through mineralization
in cementitious mixes.
 Higher strength than control is
maintained in biochar-added mortar
after carbonation.
 Chemical contaminants in biochar
can increase drying shrinkage.
 Biochar addition to fly ash-mix
reduces water absorption and
chemical shrinkage due to

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A possible reduction in high CO2 emission associated with cement production can be achieved by seques-
Received 26 January 2021 tering CO2 as carbonate mineral in hydrated cement matrix. This study aims to investigate application of
Received in revised form 8 April 2021 biochar and its combination with fly ash to improve CO2 uptake and carbonate mineralization in cement
Accepted 12 April 2021
mortar. Effect of fly ash and biochar, from waste peanut shell, on carbonate mineralization, strength, per-
Available online 3 May 2021
meability and shrinkage of mortar are investigated. Experimental findings show that combination of bio-
char and fly ash, used to replace 23% of cement by mass, enhances carbon sequestration through
mineralization by 7–13 % (by weight of cement) than control. Biochar addition at 3% contributes to higher
carbon sequestration than plain mortar, while improving strength and reducing capillary water absorp-
Cement tion. Although relatively high content of sodium (42%) and potassium (8%) in the produced biochar lead
Shrinkage to 39% higher drying shrinkage than control, addition of biochar reduces the chemical shrinkage associ-
Carbon sequestration ated with only carbonation reaction by 30–60%. 23–25% of carbonation shrinkage in biochar-mortar can
be recovered through 4–7 days of rewetting. Overall, the research suggests a strong possibility of devel-
oping low carbon building materials using biochar as supplementary admixture, while offering improved
mechanical and durability performance.
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction (for example, limestone) at high temperature to produce clinker,

leading to release of carbon dioxide (CO2) to the environment.
Cement consumption has increased significantly in the last cen- CO2 released during cement manufacturing contributes to 5–7%
tury with rapid rise in urbanization and increase in built-up areas. of global anthropogenic CO2 emission depending on boundary con-
Cement manufacturing involves calcination of carbonate minerals ditions [1,2]. Therefore, strategies to mitigate net CO2 emission
0950-0618/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Gupta, A. Kashani, Aziz Hasan Mahmood et al. Construction and Building Materials 291 (2021) 123363

associated with production of cement and concrete must be con- its surface and high micro-pore surface area [13–15]. Gupta et al.
sidered for sustainability of this industry in long term. [16] and Dixit et al. [17] found that addition of biochar to cement
Accelerated carbonation curing (ACC) is a potential way to mortar generate more hydration products, that may increase the
reduce net emission by capturing CO2 and storing it in mineral carbonate mineralization sites in biochar-cementitious compos-
form (carbonates) in the cementitious matrix. Portland cement- ites. Similar findings were reported by Wang et al. [18] – addition
based materials present a viable means of capturing and sequester- of 2% wood biochar led to slight increase in total hydration, evident
ing carbon dioxide emitted from different industrial sources from higher heat of hydration after 48 h from mixing. The micro-
through ACC [3]. ACC involves exposing cementitious building porous channels in biochar may also provide the diffusion pathway
materials to relatively high level of CO2 (up to 20%), which reacts for CO2 into the cementitious matrix, thus increasing rate of car-
with unhydrated components (i.e. calcium disilicate and calcium bonation during ACC. Biochar has been extensively explored as
trisilicate) and hydration products leading to formation of stable supplementary cementitious admixture by several researchers,
carbonates in the matrix [4]. Carbonation initiates with dissolution and findings suggest that addition of biochar at 1–5% by weight
of CO2 in the pore solution resulting in formation of carbonic acid of cement can lead to improvement in compressive strength and
and reduced pH of the pore solution. Hydration products including durability [16,19,20].
calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2), commonly referred to as ‘‘CH”) and Addition of biochar has substantial environmental benefits. The
calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H) react with carbonic acid to form carbon ‘‘locked in” the chemical structure of biomass is seques-
calcium carbonate [5]. The reaction pathways are shown in Eqs. tered in the produced biochar during pyrolysis, which otherwise
(1)–(3). Although diffusion of CO2 is high in gas-filled pores, mois- would be released to the environment during incineration or nat-
ture is necessary for the carbonation of CH [6]. ural decay of biomass in landfills [21]. Depending on feedstock
and preparation conditions, carbon sequestered in the biochar
CO2 + H2 O !H2 CO3 ð1Þ can contribute to reduction in greenhouse gas emission by 535–
570 kg CO2-eq [21]. Application of biochar as a construction mate-
Ca(OH)2 + H2 CO3 !CaCO3 + 2H2 O ð2Þ rial is also an effective means of utilizing waste biomass. For exam-
ple, about 72 million tonnes of food waste is annually generated in
Australia and India [22,23]. One of the major contributors to this
C-S-H + H2 CO3 ! SiO2 + 2CaCO3 + H2 O ð3Þ
food wastage is the nut production and processing industry. Aus-
However, carbon sequestration through ACC is effective only tralia and India annually produce 8 million tonnes of peanut
when the cementitious building materials are exposed to CO2 at [24]. The peanut hull weighs about 20–25% of the total weight,
early age because substantial diffusion can take place through indicating a waste generation of 1.5–2 million tonnes annually
the pores in cementitious matrix [4]. In case of matured matrix, from this industry alone. Processing and pyrolyzing of peanut hull
diffusion of CO2 is limited only to the top layer, and may cause high to make biochar and applying it as a cementitious admixture can
shrinkage and restrained cracking [7]. It shall be noted that the increase sustainability of cement-based materials and offer high-
process of ACC can only be applicable to prefabricated units and volume recycling of this biomass waste.
unreinforced cement-based materials, for instance, façade panels, Prolonged exposure to CO2 starting at initial stage will increase
drain channels, road kerbs etc. This process can be detrimental to diffusion of CO2 through pore channels, that may enhance carbon
steel reinforced concrete because lowering of pH during carbona- sequestration capacity of biochar-cement composites. Despite ben-
tion may damage the passive layer on steel bars, thus triggering efits of using biochar and fly ash as construction materials, there is
corrosion [8]. a dearth of systematic investigation into their influence on carbon-
Effect of carbonation and carbonate mineralization of cementi- ate mineralization during prolonged exposure to CO2 (7 days and
tious composites depend on its composition, which influence the 28 days) and its effect on strength, permeability and shrinkage of
mechanical properties, diffusion of CO2 and amount of hydration Portland cement – mortar. Application of biochar and fly ash in
products that may carbonate during ACC. Rostami et al. [4,9] inves- manufacturing of prefabricated blocks are gaining industry inter-
tigated effect of carbonation curing at early stage (18 h from mix- ests; thus, understanding the effect of carbon sequestration on
ing) for only 2 h on compressive strength development of cement the mechanical and durability properties of cementitious compos-
paste. The authors reported 30% improvement in strength at ites with these materials would boost confidence in their perfor-
28 days compared to control paste subject to air curing. Carbon mance and open up a new direction for developing low carbon
dioxide uptake determined by change in weight was 7.3% of the building materials. To the best of authors’ knowledge, this is the
mass of cement paste. Souto-Martinez [10] highlighted that addi- first holistic assessment of carbon sequestration and its impact
tion of pozzolanic admixtures may reduce the amount of calcium on physical properties of biochar-mortar and biochar-fly ash mor-
hydroxide in hydrated pastes, which may result in 20–60% reduc- tar. Adding biochar and biochar-fly ash combination would induce
tion in carbon sequestration potential of Ordinary Portland Cement different physical and chemical effects on hydration, which influ-
(OPC) concrete. However, Papadakis [11] reported that addition of ence the diffusion kinetics and capture of CO2 in the form of cal-
pozzolanic admixtures including silica fume and fly ash respec- cium carbonate. Therefore, this study aims to quantify and
tively at 10% and 20% by weight of cement increased the rate of compare the rate of carbon dioxide uptake and carbonate mineral-
carbonation and carbonation depth compared to control (without ization in mortar with biochar and biochar-fly ash. Effect of carbon
admixture). This is attributed to simultaneous carbonation of cal- uptake on shrinkage, mechanical strength, porosity and rate of
cium hydroxide and calcium silicate hydrate in cementitious com- water absorption are also assessed and discussed.
posites with pozzolans [11]. Furthermore, due to porous nature of
fly ash, diffusion of CO2 may increase leading to higher rate of car-
bonate mineralization. Reducing cement demand by 20% using fly 2. Materials, mix proportions and methods
ash can lead to reduction in CO2 emission by at least 300 million
tonnes per year [12]. 2.1. Materials
One of the potential means to enhance carbon sequestration
potential of cementitious composites is by adding biochar, pro- 2.1.1. Cement, fly ash and sand used
duced by pyrolysis of waste biomass. Biochar has been widely Portland cement (also called general purpose (GP) cement in
explored as an excellent adsorbent of CO2 due to polar groups on Australia), conforming to AS 3972 [25] is used in this study. The
S. Gupta, A. Kashani, Aziz Hasan Mahmood et al. Construction and Building Materials 291 (2021) 123363

used cement contains a proprietary blend of Ordinary Portland The produced biochar is ground into finer particles using agate
cement and limestone, up to maximum 12% by weight of the clin- balls in a planetary ball mill with biochar to ball ratio of 1:70 by
ker [26]. The composition and physical properties of the cement mass. The grinding process is carried out for 15 min at 300 rpm,
are presented in Table 1. The X-ray diffractogram of the cement comprising of clockwise and anticlockwise motion.
is presented in Fig. S1a (supplementary information), showing
peaks of alite, belite and calcite present in the clinker compounds.
Sydney sand with specific gravity of 2.65 and water absorption of 2.2. Mix proportions and curing methods
3.8–4% is used as fine aggregates. The sand contains 95.90% silica,
3% alumina and trace amount of calcium carbonate and iron oxide. Five mixes are investigated in this study. The proportion of
The loss on ignition (L.O.I) of the sand is 1.10%. Class F fly ash with components are shown in Table 2. The control mortar comprises
silica content of 66% is used (Table 1). X-ray diffractogram of the fly of cement, sand and water in the ratio of 1:2.50:0.50. The produced
ash, presented in Fig. S1b (supplementary info) shows the domi- biochar is added at 1% (BC1) and 3% (BC3) by weight of cement. Fly
nant presence of quartz and mullite, typical of fly ash from coal- ash is used to replace 20% by weight of cement (FA20) with water
based power plants [27]. This means a fraction of the silica in fly to binder ratio maintained at 0.50. However, due to reduction in
ash is crystalline, which might lead to low rate of pozzolanic reac- cement content by 20% the dilution is higher in FA20 compared
tion at early stage, especially under dry curing conditions. to biochar-mortar, leading to water-cement ratio of 0.63. Combina-
tion of biochar and fly ash is also investigated (FA20BC3), where
20% fly ash is combined with 3% biochar to replace 23% of cement.
Representative cement paste samples corresponding to each
2.1.2. Preparation of biochar mortar mix are used for quantification of calcium carbonate, cal-
Biochar is produced from unwashed hull of processed peanut cium hydroxide and degree of hydration. Paste samples are used
collected from a local food and beverage industry in Sydney. The to avoid the dilution effect of sand on precise determination of
hull is broken into smaller particles before pyrolysis. The pyrolysis hydration phases. The paste samples comprise of cement, biochar
is carried out in a muffled furnace with a specially designed venti- and fly ash at same proportions as the mortar mixtures. The
lation system to allow for smooth escape of the organic vapours water-binder ratio (w/b) for the paste samples is 0.40, taking into
and volatiles. The peanut hull is placed in aluminium tray and account the water absorption of the sand (4% in this case). The
the temperature in the furnace is ramped up at 10 °C/min from paste samples are denoted with suffix ‘‘-CP” (for example, PCP
room temperature (23–25 °C) until it reaches 500 °C. The pyrolysis (control), BC1-CP, BC3-CP, FA20-CP and FA20BC3-CP).
temperature is selected based on the decomposition temperature All samples are tightly sealed with polythene sheets and stored
of hemicellulose and cellulosic components in the biomass. Cellu- at constant temperature of 23 °C for first 23–24 h after casting. This
lose and hemicellulose are sources of sugars including sucrose and is to prevent evaporative moisture loss and ensure that all the sam-
glucose, which leads to retardation of hydration and slow strength ples are under similar moisture state during the initial hardening
development. Furthermore, some of these sugars have strong cal- period. After demolding (at 1-day age), part of the samples are sub-
cium chelating groups, which can slow down the formation of bin- ject to water curing (referred by ‘WC’), while the rest are immedi-
der gel (calcium silicate hydrates) [28]. Hemicellulose decomposes ately stored in carbonation chamber, maintained at 1% CO2 (100%
in the temperature range of 220–315 °C, while cellulose and part of purity) supplied at 0.20 MPa (2 bar), 23 °C temperature and 55%
lignin decompose between 300 and 500 °C into organic vapours relative humidity (referred by ‘CC’). The samples are exposed to
and non-condensable gases [29]. The pyrolysis is conducted for CO2 for continuous period until the time of testing (for example,
1 h at steady state temperature of 500 °C. The produced biochar after 6 days and 27 days of carbonation, which correspond to 7 days
is then taken out from the furnace and immediately covered with and 28 days age of mortar from the time of casting). The exposure
aluminium sheets to allow cooling and prevent oxidation on the concentration of CO2 is selected based on the duration of exposure
surface. (6 days and 27 days) and the effect of elevated CO2 concentration

Table 1
Proportion of components in the studied mortar mixes.

Mix code Mix description Cement Sand Fly ash Biochar Water Water-binder ratio Water-Cement ratio
(g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (w/b) (w/c)
Plain mortar Control mortar with only cement and sand 100 250 0 0 50 0.50 0.50
BC 1 Mortar with 1% biochar by weight of cement 99 250 0 1 50 0.51
BC 3 Mortar with 3% biochar by weight of cement 97 250 0 3 50 0.52
FA20 Mortar with 20% fly ash by weight of cement 80 250 20 0 50 0.63
FA20BC3 Mortar with 20% fly ash and 3% biochar by 77 250 20 3 50 0.65
weight of cement

Table 2
Proportion of components in the studied mortar mixes.

Mix code Mix description Cement Sand Fly ash Biochar Water Water-binder Water-Cement ratio
(g) (g) (g) (g) (g) ratio (W/C)
Plain mortar Control mortar with only cement and sand 100 250 0 0 50 0.50 0.50
BC 1 Mortar with 1% biochar by weight of cement 99 250 0 1 50 0.51
BC 3 Mortar with 3% biochar by weight of cement 97 250 0 3 50 0.52
FA20 Mortar with 20% fly ash by weight of cement 80 250 20 0 50 0.63
FA20BC3 Mortar with 20% fly ash and 3% biochar by weight 77 250 20 3 50 0.65
of cement

S. Gupta, A. Kashani, Aziz Hasan Mahmood et al. Construction and Building Materials 291 (2021) 123363

on the stability of binder gel. For example, Castellote et al. [30] is stored in carbonation chamber for 28 days to allow adsorption
reported complete decomposition of C-S-H after exposure to 10% of CO2 in the biochar pores. Thereafter, 30 mg of biochar is subject
CO2 for 103 days, which can lead to drastic loss in mechanical to TGA in the temperature range of 25 °C to 1000 °C under nitrogen
properties of cement-based composites. Findings show that CO2 purge (50 mL/minute). The mass loss is compared to that of as-
concentration up to 3% would mimic the natural carbonation pro- produced biochar (not exposed to CO2) to calculate the CO2 adsorp-
cess, maintain structural integrity and does not affect relative car- tion capacity (mmol/g of biochar), A using Eq. (4)
bonation resistance of normal cement-based composites and those
containing siliceous admixtures (for example, fly ash and silica A¼ ð4Þ
fume) [30,31]. Similar to carbonation curing, mortar samples are Minitial x MLCO2
cured in water for 6 days and 27 days from the time of demolding. Where, MBC;CO2 and MBC are the mass loss (mg) of CO2-saturated bio-
Investigation into shrinkage is carried out under two exposure char and as-produced biochar at 1000 °C respectively. Minitial is the
conditions – (i) drying shrinkage where mortar samples are initial mass (mg) of as-produced biochar). MLCO2 is the molecular
allowed to dry at constant temperature and humidity conditions weight of carbon dioxide (44 g).
(23 °C and 55% RH), and (ii) carbonation curing in chamber main-
tained at the previously mentioned conditions.
2.3.2. Characterization of mortar samples
Strength of mortar samples at 7th and 28th day subject to wet
2.3. Test methods
(WC) and CO2 curing (CC) are tested using a load controlled set-up
according to ASTM C109 [37]. 50 mm cube samples are used. The
2.3.1. Characterization of biochar
surface of wet samples are wiped with a towel before compression.
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) imaging is used to investi-
For each curing condition, 3 to 4 samples per mix are tested.
gate the morphology of the prepared biochar particles. Biochar par-
Drying (air), carbonation and sealed shrinkages of mortar bars
ticles are coated with platinum using sputter coater, and the
are tested according to ASTM C596 [38]. Three samples per mix
imaging is conducted at 20 kV potential.
are tested for each exposure condition. Shrinkage of samples over
Stability of biochar is generally estimated from the molar ratio
eleven-week (77 days) period are recorded. Thereafter, the samples
of oxygen to carbon (O:C) and hydrogen to carbon (H:C) [32]. The
are stored in water for 7 days to monitor the recovery of drying and
carbon content of biochar is determined using Carbon-Hydrogen-
carbonation shrinkage.
Nitrogen-Sulfur (CHNS) analysis using elemental analyser (Vario
Capillary absorption and water accessible porosity of mortar
MicroCube). The oxide composition of biochar, including oxides
samples subject to WC and CC are tested at 28 days according to
of calcium, sodium, silicon, potassium, aluminium, sulfur and mag-
ASTM C1403 [39]. The detailed procedure is stated in section 2 of
nesium and those of heavy metals, are investigated using X-ray flu-
supplementary information. Water accessible porosity, P wa ð%Þ, is
orescence (XRF). Details on the method are provided in
calculated according to Eq. (5)
supplementary information (section 1). Particle size distribution
and external surface area of biochar, fly ash and cement are deter- mssd  mOD
Pwa ð%Þ ¼ x100 ð5Þ
mined using laser diffraction analysis. External surface area for bio- mssd  mI
char, cement and fly ash are determined based on their respective
specific gravities  600 kg/m3, 3150 kg/m3 and 2300 kg/m3 respec- Where, mssd , mOD , mI are saturated surface dry mass, oven dry mass
tively. The surface area of biochar and fly ash calculated by this and water-immersed mass of mortar samples respectively. All the
technique is compared to surface area determined by nitrogen tests are carried out in triplicates (n = 3). Statistical significance
adsorption. between results due to difference in treatment (biochar dosage or
Pores of biochar and fly ash play important role in moisture curing condition) is calculated based on p-value from t-test at 95%
redistribution, diffusion of CO2 and hydration of biochar-cement confidence interval (pcritical = 0.05).
composites [33]. Median pore size, total porosity and permeability Depth of carbonation in carbonated samples are determined
in the meso to macro-porous range of the produced biochar are after 28 days of carbonation using 40  40  160 mm3 prism.
investigated by mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP, AutoPore IV The prisms are broken into halves using centre-point loading over
9500). The external surface area, pore surface area and pore vol- a span of 100 mm. Phenolphthalein solution is sprayed over the
ume of the fly ash and biochar in the meso-porous range broken faces and the change in colour is observed for next 2–
(<100 nm) are determined based on nitrogen adsorption isotherm. 3 min. Then the maximum depth of carbonation front is measured
The powders are degassed at 80 °C for 8 h prior to analysis. from each of the four edges of the samples and the average and the
pH of bio-based fillers influence cement hydration and stability standard deviation are then calculated. Two samples are tested for
of cementitious mixes [34]. Addition of biochar must not signifi- each mix.
cantly reduce pH of the pore solution during hydration of cement Microscopic analysis of the mortar samples after carbonation is
paste. In order to simulate pore solution, slurry comprising of carried out using scanning electron micrography. The samples are
20 g of cement with 200 g water (pH ~ 6.70) (1:10 by weight) is collected by wet cutting from the top 4–5 mm of the mortar sam-
mixed at room temperature (23 °C). The prepared mix is allowed ples. The samples were pasted on carbon tape and coated with
to rest for 24 h before obtaining the filtrate using a pre-wetted fil- platinum before imaging.
ter paper. The water-cement ratio of the slurry is designed in
accordance with Snoeck et al. [35,36], in order to maintain a pH 2.3.3. Degree of hydration and carbon dioxide mineralization potential
of at least 12 after 24 h [35] and extract sufficient filtrate for pH Thermogravimetry analysis (TGA) is used to quantify the chem-
testing. Similarly, 10 g of biochar is mixed with 100 g of water ically bound water, degree of hydration and carbonation products
(pH ~ 6.70) and the filtrate is obtained after 24 h. In case of in both sealed and CO2 exposed samples at 7-day and 28-day
biochar-cement combination, 3% of cement by weight is replaced age. 35–40 mg of powder paste from top 4 mm (minimum depth
by biochar (19.40 g cement and 0.60 g biochar) and mixed with of carbonation) of 50 mm cube samples is used for
water in the ratio 1:10 for obtaining the filtrate. pH measurement thermogravimetry.
is conducted using pH meter at room temperature (23 °C). Decomposition of carbonated products, more particularly poly-
Carbon dioxide capturing capacity of biochar is determined morphs of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), in the temperature range of
using thermogravimetry analysis (TGA). 5 g of produced biochar 550 °C–1000 °C can be used to quantify the CO2 mineralization
S. Gupta, A. Kashani, Aziz Hasan Mahmood et al. Construction and Building Materials 291 (2021) 123363

potential of carbonated cementitious composites [4,40,41]. This Table 3

can be quantified using Eq. (6) [4] CHNS composition of biochar.

CHNS composition % by mass

2:27  ðM 550  M 1000 Þ
CaCO3 ð%Þ ¼ x100 ð6Þ Carbon (C) 56.00
Hydrogen (H) 2.60
Nitrogen (N) 5.20
where, M550 and M1000 , are mass of cement pastes at 550C and
Sulfur (S) 0.50
1000 °C respectively. M cp is the mass of anhydrous cement paste, Oxygen (by difference) 35.70
after heating to 1000 °C and corrected for the loss of ignition of
cement and that of admixtures (biochar and fly ash) used in this
study [42]. Decarbonation of calcium carbonate takes place in two
Table 4
steps – decarbonation in the range of 550–720 °C, corresponding Oxides (only) composition of biochar.
to decomposition of poorly crystalline carbonates (for example,
vaterite and aragonite), and decarbonation in the range of 720– Chemical composition (%) Peanut shell
1000 °C, corresponding to degradation of well crystalline calcite
[4,43]. Sodium Oxide (Na2O) 41.53
Magnesium oxide (MgO) 8.18
The CO2 uptake by the cement pastes as percentage of cement Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) 1.01
weight, CO2 ð%Þ, can be quantified using Eq. (7) Silica (SiO2) 1.42
Phosphorus oxide (P2O5) 9.05
M550  M1000
CO2 ð%Þ ¼ x100 ð7Þ Sulfur oxide (SO3) 1.50
M cp Potassium oxide (K2O) 9.62
Calcium Oxide (CaO) 4.48
Calcium hydroxide content, CHð%Þ, is calculated from dehy- Other chemicals including heavy metals: Oxides of Copper, < 0.01
droxylation of cement pastes between 420 and 540 °C [4,40], using Chromium, Lead, Nickel, Copper, Zinc, Zirconium,
Eq. (8) Hafnium, Barium
Loss on ignition (L.O.I) 21.20
4:12  ðM 420  M540 Þ
CHð%Þ ¼ x100 ð8Þ
surface (Fig. 1b) which is generally inherited from the original
Degree of hydration, að%Þ is calculated from the mass loss in the
structure of biomass.
range of 105 °C to 1000 °C based on Bhatty’s method [44] using
Based on Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Sulfur (CHNS) analy-
Eq. (9)
sis (Table 3), the produced biochar has carbon content of 56% with
Ldh þ Ldx þ 0:41Ldc oxygen to carbon molar ratio (O:C) of 0.45. O:C is considered for
að%Þ ¼ x100 ð9Þ estimating the stability of biochar. The general trend suggests that
reduction in oxygen content with increase in carbonization lead to
Where, Ldh ; Ldx andLdc are mass losses due to dehydration (105– biochar with higher stability [32]. According to Spokas [32], bio-
420 °C), dehydroxylation (420–540 °C) and decarbonation (550– char with O:C ratio of 0.45 has an estimated half-life of about
1000 °C) respectively. 0.26 in Eq. (9) is the chemically bound water 100 years. However, this is based on stability of biochar under soil
at an infinite time (assuming complete hydration) estimated from conditions and natural environment, and therefore further investi-
the theoretical stoichiometry of cement (Bogue’s formulae) [45]. gation can be considered for stability of biochar in alkaline condi-
tions. The produced biochar has relatively high nitrogen content
3. Results and discussion (5.20%) compared to biochar from wood and rice husk [33,46],
which is attributed to nitrogen fixing by bacteria in leguminous
3.1. Characterization of prepared biochar peanut plants [47].
Chemical composition (oxides only) of biochar (Table 4), shows
3.1.1. Morphology and composition of biochar high content of sodium, potassium and magnesium. This is linked
Fig. 1a shows the morphology of peanut shell particles after to additives and salts (sodium chloride) being used in processing of
grinding. The particles are irregular in shape comprising of elon- peanut for dietary consumption purpose. Sodium chloride decom-
gated and angular particles of different sizes. Although grinding poses only around 800 °C [48]. This means that peanut biochar pre-
was conducted, some particles retained the macro-pores on the pared at 500 °C (as in this case) will inherit the sodium chloride

Fig. 1. (a) Morphology of biochar particles (b) Macro-pores in produced biochar.

S. Gupta, A. Kashani, Aziz Hasan Mahmood et al. Construction and Building Materials 291 (2021) 123363

from parent biomass. Presence of sodium, potassium and magne- range of 1.57 nm to 30 nm, the produced biochar has substantially
sium salts in the biochar are also confirmed from the XRD spectra higher pore volume than fly ash (Fig. 2b). This is also reflected in
(Fig. S1c, supplementary information), showing peaks correspond- three times higher pore surface area of biochar than fly ash
ing to sodium chloride (2h = 31.69°, 45.42°), potassium chloride (Table 5). Higher pore volume may enhance carbon dioxide diffu-
(2h = 45.42°, 28.31°, 40.57°, 66.21°) and magnesium chloride sion and sequestration in biochar-based composites than control.
(2h = 27.33°, 56.41°) respectively. Phosphorus is also present in rel- The produced biochar has total porosity of 34.59% and perme-
atively high amount, reflected in 9.05% phosphorus oxide by mass ability of 1.86 (Table 5), which is higher compared to ground wood
of biochar, which could be inherited from the parent feedstock. biochar prepared under similar temperature and heating rate
(500 °C and 10 °C/min) [33,50]. Permeability is contributed by con-
3.1.2. pH, particle size and porosity nectivity of pore system in the biochar particle. This will contribute
pH of biochar in tap water (pH ~ 6.70) is recorded as 8.17, while to absorption and subsequent desorption of moisture during hard-
pH of 3% biochar in cement filtrate (pH ~ 12.86) is 12.46. This ening phase of cement mortar.
shows that the produced biochar is alkaline in nature, which is The external surface area of biochar particle (2.15 m2/g) is lar-
due to formation of basic oxides on biochar surface and removal ger than the fly ash (1.07 m2/g) used in this study (Table 5), attrib-
of organic acids at high temperature [49]. Although biochar is rel- uted to finer particle size of biochar (Fig. 2a). This trend is similar
atively less alkaline than cement, addition of 3% biochar does not to the external surface area measured by laser diffraction 
significantly affect the pH of pore solution. 1.58 m2/g, 1.08 m2/g and 0.81 m2/g for biochar fly ash and cement
Based on laser diffraction (Fig. 2a), particle size of biochar ran- respectively. High surface area of admixtures added to cementi-
ged from 1 mm to 70 mm with d50 and d90 of 14 mm and 40 mm, tious composites contributes to hydration and development of
respectively. The produced and ground biochar is finer than Port- mechanical properties [33,50].
land cement (d50 = 23 mm and d90 = 60 mm) and fly ash Based on thermogravimetry analysis and Eq. (4) (Fig. S1 in sup-
(d50 = 22 mm and d90 = 80 mm) used in this study. In the pore radius plementary information), the prepared biochar has CO2 adsorption

Fig. 2. a. Particle size distribution of biochar, fly ash and Portland cement; b. Pore volume of the biochar and fly ash in the meso-porous range.

S. Gupta, A. Kashani, Aziz Hasan Mahmood et al. Construction and Building Materials 291 (2021) 123363

Table 5 capacity is calculated as follows. Considering 3% biochar in mortar

Porosity of biochar and external surface area of cement, fly ash and biochar based on containing 800 kg/m3 of cement (as in this study) i.e. 24 kg of bio-
mercury intrusion porosimetry and nitrogen adsorption. char in 1 cubic meter of mortar can sequester (24  0.86  42) g of
Technique Porosity and surface area of biochar CO2 ~ 866 g of CO2 if the all the pores contribute to adsorption. This
indicates the potential of biochar as active sites for carbon dioxide
Mercury intrusion Total porosity (%) 34.59
porosimetry Median pore diameter (mm) 3.59 capture during ACC.
Permeability (darcy) 1.86
Nitrogen adsorption External surface area (m2/g)
Biochar 2.15 3.2. Characterization of biochar-cement after water curing and
Fly ash 1.07 carbonation
Micro-pore volume (x 10-3 cm3/g)
Biochar 6.55
Fly ash 1.87
3.2.1. Change in mass and depth of carbonation
Pore surface area (m2/g) Fig. 3a shows the change in mass (%) due to exposure to car-
Biochar 2.78 bon dioxide during 27 days of the monitoring period. All mortar
Fly ash 0.88 mixes show steep reduction in mass during the initial 5–7 days,
which is due to accelerated drying of pore water under high
moisture gradient between the sample and the surrounding.
capacity of 0.86 mmol/g. Based on this, the carbon dioxide capture Moreover, the pores in cementitious paste filled with water
potential of biochar-mortar only due to biochar’s adsorption offer sites for dissolution of carbon dioxide, which drives the

Fig. 3. (a) Mass change of cement mortar subject to CO2 curing (b) Depth of carbonation in cement mortar after 28 days of CO2 curing.

S. Gupta, A. Kashani, Aziz Hasan Mahmood et al. Construction and Building Materials 291 (2021) 123363

carbonation reaction [11]. In case of mortar with fly ash, there is 3.2.2. Carbonate mineralization and CO2 uptake
higher free water in pores compared to plain mortar due to Fig. 4a and b show the amount of mineral carbonate formed as
reduced cement content and higher water to cement ratio percentage of cement mass after 7 days and 28 days of carbona-
(Table 2). Therefore, fly ash-mortars (FA20 and FA20BC3) show tion. This is compared with that of carbonate formed under sealed
relatively high loss in mass due to accelerated drying during curing conditions to determine the net amount of calcium carbon-
the initial stage of carbonation. Drying of pore water leads to ate formed due to carbonation. Net carbonate mineralization,
an unsaturated system of capillary pore channels, which provide CCnet (% of cement), is determined from the calcium carbonate con-
pathway for further diffusion of carbon dioxide. A steady increase tent under CO2 exposure, CCCO2 and that under sealed curing,
in mass can be observed in all samples after the initial drying per- CC sealed (determined using Eq. (3)), respectively (Eq. (10)).
iod, attributed to increase in diffusion of carbon dioxide and car-
bonation of hydration products to form calcium carbonate. This is CCnet ¼ CCCO2  CC sealed ð10Þ
congruent with the findings by Metalssi et al. [51] – mortar with
0.27% cellulose shows steep mass loss during the initial 7 day The amount of calcium carbonate under sealed conditions is
period followed by 1–1.50% mass gain due to carbonation contributed by decomposition of blended limestone in Portland
between 7th and 28th day mark. BC1 shows 0.50% increase in cement, inorganic minerals and carbon in the added biochar [17].
mass between 6-day mark and 27-day mark compared to 0.30% Two different ranges of decarbonation, i.e. 550 to 720 °C and 720
in case of plain mortar. This is indicative of higher initial porosity to 1000 °C, are determined from DTG shown in Fig. S4 (supplemen-
of BC1, that leads to increased diffusion of carbon dioxide and tary information). DTG of sealed cured cement pastes at 28 days
consequent carbonation. However, as the dosage of biochar is shows two prominent peaks in the ranges of 30–105 °C and 420–
increased to 3% of cement by weight (BC3), the increase in mass 540 °C, which correspond to dehydration of pore water and dehy-
between 6th and 27th day has reduced compared to BC1. This can droxylation of calcium hydroxide, respectively. These peaks are
be explained by lower free water in capillary pores of cementi- noticeably diminished after carbonation with a drastic increase
tious paste due to higher moisture retention in pores of biochar of peaks between 550 and 1000 °C (Fig. S4, supplementary infor-
as the dosage is increased from 1% to 3%. Moreover, due to fine mation). This is due to loss of moisture from cement samples dur-
particle size and high surface area (Fig. 2 and Table 5), biochar ing carbonation and conversion of calcium hydroxide to calcium
particles can reduce interconnectivity of pore system [33,52], carbonate. All pastes show higher calcium carbonate contents after
thereby reducing CO2 penetration into cement-mortar. This is 7 days and 28 days of carbonation compared to sealed curing,
confirmed by lower depth of carbonation in biochar-mortar. BC1 shown in Fig. 4a and b.
and BC3 shows reduction in carbonation depth of 28% and 54%, In the temperature range of 550–720 °C, PCP (control), BC1-CP
respectively, compared to plain mortar (Fig. 3b). Similar effect and BC3-CP show net carbonate content of 6.75%, 10.78% and
can be observed when comparing FA20 and FA20BC3. FA20 shows 15.71% after 7 days of carbonation curing. This indicates higher
increase in mass by 1.05% from 6th day to 27th day, while mineralization of poorly crystalline carbonates due to addition of
FA20BC3 shows an increase by 0.60% within the same period. biochar. Similar trend is observed after 28 days of carbonation
Higher mass increase in case of FA20 compared to plain mortar where BC1-CP and BC3-CP show 13.10% and 15.05% carbonate
is contributed by the pozzolanic conversion of calcium hydroxide mineralization compared to 8.55% in PCP (control). Early age car-
(CH) to calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H), leading to less CH per bonation converts both CH and C-S-H into calcium carbonate;
mol of CO2. Lower quantity of reactants is reported to drive the however, carbonation at early age is capable of producing more
forward reaction and increase the rate of carbonation [11,53]. carbonates from C-S-H, which are less crystalline and relatively
Moreover, higher porosity due to increased loss in moisture at unstable compared to calcite formed from carbonation of CH
early stage and porous nature of fly ash also contribute to [56]. In the range of 720–1000 °C, which corresponds to decompo-
increased diffusion of CO2 [11]. This is reflected in 20% higher car- sition of calcite, BC1-CP and BC3-CP show content of 17.90% and
bonation depth in case of FA20 compared to plain mortar 17.58%, respectively, compared to 21% in case of control. This sug-
(Fig. 3b). Combination of biochar with fly ash (FA20BC3) reduces gests that addition of biochar leads to higher carbonate mineraliza-
the rate of CO2 diffusion due to improved packing, attributed to tion mainly through formation of poorly crystalline carbonates.
difference in particle sizes of these two admixtures (Fig. 2). Dif- Fig. 5 shows the reduction in calcium hydroxide after 7 days and
ference in particle sizes can offer better binary packing [54], 28 days of carbonation compared to sealed curing. It can be
which is expected to block the capillay porosity needed for observed that reduction of CH in PCP (control), BC1-CP and BC3-
ingress of CO2. This is further supported by lower initial sorptivity CP are similar at 7 days; however, BC1-CP and BC3-CP show sub-
and water accessible porosity of FA20BC3 compared to FA20 after stantially lower loss in CH after 28 days of carbonation compared
carbonation, discussed later in the article. to PCP. This trend confirms that lower amount of CH is being car-
However, it is interesting to note that biochar has consider- bonated in these samples, leading to reduced content of calcite in
able effect on reducing carbonation depth in normal mortar, BC1-CP and BC3-CP. Thus, it indicates that carbonation of C-S-H
although it does not reduce carbonation depth in fly ash mor- is the major contributor to carbonate formation in BC1-CP and
tar. Addition of 20–30% fly ash to mortar introduces porous BC3-CP.
zones, especially due to accelerated moisture loss under dry After 7 days and 28 days of carbonation, BC3-CP shows total net
CO2 environment, which dominates over the pore-refinement calcium carbonate of 26.50% and 32.60% by mass of cement
effect [55]. Fig. S3 (supplementary materials) shows that the respectively compared to 22% and 29% in case of PCP (control).
carbonation front (colourless areas) in FA20BC3 samples pro- The enhancement in carbonate mineralization due to addition of
gressed to greater depths in localized regions around voids 3% biochar compared to control is statistically significant, deter-
marked in yellow. This indicates that localized porous zones mined using p-value from t-test at 95% confidence interval
due to fly ash addition might enhance penetration of carbon (pcalculated < 0.05). The findings suggest that biochar-cement com-
dioxide leading to increase in average depth of penetration. posite has higher carbonate mineralization potential compared to
Addition of 3% biochar may not have blocked all such macro- control. A plausible explanation is the role of biochar in generating
porous channels, which facilitate penetration of CO2. This is also more hydration products through nucleation and internal curing
supported by similar secondary sorptivity of FA20 and FA20BC3 action compared to control pastes [16,33], demonstrated by the
after 28 days of carbonation, discussed later in the article. lead author of this research. This is also confirmed from higher
S. Gupta, A. Kashani, Aziz Hasan Mahmood et al. Construction and Building Materials 291 (2021) 123363

Fig. 4. Net calcium carbonate formation and CO2 uptake after carbonation curing during (a) 7 days (b) 28 days based on TGA results and Eqs. (6) and (7); (c) Net CO2 uptake by
carbonated cement pastes.

S. Gupta, A. Kashani, Aziz Hasan Mahmood et al. Construction and Building Materials 291 (2021) 123363

Fig. 5. Reduction in calcium hydroxide content after 7 days and 28 days of carbonation based on TGA results and Eq. (7).

degree of hydration in biochar-cement pastes, discussed later in fly ash, which is typical for high-strength constructions [57]. This
the article. Increase in amount of hydration products means more trend indicates that addition of biochar has a positive influence
carbonatable products during CO2 exposure. Moreover, due to the on carbon sequestration of fly ash - cement mix. This is attributed
meso-porous nature and high pore surface area (Table 5), biochar to higher meso-porous volume and pore area of biochar than fly ash
acts as sites for carbon dioxide adsorption (Fig. S2 in supplemen- (Fig. 2b and Table 5), which enhance diffusion of carbon dioxide
tary information), which can enhance carbonate mineralization into the matrix leading to higher mineralization. It is interesting
and sequestration potential of cementitious composites. Overall, to observe that the reduction in calcium hydroxide in FA20BC3-
the findings show that even if depth of carbonation may be CP is substantially lower than FA20-CP after 7 days and 28 days
reduced in biochar-mortar (Fig. 3b), it may sequester higher carbon of carbonation (Fig. 5). This can be explained by the fact that pres-
dioxide per unit mass of cement through carbonate mineralization ence of porous admixtures, biochar in this case, promote poz-
than control (without biochar). zolanic reaction of fly ash to generate C-S-H from CH through
Fly ash–cement mix (FA20-CP) shows net carbonate mineraliza- regulating moisture and generating internal curing effect [58,59].
tion of 9.14% and 23.45% in the temperature range of 550–720 °C This is evident from the reduced CH content in FA20BC3-CP –
and 720–1000 °C respectively after 7 days of carbonation, com- 14.13% and 17.40% by mass of cement after 7 days and 28 days
pared to 6.75% and 15.16% in case of PCP (control). Overall, addi- respectively (based on Eq. (8)), compared to 17.28% and 19.16%
tion of fly ash increases net carbonate mineralization and CO2 in the case of FA20-CP. Therefore, carbonation of C-S-H is a more
uptake by 10.70% and 4.70% respectively with respect to mass of prominent contributor to calcium carbonate than CH for
cement compared to control (Fig. 4a and c). However, at 28 days FA20BC3-CP.
the difference in net mineralization between FA20-CP and PCP
(control) is reduced to only 6%. Thus, the trend suggests that addi- 3.2.3. Compressive and flexural strength
tion of fly ash accelerates rate of carbonation and sequestration at Fig. 6a and b compare compressive strength development after
early stage. This is expected due to dilution and pozzolanic effect of 7 days and 28 days of water curing and carbonation curing, respec-
fly ash [11,53]. Dissolution and diffusion of CO2 depend on the pore tively. It can be observed that addition of biochar at 3% of cement
connectivity, which increases at early stage due to 20% replace- by weight (BC3) leads to improvement in strength by 24% and 21%
ment of cement by fly ash [11,55]. Higher initial porosity due to after 7 days and 28 days of water curing (WC) respectively com-
reduced cement content (and increase in water-cement ratio) pared to control. This is attributed to filler effect of biochar due
and porous nature of fly ash facilitate increase in CO2 dissolution to its fine particle size and its contribution in enhancing degree
and diffusion into the cementitious matrix, reflected from 4.60% of hydration of cement. Biochar addition at 1% and 3% also leads
higher CO2 uptake in FA20 than PCP (Fig. 4c). Therefore, carbona- to higher degree of hydration at 7 days compared to control
tion tends to proceed at a faster rate than control. However, at later (Fig. 7), which is statistically significant (p = 0.025 < 0.050 at 95%
stage due to pozzolanic reaction of fly ash, CH is converted to C-S- confidence interval). This is expected due to internal curing effect
H, which promotes a disconnected pore structure and reduce the of biochar [17,19] contributed by retention and release of moisture
amount of reactive CH for carbonation in the mix [10,11]. This from the pores of biochar during hardening of cementitious com-
leads to a reduction of CO2 diffusion and mineralization of FA20 posites. Furthermore, the biochar particles in the vicinity of cement
at 28 days compared to PCP (control). particles, serve as additional surfaces for precipitation of hydration
Addition of biochar to fly ash–cement mix (FA20BC3-CP) leads products [60], leading to increased hydration. The mentioned
to an increase in net carbonate mineralization by 7% and 5.20% mechanisms improve densification of cement matrix and contibute
compared to FA20-CP at 7 day and 28 day mark, respectively. This to improvement in strength.
translates into increase in carbon dioxide uptake by 2.5–3% in case However, addition of biochar at 1% and 3% dosage do not have
of FA20BC3-CP compared to FA20 after 7 days and 28 days of car- significant improvement on flexural strength at 28-day age
bonation (Fig. 4c). This implies sequestering of 7.20–9.40 kg of car- (Fig. 6c). This is in agreement with findings by Khushnood et al.
bon dioxide in a concrete component of of 1 m3 volume designed [61] – addition of 1% peanut shell biochar (maximum size 6 mm)
with a binder content of 390 kg/m3 and 20% cement replaced by reduced flexural strength by 6% although low addition (0.25–
S. Gupta, A. Kashani, Aziz Hasan Mahmood et al. Construction and Building Materials 291 (2021) 123363

Fig. 6. Compressive strength at (a) 7 days and (b) 28 days and (c) flexural strength after 28 days of wet and CO2 curing (d) left: SiO4 tetrahedra represented by blue triangles
and calcium atoms represented by green circles in C-S-H gel; right: depolymerization by replacing SiO4 bridges by alkali metal atoms (Na, K), represented by red diamonds (e)
Correlation betwwen 7-day strength and mass change during first 7 days of CO2 exposure. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

S. Gupta, A. Kashani, Aziz Hasan Mahmood et al. Construction and Building Materials 291 (2021) 123363

Fig. 6 (continued)

Fig. 7. Degree of hydration of cement pastes after 7 days and 28 days of sealed curing.

0.50% of cement by weight) increased flexural strength by 20–80% composites is sensitive to the resistance offered by its tensile
compared to control. Cement based composites are weak under plane. High dosage of biochar tend to increase inhomogeneity in
tension. Under flexural loading, the strength of cement-based the tensile plane of mortar due to different properties of biochar

S. Gupta, A. Kashani, Aziz Hasan Mahmood et al. Construction and Building Materials 291 (2021) 123363

and the surrounding cementitious matrix [61]. This contribute to than FA20 after 7 days of carbonation, which leads to 22% higher
propagation of tensile cracks through weaker interfacial zones, strength although both these mixes show similar strength after
thus reducing flexural strength. 7 days of water curing. This is congruent with findings by Rostami
In case of fly ash–cement mortar, addition of biochar et al. [4] that loss of moisture by 3.70% led to 60% lower strength
(FA20BC3) does not show statistically significant improvement after carbonation compared to samples receiving water spray to
in strength after 7 days and 28 days of water curing compared replenish moisture loss subsequent to carbonation.
to FA20 (without biochar). This is unlike the case of plain mortar After 28 days of carbonation, BC1 and BC3 show 14% (pcalclated =
(without fly ash), where 3% biochar addition showed improve- 0.035 < 0.050) and 25% (pcalclated = 0.010 < 0.050) higher strength
ment in compressive strength. Presence of fly ash along with suf- than plain mortar. Similar trend can be observed for flexural
ficient wet curing results in precipitation of C-S-H gel with strength (Fig. 6c) – carbonated BC1 and BC3 show 17% and 7%
consequent reduction in calcium hydroxide (CH) through poz- improvement in strength than plain mortar. While compressive
zolanic reaction. C-S-H is primarily responsible for strength devel- strength increases by 59% for BC1, and 43% for BC3 from 7 days
opment of cementitious paste. Presence of alkali metals including to 28 days of carbonation curing, plain mortar does not show any
sodium and potassium in biochar (Table 4) can influence the noticeable increment in strength. Strength development after
structure and stiffness of C-S-H gel. Sodium (Na+) and potassium 28 days of carbonation is an interplay of adverse degradation of
(K+) ions adsorbed in C-S-H can attract additional water mole- C-S-H and positive effect of densification by calcium carbonate in
cules in the intralayer, thus increasing the stiffness of the gel pores of cement matrix. Prolonged exposure to carbon dioxide
[62]. The increased stiffness reduces lateral deformation under leads to decomposition of C-S-H into cross-polymerized gel with
compressive loading leading to positive effect on strength [62]. low Ca:Si ratio and reduces binding capacity [65]. This is reported
However, this effect is offset by the effect of sodium in depoly- to cause loss in structural integrity in carbonated matrix [66]. The
merizing the silicate network and reducing the density of control matrix shows higher carbonation depth compared to BC1
C-(Na)-S-H gel compared to C-S-H [62,63]. This is explained and BC3 at 28-day age (Fig. 3b), meaning the degradation due to
through the schematics presented in Fig. 6d. Sodium ions can carbonation took place in a larger volume of the control sample
break the silicate tetrahedra bridges by inserting into the layer, compared to biochar-mortar. In case of BC1 and BC3, the mass
leading to less stable C (Na,K)-S-H gel and increased depolymer- change from 7 days of carbonation to 28 days are higher than plain
ization. Moreover, Na+ leads to swelling of C(Na,K)-S-H layer mortar, meaning the top 4–7 mm depth of the samples (depth of
compared to C-S-H which may induce additional stress in the carbonation shown in Fig. 3a) are more densified by calcium car-
cementitious matrix. Thus, the net effect of sodium and bonate than in case of plain mortar. This is expected to densify
potassium would depend on which of the mentioned effects is macro-pores and contribute to strength. Furthermore, Gupta
more dominant. In this research, this effect is manifested in et al. [67] found that under humidity gradient the retained water
statistically similar strength of FA20 and FA20BC3 at 28-day age in biochar pores is released, that can improve hydration of cement
(p-value > 0.05, tested at 95% confidence interval) although pastes. Therefore, the loss in moisture due to carbonation can be
FA20BC3 shows 13% higher strength than FA20 at 7-day age. This replenished by the internal curing action of biochar, thus con-
might be explained by higher degradation to C-S-H gel due to tributing to better strength development than plain mortar.
dissolution of sodium and potassium ions from biochar with the In presence of 20% fly ash, addition of biochar does not lead to
age of mortar. Therefore, sodium and potassium content of bio- any significant improvement in compressive and flexural strength
char must be taken into account for application in cementitious after 28 days of carbonation (Fig. 6b and c). Furthermore, the
composites containing pozzolanic material. strength increment from 7th day of carbonation to 28th day of car-
Plain mortar shows 42% improvement in compressive strength bonation is 2.11 times in case of FA20, which is higher than 1.60
after 7 days of carbonation compared to its water cured samples, times for FA20BC3. This implies that despite higher carbonate min-
while BC1 and BC3 show similar strength development under eralization in FA20BC3, the strength development is retarded com-
water curing and carbonation curing. This is contrary to the find- pared to FA20. This is attributed to higher contribution of C-S-H to
ings observed by Wang et al. [64] - cement blocks (50 mm cube) carbonate mineralization in case of FA20BC3 than FA20 (discussed
with 1% wood-based biochar showed 70% increase in compressive in Section 3.4). After 28 days of carbonation, the CH content in
strength subjected to 24 h of carbonation and 6 days of air curing FA20BC3-CP is 13.94 ± 0.12% by mass of cement, whereas FA20-
compared to 7-day air cured samples. This difference in findings CP shows a much reduced CH content at 9.81 ± 0.20% (calculated
could be attributed to the duration of carbonation, which is 7 days based on Eq (8)), suggesting lower conversion of CH to calcium car-
in this case compared to 1-day in case of Wang et al. [64]. Fig. 8a bonate during carbonation. CH may reduce porosity of cementi-
and b compare the micro-structure of water cured and carbonated tious composites by blocking the macro-pore spaces but does not
BC3 respectively after 7 days. It can be seen that the C-S-H gel in contribute to strength development [68]. Thus, conversion and
carbonated BC3 is porous and not as dense as in the case of degradation of C-S-H in FA20BC3 is a more prominent contributor
water-cured sample. This is attributed to prolonged carbonation, to calcium carbonate than in the case of FA20. Furthermore, it can
that leads to moisture starvation, impeding hydration and increas- be seen from Fig. 8d that fly ash particles in carbonated FA20BC3
ing porosity. Although long exposure to CO2 can enhance carbonate after 28 days are partially consumed with only traces of hydration
mineralization and sequestration, degraded binder gel-structure products on the surface. As a result, pores at the interface of fly ash
can negatively affect strength development. and cementitous matrix and the bulk matrix (Fig. 8e) remain
FA20BC3 shows 22% higher strength compared to FA20 after unfilled although intermingled carbonate crystals of calcium car-
7 days of carbonation although 28 day strengths are similar. The bonate and needle-shape crystals, which may be ettringite or elon-
strength development of mortar mixes after 7 days of carbonation gated CH crystals, densify part of the matrix. Although some
is closely related to the mass loss due to consumption of moisture hydration can be seen on the biochar surface, much of the particle
during carbonation (R2 = 0.95, Fig. 6e). Fig. 8c shows that the car- is not covered by hydration products (Fig. 8d). Biochar particles can
bonation process leads to formation of carbonation products in enhance strength through filler effect; however, low hydration on
macro-void spaces (in FA20), which are otherwise occupied by cal- its surface during carbonation may affect long-term strength
cium hydroxide during hydration. However, high early loss in development. Therefore, even though carbonated FA20BC3 shows
moisture creates additional porosity and affect the strength devel- similar strength as carbonated FA20 after 28 days, the strength
opment [4]. For instance, FA20BC3 shows 0.70% lower loss in mass development from 7-day age to 28-day age is retarded.
S. Gupta, A. Kashani, Aziz Hasan Mahmood et al. Construction and Building Materials 291 (2021) 123363

(e) (e1)
pores Calcium

Ettringite or

Fig. 8. SEM micrograph of (a) C-S-H gel in water-cured BC3; (b) porous C-S-H gel structure in carbonated BC3; (c) Carbonate minerals in macro-voids of FA20 (d) Partially
reacted fly ash particles in carbonated FA20BC3 after 28 days; (e) Macro-pores around carbonated zones in FA20BC3; (e1) Zoomed in micrograph of calcium carbonates
intermingled with hydration products.

3.2.4. Capillary water absorption 0.045 < 0.050, at 95% confidence interval). Similar trend can also be
Fig. 9a and b compare capillary water absorption of mortar sam- observed in 23% reduction in water absorption in case of FA20BC3
ples after 28 days of wet curing and carbonation. The initial compared to FA20 (Fig. 9b). This is also reflected in lower water
absorption during the first 4 h (shown in Fig. S5, supplementary acccessible porosity of FA20BC3 compared to FA20, both subject
information) is attributed to rapid absorption by capillary pores, to wet curing (Fig. 10).
while the secondary absorption between 24th and 168th hour is After carbonation, all mixes show substantial increase in total
contributed by macro-voids [16,69]. The slope of the absorption absorption (g/cm2) (Fig. 9a and b), which is mainly contributed
curve during these two periods can be used to calculate the initial by increase in initial sorptivity (Fig. 9c and d) compared to those
sorptivity and secondary sorptivity, respectively. The results are under water curing. Fig. 9e shows that initial sorptivity of mortar
presented in Fig. 9c and d. mixes after carbonation is strongly correlated with the mass loss
It can be observed that addition of 1% and 3% biochar do not sig- due to drying during the 28-day carbonation period. The moisture
nificantly influence initial absorption although 1% addition of bio- stored in fine capillary pores of cement matrix supports hydration,
char leads to 11% increase in total absorption compared to control. which refine the pore structure with age of concrete. Accelerated
However, increase in biochar dosage to 3% leads to 16% reduction carbonation and drying consumes the water in fine capillary and
in total absorption than plain mortar after 28 days of water curing. gel pores, reducing hydration and thus increasing the water sorp-
This suggests reduction in open porosity by filler effect of biochar tivity of the matrix. This is congruent with findings from Tracz
with increase in dosage. It is also supported by 6% reduction in and Zdeb [70]. They investigated carbonation under natural envi-
water accessible porosity of BC3 compared to plain mortar after ronment for 2 years which led to doubling of medium capillary
28 days of wet curing, which is statistically significant (pcalculated = pores (50 nm–100 nm) compared to water curing. These pores,

S. Gupta, A. Kashani, Aziz Hasan Mahmood et al. Construction and Building Materials 291 (2021) 123363

Fig. 9. Capillary water absorption of (a) plain mortar, BC1 and BC3 and (b) FA20 and FA20BC3 after 28 days of water curing and CO2 curing. (c) Initial sorptivity of water cured
samples and carbonated samples (d) Secondary sorptivity of water cured and carbonated samples (e) Relation between initial sorptivity and mass loss due to carbonation
during 28 days.

S. Gupta, A. Kashani, Aziz Hasan Mahmood et al. Construction and Building Materials 291 (2021) 123363

Fig. 9 (continued)

due to stronger capillary suction, contribute to increase in initial macro-pores of mortar [51]. However, BC3 shows similar porosity
sorptivity. This is observed in case of BC1 showing 29% increase after water and carbonation curing (Fig. 10). This is due to lower
in initial sorptivity due to higher drying rate compared to plain carbonation depth and lower permeability of BC3 compared to
mortar (control) and BC3. BC1. It suggests that carbon dioxide could not diffuse into the
It can be seen from Fig. 9e that reduction in mass loss by only internal pore network of BC3 and as a result, blockage of internal
0.36% in FA20BC3 compared to FA20 due to carbonation, led to macro-pores by calcium carbonate is less effective than BC1.
reduction in initial sorptivity by 27%. The slope of reduction Both FA20 and FA20BC3 show about 3.20 times increase in ini-
(shown by black arrow in Fig. 9e) is steeper than in the case of tial sorptivity after carbonation compared to wet curing (Fig. 9c),
BC3 compared to plain mortar (shown by blue arrow in Fig. 9e). which is significantly higher compared to 1.50–1.80 times increase
Porous cementitious composites (for example, fly ash -cement in plain mortar, BC1 and BC3. This is attributed to aggravated pore
mortar) suffer more from prolonged carbonation compared to nor- coarsening due to carbonation in mortar containing pozzolanic
mal mortar due to higher ingress of CO2 resulting in degradation of mineral admixture, fly ash in this case [66]. Bier [71] attributed this
binder gel and pore coarsening [6]. Therefore, addition of biochar to the pozzolanic action converting CH to C-S-H, which suffers sev-
to fly ash-mortar has a more significant effect on reducing water ere decalcification and increase in porosity due to prolonged car-
absorption after 28 days of carbonation compared to that in the bonation. However, FA20BC3 shows 33% lower initial sorptivity
case of plain mortar. Lower mass loss due to combination of bio- and 10% lower water accessible porosity (Fig. 10) compared to
char and fly ash (FA20BC3) than FA20 would reduce capillary FA20 after carbonation, suggesting that addition of biochar reduces
porosity, while the fine biochar particles can block pore channels, the permeability of fly ash-mortar. This is attributed to filler effect
thus contributing to reduction in water sorptivity. of biochar and lower mass loss due to drying of FA20BC3 mortar
Carbonation in case of plain mortar and BC1 leads to reduction compared to FA20 during the carbonation period (Fig. 3a).
in water accessible porosity compared to water cured samples However, carbonation leads to significant reduction in sec-
(Fig. 10), attributed to deposition of calcium carbonates in ondary sorptivity (Fig. 9d). Lower secondary sorptivity is caused

S. Gupta, A. Kashani, Aziz Hasan Mahmood et al. Construction and Building Materials 291 (2021) 123363

Fig. 10. Water accessible porosity of mortars after 28 days of water curing and CO2 curing.

by blockage of macro-pores (>100 nm) by calcium carbonate tion of C-S-H due to spatial arrangement induced by cations [74].
formed through reaction of calcium hydroxide with diffused car- Deprotonation of -SiOH- to -SiO- leads to negatively charged
bon dioxide [51]. Metalssi [51] reported that accelerated carbona- C-S-H surface. Thus, the positively charged cations are adsorbed
tion substantially reduce macro-porosity of cementitious onto the C-S-H gel and induce electrostatic attractions leading to
composites (pore size between 0.90 and 2.50 mm). Secondary sorp- a denser micro-structure. This mechanism induces stresses in the
tivity is applied for prediction of service life of concrete structures micro-structure and may lead to deformation of C-S-H by shorten-
[72], and therefore lower value would indicate improved durability ing the chain length of silicate [75]. Drying shrinkage is also influ-
due to enhanced water tightness. Due to higher diffusion of carbon enced by disjoining pressure. Beltzung et al. [76] found that
dioxide and carbonate mineralization (Figs. 3a and 4b), carbonated increased cationic concentration destabilizes the adsorbed water
FA20 and FA20BC3 show 78–79% reduction in secondary sorptivity close to the solid skeleton in C-S-H, resulting in release of disjoin-
compared to water cured samples, while BC3 shows only 60% ing pressure. This reduces the distance between solid layers, lead-
reduction. The secondary sorptivity is also reduced by 18% in car- ing to higher shrinkage.
bonated FA20BC3 compared to BC3 (Fig. 9d), indicating its Upon rewetting for 7 days, plain mortar, BC1 and BC3 show 32–
improved resistance to migration of external moisture during ser- 34% recovery in shrinkage (expansion) from the 77-day mark;
vice life. however, FA20BC3 shows only 24% recovery. Higher reversibility
of shrinkage represents the elastic response of mortar, that can
be instrumental in minimizing shrinkage cracking through curing.
3.2.5. Drying and carbonation shrinkage The trend shows that combination of fly ash and biochar reduce Drying shrinkage. Fig. 11a and b show drying shrinkage (air reversibility of drying shrinkage. Reversible shrinkage due to wet
drying) and carbonation shrinkage of mortar over 11 week curing is dependent on penetration of external water, that replen-
(77 days) period. It also shows the reversibility of shrinkage due ishes internal moisture in cement matrix, leading to hydrationof
to rewetting subsequent to shrinkage. Due to rewetting after air- unhydrated cement particles. The generated hydration products
drying and carbonation, all the mortars show expansion, observed reduce capillary porosity, resulting in recovery of a fraction of
in Fig. 11a and b. the total shrinkage. Pozzolanic action of fly ash and filler effect of
It is found that drying shrinkage increases with increase in bio- unreacted fly ash and biochar particles can minimize porosity of
char dosage, evident from 31% and 39% increase after 77-day per- mortar, thus limiting penetration of external moisture. Subject to
iod compared to plain mortar due to addition of 1% and 3% biochar, similar curing conditions, FA20BC3 show lower water accessible
respectively. Similar trend can be observed when comparing FA20 porosity and water absorption (%) (Fig. 10) compared to plain mor-
and FA20BC3. It is expected that salt content (sodium chloride) in tar, BC1 and BC3.
peanut contributed to sodium in peanut biochar, which is also sup-
ported by the XRD spectra of the produced biochar (Fig. S1b, sup- Carbonation shrinkage. After carbonation, all mortars show
plementary info). Assuming all the sodium is sourced from sodium increase in shrinkage (comparing Fig. 11a and b), which is due to
chloride, 1% and 3% biochar amount to 0.42% and 1.26% sodium coarsening of fine pores, decalcification (chemical effects) and
chloride by mass of cement in BC1 and BC3 mortar based on oxide accelerated drying during carbonation (physical effect) [74]. Since
only composition (Table 4). Park et al. [73] observed 30% and 47% the environmental conditions (temperature and humidity) for air-
higher drying shrinkage in concrete containing 0.60% and 1.20% drying and carbonation were similar (23 °C and 55% RH), the effect
sodium chloride at 77-day age. Higher shrinkage due to presence of only carbonation on change in shrinkage, e; can be determined
of sodium compounds is attributed to role of alkali cations (Na+, from the difference between carbonation shrinkage and drying
K+) in increasing the visco-plastic/visco-elastic compliance and shrinkage, using Eq. (11).
reduction of creep resistance under drying induced stresses [74].
This is attributed to rearrangement of micro-structural configura- e ¼ cc  D ð11Þ

S. Gupta, A. Kashani, Aziz Hasan Mahmood et al. Construction and Building Materials 291 (2021) 123363

Fig. 11. (a) Drying shrinkage (air drying), (b) Carbonation shrinkage of mortar and (c) Shrinkage due to only carbonation process.

S. Gupta, A. Kashani, Aziz Hasan Mahmood et al. Construction and Building Materials 291 (2021) 123363

ecc is the carbonation shrinkage (micro-strain) and eD is the dry- cement-mortar through accelerated carbonation curing. The find-
ing shrinkage (micro-strain) for the same mortar mix. cc and D are ings demonstrate that addition of 3% biochar, prepared and pro-
negative (not absolute values). e after 3 days, 7 days, 28 days, cessed from peanut shell, increases the rate of carbonation of
56 days and 77 days of carbonation are shown in Fig. 11c. It is cement mortar, although it reduced the depth of carbonation.
interesting to note that BC1 and BC3 show 32–65% reduction in Addition of 3% biochar contributes to generation of more hydration
carbonation-only shrinkage compared to plain mortar (control) products and improves degree of hydration than control. This
depending on the exposure age. Therefore, the differences in increases the products participating in carbonation reaction, lead-
shrinkage between control and BC1, and control and BC3 up to ing to higher carbonate mineralization and CO2 uptake by 5–7%
77-day period, shown in Fig. 11b, are mainly due to the physical than control.
drying effect. This trend suggests that biochar-mortar would be Combining biochar and fly ash increases the carbonate mineral-
less vulnerable to detrimental effects of carbonation reaction, ization and rate of CO2 uptake of cement blocks by 5–7% compared
including cracking and dimensional instability during carbon to fly ash–cement (without biochar) at early age (7 days), suggest-
sequestration, than control mortar. Reduced carbonation-only ing addition of biochar has a positive influence on rapidly captur-
shrinkage in biochar-mortar can be attributed to the reduced depth ing and sequestering carbon dioxide. Carbon sequestration
of carbonation compared to plain mortar (Fig. 3b). Chen et al. [77] through carbonation of binder gel is higher in biochar-fly ash
suggested that carbonation shrinkage is mainly caused by decalci- blocks than fly ash–cement blocks.
fication of C-S-H, and this leads to increase in irreversible shrink- Higher initial moisture loss, due to carbonation, negatively
age. Therefore, reduced penetration of CO2 in BC1 and BC3 would affects 7-day compressive of biochar mortar. However, increased
lead to lower volume of decalcified C-S-H compared to plain mor- carbonate mineralization and reduced depth of carbonation after
tar, resulting in lower carbonation-only shrinkage. 28 days in biochar-mortar (BC3) compared to control leads to
However, depth of penetration may not be the only reason for 24% improvement in compressive strength.
reduction in carbonation-only shrinkage. Despite similar depth of Adding biochar to fly ash mortar reduces rate of water ingress
carbonation, FA20BC3 shows 63–77% reduced carbonation-only by 33%, which will enhance durability of concrete constructions.
shrinkage compared to FA20 beyond 7th day mark (Fig. 11c). A Combination of biochar and fly ash in mortar demonstrates sub-
possible explanation, mooted by Ye et al. [74], is the crystallization stantially lower (by 27%) initial sorptivity than fly ash-mortar after
stress generated by calcium carbonate crystals in cementitious carbonation, attributed to filler effect of biochar and higher carbon-
matrix containing sodium salts. Formation of calcite and aragonite ate mineralization.
are associated with about 12% and 3% expansion in volume. High salt content (sodium and potassium salts) as contaminants
According to Power’s theory [78], formation of calcite do not lead in biochar can substantially increase drying shrinkage (by up to
to forced increase in volume because it is formed in the pore spaces 33%) of biochar-mortar compared to control. Addition of biochar
occupied by calcium hydroxide (CH). However, presence of sodium can reduce the carbonation-only shrinkage (due to chemical reac-
compounds (as in the case of peanut shell biochar in this study), tion) by 32–77% depending on mix composition and exposure age.
leads to refined pore structure, which suffers from expansive crys- 22–25% of the carbonation shrinkage can be recovered in plain
tallization stress due to generation of calcium carbonates during mortar and biochar-mortar by short period (7 days) of rewetting.
CO2 exposure [74]. Secondly, FA20BC3 shows substantially lower Combination of fly ash and biochar can lead to higher irreversible
water accessible porosity than FA20, meaning the densified matrix shrinkage than fly ash – mortar due to higher carbonation and
may be a restraint to growth of calcium carbonate resulting in degradation of binder gel.
large expansive stresses. This plausible volume expansion due to In summary, the research highlights a potential means of devel-
carbonation in biochar-mortar may reduce the carbonation-only oping low carbon biochar-cement material, which can offer high
shrinkage. carbonate mineralization with some improvements in mechanical
Carbonation followed by rewetting leads to expansion and net and durability properties.
reduction in shrinkage. Plain mortar, BC1 and BC3 lead to 22–
25% reversibility in shrinkage, while FA20 and FA20BC3 show
20% and 16% reversibility. This shows that combination of biochar
CRediT authorship contribution statement
and fly ash leads to higher fraction of irreversible shrinkage after
rewetting compared to cement mortar with only fly ash. Higher
Souradeep Gupta: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investiga-
carbonate mineralization potential of FA20BC3 compared to FA20
tion, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing. Alireza
reduces water accessible porosity (Fig. 10) which can reduce the
Kashani: Funding acquisition, Resources, Writing - review & edit-
penetration of moisture during rewetting and lead to lower recov-
ing. Aziz Hasan Mahmood: Investigation. Tianhao Han: Data cura-
ery of shrinkage by further hydration. Furthermore, the reduction
tion, Investigation.
in CH is substantially less in FA20BC3 than FA20, indicating that
carbonation of C-S-H could be the major contributor to formation
of carbonates. Prolonged carbonation of C-S-H lead to removal of
interlayer calcium and formation of silica gel, which contract by Declaration of Competing Interest
10–12% by volume [79]. Moreover, presence of alkali compounds,
including compounds of sodium and potassium in biochar, can The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
enhance decalcification leading to collapse of layered structure in cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
C-S-H [74]. Such degradation of the gel structure has been reported to influence the work reported in this paper.
to cause irreversible shrinkage during carbonation in alkali-rich
cement pastes [74].

4. Conclusion The authors would like to thank Center for Infrastructure Engi-
neering and Safety (CIES) for supporting with materials and equip-
This study investigates the influence of biochar and combina- ment resources for this research. Assistance from technical officers
tion of biochar and fly ash on carbonate mineralization in Mr. Paul Gwynne and Mr. William Terry is also appreciated.
S. Gupta, A. Kashani, Aziz Hasan Mahmood et al. Construction and Building Materials 291 (2021) 123363

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