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Name: Imtanan Anwar

Class: LLB (Blue)
Roll No: 017
Sub: Jurisprudence 2
Submit To: Mam Saqiba
Topic: Book Review
Pir-e-Kamil (The Perfect Mentor)
Umera Ahmad is an author and screenwriter from Pakistan. Born
in Dec 10 1976 and she is 44 years old now.

Review of Abstract:
The Perfect Mentor is a novel written by Pakistani writer Umera
Ahmad. It was first published in Urdu in 2004 and later in English
in 2011. The book deals with the turning points in intervening lives
of two people. A runaway girl named Imama Hashim. and a boy
named Salar Sikander with an IQ of more than 150. The story spans
a time period of around ten years. It is Ahmad's most popular work.
It is followed by a sequel Aab-e-Hayat.

Review of Evaluation:
Umairah Ahmed has written this novel about a Qadiani girl. In
which She has said that when Allah Almighty writes guidance in
one's destiny, the source becomes anyone. The novel revolves
around salar sakandar and umaima. It has two special characters.
And it also tells us how we can improve our lives by following what
the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said. Salar
sakandar has a very good mind. But he is a very careless and
naughty boy. While umaima is a Qadiani girl. He does not even
realize that he is a kaafir. She begins to study Islam by making her
friends feel. When she studies, she realizes that she is outside the
realm of Islam. That they do not believe in the end of prophecy. As
she studies Islam, her sins become more acute. Then she converts to
Islam. The family gets the news. With great difficulty, she manages
to escape from the house with the help of Arsalan. Follows the
difficult times of his life. Because Salar is a very intelligent boy, he is
not satisfied with small things. He has committed suicide many times
to see What is next the pain. Because this reason they do not live
together. Salar is about to leave umaima and on the way he has to
get married. The situation becomes such that they have to get
married. But they are not ready for it. Salar leaves umaima at the
place he told him to go. Umaimas suffer alot. Eventually she reaches
a good religious family. And Salar Sikandar comes very close to
Islam in search of truth. Intelligence leads him to the path of truth.
He also followed the path of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings
of Allaah be upon him) after many difficulties and achieved the path
of truth. He also goes after the leader who has made umaima his
daughter. They have changed her name from umaima to Maryam.
Salar tries hard to find his umaima first but can't find her. Now,
after coming to these leaders, Salar's marriage with the Imam is
arranged. He does not know because his name is Maryam. Amima
tells them the truth about her marriage. Grinder. But he also gets
this news. Yes, Salar is dead. She agrees to get married. When they
see each other after marriage, they are thankful for God's blessings.
God guided them and made them partners in each other's lives.
After that their condition improves. Gradually, they get to their

Conclusion :
Umaira Ahmad's purpose in writing this novel is that he is a true
Muslim. Follow the teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and
believe in the end of prophecy. He who does not have the Holy
Prophet (PBUH) in his heart cannot have the love of Allah in his
heart. There is no need to follow anyone after following the Holy
Prophet (PBUH)


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