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Mountains — i m\ et a Dacian Fortresses of the , e] =~ C| = i) 4 2 4 ‘im \ ob - Fortarete dacice din Muntii fel =] Cl =|) TUN Pontus Can Avec wResiones Idefoneo Rodngues, 2 40001 SEGOVIA artec@editoralarteccom ‘worweditoralartec com Aight eee No pat ofthis tok mas be egos, sor ina retin or transit in any for any manner, lt mechanical, pring or ober, vithout pcr etn pesos um the Publisher ‘oro: Koshiro Matouura ‘Tet Corinto sed nto Toana lotaca ‘Tet Simons Sore Romanian poesing Teedora Olteana ‘Translate Virgil Oltewna gen Pescara 282 9:28 7 Wi 1054: 11 May Cason Horn 3,345,365, 7, 6, 5,58, 608 Drawings: Adriana Rusu Pescara, 68,75, 7,82 1 18 12 Radu Olena 21 and Gelu Floren: 83,15 Ar Dinetion and Graph Ds: Carlos Horeajo Ptr: Artes Gréfiens Toledo Potosi Monténeara ISBN:976-84-89188-38-4 Lega Depot 10-963-2008, ‘We would ik to sineey than Mr Nida Marl, Romanian Ambusaor to UNESCO, fr bis spp. ‘The pblaton of this tok has een made posible y the inca ‘support rane bythe Romanian Cultural Insta, Bucharest. Boma ‘Aare wresiones Idefonso Rodriguez, 3 0001 SEGOVIA artecfPedtorialtsccom ‘worwectoralarteecom ‘Toate dete reer Nico partes aces ub pate Arepods stot int-n sem earhate ‘auras sh re oma sau pl cena, deo, mec, de tcp a al, id permisnea ssa eta, Preenta: Kaichir Matuura ornare xt vod loanaoescu Tes Simona Sora neared TeodraOteana adc Virgil team evlue desi enol: Smith Translations Roderic Lee Foto: José M. Dir (otto) slugenPescau:28y2;29a,by 62a,b, cy é63aybs 6b; 72,95 105 105 10 ay by 1 6-17 1195120, 12. (hos Horae3, 3 35,3637, 0 4-7, 48,88, 50,58, 8. ese: drama Ras Pesca: 66 876,77 92,104,118, 132; Radu lean: 2,1 GeluFoea: 83,152 Dc hrs Deen Ga Cas Haejo epi rtes ees Toledo Fone: Monténcora IsBu:s7as4a83 384 Dept gn 109622009 Darin sd mutunin dn se ena spjin acta de DnulNlae Mande, abso eranentl fond a UNESCO, Fg NSTTUTY grasa a pat ae NRK anise deesttl tcl Rani, Bases CONTENTS ForeWwoRD 7 Kovcuno Marsa IntRDUCTION 8 Tost Zorescu Ultima Thule Dacian Fortresses in the Orastie Mountains 16 Immortal Dacians 20 ‘Ariel story bering an thers inthe mousse 38 Gods in the Sacred Mountain 50 Fortresses in the mountains the twilight of history — 60 Royal Sarmizegetusa 64 Costesti Fortress -Cetituie 90 Blidaru Fortress 102 ‘Luneani - Piatra Rogie Fortress 16 Binita Fortress 12 Capalna Fortress 130 Epilogue 138 ‘Stvox’ Sona CUPRIN PREZENTARE oi Masta ITRODUCERE lowu Zsa Ultima Thule Cetatile dacce din Mungi Oristiet .Daciinemuritor” Scurt istorii gol din mang Teli din Muntele Sacru Ceti din munti- ccs one Sarmizegetusa Regal (Cetatea Costest~Cetatuie (etatea Biidaru (Cetatea Luncani — Piatra Rosie (Cetatea Bina (etatea Capilna Epilog Sonn Soma S 16 30 38 50 102 116 1 130 138 i Unt Nations uealonl Soartesrd | Cita Omoncaton osnoieatincs | fowmin Esucann, taclenciny a ura Orewa Osvenmeweit Haun no onpocaw oso, vapor rayon! al ea Lae yoy aa mame, ERICA Foreword by Mr Koichiro Matsuur Director-General of UNESCO for the collection of seven books on Romanian World Heritage ARTEC, Spain, 5 August 2009 World Heritage sites are some of the most extraordinary places in the world. These sites are inscribed on the World Heritage List because of their outstanding universal value, meaning that they must be protected and preserved for present and future generations, This is in accord with the World Heritage Convention, which was conceived to enable countries to join together to protect their own as well as humankind’s shared World Heritage. The World Heritage Convention is one of the most-ratified conventions in the world, ‘adopted by 186 countries to date, and there are now 890 sites on the World Heritage List ‘There are seven World Heritage sites in Romania, and each one is unique. The Danube Delta, the country’s only natural site at this time, was the country's first site to be inscribed on the List, in 1991. Itis the largest and best-preserved of Europe's deltas, as well as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and a Wetland of International Importance, hosting over 300 species of birds and 75 fish fauna species in its, numerous lakes and marshes. The cultural sites in Romania span a vast period of time and a wide range of historic events and cultural sensibilities. The Churches of Moldavia, with the 15th and 16th century frescoes on their exterior walls, are unique in Europe and considered to be masterpieces of Byzantine art. The Dacian Fortresses of the Orastie Mountains show an unusual fusion of military and religious architectural techniques and concepts from the classical world and the late European Iron Age. The Historic Centre of Sighisoara is the centre of a small, fortified medieval town which played an important strategic and commercial role in central Europe for centuries. The Monastery of Horezu, founded in 1690, is known for its architectural purity and balance, the richness of its sculptural detail, the treatment of its religious ‘compositions, its votive portraits and its painted decorative works. The Villages with Fortified Churches in Transylvania demonstrate a land-use and settlement system, that has been preserved since the late Middle Ages, and the Wooden Churches of Maramures are outstanding examples of vernacular religious wooden architecture. | would like to congratulate the citizens and authorities of Romania for their dedication to preserving and maintaining the values of these sites. Action taken to improve restoration and protection measures at the Historic Centre of Sighisoara, as well as the successful relocation of a proposed theme park in 2003 exemplify their determination in this regard. | hope you enjoy reading these volumes as you discover this special heritage. ioe Koichiro Matsuura im “Ctra! Organon Oprayaauss Covenmonta Haumhne * orpocan copasonans, Santal pe Laie aU, AU Lal meee AP BK ICAI Cuvant inainte de D-nul Koichiro Matsuura Director General al UNESCO Pentru colectia de gapte carfi despre Patrimoniul Umanitatii din Romania ARTEC, Spania, 5 august 2009 Siturile dectarate Patrimoniu al Umanitaiti sunt unele dintre cele mai extraordinare locuri din lume. Acestea sunt Inscrise pe lista Patrimoniului Umanitati pentru fabuloasa lor valoarea universala, ceea ce inseamna cd acestea trebuiesc protejate si pastrate pentru generaiille prezente si viitoare. Acest lucru este in acord cu Conventia Patrimoniului Umanitai, care a fost conceputé pentru a permite {arilor sa se alature in protejarea atat a monumentelor proprii cat si a celorialte impartasite omenii gi declarate Patrimoniu al Umaniti Conventia Patrimoniului Umanitatii este una dintre cele mai ratiicate conventil din Intreaga lume, adoptata pana acum de catre 186 de tari, sumand in momentul de fata £890 situriincluse pe lista Patrimoniului Umanitati In Romania existé saptesituri declarate Patrimoniu al Umanitai, si flecare dintre ele este unic. Delta Dunarii, deocamdata singurul sit natural al tari, a fost primul loc inscris pe Lista, in 1981. Este cea mai mare gi mai bine conservata din Deltele Europe, cat si una dintre Rezervele Biosferei si Zone Umede de Importanta Internationala de la UNESCO, co gazduieste peste 300 de specii de paséri si 75 speci de pesti in rumeroasele sale lacur si mlastin. Siturile culturale din Romania se extind pe o larga perioada de timp si un larg spectru de evenimente si sensbilitai cultural. Bisericie din Moldova, cu fresce din secolele XV si XVI decorénd zidurle exterioare, sunt nice in Europa si considerate afi capodopere ale areibizantne. Cetajile Dacice din Munfi Ordstie prezinté 0 neobignuitéfuziune intre tehnici de arhitectura militar si reigioasd gi concepte din lumea clasica gi din a dova ep0c8 a fieruui din Europa. Centrul Istorc din Sighisoara este centrul unui mic oras ‘medieval care a jucat un important rol strategic si comercial in centrul Europel de- ‘alungul secolelor. Manéstirea Horezu, fondaté in 1690, este cunoscuta pentru purtatea si echilibrularhitectural, bogétia detailor sale sculpturale, tratamentul compozitilor religioase, portretele votive si picturile decorative. Satele cu Biserici Fortficate din TTransivania, care demonstreazé un sistem de agezare si de utlizare a terenului ce s-a mentinut inca din evul mediu tarziu, si Bisericile din Lemn din Maramures sunt extraordinare exemple ale arhitecturireligioase vernaculare in lem Doresc sé felicit pe cetatenii gi autoritatile din Romania pentru dedicatia lor in conservarea gi mentinerea valorilor acestor situr. Diferite actiuni pentru a imbunatati masurile de restaurare si protejare in Centrul Istoric din Sighisoara, cat si schimbarea ‘ocalizérii unui parc de atracti in 2003 exemplifica hotardrea lor in acest sens. ‘Sper ca lectura acestor volume si fle placuta in timp ce descoper acest patrimoniu special (reo