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Modeling the ecology and evolution of

biodiversity: Biogeographical cradles,
museums, and graves
Thiago F. Rangel*†, Neil R. Edwards, Philip B. Holden, José Alexandre F. Diniz-Filho,
William D. Gosling, Marco Túlio P. Coelho, Fernanda A. S. Cassemiro,
Carsten Rahbek, Robert K. Colwell*†

INTRODUCTION: Individual processes that for each species range, at each 500-year in-

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shape geographical patterns of biodiversity terval, we recorded spatial and temporal pat-
are increasingly understood, but their com- terns of speciation (“cradles”), persistence
plex interactions on broad spatial and temporal (“museums”), extinction (“graves”), and species
scales remain beyond the reach of analytical richness.
models and traditional experiments. To meet
this challenge, we built a spatially explicit, RESULTS: Simulated historical patterns of
mechanistic model that simulates the history species richness, as recorded by maps of the
of life on the South American continent, driven richness of persistent (museum) species,
by modeled climates of the past 800,000 years. proved quite successful in capturing the broad
Operating at the level of geographical ranges features of maps of contemporary species rich-
of populations, our simulations implemented ness for birds, mammals, and plants. Factorial
adaptation, geographical range shifts, range experiments varying parameter settings and
fragmentation, speciation, long-distance dis- initial conditions revealed the relative impact
persal, competition between species, and ex- ◥
of the evolutionary and
tinction. Only four parameters were required ON OUR WEBSITE ecological processes that
to control these processes (dispersal distance, Read the full article we modeled, as expressed
evolutionary rate, time for speciation, and at http://dx.doi. in spatial and temporal Observed species richness versus
intensity of competition). To assess the effects org/10.1126/ patterns of cradles, muse- modeled (simulated) richness. Upper map:
of topographic heterogeneity, we experimen- science.aar5452 ums, graves, and species
Contemporary South American bird richness
tally smoothed the climate maps in some richness. These patterns (2967 species). Lower map: Simulated
treatments. were most sensitive to the geographical lo- spatial pattern for the cumulative richness of
cation of the founding species and to the rate persistent (museum) species, arising from
RATIONALE: The simulations had no target of evolutionary adaptation. Experimental topo- the model. The map show results averaged
patterns. Instead, the study took a fundamen- graphic smoothing confirmed a crucial role for over all parameter values for an Atlantic
tal approach, relying on the realism of the climate heterogeneity in the diversification Rainforest founder, excluding the climate-
modeled ecological and evolutionary pro- of clades, especially in the Andes. Analyses smoothing experimental treatments.
cesses, theoretical derivations of parameter of temporal patterns of speciation (cradles) Simulated species richness is highly
values, and the climatic and topographic driv- and extinction (graves) emerging from the correlated with observed species richness
ers to produce meaningful biogeographical simulations implicated Quaternary glacial- for birds (r2 = 0.6337).
patterns. The model encompassed only the interglacial cycles as drivers of both diver-
Late Quaternary (last 800,000 years), with its sification and extinction on a continental
repeated glacial-interglacial cycles, beginning scale. patterns of species richness emerged from the
at a time when South America was already model. Our simulations confirm a powerful
populated with a rich biota, comprising many CONCLUSION: Our biogeographical simu- role for adaptive niche evolution, in the con-
distinct lineages. Nonetheless, current con- lations were constructed from the bottom text of diversification and extinction driven
sensus holds that the contemporary flora and
vertebrate fauna of South America include
up, integrating mechanistic models of key
ecological and evolutionary processes, fol-
by topography and climate.

numerous lineages that have undergone rap- lowing well-supported, widely accepted ex-
id diversification during the Quaternary, par- planations for how these processes work in The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.
ticularly in the Andes. In our model, over the nature. Despite being entirely undirected by *These authors contributed equally to this work.
course of each simulation, a complete phy- any target pattern of real-world species richness †Corresponding author. Email: (T.F.R.); (R.K.C.)
logeny emerged from a single founding spe- and covering only a tiny slice of the past, Cite this article as T. F. Rangel et al., Science 361, eaar5452
cies. On the basis of the full historical records surprisingly realistic continental and regional (2018). DOI: 10.1126/science.aar5452

Rangel et al., Science 361, 244 (2018) 20 July 2018 1 of 1


◥ and between internal valleys and peaks along

RESEARCH ARTICLE the mountain chain (43, 44); (iii) offering a
north-south, climatically driven, biogeographical
corridor; (iv) sheltering species threatened with
BIOGEOGRAPHY extinction by reducing regional climate velocity
(45, 46); and (v) offering refugia from climatic
extremes (4, 47–49).
Modeling the ecology and evolution of Our model (Fig. 1) encompasses all of these
drivers of Andean diversification. Separately
biodiversity: Biogeographical cradles, from our assessment of the relative importance
of these processes, we investigated the role of

museums, and graves Andean climate heterogeneity, itself, as a driver

of diversification, within the experimental design.
To do so, we simulated the biogeographical
Thiago F. Rangel1*†, Neil R. Edwards2, Philip B. Holden2, consequences of gradually smoothing the topo-
José Alexandre F. Diniz-Filho1, William D. Gosling2,3, Marco Túlio P. Coelho1, graphy of South America, with the expectation
Fernanda A. S. Cassemiro1,4, Carsten Rahbek5,6, Robert K. Colwell1,5,7,8*† that these diversification processes would be
progressively eliminated.
Individual processes shaping geographical patterns of biodiversity are increasingly
understood, but their complex interactions on broad spatial and temporal scales remain Historical biome dynamics
beyond the reach of analytical models and traditional experiments. To meet this challenge, Although biogeographers unequivocally view

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we built a spatially explicit, mechanistic simulation model implementing adaptation, the Andes as a driver of species diversification
range shifts, fragmentation, speciation, dispersal, competition, and extinction, driven by (38–41), historical linkages among South American
modeled climates of the past 800,000 years in South America. Experimental topographic biomes are still under debate. The present-day
smoothing confirmed the impact of climate heterogeneity on diversification. The simulations northeast-southwest Caatinga-Cerrado-Chaco
identified regions and episodes of speciation (cradles), persistence (museums), and “hot-dry diagonal” poses a dispersal barrier
extinction (graves). Although the simulations had no target pattern and were not between Amazonian and Atlantic rainforests
parameterized with empirical data, emerging richness maps closely resembled contemporary for vertebrates and plants (50–52). However,
maps for major taxa, confirming powerful roles for evolution and diversification driven by multiple cases of disjunct distributions across
topography and climate. this barrier (53–56) support Por’s (57) proposal
of an ephemeral connection between the Amazon

and Atlantic Rainforest during late Quaternary
espite continually improving documen- tern of environmental variables (16, 26), range climate cycles (58–60). Seasonally dry tropical
tation of the global distribution of bio- shifts (27), dispersal (28), the geographical ef- forests have also been viewed as important driv-
diversity and increasing awareness of its fects of competition between species (29), niche ers of plant diversity in South America, and they
vulnerability, we remain confronted by evolution (30), range fragmentation and re- offer a potential explanation for disjunct dis-
our ignorance of the fundamental ecolog- joining (31, 32), speciation (33–35), and extinc- tributions of woody plants between Atlantic
ical and evolutionary processes that have shaped tion (36). Our biogeographical simulation model Forest and the Amazon and Andes (50, 61).
the diversity and complex biogeography of con- (Fig. 1) incorporated all these processes at the Within the Amazon, recent empirical and
tinental biotas (1–3). Narrative accounts (4) and level of geographical ranges of populations, as model-based studies have suggested the existence
correlative studies (5–10) suggest underlying realistically as feasible, given the inevitable com- of a large-scale dipole in hydroclimate dynamics
causes, and theoretical models demonstrate putational limitations. Our principal objective between Western and Eastern Amazonia—a
possible mechanisms (7, 11–17), but spatially was to evaluate, experimentally, the relative im- consequence of the regionally discordant effect
and temporally explicit, process-based models portance of these mechanisms in a multifactorial of glacial cycles on patterns of precipitation
(18, 19), founded on a comprehensive suite of framework. (62, 63). Together with smaller-scale, patchy
well-studied, widely accepted mechanisms, have dynamics of forest canopy density (64), recent
the greatest potential to assess the complex and Current understanding of South lineage diversification in the Amazon Basin may
sometimes indeterminate interactions among American biogeography have occurred principally as a consequence of
underlying processes (20–25). Here, we offer The crucial role of the Andes sporadic dispersal events and subsequent per-
such a comprehensive model, for a simulated The rise of the Andes, beginning 25 million sistence in isolation (32). Although not at the
biota. We applied it to a fine-scale topograph- years ago (37), launched a biogeographical ex- scale of local forest dynamics, our simulations
ical representation of South America—the most periment unique in Earth’s history (38, 39)—the allow us to assess the degree to which these
climatically and biologically diverse continent juxtaposition of a long, trans-tropical mountain regional patterns may have been driven by each
on Earth—driven by a spatially explicit paleo- chain and a tropical rainforest (40). Throughout of the processes we modeled (Fig. 1), in the con-
climate model for the past 800 thousand years their history, the environmental heterogeneity text of Quaternary climate cycles.
(ka), for both temperature and precipitation. of the Andes is thought to have driven species
In a changing climate, the geography of spe- diversification by (i) providing novel, high-altitude Strategy and scope of the study
cies distributions is governed by many inter- mountain environments; (ii) erecting dispersal Predecessors of our simulation model (22, 23)
acting environmental and biological processes. barriers that promoted vicariant speciation, targeted documented patterns of species rich-
These processes include the shifting spatial pat- both between east and west slopes (41, 42) ness and range size distributions to guide the

Departmento de Ecologia, Universidade Federal de Goiás, CP 131, 74.001-970 Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil. 2School of Environment, Earth, and Ecosystems, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
Department of Ecosystem and Landscape Dynamics, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, University of Amsterdam, Science Park 904, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 4Núcleo de
Pesquisa em Ictiologia, Limnologia e Aquicultura. Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Maringá, PR, Brazil. 5Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate, Natural History Museum of Denmark,
University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 15, 2100 Copenhagen O, Denmark. 6Department of Life Sciences, Imperial College London, Ascot SL5 7PY, UK. 7Department of Ecology and
Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269, USA. 8University of Colorado Museum of Natural History, Boulder, CO 80309, USA.
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
†Corresponding author. Email: (T.F.R.); (R.K.C.)

Rangel et al., Science 361, eaar5452 (2018) 20 July 2018 1 of 13


exploration of parameter space and to assess latitudes (16, 74–78), here we follow Fjeldså et al. populations (range fragments) that eventually
the sensitivity of outcomes to individual param- (4) in downscaling these analogies to the re- become daughter species, the point in time of
eters and their values. The present study takes gional level, within South America. In addi- its extinction, or the present time—if the spe-
a more fundamental approach, relying on the tion, the full evolutionary and biogeographical cies is still alive at the end of the simulation.
realism of the modeled climatic and topographic records that arise from our simulations allow Each species’ lifetime trajectory is subdivided
drivers and modeled ecological and evolutionary us to define and map a third biogeographical into three consecutive, distinct, and fully inclu-
processes (Fig. 1) to produce meaningful bio- category, “graves”—locations with unusually sive segments: a speciation trajectory, a persist-
geographical patterns. The simulations had no high extinction rates—and to document not ence trajectory, and, if the species goes extinct
target pattern and were not parameterized with only where, but also when cradles, museums, during the simulation, an extinction trajectory
empirical data. Surprisingly, as we will show, and graves were most and least active. (Fig. 2). (Species that give rise to daughter spe-
richness maps nonetheless emerged from the sim- As we define them here, “cradles” are about cies or persist into the present lack an extinc-
ulations that closely resemble contemporary speciation, “museums” about persistence, and tion trajectory.) The speciation trajectory covers
richness maps for South American birds, mam- “graves” about extinctions. Previously, cradles the period of population isolation between
mals, and plants, including regional details that and museums have generally been viewed as range fragmentation and full genetic isolation,
mirror conjectures in the biogeographical liter- fixed geographical places (4). Because our sim- Tmin years later. The extinction trajectory be-
ature, as outlined above. ulations take place in both space and time, we gins when a species starts an inexorable de-
Although our paleoclimate model extends fur- treat all three patterns as driven dynamically cline (defined statistically) toward extinction.
ther into the past than any three-dimensional by the processes of speciation, persistence, and The persistence trajectory comprises the time
atmosphere model previously applied at this extinction. A cradle, museum, or grave has ex- interval between the consolidation of specia-
temporal resolution, the model nonetheless en- tension and intensity in both space and time, tion at Tmin and the beginning of the extinction
compasses only the Late Quaternary (800 ka ago and may move though space and change shape, trajectory.

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to the present), with its repeated glacial-interglacial size, and intensity as time passes.
cycles, extending as far into the past as the high- Occupancy maps and time series
precision CO2 record from Antarctic ice core data Lifetime trajectories At the end of each simulation, we determined
(65). South America was, of course, already pop- Every species in the simulation has a lifetime the lifetime trajectory of each species (Fig. 2)
ulated with a rich biota comprising many distinct trajectory, in space and time (Fig. 2). Tempo- and its component segments (speciation, persist-
lineages—some quite ancient—at the beginning rally, each species’ lifetime trajectory extends ence, and extinction) by moving backward in
of this period (66). from its time of origination (a range fragmen- time through the records of the simulation. We
Nonetheless, current consensus among bio- tation event that leads subsequently to speci- recorded the number of time steps that each
geographers and paleoecologists is that the con- ation) to one of three endpoints: the point in map cell was occupied by each species for each
temporary flora (67, 68) and vertebrate fauna time when the species splits into two isolated segment of its lifetime trajectory. We then summed
(4, 33, 34, 69, 70) of South America include
numerous lineages that have undergone rapid
diversification during the Quaternary, partic- Climate Extinction Persistence Speciation
ularly in the Andes. In contrast, the flora and
fauna of the South American tropical lowlands,
Population level Species level Assemblage level
including the Amazon, are generally considered
to be more ancient (33, 40, 70). It is likely, Lifetime
Climatic Population patterns
however, that the geographical distributions niche range
of most species, whether belonging to an old Species Coexistence
lineage or a young one, have been shaped by range
Quaternary climate cycles (71, 72) (Movie 1 and
Dmax Range
fig. S2).
Cradles, museums, and graves Dispersal
Range Range
Although conceptually simple (Fig. 1), the model shift fragmentation
yielded extraordinarily complex patterns of di- Competitive
versity in space and time. To make sense of the Range Selection /
simulations, we examined the history of each contraction niche evolution
simulated species and its contribution to these Hmax Cmax

patterns. Over the course of each simulation,

a complete phylogeny emerges from a single Fig. 1. Simulation model structure. The processes and parameters implemented in the model, all
founding species. On the basis of this phylog- illustrated here, link climate dynamics and topography to emerging biodiversity patterns. Key entities
eny and on full historical records of each range and patterns (tables S3 and S4) appear in rectangles at the population, species, and assemblage
and range fragment at each 500-year interval levels. Processes are shown in ovals. Control knobs (table S1) represent the four model parameters:
of the modeled paleoclimate data (Movie 1), we Dmax, maximum dispersal distance; Hmax, maximum niche evolutionary rate; Tmin, minimum time
analyzed and illustrated spatial and temporal for speciation; and Cmax, maximum intensity of competition allowing coexistence, estimated as
patterns of speciation (“cradles”), persistence a function of phylogenetic distance. Climate change, on a realistic topographical template, drives
(“museums”), extinction (“graves”), and species ecological and evolutionary processes, interacting with each population’s environmental niche to
richness within South America. determine range dynamics. Dispersal promotes range shift and range expansion. Interactions
Stebbins (73) began a long tradition of re- between climate change, niche, and geographic distribution may result in adaptive niche evolution,
ferring to locations with unusually high rates range fragmentation, or extinction. Fragments that remain isolated long enough become new
of speciation as “cradles” of diversity, and to species. Closely related species, in sympatry, may coexist or undergo competitive exclusion. Starting
locations with unusually low rates of extinc- from a single, founding species (and its initial climatic niche), the simulation produces temporal and
tion as “museums.” Although these terms have spatial patterns of biodiversity, including times and places of speciation (cradles), extinction
previously been applied almost exclusively to (graves), and persistence (museums). See the Methods section, below, and “Model specification:
broad comparisons between tropical and boreal process sequence” in (95).

Rangel et al., Science 361, eaar5452 (2018) 20 July 2018 2 of 13


Movie 2. Demonstration of simulated

geographic and evolutionary dynamics for
a small clade of Andean origin. In the temper-
ature versus precipitation climate space diagram
Movie 1. Spatial and temporal dynamics of South American climates. The four dynamic maps (top left), the climatic niche of each extant

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on the left display minimum and maximum annual precipitation (upper maps) and temperature population is indicated by a rectangle, defined by
(lower maps) in South America over the last 800 ka. The colored lines in the corresponding the population’s maximum and minimum climatic
time-series plots (center) indicate, from the top to bottom, (i) maximum, (ii) third-quartile, tolerance for temperature and precipitation. As the
(iii) median, (iv) first-quartile, and (v) minimum annual precipitation (upper time series) and simulation progresses, and populations become
temperature (lower time series) among map cells. For precipitation, minimum and first-quartile time fragmented, the niche of each fragment is repre-
series overlap. In the dynamic temperature-precipitation climate space (right), each cross sented by its own rectangle. Niches of different
corresponds to one grid cell in the map. All cells are illustrated. The width of the cross indicates populations of the same species share the same
the annual precipitation seasonality (difference between maximum and minimum), while the height color, whereas different species’ niches are shown in
of the cross indicates annual temperature seasonality. The gray scale of individual crosses varies different colors. The dynamic map (top right) shows
to allow climatically overlapping cells to be visually distinguished. the richness of species at each time step. The
phylogeny (bottom) records the events of specia-
tion and extinction that emerge from the interaction
of climate dynamics, geographic distribution, and
the evolutionary response of species.

Fig. 2. Lifetime trajectory of species. Initially, the species on the

Population size

left (labeled “ancestral population”) is in a persistence trajectory (thick persistence

speciation trajectory
black line), as a single, viable population. Driven by climate change, trajectory
the population experiences range fragmentation, yielding two, isolated persistence
descendant populations (blue and red dashed lines). These two daughter l
ra 1
st ion on
populations enter speciation trajectories. Once they have remained ce lat
an pu po
po extinction
isolated for at least Tmin years, they are considered independent lat
2 trajectory
species (speciation event). Each descendant species then enters its range
own persistence trajectory (blue and red solid lines). In this example,
after a short period of persistence, the red species enters an extinction range
fragmentation event
trajectory (thin dashed red line), as its geographic range continuously species
contracts in a changing climate, ending in full range collapse (species
extinction). The blue species will eventually give rise to two daughter
species, undergo extinction, or survive to the end of the simulation.

these records for all species—separately for living at the end of the simulation, contributes to summed over the entire continent, for each
speciation, persistence, and extinction trajectories— these maps. To visualize the temporal pattern time step of a simulation.
to produce five cumulative occupancy maps for behind these cumulative maps, in relation to
the entire simulation: a cradles map, a muse- climate and to each other, we plotted occupancy Results
ums map, a graves map, a net diversification time series for cradles, museums, graves, net We carried out 10,500 simulations, each span-
map (cradles minus graves), and a total richness diversification, and total richness, by summing ning the entire 800-ka scope of the paleoclimate
map (fig. S15). Each of these maps is a sum- occupancy over all cells for each time step, for time series, to assess sensitivity of the model to
mation over time. The cumulative total richness each map (fig. S13). its parameters and to a battery of initial condi-
map is simply the spatial overlay (summation) Cumulative occupancy maps provide a deep tions. As detailed below in Methods, we treated
of the cradles, museums, and graves maps—a compilation of historical information on emerg- the four model parameters (Fig. 1) and two sets
map of total occupancy by all descendants of ing patterns of richness and their dynamics, of initial conditions (founder location and cli-
the founding species, summed over the course summed over the time course of a simulation. mate smoothing) as factors in a fully realized
of the simulation. Each species in the simulation, Occupancy time series, by contrast, represent factorial design, specified in table S5. Movie 2
whether extinct, an ancestor of other species, or cradles, museums, graves, or total richness, illustrates the structure and dynamics of these

Rangel et al., Science 361, eaar5452 (2018) 20 July 2018 3 of 13


Cradles Fig. 3. Simulation results for an Andean founder. Upper panel:

Occupancy time series for speciation (cradle richness, green), extinction
(grave richness, red), and mean continental temperature (blue) over
the course of the simulation (time moves from left to right). The highest
Temperature five to seven peaks of speciation (green dashed lines) and extinction
(red dashed lines) were marked manually, but time-series cross-correlations
were analyzed rigorously (table S6). Precipitation time series appear
in fig. S2. Lower panel: Cumulative richness maps for cradles, graves, net
Graves diversification (cradles minus graves), and total richness. Each map is
a summation over the course of the simulation. The figure shows
the average of all parameter values for an Andean founder, excluding the
climate-smoothing experimental treatments.
800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0
Time (ka)

800 60 780 4,800

390 2,400
400 30

0 0 -20 0

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Cradles Graves Net diversification Total

simulations for a small clade, together with a

corresponding phylogeny. The temporal and
spatial dynamics of species richness, cradles,
graves, and net diversification for a larger clade
are illustrated in Movie 3.

Impact of parameters and

initial conditions
To assess the impact of parameters and initial
conditions on emerging spatial and temporal
patterns in biodiversity, we partitioned sources
of variation (79, 80) among these patterns, based
on matrices of quantitative Bray-Curtis dissim-
ilarities computed between pairs of cumulative
occupancy maps for cradles, museums, graves,
and total richness generated by each simulation
(table S7 and figs. S16 to S19). In these analyses,
a parameter or initial condition was judged to
be influential if it yielded consistent spatial pat-
terns for any particular parameter setting or Movie 3. Emerging spatial and temporal patterns of species richness, cradles, museums,
initial condition, and different patterns for dif- and net diversification for a rapidly speciating Andean clade. Spatial patterns of instantaneous (top
ferent settings, regardless of the settings of other row) and cumulative (bottom row) total species richness (first column), cradle richness (second
parameters or initial conditions. Factors that column), grave richness (third column), and net diversification (fourth column; the difference between
varied little in their influence on the mean cradle richness and grave richness). Cumulative richness is the sum of instantaneous richness over
behavior of the simulations, regardless of their time, capturing—in a single map—an overview of historical spatial patterns.
settings, were judged less important.
Model parameters and initial conditions varied Although the balance varied among founders, climatically suitable, regions that initially lay with-
greatly in their impact on the simulations, but intermediate levels of adaptive evolution pro- in Dmax but that later became isolated through cli-
none was as influential, overall, as founder lo- moted the greatest diversification. If Hmax was mate change (figs. S14 to S19 and table S7).
cation (Figs. 3 to 5, figs. S16 to S19, and table S7), too low (strong niche conservatism), species and Extinction rates (grave richness), by contrast, de-
suggesting an underappreciated impact of his- lineages were subject to extinction; if too high creased with greater Dmax, as declining popula-
torical contingencies in current patterns in spe- (fast niche evolution), a few species became tions were rescued from extinction by dispersal to
cies richness (81). The second-most-influential ubiquitous, and little diversification occurred. suitable climates. Thus, net diversification increased
model parameter was the maximum sustain- The effect of spatial and temporal heteroge- with larger Dmax, by its combined effects in increas-
able evolutionary rate realizable by a popula- neity in climate, as assessed by sequential levels ing speciation and decreasing extinction rates.
tion (Hmax), which limits the adaptability of of experimental climate-smoothing, ranked third The remaining model parameters, minimum
niche limits and evolutionary rescue (82–85) in in its capacity to drive variation among simula- time in isolation for speciation (Tmin) and max-
the face of changing climates (figs. S16 to S19 tion outcomes (Fig. 6, figs. S14 to S19, and table S7), imum intensity of competition allowing co-
and table S7). Low Hmax values indicate that as higher levels of heterogeneity promoted faster existence (Cmax), proved to have surprisingly
niche traits have low genetic variance, low pop- diversification. little effect on the simulations, compared with
ulation growth rates, or both—preventing spe- Maximum dispersal distance (Dmax) ranked the other parameters (figs. S14 to S19 and table
cies from tracking and adapting to changing somewhat lower in overall impact. Greater dis- S7). Regardless of the rate of speciation, similar
climates. On evolutionary time scales, this lim- persal capacity increased speciation (cradle rich- spatial patterns eventually emerged. We sur-
itation yields a pattern of niche conservatism. ness) by promoting occupation of disjunct, yet mise that competitive exclusion at the map cell

Rangel et al., Science 361, eaar5452 (2018) 20 July 2018 4 of 13


Cradles lation to mean annual continental temperature,

yielded many significant, time-lagged, cross-
correlations (table S6), confirming a subtle but
certain role for glacial-interglacial temperature
Temperature cycles [and thus, for orbital forcing (86)] in
driving cycles of speciation and extinction for
all founders. Both speciation and extinction
tended to peak during glacial terminations, as
Graves warming climates returned. Peaks of extinction
closely followed peaks of speciation for all three
founders—by 18 ka for an Andean founder
(Fig. 3), by 20 ka for an Atlantic Forest founder
800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 (Fig. 4), and by 24.5 ka for an Amazon foun-
Time (ka)
der (Fig. 5). (Time-series analysis for precipita-
270 110 210 2,700 tion variables yielded very low correlations, so
was not pursued further.)
A notable feature of these simulations—for the
145 55 105 1,350 Atlantic Forest and Amazonian founders (Figs. 3
and 4)—is the spatial coincidence of cradles and
graves, best illustrated by the net-diversification
0 0 0 0
maps, which plot net spatial differences in mag-

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Cradles Graves Net diversification Total
nitude between speciation and extinction. In
Fig. 4. Simulation results for an Atlantic Rainforest founder. See the caption for Fig. 3. contrast, cradles for the Andean founder are
concentrated along the Andean slopes, whereas
graves tend to be at lower elevations in the upper
Cradles Amazon Basin (Fig. 3). Population decline drives
both speciation and extinction—speciation through
range fragmentation and extinction by range con-
traction. We conjecture that enviromental het-
erogeneity (driven by topographic complexity
and elevational climate gradients) in the Andes
promotes range fragmentation, while at the same
Graves time offering climatic refugia from extinction com-
pared with lower elevations (46, 49), thereby
focusing cradles at mid-elevations and graves
at lower elevations.
800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0
Time (ka) Experimental topographies
40 80 20 1,300 Our experiments with climate smoothing, as a
proxy for decreased topographic heterogeneity,
yielded clear-cut evidence for the role of spatial
20 40 650 heterogeneity in the location and intensity of
cradles of speciation and net diversification, with
considerably less effect on graves of extinction
0 0 -30 0 (Fig. 7 and fig. S21). Overall, nonsmoothed
Cradles Graves Net diversification Total (realistic) climates promoted three times as much
diversification as spatially smoothed climates,
Fig. 5. Simulation results for an Amazon founder. See the caption for Fig. 3.
with the effect tapering off for smoothing kernels
larger than 250 km. The strongest effects were
level, as we modeled it, tends to have only local pancy over all cells in South America for each experienced by the Andean founder clade (Fig. 7),
and probably ephemeral effects, as climates time step, on the basis of the time-specific oc- where even the smallest possible kernel radius
change and species adapt to these changes, with cupancy maps of cradles and graves. reduced diversification by a factor of 7, whereas
little net impact on large-scale patterns of species In space, Figs. 3 to 5 illustrate the strong the reduction for Atlantic Rainforest founder
richness. influence of founder location. The initial niche was only by half.
of the single founder, in each region, necessarily
Founder location, cradles, and graves differed among regions for initial survival, and Biogeographical interpretations
Figures 3 to 5 show the results for Andean, Atlantic constraints on niche evolution limited continental- Emerging role of the Andes
Forest, and Amazon founders (each figure summa- scale convergence in pattern, but these figures By mapping the distribution of South American
rizes 375 simulations—all those without experi- share many features of spatial pattern and tem- cradles of diversification, in time and space, our
mental topographies), and Fig. 6 combines the poral dynamics, independent of starting location. simulations offer strong support for the role
results for all three founders. The maps in these With regard to time, the most distinctive fea- of the Andes as an episodic “species pump”
figures display cumulative occupancy, summed ture shared by all simulations is the obvious (38, 69, 87). This phenomenon has been docu-
over the course of the simulations, for cradles, quasi-periodicity of peaks and valleys of speci- mented not only for endemic Andean clades
graves, net diversification, and species richness. ation (cradles) and extinction (graves), as shown (43), but also for clades later centered in the
The corresponding occupancy time-series plots in the occupancy time-series plots in Figs. 3 Amazon and Atlantic Rainforest (40, 52, 88).
in these figures capture the temporal dimension to 6. Time-series analysis of log-transformed, By experimentally smoothing South American
of speciation and extinction by summing occu- detrended data for cradles and graves, in re- topography, we gradually eliminated all of the

Rangel et al., Science 361, eaar5452 (2018) 20 July 2018 5 of 13


Cradles complexity—or more accurately, the fluctuating

climatic complexity that constantly mirrors it—
drives diversification and biogeographical pat-
terns. This result shows unambiguously not only
Temperature that climatic complexity promotes diversification,
but also that diminished complexity drastically
slows diversification.

Graves Emerging regional patterns

Regional biogeographical dynamics in our sim-
ulations, on a broader scale, also conform to
800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 many expectations from empirical studies. Our
Time (ka) simulations (Movie 3) directly support Por’s (57)
proposal of an ephemeral connection between
260 40 230 2,100
the Amazon and Atlantic Rainforest during late
Quaternary climate cycles (58–60), as well as
130 20 115 1,050 recent suggestions that Atlantic Rainforest birds
may have dispersed through the Cerrado during
glacial maxima and through the Chaco during
0 0 -10 0 interglacial periods (52, 59).
Cradles Graves Net diversification Total Our simulations display a pattern of ephem-
Fig. 6. Pooled simulation results for the Andean, Atlantic Rainforest, and Amazon founders of eral, circum-Amazonia “arcs” of seasonally dry
Figs. 3 to 5. See the caption for Fig. 3. climates—sometimes patchy and sometimes
continuous—connecting the tropical Andes and
Atlantic Forest (50, 61, 89). In our simulations,
these episodic biogeographical bridges acted for
some species as dispersal corridors, for others as
refugia from extinction, but for many others as
Temperature graves. We did not find evidence, at the scale of
our current analysis, for the Amazonian dipole
hypothesis (63, 64), although a specific, local
investigation might be fruitful.
Emerging patterns of speciation
and extinction
Our analyses of temporal patterns of speciation
800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0
Time (ka) (cradles) and extinction (graves) offer strong
support for both generative and erosive effects
60 230 2,100 on biodiversity arising from continental-scale
climate change driven by Quaternary glacial-

interglacial cycles (Figs. 3 to 6). As warming

45 172 1,575 accelerated following glacial episodes, first spe-
ciation, then extinctions spiked. These results
are in accord with accumulating evidence for
115 episodes of heightened extinction during Quater-
130 30 1050
nary deglaciations (90–92) and support concerns
about extinction under rapid anthropogenic

57 climate warming.
65 15 525 In space, cradles and graves closely coincided
for Amazonian clades (Fig. 5), suggesting that
0 gradual warming promoted speciation and more
0 0 -15
0 rapid or extensive warming in the same region
Net drove extinctions. For an Andean clade (Fig. 3
Cradles Graves diversification Total
and Movie 3), cradles were concentrated in the
Fig. 7. The effect of topographic smoothing on rates and cumulative spatial patterns of specia-
highlands, whereas graves accumulated the ad-
tion (cradles), extinction (graves), net diversification (cradles minus graves), and total richness,
jacent Amazonian lowlands, perhaps suggest-
for Andes, Atlantic Forest, and Amazon founders, pooled. Upper panel: Occupancy time series for
ing that high climate velocity (93) or climatic
speciation (cradle richness, green), extinction (grave richness, red), and mean continental temperature
divergence (94) in the warming lowlands over-
(blue) over the course of the simulation (time moves from left to right). Black time series are for
whelmed their capacity to escape to the Andean
smoothed topographies. Red and green time series are the same as in Fig. 6. Rates of speciation
slopes. This process is also likely to have been a
(cradles) and extinction (graves) were both suppressed by smoothing.
cause of Amazonian extinctions.

diversification processes driven by Andean to- creased (Fig. 7 and figs. S14 and S20). With Comparison with contemporary patterns
pography. The extent and magnitude of Andean experimentally smoothed topography, the sim- of richness
cradles declined drastically, whereas South ulations ceased to produce realistic spatial patterns If the processes that we have modeled are realistic
American graves broadened and intensified of species richness (fig. S21). These experiments representations of the processes that have shaped
(Fig. 7 and fig. S21) and net diversification de- offer compelling evidence that topographic contemporary biogeography, then a comparison

Rangel et al., Science 361, eaar5452 (2018) 20 July 2018 6 of 13


between simulated, historical patterns and em- sents contemporary climatic conditions—an richness maps pool both glacial and interglacial
pirical, contemporary patterns of species richness outlier within the distribution of Quaternary distributions, and we know from paleoecolog-
should be instructive. Our simulations were not climates. ical studies that Quaternary temperature cycles
carried out with regard to the richness pattern of Cumulative cradle maps record the frequency (including Holocene warming) shuffled many
any particular real-world taxon, nor were model and location of species origination, grave maps extant species over elevational (71) and latitudi-
parameters fitted by targeting such patterns. point to regions where species tend to collapse nal (72) gradients, just as in our simulations
Indeed, not only the model design, but also under climate change, and museum maps show (Movies 3 and 4). We conjecture, first, that the
the ranges of parameter values were defined where species tend to persist over longer historical geographical core of richness patterns may have
strictly on first principles of biogeography, periods. Thus, if contemporary patterns of species been more persistent over geological time than
ecology, and evolutionary biology, without re- richness for large clades are representative of deep generally thought, and, second, that the maps of
gard to any empirical data. Thus, any resem- and persistent historical patterns, we should find residuals between simulated and empirical rich-
blance between model output and real-world stronger correspondence with simulated patterns ness (right column in Fig. 8 and figs. S22 to S24)
richness patterns must be attributed to (i) the of museum species richness. For rapidly speciat- may correspond, at least in part, to regions where
underlying processes built into the model, (ii) ing clades, by contrast, we would expect stronger past richness differed from present empirical
the topographic and modeled climatic milieux correspondence with cradle richness, and for patterns—a topic that merits further research.
in which they operated, and (iii) theoretically clades on the decline, we might expect a better
estimated parameter values that regulated the correspondence with grave richness. What does it all mean?
simulated ecological and evolutionary processes. Because continental-scale maps of contem- Our simulations have three strengths. First,
Each simulation began with a single foun- porary species richness for South America are they take place in a topographically realistic
der, 800 ka ago, and unfolded over a geolog- scarce and fraught with sampling and data continental landscape, driven by a paleoclimate
ically brief period of time until the present. Thus, quality problems (98), we used a lower resolu- model built on well-established principles. Sec-
in principle, the present time in each simulation tion 1° latitude by 1° longitude grid of 1659 cells ond, the biogeographical simulations were con-
might seem the most appropriate for compari- to develop maps for 2967 species of birds, 1342 structed from the bottom up, by integrating
son with the empirical maps of contemporary species of mammals, and 61,724 species of plants. mechanistic models of key ecological and evo-
richness. However, preliminary tests showed that To compare our simulation outputs with these lutionary processes, following well-supported,
many simulated maps of contemporary richness, maps of contemporary richness, we rescaled our widely accepted explanations for how these
especially for Andean founders, were surpris- hybrid-scale richness maps (figs. S1 and S15 to processes work in nature (Fig. 1). Third, despite
ingly species-poor, following massive extinctions S19) to the same, uniform 1° by 1° resolution. being entirely undirected by any target pattern
in post–last-glacial-maximum (LGM) warming. Simulated historical patterns of species rich- of species richness, covering only a tiny slice of
Figure 3 shows that this Holocene extinction ness, as recorded by maps of cumulative museum the past, and being controlled by only four pa-
peak is just one of several, each associated with richness, proved very successful in capturing, rameters (two of which turned out not to be very
an interglacial warming period for the Andean proportionally, the broad outlines of the em- important), surprisingly realistic biogeographical
simulation. In contrast, Amazon founders (Fig. 5) pirical richness maps (Fig. 8 and Movie 4) for patterns nonetheless emerged from the simula-
do not show this pattern. We conjecture that the birds (r 2 = 0.6337 for an Atlantic Forest founder, tions, not only on a continental scale (Fig. 8), but
model, as it stands, exaggerates episodes of fig. S22), mammals (r 2 = 0.6548 for an Atlantic also on regional scales.
clade extinction by failing to account for the sur- Forest founder, fig. S23), and plants (r 2 = 0.4146
vival of species under outlier climates in some for an Andean founder; figs. S24 and S25). Tables Adaptive niche evolution as a
regions, perhaps supporting a role for micro- S12 to S14 provide more detail and make clear biogeographical force
refugia (4, 49) that lie under the radar of the that the maps in Fig. 8 and figs. S22 to S25 rep- Phylogenetic niche conservatism (30) is the uni-
spatial scale of the model. Moreover, our paleo- resent the best of strong patterns, not one-off versal tendency of descendant species to retain
climate model exhibits LGM cooling at the high accidents. the fundamental niche of their ancestors (99–101).
end of the range of full-complexity climate models This high level of correspondence between It may be strong or weak. By modeling adapta-
[see “Comparisons against other paleoclimate modeled and empirical richness raises an ob- tion to climate in the trailing edge of a shifting
models” in (95)], perhaps contributing to the vious question about time scales. Although range, our simulation model explicitly regu-
high rates of extinction simulated during degla- several lineages are known to have diversified lates the capacity of a species’ climatic niche
ciations. Finally, our model does not account for actively during the time span of our Quater- to respond to climate change by adaptive evo-
potentially important factors hypothesized to nary simulations, particularly in the Andes lution (evolutionary rescue) (102, 103). When
promote speciation, such as subcanopy forest (67, 68), most living species in South America the potential for adaptive evolution is weak (low
dynamics (64) and the historical origins of the are much older than any species in our sim- Hmax, Fig. 1), a pattern of strong niche conserv-
hydrographic network, which are thought to ulations (33, 40, 70). We do not suggest that atism emerges. Descendant species accumulate
have promoted isolation and vicariance effects our simulations over the geologically brief in regions that are climatically similar and geo-
in some clades (96). period of 800 ka might reproduce the actual graphically close to the original range of the
In contrast to the simulated contemporary ranges, evolutionary dynamics, or phylogeny of ancestor, with a gradual decline in richness
map of species richness, cumulative maps (Figs. 3 any living species in the South American biota. of descendant species with increasing distance
to 6) provide a richer compilation of historical Our simulated “species,” however, may just as and decreasing climatic similarity (104). The
information on emerging patterns of richness well be viewed as independent evolutionary units distribution of descendant species is constrained
and their dynamics over the time course of the below the level of taxonomic species, nonetheless by higher extinction rates, as species fail to adapt
simulations. By aggregating patterns from every subject to the same ecological and evolutionary to changes in trailing-edge conditions. In contrast,
phase of the diverse (97) glacial-interglacial processes. As phylogeographical studies (88) and when the potential for adaptive evolution is
cycles and averaging over all parameter values, tools for studying ancient DNA reach farther strong (high Hmax, weak niche conservatism),
these maps represent the broader range of pos- into the past (91), models such as ours can be a pattern of niche evolution emerges, with adapt-
sible patterns arising from local and regional expected to take on even greater realism. ive shifts to novel climates and a broader geo-
processes captured by the model. Thus, cumu- A second question is why richness patterns graphical spread of descendant species, but little
lative maps of species richness offer a much of living species, from the present (outlier) in- diversification, because ranges rarely fragment, as
more representative historical account of model terglacial climate—a single point in time, should niches adapt to all challenges. Our simulations
behavior than any single point in time in the correspond so well with cumulative richness provide unequivocal support for intermediate
simulation, including the present, which repre- patterns from the simulations. Our cumulative levels of adaptive niche evolution as a key factor

Rangel et al., Science 361, eaar5452 (2018) 20 July 2018 7 of 13


of history in shaping contemporary patterns of

species richness on broad spatial scales—an
emerging theme in the recent macroecological
literature (104–106). Observed statistical correla-
tions between contemporary richness patterns
and current climate variables (9) should be viewed
not as a direct causal link, but rather as a con-
sequence of accumulated historical events driven
by geographically structured climate dynamics
(86, 107).
Observed bird richness Residuals
(2,967 species) (birds minus simulated) Methods
Geographical domain
The simulations took place on a gridded map
of contemporary South America. The compu-
tational demands of spatially and temporally
explicit simulations impose a limit on the com-
cumulative museum richness
plexity of simulation models at very high spatial
Atlantic Rainforest founder resolutions. Nonetheless, at the large spatial
and temporal scales at which we model ecolog-
ical and evolutionary systems here, topographic
heterogeneity, expressed as habitat diversity, is
thought to be a key driver of species distribu-
Observed mammal richness Residuals
(1,342 species) (mammals minus simulated) tions and evolutionary niche dynamics. Thus, to
capture as much of the climate heterogeneity of
Fig. 8. Observed species richness versus modeled richness. Left column of maps: Contemporary
South America as feasible, while accounting for
spatial patterns for South American bird richness (2967 species, upper map) and mammal richness
computational limits imposed by the spatial
(1342 species, lower map). Middle column map: The simulated spatial pattern for cumulative
resolution of the geographic domain, we devel-
museum richness, arising from the model (Fig. 1), averaged over all parameter values for an Atlantic
oped a map grid of “hybrid” spatial scale, in
Rainforest founder. Right column of maps: The differences between observed (left maps) and
which the 4820 square map cells vary in size in
simulated (middle map) richness for birds (upper map) and mammals (lower map). Red indicates
inverse relation to topographical complexity.
that the model underestimates richness, and blue indicates overestimation. Simulated species
Cell sizes ranged from 625 km2 in rugged areas
richness is highly correlated with observed species richness for birds (r2 = 0.6337) and for mammals
of the Andean slopes, where environmental con-
(r2 = 0.6548). Observed species richness was not targeted in any way by the simulations.
ditions vary greatly within short distances,
A qualitative comparison of modeled richness with South American plants appears in “Contrasting
to 10,000 km2 in flatter regions, such as the
empirical and simulated spatial patterns in species richness” in (95).
Amazon Basin and Patagonia, where large areas
have relatively similar environmental conditions
Movie 4. Emerging (fig. S1). Given the ecological and evolutionary
spatial and temporal mechanisms implemented in our simulation
patterns in museum model (see below), the spatial resolution of
species richness, our hybrid grid constitutes a balanced trade-off
averaged for the between (i) the computational demand imposed
Andean, Amazonian, by the number of map cells; (ii) the inherent
and Atlantic Rainforest uncertainty in reconstructing terrestrial paleo-
founders. Cumulative climate dynamics at high spatial resolution;
patterns of cradle, (iii) the organizational level of the mecha-
grave, and museum nisms that drive the evolutionary dynamics
species richness (first of geographical ranges and climatic niches;
three columns), for and (iv) the low resolution of current data on
Andean, Atlantic the distribution of real-world species (which we
Rainforest, and used to evaluate the predictions of the simula-
Amazonian founders tion model), and the consequent uncertainty
(rows), from model of mapping empirical spatial patterns of bio-
simulations. Static empirical maps (on the right) show contemporary patterns of plant, bird, and diversity at higher resolutions.
mammal species richness. Simulated patterns of cumulative museum richness, over the course of
800 ka, closely resemble current patterns in species richness. Paleoclimate simulations
A paleoclimate emulator was developed to over-
driving realistic patterns of species richness (figs. temporary richness patterns of birds, mammals, come the computational challenge of simulating
S12 to S14, fig. S16, and table S7), confirming the and plants (Fig. 8, figs. S22 to S24, and Movie 4). 800,000 years of climate. The emulator was built
findings of previous simulations (22, 23). The inference that contemporary empirical around the PLASIM intermediate-complexity
patterns of richness have their origins in the atmospheric general circulation model, coupled
Emerging patterns on a continental scale same underlying processes, driven by climatic to the ENTS dynamic land surface model and
In the simulations, the facilitating influence changes in the same landscapes, seems nearly to flux-corrected ocean and sea-ice models, at
of adaptive niche evolution, acting within the inescapable. a 5° latitude-longitude resolution (108). Orbitally
constraints of topography and climate, yielded By revealing the regions and periods of spe- forced climates at 500-year intervals were esti-
cumulative patterns of species persistence (mu- ciation, persistence, and extinction that underlie mated using principal component emulation
seum richness) that correspond well with con- richness patterns, our results illuminate the role (109). A transient 800-ka simulation (110) with

Rangel et al., Science 361, eaar5452 (2018) 20 July 2018 8 of 13


the faster GENIE-1 model was applied to scale to very different CO2 and ice-sheet forcings. The table S2), and by a preset environmental niche
these emulated climates for CO2 and ice sheet climate patterns predicted by our model are (see section “Initial conditions” below).
climate forcing. Spatial resolution matching consistent with multimodel ensemble predic-
the hybrid-scale map was achieved by treating tions from complex climate models, suggesting Dispersal
modeled climate variables as anomalies from that our emulator can be reliably used in bio- Within each time step, each existing population
contemporary climate data, spatially referenced geographical simulations, given currently avail- expands its range to occupy not only adjacent
to each map cell. able parallel evidence from independent models. cells, but also disjoint cells with suitable cli-
For each 500-year time interval, from 800 ka mates, as long as these cells are not separated by
to the present (1600 time steps through the Biogeographical simulations cells with unsuitable climate spanning a dis-
Late Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles), In the simulations, geographical space was repre- tance greater than Dmax (a model parameter;
the paleoclimate model assigned to each of the sented by the gridded map of South America (as Fig. 1 and table S1). All subsequent events are
4280 map cells an estimate of the mean tem- detailed above), with each grid cell characterized autonomous and deterministic (repeatable), driven
perature of the warmest and coolest quarters by its area and geographical position. Each sim- by the interaction between climate, topography,
(henceforth minimum and maximum annual ulation began 800,000 years ago, advancing at and modeled processes.
temperature) and the mean daily precipitation 500-year time steps. At each time step, each map
of the wettest and driest quarters (henceforth cell was characterized by four climatic condi- Evolutionary niche dynamics and
minimum and maximum annual precipitation) tions (minimum and maximum temperature and evolutionary rescue
(Movie 1 and fig. S2). precipitation), as reconstructed by the paleoclimate The four paleoclimatic conditions in each cell
The temporal resolution of the 500-year in- simulations (Fig. 1 and Movie 1). change asynchronously over time and space.
terval between time steps is compatible with Climate dynamics may open opportunities for
the macroecological framework used in this Populations and species range expansion by turning an unsuitable cell
study. Assuming a species with a generation The smallest biological unit explicitly modeled into a suitable one (a leading-edge cell of a shift-
time of 5 years, one time step would encompass was regarded as a population, characterized as ing range). In this case, the population simply
100 generations, a reasonable resolution for the a geographically isolated and continuous species expands its range to occupy any newly suitable
population-level biogeographical processes that range or range fragment. Thus, the complete cell, whether contiguous or not, as long as the
we are modeling, such as dispersal, competition, range of a species might consist of a single pop- cell lies within Dmax of the existing range. Cli-
range dynamics, and niche evolution. Thus, the ulation or of multiple, isolated populations. At mate change, however, may also render a suitable
full temporal scope of the simulation would each time step, the niche of each population cell unsuitable (a trailing-edge cell of a shifting
encompass ~160,000 generations, well beyond was defined as a two-dimensional region within range), imposing selection pressure on the pop-
a reasonable time for the emergence of medium- temperature and precipitation axes, in the same ulation in the grid cell. The outcome of trailing-
sized lineages (4, 33, 34, 69, 70). Indeed, a finer space as that of the modeled paleoclimate of edge selection may be (i) local population
temporal resolution would probably convert the South America. extirpation in the trailing edge cell, if the popula-
current model from the population or species tion cannot adapt, or (ii) niche evolution (partial
level closer to the individual level of organiza- Climatic niche and or full adaptation to the new environmental con-
tion, requiring a full redesign of the implemented geographic distribution ditions), allowing continued occupation of the
mechanisms (e.g., individual movement, birth- We modeled the evolution of the fundamental trailing edge cell. In nature, selection pressure
death processes). climatic niche (114) of populations, which defines from climate change, especially in the trailing
Our 500-year resolution is also compatible the extremes of temperature and precipitation edge, may cause a gradual adaptive niche shift,
with currently available knowledge of paleo- that a population can tolerate at any given time bringing niche limits closer to new climatic limits
climate dynamics and the complexity of our step (Movie 2 and fig. S7). Thus, cells occupied within the current geographic range of the local
paleoclimate emulator. Indeed, our climate model by a population must have climatic conditions population (30, 116). This process has been
does not capture shorter–time-scale variability in within the limits of its fundamental niche. The called “evolutionary rescue” (82–85), as it pro-
climate dynamics, because the emulator is built realized climatic niche is an emergent property motes species persistence by means of evolu-
from quasi-equilibrium snapshots, forced by only of the population, defined by the climatic con- tionary changes in niche limits in response to
orbit, CO2, and ice sheets and therefore does not ditions that it actually experiences across the selection pressure imposed by climate change.
capture variability due to relatively short-term whole set of occupied cells (e.g., population’s We implemented niche evolution as a response
phenomena such as glacial meltwater-driven range). However, not every cell with suitable to climate change in a simple, quantitative evolu-
ocean circulation changes, El Niño–Southern climatic conditions is necessarily occupied by tionary genetics framework (117, 118). The evolu-
Oscillation, or volcanic eruptions. the population (Movie 1). Indeed, the bounds tionary rate (H) required for sufficient niche
To evaluate the reliability of our paleoclimate of the population’s evolving fundamental cli- adaptation to allow the population to persist in
emulator, we compared spatial patterns of tem- matic niche may at times extend beyond the the trailing edge cell c may be estimated by
perature and precipitation variables, at specific limits of its realized niche (115), owing either comparing the magnitude of climate change
time steps, against multimodel predictions carried to dispersal limitation (additional, climatically between two consecutive time steps (t and t + 1)
out by the Paleoclimate Model Inter-comparison suitable regions currently exist but cannot be in cell c,
Project, phases two and three (PMIP2/PMIP3) reached), niche conservatism (the fundamen-
[see “Comparisons against other paleoclimate tal niche has not yet responded to the dis- Hc = [(Ec,t+1 – Ēt) / st)] / Dt
models” in (95)]. We focused the validation appearance of previously suitable climates) (26),
of our emulator at three specific moments of or exclusion by competing species (see below). where Hc is the adaptive rate necessary for evo-
the Quaternary: the Last Interglacial (LIG) at lutionary rescue [measured in units of Haldanes
~126.5 ka ago (111, 112), the LGM at 21 ka ago Founders (119, 120)], Ec,t+1 is the value of an environmental
(112, 113), and the mid-Holocene (MH) climate In each realization of the biogeographical variable (e.g., maximum annual temperature) in
optimum at 6 ka ago (112, 113). The LIG and simulation, an evolutionary lineage develops cell c after climate change (time t + 1), and Ēt
MH interglacial states, with CO2 and ice sheets on the grid from a single founding species— and st are the average and standard deviation
similar to those of the present day, provide an initially a single population. The initial geo- of the same environmental variable, before cli-
opportunity to validate our emulated response graphical range of the founder is determined mate change (time t), in all cells occupied by the
to orbital forcing, while our estimates of paleo- by its assigned geographical location (a single local population within the genetic neighbor-
climate at the LGM test the emulated response map cell—an initial condition of the model, hood of c (modeled as a circle centered at c,

Rangel et al., Science 361, eaar5452 (2018) 20 July 2018 9 of 13


with radius Dmax). Thus, in our model, genetic to have higher fitness, leading to higher popula- its entire range was extirpated from all map
variation within a species’ range is geographi- tion density. Thus, the cells mapping to the niche cells, because of either climate change or
cally structured, so that the evolutionary poten- center for a species can be considered to offer competition.
tial of each trailing-edge cell is set, at each the most suitable (least stressful) environmental
time step, by the genetic variation for climate conditions, whereas cells mapping near the niche Range fragmentation and
(standard deviation) within the genetic neigh- limits can be considered as the most stressful coalescing populations
borhood of the cell. environmental conditions that nonetheless per- Climate dynamics and competition may cause
In the simulation model, a maximum (criti- mit persistence. range fragmentation by imposing barriers of
cal) evolutionary rate in response to climate We calculated an environmental stress index unsuitable climate (Movie 2). When the geo-
change (model parameter Hmax, table S1) is for each population, in each grid cell, at each graphic distribution (range) of an ancestor pop-
defined for all species, in all trailing-edge cells, time step, as the ratio between (i) the environ- ulation became fragmented into independent
uniformly throughout the entire time span of mental distances between maximum and mini- populations, all smaller populations inherited
the simulation. Thus, for a trailing-edge cell c, mum environmental conditions within the cell the environmental niche of the ancestor pop-
if Hc < Hmax the population is rescued at c by and the niche center, and (ii) the maximum ulation (Movie 2). However, owing to founder
adapting to the new climate, expanding its niche. environmental scope tolerated by the popu- effects and the spatial structure of genetic
Conversely, if Hc > Hmax the evolution required lation. [See “Environmental niche and eco- variability, smaller populations did not inherit
for persistence is beyond the maximum evolu- logical stress” in (95).] Thus, in a cell with exactly the same niche properties as larger pop-
tionary potential of the population in cell c, and little seasonality and with average climatic ulations. Thus, in our model, in the event of
the population is extirpated from the cell. conditions similar to those in the niche center range fragmentation of an ancestor population,
of the population, the population has a small the niche limits of the newly isolated, descend-
Competition environmental stress index. Conversely, a pop- ant populations were determined by the ancestral
In classical ecology, species with excessively ulation has a large environmental stress index population’s niche limits, local environmental
similar resource requirements cannot coexist if the scope of conditions in the cell spans the conditions, and population size. [See “Environ-
in sympatry (121). However, models on broad full range of the climatic tolerance of the pop- mental niche dynamics of fragmenting and
spatial scales must somehow account for the ulation (its niche breadth). coalescing populations” in (95).] Each popu-
resources for which species compete, without lation (range fragment) subsequently followed
modeling individual consumers and a myriad Competitive exclusion its own evolutionary course.
of resources and their respective depletion rates. If two coexisting species compete intensely in a When the ranges of two populations of the
We modeled interspecific competition, without particular cell, one of them may be extirpated from same species were separated by a distance less
explicitly modeling resources, by implementing the cell. The excluded species is likely to be the than Dmax, it was assumed that gene flow was
the classic assumption that competition is an competitor under stronger environmental stress, reestablished, therefore coalescing the two pop-
inverse function of phylogenetic relatedness as its population density is likely to be lower. Thus, ulations. Although the niches of the two pop-
(122), as measured by the explicit phylogeny if the intensity of competition and/or environ- ulations each contributed to the definition of the
generated by our model (123). Assuming that mental stress is high, the population under greater environmental niche of the newly coalesced pop-
the use of resources by species (e.g., food items, environmental stress will be excluded from the cell ulation, smaller populations contributed less
foraging time/strategy) evolves at a constant [see “Competitive exclusion” in (95)]. to the coalescent niche than larger populations.
average rate with variance proportional to time For our simulation model, the index of en- To account for this asymmetry, the contribu-
(i.e., a Brownian motion model of trait evolution), vironmental stress and the index of the inten- tion of each population was weighted by its
the expected intensity of competition between sity of competition were calculated for each range size (total area of occupied cells). Thus,
two species declines with phylogenetic distance population, in cell c, at each time step. These the maximum and minimum tolerance limits
(PD) between species. Once a pair of sister two indexes were then added, for each popula- of the newly coalesced population, for each niche
species achieves a threshold phylogenetic age tion, resulting in a single index of competition, dimension, were the average of the maximum
of Pmin (a model parameter, Fig. 1 and table S1) Cc, for each population in each cell. All pop- and minimum tolerance limits of all coalescenc-
since divergence, they may coexist in sympatry ulations occupying a particular cell were then ing populations, weighted proportionally by their
without competing. sorted according to the magnitude of this com- respective range sizes. [See “Environmental niche
Among the species in each map cell, each bined index Cc. If the population with the dynamics of fragmenting and coalescing popula-
species competes against all others from which highest competition index Cc had a value greater tion” in (95).]
its phylogenetic distance is less than Pmin. than the maximum intensity of competition al-
We quantified the intensity of competition be- lowing coexistence, parameter Cmax, then that Speciation
tween a pair of species as 1 – (PD / Pmin). Thus, population was eliminated from the cell. The Populations that persisted in isolation beyond
the total diffuse competition affecting a partic- competition index was then recalculated for all a threshold age for speciation Tmin (a model
ular species in a cell is the summation of the remaining populations in the cell c, assuming parameter, Fig. 1 and table S1) were assumed
pairwise intensities of competition between that the absence of the eliminated population, and to be reproductively isolated and were thus sub-
species and all other species present in the cell. remaining populations were sorted again. If sequently treated as distinct species (Movie 2).
the population with the highest competition As time passed in the simulation, surviving
Climatic stress index Cc again had an index greater than Cmax, descendant lineages generated an explicit phy-
Assuming that the environmental niche of a pop- then that population was also removed. The logeny and populated the gridded map, devel-
ulation is analogous to a fitness function, individuals algorithm iterated until the population with oping patterns of species richness, as species
occurring in cells with extreme environmental highest competition index in the cell had an ranges came to overlap following evolutionary
conditions (with respect to the environmental index Cc that fell below the threshold Cmax. divergence (secondary sympatry).
tolerances of the population) have lower fitness
than conspecific individuals in climatically more- Extinction Initial conditions
suitable cells, leading to a lower population density. The potential geographic distribution of spe- Certain initial conditions for the model were
Conversely, because grid cells with environmental cies in our model at any given time step was specified before launching each simulation
conditions near the center of a population's constrained by available climate, niche limits, (table S2). A center of origin (one map cell) was
environmental niche are more suitable for the dispersal limits, and competitive exclusion. A defined for the original founder species, as well
population, individuals in these cells are assumed species became extinct if, at any time step, as its initial niche (minimum and maximum

Rangel et al., Science 361, eaar5452 (2018) 20 July 2018 10 of 13


annual precipitation and temperature tolerated). map distance that a population can disperse rameters, we used a series of analyses of mo-
The historical influence of founder species is across unsuitable climate, over one simulation lecular variance (AMOVA) of the simulated
believed to have great impact across all scales step of 500 years, to occupy a climatically suitable spatial patterns in species richness.
of spatial and temporal biodiversity patterns cell. We specified three intermediate steps be-
(124–126). However, because our simulations did tween the minimum possible Dmax, given our Evaluating model performance
not aim to reconstruct any specific real-world spatial resolution (150 km), and the maximum The exploration of parameter space was not
lineage, we evaluated spatial patterns in South Dmax that we considered biologically reasonable, designed to replicate the real-world diversity
American biodiversity that emerged from four given our temporal resolution (750 km): 200, pattern of any extant or extinct group of spe-
hypothetical founder lineages, covering the major 350, and 500 km. (ii) Maximum niche evolu- cies or lineages. Nonetheless, we evaluated the
climatic and geographic zones in South America: tionary rate (Hmax) is a parameter that sets the correspondence between the predictions of our
high-elevation tropical Andes, lowland Amazonia, upper limit of potential climatic adaptation of model and contemporary, empirical patterns of
lowland Atlantic rainforest, and lowland tem- the population in a trailing-edge cell. After a species richness of birds, mammals, and plants
perate Patagonia. [See “Experimental design preliminary exploration for a meaningful range of South America. To compare our results with
and parameter exploration” in (95).] of Hmax values, we set five levels, ranging published macroecological data at similar spatial
Spatial and temporal environmental hetero- between 0.005 and 0.02 Haldanes, which is, resolution, and because of uncertainty in the
geneity, particularly in the context of climate respectively, half and twice the theoretical geographic distribution of real-world species, we
change, is widely believed to drive both the ex- expectation under natural conditions (117, 118). created a regular grid of 1659 square cells, each
tinction and diversification of lineages (81, 127–129). (iii) Minimum time for speciation (Tmin) is a measuring 1° of latitude-longitude. We reprojected
In South America, the most extreme climatic parameter that regulates the time that a pop- the maps of simulated species, from the higher-
heterogeneity is driven by the steep and rugged ulation must remain in genetic isolation before resolution grid used for simulation, into this
topography of the Andean mountain chain. Our being declared a new species. Although there lower-resolution grid, and recalculated spatial
simulations offer a unique opportunity to assess are no theoretical bounds to Tmin values (except patterns in total, cradle, museum, and grave
and quantify the role of topography-driven cli- zero), we set three levels for this parameter species richness. Because we aimed to compare
matic heterogeneity in ecological and evolu- (17.5, 20, and 22.5 ka—or 3500, 4000, and 5500 predictions of our model against empirical rich-
tionary modeled mechanisms, as manifested in generations, assuming a generation time of ness patterns, we included in this analysis only
patterns of cradles, museums, and graves. Thus, 5 years), which we considered sufficient for the patterns in species richness emerging from
we applied a spatial smoothing function to the an experimental exploration of meaningful the 1500 simulations that used real-world South
paleoclimate series, effectively simulating alter- variation in simulated diversification rates. American topography, excluding from the anal-
native experimental topographies in South (iv) Maximum intensity of competition allow- ysis all simulations that assumed alternative, ex-
America. The climate smoothing factor (an ing coexistence (Cmax) is a parameter that sets perimental South American topographies. We
initial condition of each simulation) specifies the maximum intensity of competition that used simple ordinary least-squares regression
a smoothing level for all minimum and max- nonetheless permits coexistence among com- to estimate the coefficient of determination (r 2)
imum annual precipitation and temperature peting species. We set the minimum experi- of the relationship between empirical maps of
maps in the paleoclimate series, thereby gen- mental value of Cmax to 1.5 units, which in species richness (response variable) and sim-
erating levels of experimental climatic hetero- practice specifies that a species under maximum ulated maps of species richness variables (pre-
geneity that defined alternative South American tolerable environmental stress can nonetheless dictor variable). [See “Contrasting empirical and
topographies. coexist with just one competing species that is simulated spatial patterns in species richness”
phylogenetically close. We gradually explored in (95).]
Experimental design and larger values of Cmax, up to five units, a level at
model evaluation which a species under maximum tolerable en- REFERENCES AND NOTES
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751–755 (2009). doi: 10.1038/ngeo660 doi: 10.1111/eva.12127; pmid: 24454555 10.1126/science.aar5452

Rangel et al., Science 361, eaar5452 (2018) 20 July 2018 13 of 13

Modeling the ecology and evolution of biodiversity: Biogeographical cradles, museums, and
Thiago F. Rangel, Neil R. Edwards, Philip B. Holden, José Alexandre F. Diniz-Filho, William D. Gosling, Marco Túlio P.
Coelho, Fernanda A. S. Cassemiro, Carsten Rahbek and Robert K. Colwell

Science 361 (6399), eaar5452.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aar5452

Simulating South American biodiversity

The emergence, distribution, and extinction of species are driven by interacting factors−−spatial, temporal,
physical, and biotic. Rangel et al. simulated the past 800,000 years of evolution in South America, incorporating these

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factors into a spatially explicit dynamic model to explore the geographical generation of diversity. Their simulations,
based on a paleoclimate model on a 5° latitude-longitude scale, result in shifting maps of speciation, persistence, and
extinction (or cradles, museums, and graves). The simulations culminate in a striking resemblance to contemporary
distribution patterns across the continent for birds, mammals, and plants−−despite having no target patterns and no
empirical data parameterizing them.
Science, this issue p. eaar5452



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