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Pneumonia is an inflammation of:

A. Bronchioles
B. Alveoli
C. Alveolar ducts and sacs
D. All of the above
The most important nursing measure in caring for a child with diphtheria is:
A. Clearing of accumulated oropharyngeal secretion.
B. Maintaining nutritional requirements.
C. Preventing infection.
D. Maintaining fluid balance.

The first eruption of permanent teeth at age:

A. Four years.
B. Six years.
C. Eight years.
Ten years.
Immediately an the arrival of a premature baby to the neonatal nursery, the
nurse should do which of the following:
- A. Hypoxia.
- B. Atelectasis of alveoli.
C. Immaturity of respiratory centers
- D. Apnea
- Respiratory distress syndrome is a disease of preterm infants caused due to
A. Take temperature rectal.
B. Examination for anomaly.
C. Check airway for patency.
D. Cleanse skin of vernix
Cephalohematoma is …………
A. Swelling or edema of the presenting part of skull due to pressure during labor
leads to accumulation of fluids
B.Accumulation of blood between periosteum (membrane covers the surface of bone
and flat bone of the skull.
C. occurs during the first 2 to 4 weeks of life.
D.cheese like, greasy, yellowish white substance
Different types of development are…………………
A. mental.
B. physical.
C. motor.
D. motor, mental, emotional and social.
- Basic needs of normal new born baby are ……..

A. Maintaining a clear airway.

B. Achieving and maintaining adequate respiratory exchange
C. Warmth.
D. All of the following.
Characteristics of Anterior fontanel are………..
A.Diamond in shape and closed by the end of 1st year
B. Triangular and closed by the end of 1st year
C. Diamond in shape and closes at 12-18 month
D. located between occipital and 2 parital bones.
Principles of Growth & Development are …………….
A. Growth is an orderly process occurring in systematic fashion.
B. Rates and patterns of growth are specific to certain parts of the body.
C. Wide individual differences exist in growth rates.
- D. All of the above.
The average crown-heel length of a term baby male 50 cm and female 49cm.
The normal range for both sexes is………….

A. 47.5-53.5 cm..
B. 48.5-53.5 cm
C. 49.5-53.5 cm
D. 50.5-53.5 cm.
Types of growth are ……………
.A. weight
.B. Height
.C. Physical
.D. physical and physiological
Development was defined as …………..
A. weight and Height.
B. Head circumference.
C. increase in skills and capacity of functions
D. weight, height circumference, chest and head circumference.
……………… Growth was defined as
A. Growth and development are a continuous biologic process that begins at
.conception and terminate at death
.B. recognizes that each child is unique
C. realistic expectations of young children
- D. an increase in physical size of the whole body or any one of its parts.
New born period is ….
A. the first 4 weeks or first month of life is the period from 1 month to 1 year. the period from 6 up to 12 years
- D. is the period from 12 up to 18 years
Which of the following needs must be satisfied during the preschool age period.
A. Guidance
B. Sex information.
C. Religious education.
D. All of the above.
Ali is a 12 years child admitted at pediatric unit with iron deficiency anemia, the
most likely cause of Ali’s condition is
A. Lack of vit. C.
B. Abnormal haemoglobin structure.
C. Haemolysis.
D. Inadequate dietary intake of iron.
When the nurse is planning for an eight month old child with dehydration
which of the following would be priority intervention for monitoring hydration
A. Measuring vital signs
B. B Checking electrolyte level
C. Checking skin turgor
D. Monitoring daily weight
Ahmed 2 years old admitted to the emergency department suffering from birth
:trauma the priority for management are
A. Give bath and administer medication
.B. Maintain patent air way
.C. Lab investigation
D. An assessment from head to toe & detect signs of complication
Factors affecting growth and development are…………
A. Nutrition deficiencies, Maternal diseases, Exposure to radiation
B. Maternal diseases (Diabetic mother, Hypertension).
C. Exposure to radiation
- D. Nationality.
:Levels of care are
A. Emergency.
B. Intermediate level.
C. Intensive Care Level.
D. All answers were true.
During the first few days after birth the infant tends to lose about 5 - 10% of
his/her birth weight. (Physiological weight loss). This loss due to……
A. Withdrawal of hormones from mother.
B.Loss of excessive extra cellular fluid.
C. Passage of meconium (feces) and urine.
- D. All of the following items were true.
Posterior Fontanel was……………
A. triangular in shape.
B.Loss of excessive extra cellular fluid.
C. Passage of meconium (feces) and urine.
D. All of the following items were true.
Vernix Caseosa defined as ……………
A. Is a slight downy distribution of fine hair over the body, most evident on the
shoulders, back, extremities to maintain normal growth
B. Is a cheese like, greasy, yellowish white substance, sometimes liked to cream
C. occurs during the first 2 to 4 weeks of life, due to shrink or separation of the
D. Present in 40% of infants in which tiny white papillae
Milia in newborn is …………..
A. Is a slight downy distribution of fine hair over the body, most evident on the
shoulders, back, extremities to maintain normal growth
B. Is a cheese like, greasy, yellowish white substance, sometimes liked to cream
C. occurs during the first 2 to 4 weeks of life, due to shrink or separation of the
D. Present in 40% of infants in which tiny white papillae
Lanugo hair is …. ………….
A.Is a slight downy distribution of fine hair over the body, most evident on the
shoulders, back, extremities to maintain normal growth
B.Is a cheese like, greasy, yellowish white substance, sometimes liked to cream
C. occurs during the first 2 to 4 weeks of life, due to shrink or separation of the
D. Present in 40% of infants in which tiny white papillae
Caputsuccedenium are ……………..
A. Swelling or edema of the presenting part of skull due to pressure during labor
leads to accumulation of fluids
B. Accumulation of blood between periosteum (membrane covers the surface of
bone and flat bone of the skull.
C. Occurs during the first 2 to 4 weeks of life.
D. cheese like, greasy, yellowish white substance
Normal blood glucose level is
A. 60-100mg
B. 70-100mg
C. 70-110mg
D. 80-110mg
?What the virus name can be cause pneumonia disease
A. Adenoviruses.
B. Rhinoviruses.
C. Para-influenza virus.
D. All of the above.
Characteristics of Anterior fontanel are………..
A.Diamond in shape and closed by the end of 1st year
B. Triangular and closed by the end of 1st year
C. Diamond in shape and closes at 12-18 month
D. located between occipital and 2 parital bones.
- Basic needs of normal new born baby are ……..
A. Maintaining a clear airway.
B. Achieving and maintaining adequate respiratory exchange.
C. Warmth.
D. All of the following.
Different types of development are…………………
A. mental.
B. physical.
C. motor.
D. motor, mental, emotional and social.
Number of primary teeth?
A.10 primary teeth.
B.20 primary teeth.
C.15 primary teeth.
D.25 primary teeth .
Child can do bowel control between?
A.12- 24 months
B.18- 24 months
C.24- 30 months
D.12- 18 months
Quadruple birth weight by:
A. The age of 24 – 30 month
B. The age of 24 – 36 months
C. The age of 12 – 24 month
D. The age of 12 – 30 months
A nurse is teaching new parents before discharge to home. She explains that the
anterior fontanel normally closes between ages:
A. 2 and 3 months
B. 3 and 6 months
C. 1 and 9 months
D. 12 and 18 months
Child aged 4 years old his weight and height are approximately:
A. 15.5 kg. and 80 cm.
B. 16 kg. and 80 cm.
C. 16.7 kg. and 103 cm.
D. 18kg. and 70 cm.
Which of the following developmental stage is period characterized by rapid
physical growth:
A. Toddler period
B. Preschool period
C. School period
D. Adolescent period
A 3 days baby after birth, is slightly jaundiced, the nurse knows that this is due
A. Immature liver function .
B. Mother high hemoglobin level.
C. High hemoglobin and low hematocrit levels
D. Inability to synthesize bile.
Toddler's weight can be calculated from
A. Age ×5 +8 .
B. Age ×2 +8
C. Age ×2+80
D. Age ×5 +80

The first eruption of permanent teeth at age:

D. Four years.
E. Six years.
F. Eight years.
G. Ten years.
The most important nursing measure in caring for a child with diphtheria is:
A. Clearing of accumulated oropharyngeal secretion.
B. Maintaining nutritional requirements.
C. Preventing infection.
D. Maintaining fluid balance.

Which of the following feeding reflexes:

A. Tonic neck reflex.
B. Startle (Moro) reflex.
C. blinking reflex
D. Gagging reflex

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