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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI- Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Malay


After 60 minutes the pupils should be able to:
A. Identify the meaning of adjectives
B. Construct a sentence with the appropriate use of adjectives
C. Show teamwork and cooperation through participating in a group activity.


A. Topic: Adjective
B. Reference:
C. Materials: Tarpapel, Pictures, Power Point
D. Values: Being cooperative
E. Strategies Used: Group Activity


Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparation

1. Prayer
Before we start, let us pray first. Who Pupils will stand and pray
wants to lead the prayer?

2. Greetings
Good morning/afternoon class. Good morning teacher
Ok before you take your seats kindly pick Thank you, teacher,
up the pieces of papers under your chairs
and arrange your chairs carefully.

Did you remember our rules before we

start our class? Yes teacher.
Rules and Regulations inside the The pupils will recite the Classroom Rules and
classroom. Regulations.

 Treat others with respect at all times.  Treat others with respect at all times.
 Listen to the teacher when s/he speaks.  Listen to the teacher when s/he speaks.
 Ask for help when you need it.  Ask for help when you need it.
 Be prepared every day with required  Be prepared every day with required
items. items.
 Respect other people's property.  Respect other people's property.
 Listen and follow directions.  Listen and follow directions.
 Raise your hand before speaking or  Raise your hand before speaking or
leaving your seat. leaving your seat.

Very Good!

You may now take your seats.

Is everybody present today? Yes teacher.

It is good to know that everyone was

present today.

4. Passing of Assignment
Let us check if your answer to your
assignment were right.

What is the meaning of a noun?

Noun a word (other than a pronoun) used to
identify any of a class of people, places, or things
(common noun), or to name a particular one of
these (proper noun).

Can you give an example of a Noun? Jose Rizal, hero, cat, church, Shang-rila hotel

Very Good!

I have a riddle here. Can you guess “What

Am I?
an egg
a rain
an invitation letter
a nest
a hand

Well Done children!

B. Developmental Activities
A. Drill

Class I have here words in a card. What you have

to do is to tell me whether it is a noun or not.
The pupils will answer the given question.
Electric fan, run, walk, Maria, John, tree

B. Review
Before we go to our lesson proper let us first
have a recap of our lesson yesterday.

What was our lesson yesterday again class? Our lesson yesterday was all about Proper Noun
and its examples.

Amazing! You have a good memory. Jose Rizal

Now, can you give me examples of Proper Yapak Elementary School
Noun? Mercury Drugstore

It seems that you really understand our


Let us first unlock the difficult words you will
find in the poem we are about to read.
a small amount or some
Little pleasing or attractive to the eye
Pretty moving or able to move quickly
Fast thoughtful/gentle


Ok, everybody eyes on me. Stare me for a

few minutes.
You look good teacher.
How do you find me? How do I look? Your hair is short.
Can you tell me what kind of teacher am I
based on my physical appearance?

For those who really knew me so well. Can Your kind teacher.
you tell me what attitude do I have?
The pupils will describe their seatmate using
Now, look at your seatmate for 5 minutes. adjectives.
Look at them carefully and then close your
eyes. Do not open your eyes until I told you

Wow! That’s great.

Now are you ready to read the poem?

The teacher will show the Power Point of the

poem and let the pupils read it.
The pupils will read the poem aloud.


What are the characteristics of an apple in Funny, little, big

the story?
Where did the apple roll? They rolled into a big, green yard.
What did they past on? They passed on right on three white dogs.
Right in a cold, blue lake, and over the four
brown logs.

How did they go? To where did they They kept on going, fast as a speeding train.
They felt some small, wet drops fall from the dark
What did they felt falling from the sky? sky as rain.
They roll into a pretty, new house. Where a kind
Where did they last roll? lady made them dry. Then she put the two clean
apple, red apples into her apple pie.

Yes teacher.
Did you notice the highlighted words class?
What do you think are those words? Those words are use to describe the characters in
Do you have any idea? the poem.

Very Good! I have a little red umbrella in my bag.

Can you give me examples of sentences She is a pretty lady.
using those words?
Wow! That’s great.

The words that describe a person, a place, a

thing or an event are what we call the
adjectives. It may be in form of numbers,
colors, shapes and sizes, smell and taste.

F. GENERALIZATION An adjective is a word used to describe a person,

a place, a thing or an event.
What is an adjective again class?

Now, to further understand what
adjective is let us proceed to our next

Activity 1
“Alphabet Adjectives” A= amazing
B= black
Have the pupils write out the
alphabet and choose an adjective for
each letter. Here are a few to get your
students started. A = awesome,
amazing. B = beautiful, big, bouncy,
brown. C = cold, clear, cute. D = dry,
dirty, deep, dangerous.  E = elegant,
easy, excited. Let them read their
alphabet adjectives in front of the

Great job. Give yourself a “Well, well,

well clap for a job well done.

Activity 2
“Draw a” The pupils will draw what the teacher asked them
to do.
Group yourselves into three and then
draw or design a new animal,
monster or robot and then have a list
of some adjectives to describe it.

It is nice to know that you are all very

talented. Continue and keep going.




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