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FSL, Villa College

1. Under the Maldivian Land Act, the reason why an inheritor of a deceased individual may
receive part of the deceased’s Bandaara plot is:
a) Due inheritance of immovable property on the land.
b) Due inheritance of the land itself.
c) Due to a gift (Hiba)
d) Due to inheritance of chattels on that land.

2. Under the Maldivian Land Act, land can be registered in the name of:
a) Individuals who do not have Maldivian Citizenship.
b) A company re-registered in Maldives.
c) An association duly registered in Maldives, with only Maldivians as representatives.
d) An expatriate with a valid work visa.

3. In a tenancy in common:
a) There is no right of survivorship between the co-owners.
b) The only unity required is the unity of time.
c) The unity of possession, interest, title and time is required.
d) When a co-owner dies, the estate will be left to the remaining co-owners.

4. Yasir offers to buy a Bandaara plot registered in Shameel’s name. Which of the following
is a step that must be taken under the Maldivian Land Act before the parties can
transfer title between them?
a) Yasir must purchase the Land from the State.
b) The land must be registered under Shameel’s name as a private plot.
c) Yasir must have another home where he can live.
d) Yasir and his dependents must have another home where they can live.

5. An island’s land-use plan indicates that land marked on the map as ‘Area 1’is
allocated for industrial use. After leasing several plots to companies for building
factories, the local council decides to issue residential plots from the remaining land

on Area 1, with the condition that only Maldivian citizens can apply for plots. Which
of the following options best describe problems in the Council’s decisions?
a) The condition that only Maldivian Citizens can apply for residential plots is an
unlawful discrimination based on nationality.
b) Residential plots are being issued from an area of land which is allocated for
another purpose.
c) Plots have been leased to companies without confirming whether the
companies have only Maldivians as shareholders.
d) The Local Council is not the relevant office to make the announcement.

6. Razan has a residential Bandaara plot of 2000 square feet registered in his name
from V. Keyodhoo, his island of residence. Two years ago, he leased the plot to Ali
and moved to Addu City permanently. Despite moving to Addu City, Razan has kept
V. Keyodhoo as his island of residence in his official records. An announcement was
made by the City council to issue residential Bandaara plots from Addu, and Razan
applied. Which of the following is a condition under the Maldivian Land Act for
Razan’s application to qualify? (You can assume that no additional requirements
were set by the Council).
a) Razan must agree to relinquish his residential plot in V. Keyodhoo to the State.
b) Razan must change his island of residence.
c) Razan must relinquish his residential plot in V. Keyodhoo to Ali.
d) Razan must gift his plot in V. Keyodhoo to any of his immediate family members.

7. Which of the following is NOT true about vested interests?

a) Death of the transferee will revert ownership back to the transferor.
b) The interests can be transferred to inheritors.
c) The interest must no depend on any contingent condition.
d) Vested interests may create rights that are effective immediately.

8. David’s father made a Will to transfer ownership of part of his land to David. Which of
the following best describes David’s interests over the land?
a) David has vested interests over the land until his father’s death.
b) His interests over the land will be contingent interests after his father’s death.
c) David’s interests over the land will be successive interests.
d) His interests over the land will be contingent interests until his father’s death.

9. Which of the following best describes the Nemo dat rule?
a)The rule allows a squatter to claim ownership of a land which has been abandoned by
its title holder for more than 12 years.
b)The rule allows Courts to divide land among inheritors.
c) The rule is based on the idea that one cannot sell a property without having
d)The rule prevents one from filing disputes regarding ownership of land in more than
one Court.

10. Which of the following options does NOT include an immovable property?
a) Factories, buildings, vehicles, hospitals.
b) Vehicles, chattels, Refrigerators.
c) Parks, jewelry, Statues, warehouses.
d) A residential house with a basement, a farm land, an airport

A private residential plot registered in Kareem’s name was initially owned by his father. Upon
his father’s death in 2003, the Island Office issued a permanent land registration document to
Kareem. After finding out about this, Kareem’s sister Aminath filed a case in the competent
Court against the Local Council to declare Kareem’s land registration document void.
The case was still ongoing when Kareem decided to sell the plot to his friend Ameen. Ameen
was unaware of the case when he signed the agreement and paid a lumpsum amount of 1.5
million Rufiyaa to Kareem.
a) Ameen has found out about the ongoing case and seeks your advice regarding the
possible outcomes and what remedies he could seek.
Advice Ameen.

b) Explain the rule of Lis Pendens in Land Law and how the objective of the rule is achieved
in Maldives.

Aslam wishes to divide his land (a private residential plot) equally among his Wife, grandson
and brother. He wishes to transfer title of each portion of land as a gift (Hiba). Aslam’s wife
does not have a good relation with his grandson and brother, and is unhappy about the fact
that Aslam intends to gift part of his land to them.
Advice Aslam regarding the requirements under the Maldivian Land Act (Law number
1/2002) for transferring title of Land as a gift (Hiba), and the possible outcomes if he
attempts to enforce each of the above three gifts.

Ahsan lives in Male’ with his wife and three kids as tenants in an apartment. He is facing
financial difficulties in building a house on the Bandaara plot registered under his name in K.
Dhiffushi. As he already has enough debt, he decides to not take a housing loan, and comes up
with an alternative plan to sell his plot, and use the money to build a house once he gets a
Bandaara plot again.
There are two prospective buyers who have inquired about Ahsan’s advertisement on iBay. One
is Aneeth, who owns the land adjacent to Ahsan’s plot, and the other is Robert, an experienced
Economics teacher from Sri Lanka.
Advice Ahsan regarding his plan to sell the land.


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