King's Guard Duty Sheet

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The 1st or Grenadier Regiment of Foot Guard

Under the provisions of the Regimental Headquarters
This document is to be followed and used by all members within the Grenadier Guards and to be
executed by those taking up duties on a formal sentry post.

Created: March 26th 2023


Sentry’s Mission:
“Is to man my post in order to deter any would-be aggressor and show the status of the Royal Family.”

Sentry’s Execution:
“Is to act in a smart and soldier-like manner, not to converse with anyone unless in the course of duty if so
as briefly as possible without movement.”

Do’s of a Guard

● Patrol your post on the marked path every few minutes.

● Adopt the ‘Slope’ position when a Non Commissioned Officer approaches.
● Adopt the ‘Slope’ position and ‘Butt Salute’ when a Commissioned Officer approaches.
● Follow words of command given by a Commissioned Officer even when on sentry.
● React to any intruders appropriately.

Don'ts of a Guard

● Never adopt the ‘Stand Easy’ position.

● Never go away from your keyboard without telling someone beforehand.
● Never march at the ‘Shoulder’ position.
● Never present arms unless a command is given.*
● Never talk unless spoken to by a Non Commissioned Officer or above.

*If a member of the Royal Family or a General Officer is passing you must present arms, this includes if they
are in a vehicle or on horseback.

Reacting to an Intruder.
1. Stand to attention sharply and warn the intruder/trespasser to step back away from you or the
point they are trespassing.
2. If they persist, adopt the High Port position with the rifle and once again sternly tell the intruder
to stand back.
3. Adopt the En-Garde position with the rifle and give a stern final warning for the intruder to stand
4. If they run away, use the !help command and report their name to whatever admin comes to you.

Appropriate Responses/Orders
“Step Back”, “Get Back”, “Stand Back”, “Step Back for the Queen’s Guard”, “Get Away”, “Move back”

Created: March 26th 2023


● “You may not sit down, lie down, sleep, smoke, eat or drink while on your tour of duty.”
● “Slope arms for Non Commissioned Officers and Butt Salute Commissioned Officers.”
● “If you need any assistance, use the !help command and someone will come.”
● “Read the duty sheet for a full in depth guide to your duties on sentry.”
● “Are there any questions?”

(Ensure you read all of these out so a Guardsman knows their duties)
(You can use copy and paste if needed)

Once you have read these orders out you can return the clipboard and equip your rifle back.


● It is the responsibility of a sentry to deter and remove any intruder.

● It is the responsibility of a sentry to represent and show the standards of the group.
● Sentries should not conversate or act unprofessionally while on duty.
● Sentries should act and carry out the duties of a real Guardsman.
● Sentries should patrol and perform their duties immaculately.
● Sentries should never stand easy
● Sentries should always follow the words of command given by an Officer.
● Sentries should always be active and should never leave their computer.
● Sentries should use the !help command in game if they need any assistance.

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