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Name Ali M. EL-Halabi

Medical MB,BS MRCP(Paed) FRCP(Edin) FRCPCH


Present Senior Consultant Pediatrician & Pediatric Cardiologist

position Private Practice

Date of Birth 1960

Nationality Jordanian

Address P.O. Box 962250


Telephone Number - ++ 9626 4654044 (Clinic - Telefax)

- ++ 962 79 5524704, ++962795648342

E-mail addresses

MB,BS ( June 84) Jordan University

FMGEMS Certificate ECFMG (U.S.A)

(July 85)

MRCP (Paed) Royal college of

(Oct.89) Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow

Jordanian Board (Paed) Jordanian Medical Council


Fellowship in Paediatric Southampton University Hospitals .

(July 94)

Fellowship of the Royal Royal College of Physicians of

College of Physicians of Eidenburgh
(Dec 2003)

Fellowship of the Royal Royal College of Pediatrics & Child

College of Paediatrics & Child Health - London
Health (FRCPCH)
(July 2005)

Instructor for advanced Royal College of Pediatric &Child Health(UK)

Pediatric life support courses
(Since Nov 2007)
Jordanian Medical Association May 85

ECFMG - U.S.A. July 85

Jordanian Paediatric Society July 90

( President 2005-2009 & 2016-2020)

General Medical Council (UK) July 92

Jordanian Cardiac Society March 95
Panarab Paediatric & Congenital Feb 2002
Heart Disease Association
(Immediate Ex- President)

President of Jordan Pediatric Society- Directing continuous medical education for
Jordanian Pediatricians and taking part in all scientific activities in the country , and also
representing pediatricians in any problems arising with the authorities in their practice
including consultations for legal bodies

Member of the National Immunization Technical Committee- Taking part in deciding

the policies of vaccination and enforcement of current national immunization program &
deciding on introduction of new vaccines, in addition to revision of any outbreaks or
vaccine complications

Member of the National Committee on Breast Feeding- Taking part in enforcement of

breast milk feeding and rationalizing the substitution of breast milk and prevention of
unjustified replacement of breast feeding on national level

General Secretary of Union of Arab Pediatric Societies- Organizing Scientific

activities over the Arab world and coordinating collaboration between different societies
in scientific & research activities

Editorial board member of the Saudi Heart Journal- January 2010- Dec 2015
Reviewing articles related to Pediatric Cardiology

Member of the standing committee of the International Pediatric Association

August 2010 –August 2013- Taking part in setting standards & guidelines for pediatrics
worldwide and directing the World Congress of Pediatrics

Member of the Scientific Committee of the World Congress of Pediatrics in

Melbourne August 2013, and a guest speaker

Faculty member of the Pediatric Interventional Cardiology Symposium~Adult

Cardiology Symposium (PICS~AICS), which is the biggest international annual meeting
in congenital cardiac interventions worldwide. 2004 till now

President of the Union of Middle East and Mediterranean Pediatric Societies


Certificates of honor yearly in the three secondary school years, and second rank in
Tawjihi exam country wide in Jordan

Honors in five basic and three clinical subjects during the medical school years
( including Paediatrics ), and second rank in my patch of graduates from medical school

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics & Pediatric Cardiology- Yarmouk University-
Irbid- Jordan
(Nov 2022- till now)

Part time Senior Consultant Pediatric Cardiologist – Prince Hamza teaching

hospital- Jordanian Ministry of Health – Amman-Jordan
( August2009 –August2012)- This included teaching medicalstudents of Hashemite

Part Time lecturer of Pediatrics & Pediatric Cardiology- Mu’tah University- Karak -
( October 2005 – till August 2006 )

Part Time Consultant Pediatric Cardiologist & Teaching staff- Specialty hospital –
Amman (Oct 2005-till now) – With teaching and assessment responsibilities for Pediatric

Part Time Consultant Pediatric Cardiologist & Teaching staff- Jordan hospital –
(Jan 2002-till now)- With teaching and assessment responsibilities for Pediatric residents

Part Time Consultant Pediatric Cardiologist & Teaching staff- Islamic hospital –
(March 2004-till 2013)- With teaching and assessment responsibilities for Pediatric

Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist - Private Practice , Covering Jordan Hospital ,

Islamic Hospital, Istiklal hospital & Arab Heart Centre ). I am a clinical teaching staff
member in the department of Pediatrics –Jordan Hospital, and Specialty hospital, both are
recognized by the Arab Board for training.
( August 1994 - till now )
Training instructor for transcatheter closure of cardiac defects by the Amplatzer &
Occlutech devices in the Middle east & north Africa
(May -2000 –till April 2008)

Paediatric Cardiology Fellow -Wessex Cardiothoracic Centre-Southampton University

( July 92 - July 94 )

Assistant Professor of Paediatrics & Consultant Paediatrician & Neonatologist

- Jordan University of Science & Technology
( March 90 - July 92 )

Paediatrician - King Hussein Medical Centre-Jordanian Royal Medical Services

( Nov 89 - Feb. 90 )

Paediatric Resident - King Hussein Medical Centre- Jordanian Royal Medical Services
( Jan 86 – Dec 89 )

Field Physician - Jordanian Royal Medical Services

( July 85 - Jan 86 )

Rotational Internship-Jordan University Hospital (AMMAN)

( June 84 - May 85 )


Course on Fetal Echocardiography – Guy’s Hospital – London
( Feb 95)

Training workshop on Peripheral Pulmonary & Coarctation Stenting – Hospital for sick
Children – Glasgow
(May 97)

Training workshop on Transcatheter ASD & PDA closures – Guy’s Hospital - London
( Aug 97)

Pediatric Interventional Cardiology Symposium (PICS~AICS)-Chicago

( Sep 99- Sep21 yearly as faculty member)

As the only Pediatric Cardiologist in the private sector in Jordan for more than 6 years,
and one of two for around 10 years, I had referred patients from around a population of
two million people, and so I gained lot of experience in clinical, diagnostic &
interventional Pediatric Cardiology.
The interventional procedures I performed are almost half of all procedures. Out of these
I have done around Nine hundred seventy transcatheter ASD & PFO closures & almost
similar number of PDA closures. I have done more than 50 muscular &
perimembranousVSD closures. I have been Training Instructor for transcatheter
closures using the Amplatzer devices for the middleast from the year 2000 till April 2007.
I supervised many training workshops on Amplatzer transcatheter closures in Yemen ,
Iran, Iraq, Sudan ,Syria,Lybia & Egypt.
Right now and since January 2008 unpaid consultant for" Occlutech" transcatheter
closure devices company.I am also training supervisor for “Occlutech” and further
training workshops are being arranged in the same and other countries.


Cardiac interventions in the less previlaged arab countries- World congress of pediatric
cardiology & cardiovascular surgery
Cairns-Australia June 2009

Cardiac Interventions in Neonates- Union of Arab Pediatric societies meeting,

Amman-May 2009

Trouble shooting During transcatheter VSD closure- International Meeting of the

Egyptian Cardiac Society-
June 2007

Outcome of ASD transcatheter closure- 3rd meeting of the PanArab Congenital Heart
Association- Egypt
February 2005
Update on transcatheter perimembranous VSD closure- 3rd meeting of the PanArab
Congenital Heart Association- Egypt
February 2005

Is device closure becoming the treatment of choice for Secundum Atrial Septal defects-
Al-Basel Cardiac Society- Syria –
(Dec 2004)

Transcatheter closure of ventricular septal defects- experience from an arab country-

Adult Congenital Heart Disease Symposium- Jeddah
(Oct 2004)

Fetal echocardiography in the arab world-indications,difficulties & implications-

Third international congress of Perinatology- Beirut
(May 2004)

Closing Atrial Septal defects & Patent Foramen Ovale in Adults- Adult Congenital Heart
Disease Symposium- Jeddah
(Oct 2003)

Controversy on Transcatheter Secundum Atrial Septal Defect Closure- International

Cardiac Intervention conference- Alexandria

Trouble shooting in transcatheter Secundum Atrial Septal Defect closure-

First Panarab Pediatric & Congenital Heart Disease Association (PAPCHDA)
(Feb 2003)

Transcatheter closure for cardiac defects- From where to where – Syrian Pediatric
Society Conference
(Dec 2002)

Short & medium term follow up for 150 patients who had Secundum Atrial Septal
transcatheter closure- Jordan Cardiac Society conference
(October 2002)

Do we still need the cardiovascular surgeon?- Tenth conference of the Arab Union of
Pediatric Societies
(Oct 2002

Rheumatic Fever in Jordan- First Panarab Meeting on Rheumatic Fever- Alexandria

( Nov 2000)
Experience on Balloon Pulmonary Valvuloplasty – Jordan National Pediatric Conference
( Oct 2000)

Cases of Kawasaki Syndrome in the private sector ( 48 cases)- Jordan Cardiac Society
( April 2000)

Pediatric patients needing Cardiac Catheterizatin – Jordan National Pediatric Conference

( April 99)

Analysis of the echocardiographic diagnosis of Pediatric Cardiac Patients- Jordan

Pediatric Society conference
( April 97)

And many other local , national & international presentations.

A new device to close secundum atrial septal defects: First clinical use to
close multiple defects in a child

Ali Halabi MD,Ziyad M. Hijazi MD, MPH, FSCAI

Catheterization, Cardiovascular intervention ,Volume 71, issue 6, 1 May 2008

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