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Educational Philosophy page 1

My Ideal Classroom page 2

Assessment of Children pages 3-4

Communication with Parents pages 5-7

Use of Technology page 8

Instructional Strategies page 9

Educational Philosophy

I would like a teacher that can relate to the

students and to also help him individuality. I would like

a teacher who will do both group work and individuate

work, so the students can develop both social skills and

independent skills. A teacher should be positive, kind-

hearted, caring, and believe in the students. A teacher

should never put a student down and they should never

have a negative attitude towards students. Students

should learn how to be independent and they should

also learn not to be scared to ask for help. I believe

that in order to help the students that the teachers

should use different methods to help the students

Ideal Classroom
My ideal classroom would be warm and welcoming
to the students, so they would want to come to school
and learn. When the students enter the door here is
desks lined up facing the smartboard and there are two
cot locker-cubbies of each student, there are twenty
students, across from the door. There is also a
teacher’s desk in the back of the classroom and on the
left side, across the teacher’s desk; there is a quiet
space for books. In the library and relaxing section,
with the books, students can read books and/or lesson
books on tape quietly. There are also couch, two bean
bags chairs, and a rug, so students can read on the
chairs and/or on the rug. In between the teacher’s
desk and the quite space there is computers for
students. There are three desks with two computers on
them, so only six students can use the computers at a
time. There are four sliding windows in between the
teacher’s desk and the student’s locker-cubbies and
there is a space between each two window.
Assessment Of Children
When I have to assess my students I will do
different assignments such as: test/quizzes,
homework/classroom assignments, projects, and
attendance. I will grade test will be 35% of the students
grade, quiz grades will be 25%, assignments will be 20%,
projects will be 15%, and attendance will be 5% of their
grade. Of attendance I will have a chart with calms with
each of the student’s names on the left side and the
dates on the top. I will put a check mark if they are
here, an A if they are absent, and an L for when they
show up late. I will give them 5mins to come to class late
before I put an A or L on their names. To grade the
student’s on their assignments I will have a unit log
sheet for the week, so the students will know what we
are doing for the week. I will also have a monthly log for
test, quizzes, and projects for the students. I believe
that using both of these logs will help the students
understand what is coming up in the future. I also
believe that the way I grade the students will help them.
I will give each student a grading chart, so they can know
what I am grading for the test and quizzes.
Communication With Parents
To communicate with the parents, I will make sure
each parent has my e-mail address, so they can e-mail me
with questions and/or consensus about their student. I
will make sure that I will e-mail them back in the next 24
hours. I will also give each parent a syllabus for what I
am a going in the future and what my grading system is. I
will also have a parent-teacher conference at the end of
the second month, so I can explain to the parents what I
observed and learned about their own child. If the
student needs an IEP I will explain what it is to the
parents and I will also show them the IEP form, so that
they can get a better understanding. I will ask the
parents if I can give their child a test, for the IEP, so I
can see if their child needs an IEP or not. I will also use
the test to show the parents that their child needs an
IEP and that an IEP is going to help their child because
their child will have accommodations to help them with
school. I will also give the parents a chart to show what
we all (the parents, the school, and the child) can do to
help the parents child.
Using Technology
I am the type of person who loves to use
technology for learning. I would have a StartBoard in
my classroom, so the students can use it my moving
things around and also write on the SmartBoard. I will
also have a projector, so I can project papers and
PowerPoints. I use e-mail, so the parents can e-mail for
help with their children. I will also use Blackboard for
assignments, so the students can know what they
messed if they were absent one day. I will also use my
computer to put what grade the student gets on an
assignment and to put if the student was in class or
not. I will also have a voice recorder, to record what I
am explaining, so I can put in on Blackboard and the
students can go on Blackboard and lesson to my voice if
they need help. I will also have computers in my
classroom, with learning games, so the students can do
some fun learning games on the computers to help them
develop their brain. I will also have audio book, so the
students can lesson to someone reading the book while
they fallower along. I will use technology to play
learning games, such as Kahoot.
Instructional Strategies
I would have group work for every week, so the
students can work together and help each other out.
For projects, I will make sure that it is a group or
partner projects. I will also do some learning games,
like Kahoot, an only learning game for the whole class. I
will also do individual assignments, so I can know what
each student has trouble and/or weakness in what
subjects. I will also make sure we all read a script book,
like Romeo & Juliet, and by the end of the book I will
choose a partner for each student and they will
reenact any scene they choose. I will also like each
student to do indented reading and take notes on what
they read. This will help student understands what
they are reading. I will also do learning activities
outside and I will also do some independent projects
that involve students to do activities outside, so they
can understand what’s going on around them and to help
them go see nature.

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