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Images: Narration:

Title card *No narration

Bay Area cities and environment montage “This is the Bay Area! Located in central
California, it holds many wonders to explore,
from the bustling city streets to the majestic
outdoors. Home to San Francisco, Oakland,
and those beautiful coastal mountains. With
over 50 species of mammals, over 250 species
of birds, over 150 species of butterflies and
moths, and so much more, the Bay Area
provides a variety of ecosystems for
biodiversity to thrive. Despite this, there
continues to grow a monumental threat to
these ecosystems.”

Newsreel montage *Audio from news clips

Physical pollution segment: images of waste “Physical pollution has been a problem for as
in the environment long as we can remember. There was a very
good reason for your parents telling you not to
litter as a young child. The San Francisco Bay
has some of the highest recorded levels of
microplastic pollution in the world. More than
7 trillion tiny pieces of plastic wash from city
streets into the Bay each year. Physical
pollution includes processed material products
that harm the environment such as plastic
water bottles, plastic bags, and aluminum.”

Heart-breaking images of animals killed by “Marine life such as sea turtles and dolphins
plastic waste and pollution can mistake various plastic objects for food.
These products are usually fatal as they block
the digestive tract which leads them to starve.
Moreover, birds and seals get trapped in
plastic waste, causing them to either suffocate,
drown, or become easier prey for predators.
There can be impacts on the food chain as
endocrine-disrupting chemicals in plastic have
affected reproductive systems. Microplastics
have made their way into our food supply,
contaminating it from other animals
consuming them. Microplastics are
additionally precipitated back onto land after
being evaporated, which can affect soil

Showing off the worst places of plastic “Erckenbrack Park, Marlin Park, and
pollution in the Bay Area Lakeshore Park are three of San Mateo
County’s beaches that made Heal the Bay’s
“Beach Bummer List” for being among the
most polluted beaches in all of California with
Lakeshore Park being on the list five times in
the last 10 years. Alameda also has quite a
notorious reputation for having some of the
filthiest beaches around. Found there were
needles, vape cartridges, washed-up tires, beer
cans, fast-food cups, t-shirts, socks, deflated
soccer balls, plastic straws, and so much more
in one beach cleanup.”

“The Grand Scheme of Things” segment “Phyiscal and plastic pollution are only the
beginning to tackling the very real
environmental threats every inhabitat of this
planet is facing. It is no surprise that climate
change, resource depletion, and environemntal
degration are the most imposing dangers to
human survival with not enough measures
implemented by countries around the world to
make them better.”

“What can you do?” segment with “Now what’s your part in all of this? What
demonstrations of picking up trash and how to can you do? The obvious answer is to pick up
properly dispose of it trash and waste wherever you see it on the
land or sea. Even if you just stumble upon it,
don’t be afraid to help the environment by
picking it up and properly disposing it in a
trash can or recycling bin. There are also
many different environmental organizations
such as “Save the Bay”, “The Seirra Club”, or
“Acterra” that you can donate to who’s main
mission is to cleanup local ecosystems. The
Earth is our home and we need to be taking
better care of it before it’s too late.”

End credits *Music plays

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