Spanish Study

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Spanish Study

November 14. #1 Topic: Revision Questions

What does "`Que eres tu?" ask?

>> How do you look

What does "Que tiempo hace hoy?" ask?

>> What is the weather like today?

What does "Que haces en casa?"

>> What do you do at home

What is featured in the pronoun table?

~ Yo - O
~ Tu- as
~ el/ella/usted- a
~ Nosotros- amos
~ ellos/ellas/ustedes- an

What are the three types of verb endings in spanish?

>> AR, ER, IR

What does the verb “Quiere” mean?

>> Quiere- To want

Spanish Study 1
What is a stem changing verb?

>> Stem changing verbs are verbs that take a change somewhere in the middle

What are the types of stem changes?

~ O- UE
~ E - IE
~ U - UE (Jugar)
~ E - I (only applies to IR verbs)

What verb is not stem changed?

>> Nosotros

What does the verb poder mean?

>> To be able to

What does the verb dormir mean?

>> To sleep

What does the verb Almorzar mean?

>> to have/eat lunch

What does the verb Encontrar mean?

>> to find

What does the verb volver mean?

>> To fly

Spanish Study 2
What does the verb morir mean?

>> To die

Name seven sports and their players in spanish

~ El netbol - La netbolista
~ El tenis - El/La Tenista

~ El futbol - El/La Futbolista

~ El beisbol - El/La besibolista

~ El criquet - El criquetador
~ El atletismo - El/La atleta

~ El rugby - El jugar de rugby

What does “ Que deporte juegas? “ ask?

>> What sport do you play

What are the indirect pronouns?

~ Me, te, le, nos, les

Spanish Study 3

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