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It starts with the case of Aslam (name has been changed). Aslam completed his studies up to
matriculation in Dubai. Later on he received a degree in aeronautical engineering from the best
university in China. As time and circumstances changed he had to open up a small Street side
milkshake with watermelon cart in Karachi after a seven-year long struggle to find a job. Now he
earns enough to support himself and his family.

While another case is of Junaid (name has been changed). After passing matriculation, Junaid
started his career in a food company located in gujarat. His only job was just to turn samosa pastries
into cones for further fillings. After wandering around here and there for a job, he finally had got
chance in this company. He barely had worked for 2-3 years, there he got selected in a company
located in Dubai. Company also provided accomodation facilities with a salary of rupees forty five
thousand a month. Currently is well settled in Dubai.

Both above mentioned cases are not a myth but a fact. Negativity arises as soon as two–four such
cases comes to sight... Extreme depression surrounds. After reading Aslam's case, almost people get
the negative idea that despite getting best education from Dubai and China, if he has to work as a
street-side vendor, then what about students those have got education from india and have passed
hardly? Why to waste millions of rupees on education? It seems like education has lost it worth.
Aslam is forced to work as a street-side vendor despite having a high degree, Junaid who has just
passed matriculation is now well settled in Dubai. Ordinary thinking would be attracted to the fact
that there is no outcome of getting high education..!! But it is not like that at all... Where there are
negative cases, there are also positive cases also..

Let's see the narrative of Shailesh (name has been changed) which has some positive impact.
Story of Shailesh's beginning was the same as Aslam's. But later his situation changed... What
happened actually? Let's check out in his narrative.

Shailesh graduated from Kutch University. Later he worked as a carpenter for about a year.
Meanwhile, he kept applying for job. He finally got a job as a professor in a college in Rajasthan. But
even here he continued to apply for a good job abroad. He finally got a job in UK with a 5 year visa.
He later called his wife also.

See... He also had to work hard for a year.. but later luck prevailed and he reached UK.

All above three cases are not fictional, but true cases. We come across many such cases And
naturally it effects our lives positively or negatively. Many lessons to be learned from those three
cases. First of all, it is necessary get out from the comfort zone. No work is derogatory. So don't feel
inferiority in any kind of work. ‛I am educated and shall I work like this?’ One needs to get rid of such
negative thoughts. Stubbornness has to be changed according to the time. Can you Imagine if all
above 3 have felt inferior and had left their first job, what would have happen? They might not be
able to meet their daily needs. So always try to get rid of depression and keep your efforts going.

Nothing to be gained by only relying on luck without trying-putting efforts. The diligent gains
something but a sluggard gets nothing.

Education has its peculiar importance. Even if an educated is working as a street-side vendor or
cleaner or doing such kind of jobs, never mock him or make him feel down. And never be negative
that if a educated has to work like this then what is the benefit of studying? If he can't succeed, it
is not at all necessary that you also can't succeed. It's matter of Time. Time changes and it doesn't
take time..!!


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