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A Research Paper

Presented to

Jessa Jane L. Echavez

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion


Maxime Stephanie B. Regurosa

Wenglie A. Refamonte
Chelsea Nicole C. Taga-oc
Cloe Gale L. Sumain
Keziah Maize A. Geographia
Jeziel Mae A. Cabaraban
Krissel Nicoles L. Mañoza
John Mark G. Arnoza
Fitz Cyrel D. Tamulak
Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Academic performance is the extent to which a student,

teacher, or institution has attained their short or long-

term educational goals and is measured either by continuous

assessment or cumulative grade point average. Academically

goods students have better employment benefit, higher

income, higher self-esteem and self-confidence, low levels

of anxiety and depression, and are less likely to engaged in

substance abuse.

Cigarette smoking and drinking hard liquors during

leisure time is one of the things that can meet the

satisfaction among teenagers and adults. Many symposiums and

advocacy programs conducted by the government to minimize

such issue but still the number of users in increasing. Most

of the people in our society are already aware the bad

effects upon using these. Some of the users are from health

workers, teachers, parents and the higher officials in the

government. How can we discipline our children to avoid

using these harmful chemicals if they always experience

watching the users at home in school and everywhere? How can

we minimize the number of users? Our government is always

warning us the bad effects upon using this but still they

allowed the manufacturer to continue producing more


The socioeconomic status of a student has a significant

impact on their academic achievement. The socioeconomic

factors that affect our individual standard of living are

often measured by that person’s education, employment

position, and parental income.

This position is based on a variety of social and economic

factors, including income, the level and type of education,

the type and prestige of occupation, the location of

residence, and in some societies or segments of society,

ethic origin or religious background.

In this effect, the researchers would like to

investigate how smoking and drinking alcohol affects the

student’s mental health, studies and also the social

interaction. Alcohol is depressant drug that can cause

anxiety and increase stress. Smoking can cause damage to the

body within just one cigarette. The academic performance of

the students may be strongly impacted by social and economic

Statement of the Problem

This study has a major problem of assessing the

cigarette and alcohol users: their socio-economic status and

its effect to the academic performances among senior high

school students in SNHS.

It aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the academic performances of senior high

school students?

2. How many sticks of cigarette and bottles of alcohol

participants consume per week?

3. What are the socio-economic status of senior high

school students in SNHS?

4. Is there a significant relationship between being a

cigarette and alcohol users to the academic


5. Is there significant relationship between the student’s

socio-economic status to the academic performances?

6. Is there significant difference between being a

cigarette and alcohol users and their socio-economic

status to the academic performances?

Research Hypotheses

H01: There is no significant relationship between being a

cigarette and alcohol users to the academic performances of

the Senior High School students in SNHS.

H02: There is no significant relationship between the

student socio-economic status to the academic performances

of the Senior High School students in SNHS.

H03: There is no significant relationship between being a

cigarette and alcohol users and their socio-economic status

to the academic performances of the Senior High School

students in SNHS.

Significance of the Study

This study significantly contributes to the students of

Senior High School in Sominot National High School, in a

sense that this study will identify the cigarette and

alcohol users: the socio-economic status and its effect to

academic performance of Senior High School Student in SNHS.

Students. This study benefits to the student in a sense that

they will minimize the usage of cigarette and alcohol if the

researchers prove that these two factors are the main reason

of the sudden impletion of SNS academic performance.

Teachers. This study is beneficial to the teachers in a way

that the teacher will give a warning or orient the students

about the effect of cigarette and alcohol to the academic

and even the body.

Parents. This study will benefit to the parents in a way

that they will give advices or more care to their children.

School. This will benefit the school so that the school will

implement rules that banned alcohol and cigarette.

Future Researchers. This study is significant to the future

researchers because it will give an idea that the two main

reason of academic impletion of SHS are cigarette and


Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored in one theory, the Walberg’s

Theory of Academic Achievement by Herbert J. Walberg’s

theory of academic achievement posits that psychological

characteristics of individual students and their immediate

psychological environments influenced educational outcomes

(Reynolds and Walberg, 1992)

The effects on learning that have an impact on a

student’s academic achievement are the subject of Walberg’s

theory. Walberg employed a range of techniques to pinpoint

the elements that influence a student’s academic performance

in this investigation of academic attainment.

Welberg’s theory investigated what causes the student’s

performance, however this study investigates if alcohol and

cigarettes affect the student’s performance which relates on

Welberg’s theory. Both of them investigate the student’s


Additionally, theory of academic achievement by

Welberg, one of the few empirically tested theories of

school learning based, used a variety of methods on how to

identify the factors that affects the academic performance

of a student. The researchers aim to show how the theory and

researchers aim to show how the theory and researchers study

correlates with each other. The purpose of this theory is

important since it integrates individual and institutional

variables that can impact the academic achievement.

Conceptual framework

This study utilized Input-Process-Output Model to

illustrate the relationship of the two independent variables

and the dependent variable, the research instrument being

use in gathering the data and expected outcome of the study.

Input Process Output

Profile of the Collection of data Academic

Students through the Performance
a) Name questionnaires and and socio-
b) Grade Level informal interview. economic
c) Section The statistical status of
d) Alcohol User tool will be used alcohol and
e) Cigarette User as the Data cigarette
Analysis Procedure. users are
Academic Performance determined.
of the students The relation-
a) Academic Grades ship of ciga-
b) School Performance rette and
c) Academic Achieve- alcohol users
ments to their
Socio-economic Status status and
a) Low academic
b) Medium performance
c) High are also

Figure 1. The Schematic Diagram of the Study

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study will focus on the cigarette and alcohol

users: their socio-economic status and its effect to the

academic performances among Senior High School students in

SNHS. The researchers use descriptive design to investigate

the cigarette and alcohol users. A survey will be carried

out to gather enough data. The target participants of the

study will be chosen among Senior High school students in

SNHS. The researchers get right and needed information. The

snowball sampling can help the researchers get right and

needed information. The researchers come up with the total

of 192 participants in Senior High School students specially

the Grade 11 and Grade 12 students. The researchers will

five questionnaires to the small group of participants, then

the researchers will ask if they have acquaintances who

smoke and drink alcohol also. The researchers respect the

privacy of the participants and will not force the

participants to answer the questionnaire. Statistical tool

will be use for the analysis of data.

This study will be delimited to the students of Sominot

National High School who are not Senior High School

students, as well as to teachers, parents, and school


Definition of Terms and Other Variables

Cigarettes - a tube-shaped product that is made of finely

cut, cured tobacco leaves wrapped in thin paper.

(>def>ciga...) It is a boredom

leisure used by some Senior High students in SNHS.

Alcohol – a chemical substance found in drinks such as beer,

wine, and liquor. It is also found in some medicines,

mouthwashes, household products, and essential oils.

(>def>alco...) A drink that can change

the mental attitude of the person.

Socio-economic Status - measure of one’s combined economic

and social status and tends to be positively associated with

better health. (>doi) The

level of status Senior High School students in SNHS have.

Conceptualization - process that involves coming up with

clear, concise definitions.

(>…) To form ideas from

particular instances.
Vices – evil conduct or habits: wickedness: a moral fault or

weakness, dishonesty was his vice. (https://www.merriam->...) Bad habit of some Senior High School

students in SNHS have.

Adolescence – a dynamically evolving theoretical construct

informed through psychologic, psychosocial, temporal and

cultural lenses (>cgi) Period of time

that a child develops into an adult. It is the state of

growing up.

Undergraduate – a student who is studying for their first

degree at a university or college

(>...) Person who

has not received a bachelor’s degree.

Curiosity – the desire to seek information to address

knowledge gaps resulting from uncertainty or ambiguity

(>full) Interest that may lead

into inquiry.

Association – an organized group of persons (1) that is

formed in order to further some common interest of its

members (>...) An organization of

persons who have common likes.

Anxiety – an uncontrollable, diffuse, unpleasant, and

persistent state of negative affect, characterized by

apprehensive anticipation regarding unpredictable and

unavoidable future danger, and accompanied by physiological

symptoms of tension and a constant state of heightened

vigilance (Barlow, 2002) Abnormal sense of fear.

Chapter 2


Related Literature

According to Brew, Nketiah, Koranteng (2021), there are

numerous factors influence the academic performance of

students and have been researched, but many problems

persist. The current paper used a narrative review method to

review the literature on the academic performance of

students at Senior High Schools and various factors

affecting student’s performance. The study found out that,

truancy affects academic performance drastically and

sometimes can leads to school dropout. Also, the study found

out that other factors such as students at school. Students

who are above average academically and are above average

academically and are positively exposed to these factors

likely to perform better as compared to those who are less

exposed to these factors. The study recommends the factors

such as truancy, parental level of education and income,

textbooks availability and accessibility, libraries,

practical laboratory, meals provision and teachers have

tremendous effects provision and teachers should be

regularly monitored and adjusted to meet students’ need and

aspirations. This will go a long way to improve the academic

performance of students and hence allow them to achieve

their aims in life. Furthermore, Sison, Uy, Lucion, Pelande,

Suarez and Jesus (2021), reviewed that their paper uncovers

the struggles of students with regards to the new learning

modality as a result of the pandemic; Covid-19. It presents

and discuss findings and methods in which the researchers’

examined information acquired from personal interviews-

phenomenological study through thematic analysis (Sutton and

Austin, 2015. Specifically STEM students from Samar National

High School were asked various questions about their

experiences with education in the midst of the pandemic. As

a result, the responses demonstrate how STEM students deal

with the pandemic and the challenges it brings. Some

students experience barriers especially doing online classes

in their own homes; such as noise, doing chores and lack of

motivation. Some are not used to the new learning set up and

they only try their best to adapt with this as soon as

possible. Not only with education prior but some also faced

mental health struggles as an effect of the change of

learning practices. Furthermore, most of the informants have

comparable replies to the many issues they have experienced.

In sum, the results uncovered the different challenges and

struggles that these students faced with the new learning

modality and how these affected their performance.

According to Lei Chai, Sia Xue, Ziqiang Han (2021), use

a nationally representative survey of urban from China, the

present study examines three research question: (1) how are

alcohol and tobacco use associated with academic performance

among Chinese children and adolescents? (2) how does

skipping class mediate those associations? (3) do any

observe patterns differ for boys and girls? The results show

that alcohol and tobacco use are associated with poor

academic performance. However, alcohol use fully accounts

for the detrimental effect of tobacco use on poor academic

performance. The adverse effect of tobacco uses on academic

performance stronger for girls than boys. To improve

children’s and adolescent’s academic performance, it is

important to document the potential contributing factors.

Furthermore, according to Baring, Sta. Maria (2021), use the

survey data and logistic regression analysis, this study

explores a set of characteristics of Filipino university

students who smoke-drink. The researchers found out that the

analysis explored the associations between the dependent

variable (i.e, age, sex, religion, weekly allowance, grade

point-average, physical exercise, level of closeness with

their peers). Results revealed that the Filipino university

students who smoke-drank tended to be older, male, and

catholic; to have a big allowance, a low grade-point average

and strengthen our exercise; and to have a low level of

closeness with their peers. Among these characteristics age,

weekly allowance, and level of closeness of their peers

where the most important. These findings need testing and

validation in other local university student samples, using

predictors with more nuanced measures, and other independent

variables. Data are intended to trigger local discourses

towards the development of research and intervention on

university students’ lifestyle activities.

According to Pedersen and Von-soest (2017), low

socioeconomic status (SES) characterizes smoking and

nicotine dependence in adult samples. However, less is known

about how parental SES is linked to smoking in offspring and

the potential mechanisms at work. A population-based

longitudinal study (n=1380) from Norway’s was used.

Participants were followed from their midterms until their

late 20’s using survey and register data. Data were

collected on parental education, parental smoking,

educational aspirations and expectations, school grades and

school-related conduct problems. Register data monitored

education, unemployment and social welfare assistance. Risk

factors for smoking and nicotine dependence were identified

by means of multinomial logistic regression analyses.

Mediation analyses were used to investigate the pathways

between parental SES and future smoking. Future smokers were

recruited from families with low educational levels. Poor

school grades, school dropout and low educational

aspirations were also predictors. Unemployment and social

welfare assistance were mediators between low parental

education high levels of nicotine dependence in young

adulthood. Socialization to smoking reflects a multi-faceted

process fueled by low parental SES. However, parental

influences may be masked behind influences may be masked

behind influences from schools or peers. Future research

should try to capture the multiple sources of SES-related

influence at work. Prevention strategies should target

adolescents from low SES background, who orient towards the

manual working class and who have problems entering the

labor forces. The study of Esteban-Ipac and Torres-Ticson

(2022) aims to determine the knowledge, attitudes and

practices of Filipino adolescents aged 13-18 years old

regarding cigarette smoking. The prevalence among study

participants who tried smoking (11.8%) and current users

(3.6%) is lower than the global statistics and the country’s

reported prevalence, but started at a younger age (5.3%)

started smoking at 12-13 years old. Electronic cigarette

(12.9%) is more commonly tried and used than conventional

cigarette (11.8%). Ninety five percent (95%) of the

participants view smoking as harmful. Some (13.5%) do not

know the effects of smoking. 1.1% consider it harmless, and

8.2% have no objections to starting to smoke someday. Most

adolescents (49.1%) do not know the price of cigarettes, but

22% prefer to pay less than the actual price. Adolescents

are knowledgeable and have a negative attitude towards

smoking. Regardless if they are non-smokers, tried smoking,

or are currently smoking, they still need to be educated

more regarding the effects and consequences of smoking.

Different articles and journals show that alcohol and

tobacco use are associated with poor academic performance.

These affect academic performance and for the students to

minimized and to improved students’ academic performance.

Some do not know the effects of smoking and drinking. The

consumer considers it harmless. Mediation analyses were used

to investigate the pathways between parental socioeconomic

status (SES) and future smoking. Future smokers were

recruited from families with low educational levels.

Related Studies

According to Cheonsoo Park and HwaChoon Park (2020)

that alcohol consumption and smoking have various effects on

college students’ daily life as well as school life.

Undergraduates’ academic performance is also supposed to be

affected by drinking and smoking. Studies, however, on the

impacts of drinking and smoking on undergraduates’ academic

performance and the transition to the labor market in is

sparse, in Korea. The purpose of this study is to understand

the effects of drinking and smoking among college students

on school performance and the transition to work after

graduation. The findings revealed that generally, as the

frequency of smoking increases, alcohol consumption

increases as well, that drinking more than one time per week

decreased students’ academic performance more than drinking

less than one time per week, and the frequency of smoking

increased the overall academic performance decreased.

Furthermore, more than one-fourth of the respondents who

were identified drinkers smoked mostly 1-3 times per week,

and the majority were mild drinkers who can consume 1-3

bottles of alcoholic beverages per week. The academic

performance of the respondents belonged to the average

level. This study reveals that frequency of drinking

alcoholic beverages affects the academic performance of the

students. Drinking alcoholic beverages is highly significant

to smoking. Results of this study serve as reminders for

parents to provide more time to their children in dealing

with the habits of smoking cigarettes and drinking alcoholic

beverages, according to Pascual (2021).

Parental socioeconomic status is among the widely cited

factors that has strong association with academic

performance of students. The purpose of the study is to

examine the impact of parents’ socioeconomic status on the

performance of students in regional examination. The results

of the analysis revealed that socioeconomic status of

parents (particularly educational level and occupational

status of parents) has strong association with the academic

performance of students. Students from educated and better

off families have scored higher result in their regional

examination than their counterparts (Eshetu, 2015). The

study’s conclusions revealed a strong correlation between

children’s academic success in regional exams and their

parents’ socioeconomic status. As opposed to students whose

parents had low socioeconomic conditions, the majority of

students who had superior socioeconomic situations fared

better. More so than their line of work, parents’

educational attainment has an impact to their children.

Ragma and Molina (2017) in a study examined the relationship

of socioeconomic factors and academic performance of

students. Parents’ Educational Attainment, Religion, Family

Income, Ethic Tribe, Home Residence, and Family Size

correlates significantly with the academic performance of

students however, each factor has a different predicting

value. Parents’ occupation do not correlate at all.

According to Ragma and Molina (2017), students do not see

much their ethnic tribes and home residences as a predictor

for their academic standing in the learning institution.

Family size is still correlated with the academic

performance however, it does not actually reflect the

academic standing of a certain student whether that student

comes from a small number of family members or a family with

big number of members. Moreover, the occupation of the

students’ parents does not actually matter as long as their

occupation equips them with enough financial income that

will sustain the schooling of their children.

According to Bell, Belton, Cable, Conner, Shickle,

Shelton, Bewick (2015), crossed -sectional and longitudinal

associations between cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking

in a representative sample of English pupils. Pupils with

lower socio-economic status were more likely to smoke but

less likely to drink alcohol regularly. Both behaviors were

positively correlated by age 14, adjusted for several

confounding factors. The rate of increase overtime was also

positively correlated. Cigarette smoking and alcohol

drinking are already correlated by age 14, are socio

economically patterned, and ‘move together’ during

adolescence. Future studies and intervention should be

targeted at a younger age range, to identify early smoking

and potentially hazardous alcohol drinking patterns.

Reported associations between smoking and alcohol use in

adolescence are mostly cross-sectional, making it difficult

to determine the casual sequence. It is possible that both

behaviors could be adopted together, smoking could be a risk

factor for later smoking. Evidence for gateway effects has

acquired mixed support, limited by the scarcity of

population studies having repeated measures of both

behaviors. To the knowledge no study has examined both

cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between

cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking in a representative

sample of school pupils providing data on both behaviors

over several repeated measures covering early to late

adolescence. The aim of the study was to identify these

associations, using data from a large cohort of school


Alcohol drinking and cigarette smoking has various

effects on students’ daily life as well as their school

life. Recent research concludes that drinking alcohol and

using cigarette affects the academic performance of the

student. Furthermore, socioeconomic status has strong

association with the academic performance of the students.

The more students drink alcohol and cigarette smoking, the

more it affects their academic performances as well as their


Chapter 3


Research Design

The general design of this study is quantitative

specifically descriptive-correlational design. The

researchers will describe or explain the independent

variables and dependent variables. It also identifies the

relationship between the two variables on how being related

to each other which makes it descriptive-correlational.

The researcher used descriptive-correlational design to

describe a particular phenomenon by observing it as it

occurs in nature. The researcher used descriptive design to

investigate the cigarette and alcohol users among senior

high school students and their socio-economic status. The

students will describe the effect of cigarette and alcohol

based on the students’ experience.

Research Setting

The study entitled “Cigarette and Alcohol users: their

socio-economic status and its effect to the academic

performance of Senior High School Students in SNHS” will be

conducted at Sominot National High School located at Purok

Tinago, Poblacion, Sominot, Zamboanga del Sur. The target

participants of the study will be the chosen students among

Senior High School students with different strands Grade 11

and Grade 12 which are the STEM, ABM, GAS, SMAW, and Cookery

of the school year 2022-2023 located at the Senior High

School building.

Sampling Design

In the sampling design of the study, snowball sampling

is used. The researcher will conduct snowball sampling to

the participants. The snowball sampling can help the

researcher to get the right and needed information. The

researcher begins with a small population of individuals and

expands the sample by asking those participants to identify

others who will participate in the study. The researchers

will give questionnaires to the small group of participants,

then the researchers will ask if the participants have

acquaintances who smoke and drink alcohol and ask the

participants about their socio-economic status. This

referral method is called the snowball sampling, a non-

probability sampling type of sampling design.

Participants of the Study

The participants in this study are the Senior High

School students which are the Grade 11 and Grade 12

students. The total of Senior High School enrollees are 368,

have 5 strands and consisting of 10 sections. In Grade 11

there are 5 sections, there are Golden Arrow – 19 students,

Marigold – 49 students, Hyacinth – 54 students, Fressia – 37

students and Lotus – 37 students. Also in Grade 12 there are

5 sections, these are: Lavender – 25 students, Zinnia – 46

students, Everlasting – 38 students, Magnolia – 46 students

and Iris – 17 students. The researchers use Slovin’s Formula

where the population (N) is in the total of 368 with the

maximum error of 0.05 (5%). The researchers came up with the

total of 198 participants. The number of participants per

section is that Lavender – 13, Iris – 17, Everlasting – 20,

Zinnia – 24, Magnolia – 24, Fressia – 19, Golden Arrow – 10,

Marigold – 26, Hyacinth – 28, and Lotus – 19.

Research Instrument

In this study, the researchers will distribute

questionnaires to the participants specifically a closed

response questionnaire. The respondents will be given the

number of choices to be select. The socio-economic status,

academic performance and profile of the students will be

asked but the name of the students will be optional for

privacy. The questions are referred from the internet for


Data Gathering Procedure

In conducting this survey, the researchers choose

questionnaires to be an instrument in collecting the data.

Close response questionnaire is use in the study. All the

questions that are in the questionnaires are based in the

internet. The researchers put the source of where the

questions from.

The researchers conducted a survey on Senior High

School students in Sominot National High School located at

Purok Tinago, Poblacion, Sominot, Zamboanga del Sur. The

researchers select the participants of randomly by snowball

sampling. The participants of this study have given enough

time to answer the questions and told them to answer the

questions honestly.

After conducting the survey, the researchers found out

that some of the questions in the questionnaires are skipped

and answered dishonestly by the selected senior high school

students in SNHS. Mostly, the data or the answers given by

the respondents prove that using cigarette and alcohol and

the socio-economic status truly affect the academic

performance of the students.

Ethical Considerations

The researchers respect the privacy of the

participants. Participants’ agreement to participate in this

study is obtained only after a thorough explanation on the

research process. The researchers will not force the

participant/s to answer the questionnaire.

Data Analysis Procedure

The researchers used Spearman Correlation. Spearman

Correlation can be used to summarize the strength and the

relationship of the two variables, the dependent and

independent variables. Alcohol and Cigarettes user and

socio-economic status are the independent variable. Academic

performance of the students is the dependent variable of the


( )
6 Σⅆ ⅈ
n ( n 2−1 )

P = Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient

di = difference between the two ranks of each observation

n = number of observations

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