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Tiempos de entrega

Actividad de Resultado de
Tipo de evidencia
aprendizaje aprendizaje a
alcanzar Inicia Termina

Update of personal
Previous information.
Getting to know Answers to the Prior Week 1
English Dot knowledge survey.
Works Mayo 6th to 12th
Presentation to the
Social forum.

Reflection activity.

Evidence: Take a
Narra eventos que break.
iniciaron en el pasado,
haciendo uso de la Evidence: Interactive Week 2
activity 1 estructura gramatical y activity “My schedule”.
vocabulario May 13th to 19th
requeridos. Evidence: “My holiday
Evidence: Virtual
session “Learning
activity 1”. May 16th

Reflection activity.

Evidence: Forum
Talking about my
Describe interest. Week 3
Learning acontecimientos Evidence: Interactive May 20th to 26h
activity 2 pasados, haciendo uso activity “The fortune
de la estructura teller”.
gramatical y
vocabulario requerido. Evidence: Who would I
like to be?

Evidence: Virtual
session “Learning
activity 2”. May 23rd
Reflection activity.

Evidence: “What was

happening when it
happen”. Week 4
Learning May 27th to June 2nd
activity 3 Expresa situaciones
futuras haciendo uso de la
estructura y el vocabulario Evidence: Interactive
requerido. activity “At the

Evidence: All in the


Evidence: Virtual
session “Learning
activity 3 May 30th

Reflection activity.

Evidence: “Job

Evidence: Interactive
activity “Applying for a Week 5
Intercambia información job”.
Learning June 3rd to 17th
activity 4 acerca de celebraciones
y ocasiones especiales Evidence: My
haciendo uso de la professional profile.
estructura gramatical y el
vocabulario requerido.
Evidence: Virtual
session “Learning
activity 4”. June 6th

Answers to the
Program evaluation

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