Mechanisms Producing Metallic Bonds in Cold Welding-Bay

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Mechanisms Producing Metallic Bonds in

Cold Welding 2

Scanning electron microscope investigation shows two LLI
coalescence mechanisms are involved in the cold welding X
of aluminum to aluminum LU



ABSTRACT. In t h e c o l d w e l d i n g o f metals sure Y of t h e w e l d interface surface: f o r m s of surface preparations — m e c h a n i -

that are scratch-brushed b e f o r e joint _ AT - A0 cal, thermal and chemical t r e a t m e n t s —
plastic d e f o r m a t i o n , t w o basic b o n d i n g X h a v e b e e n investigated (Ref. 3, 4); these
or coalescence mechanisms exist. O n e is Ao s h o w degreasing f o l l o w e d b y scratch- X
f r a c t u r e of t h e brittle c o v e r layer f o r m e d AT - AQ brushing w i t h a rotating steel brush t o b e cc
b y scratch-brushing, extrusion o f base
Y = 0) t h e most e f f e c t i v e , giving t h e smallest <
material t h r o u g h t h e cracks, and b u i l d u p t h r e s h o l d surface e x p o s u r e . Experimental </)
of real c o n t a c t a n d coalescing w i t h base w h e r e A 0 is t h e initial a n d A n t h e final area investigations h a v e also s h o w n the pres-
material of t h e o p p o s i t e surface. For AI-AI of t h e surface — Table 1 . In t h e case o f sure distribution at t h e w e l d interface
c o l d w e l d i n g this m e c h a n i s m is applicable rolling t w o metal sheets t o g e t h e r or c o m -
surface has an influence o n w e l d strength
t o 6 0 % of t h e w e l d area. In t h e r e m a i n - pressing t w o metal cylinders e n d t o e n d ,
(Ref. 1, 5-8).
ing area n o brittle c o v e r layer is present, Y = R, t h e r e d u c t i o n .
In this p a p e r t h e coalescence m e c h a - Q.
and w e l d i n g is h e r e established b y frac- Figure 1 s h o w s t h e w e l d strength in nisms are investigated, a n d a theoretical o
t u r e o f t h e c o n t a m i n a n t film of oxides p u r e shear as a f u n c t i o n of t h e surface UJ
m o d e l f o r w e l d strength is d e v e l o p e d ,
and water vapor. e x p o s u r e f o r a n u m b e r of m e t a l c o m b i - >
explaining t h e influence o f t h e a b o v e -
nations w e l d e d b y rolling (Ref. 1 , 2).
A theoretical m o d e l f o r b o t h m e c h a - m e n t i o n e d variables.
Coalescence is n o t o b t a i n e d until a
nisms s h o w s t h e basic influence o f b o t h X
t h r e s h o l d surface e x p o s u r e has b e e n o
surface e x p o s u r e a n d n o r m a l pressure o n
r e a c h e d . B e y o n d this t h r e s h o l d value Metallic Bond Producing
w e l d strength. It is in g o o d a g r e e m e n t
w h i c h is d e p e n d e n t o n t h e metal c o m b i -
Mechanisms. UJ
w i t h e x p e r i m e n t a l results.
n a t i o n , t h e w e l d strength increases r a p i d - v>
Experiments w i t h milled surfaces w e r e Brittle Cover Layer UJ
ly w i t h Y a n d reaches a steady progress
p e r f o r m e d t o investigate t h e influence o f oc
corresponding t o the strength of the
t h e c o n t a m i n a n t film w i t h n o brittle c o v e r Earlier investigations in c o n v e n t i o n a l
layer being present. The results s h o w a
w e a k e r m e t a l . This relationship b e t w e e n
light m i c r o s c o p e (Ref. 1) and in scanning
w e l d strength a n d surface e x p o s u r e is UJ
t h r e s h o l d surface e x p o s u r e i n d e p e n d e n t
o f n o r m a l pressure in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h
f u n d a m e n t a l f o r all c o l d w e l d i n g process- s
es. H o w e v e r , t h e t h r e s h o l d surface e x p o - Q.
t h e t h e o r y a n d an influence o f n o r m a l
sure for a g i v e n metal c o m b i n a t i o n o
pressure o n w e l d strength that is m u c h
appears t o b e d e p e n d e n t o n t h e t y p e o f
less p r o n o u n c e d . Table 1—Symbols and Definitions
Surface p r e p a r a t i o n b e f o r e c o l d w e l d - X —Surface expansion of weld interface o
ing is a n o t h e r variable that has a basic surface oc
Introduction <
influence o n t h e w e l d strength. Various Y - Surface exposure of weld interface UJ
surface Crt
C o l d w e l d i n g is a solid phase w e l d i n g Y ' —Threshold surface exposure for ui
process characterized b y t h e large n u m - oc
contaminant film
ber o f possible metal c o m b i n a t i o n s . (1) C u - C u AT — Final area of weld interface
200 (2) Cu-Fe
Coalescence is o b t a i n e d b y joint plastic A 0 — Initial area of weld interface
(3) AI-AI
d e f o r m a t i o n of t h e t w o metals. A basic (A) Cu-Al A ' —Area corresponding to Y = Y '
x Q.
variable g o v e r n i n g coalescence is t h e P ',60 (5) Cu-Ni <r0 — Yield stress of basic material
d e g r e e of d e f o r m a t i o n expressed as t h e
z (6) Cu-Ag aB — Weld strength o
UJ (7) Zn-Zn CBC — W e l d strength, mechanism C
surface expansion X or t h e surface e x p o - tr 120 UJ
t- <rBF —Weld strength, mechanism F >
co i/Vc — Fraction of brittle cover layer to total UJ
o 80- C.
-I area
UJ \pf — Fraction of film layer to total area \
3 X
Paper presented under the title of "Bonding 40 (S-fp o
Mechanisms in Cold Pressure Welding" at the PE —Extrusion pressure oc
63rd AWS Annual Meeting in Kansas City, p — Normal pressure at base metal surfaces <
Missouri, during April 26-30, 1982.
oH p c ~ N o r m a l pressure between end surfaces Ui
0.3 0A 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Y- SURFACE EXPOSURE of extruded base metals
N. BAY is Senior Lecturer- Dept. of Mechani- UJ
R — Reduction oc
cal Technology, AMT, Technical University of Fig. 7 — Weld strength in rolling as a function of RE — Extrusion reduction
Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark. surface exposure (Ref. 1 and 2)

Y = 0.375 (Fig. 2), fracture in the brittle
surface layer (characterized by horizontal
0.05 mm scratches from brushing) has occurred.
The underlying base material is exposed
and beginning to extrude up through the
cracks. The weld strength, however, is
small, only 0.02 times the yield stress o0
of the deformed material, and no weld
interface fractures are visible.
' / , At a little larger surface exposure
Y = 0.383 (Fig. 3), base material has
extruded through the cracks. Real con-
tact and coalescence with base metal of
the opposite surface has been estab-
lished. Weld fracture is ductile and occurs
after local necking. Figure 4 correspond-
ing to Y = 0.72 shows extended areas of
base material and coalescence, unwelded
regions of brittle surface layer being con-
fined to small isolated islands. Here weld
strength is as = 0.71<ro.
Figure 5 shows a micrograph of a
section through the weld interface. The
brittle surface layer is broken under 45
deg in a shear fracture. Measurement of
the fragment length and the crack width
show that the fracture is brittle. The
fragments are lying like pearls on a
Figure 6 shows a SEM micrograph of a
scratch-brushed Al surface before cold
welding. The topography is characterized
by an undulating country with long
Fig. 2 — Weld interface surface after fracture. tongue-shaped hills. It is these "tongues" Fig. 3 — Weld interface surface after fracture.
Y = 0.375, p/<r0 = 1.9, <TB/(T0 = 0.02 that are recognized as being the brittle Y = 0.383, p/cr0 = 2.0 aB/<r0 = 0.09
surface layer cracking when being
deformed — Figs. 2-4. They are easy to
electron microscope (SEM) (Ref. 7-11) distinguish by the regular pattern of hori- This seems supported by the micro-
have indicated that a basic mechanism zontal ridges from the scratch-brushing graph in Fig. 7 showing a section through
governing coalescence is fracture of the whereas the remaining areas in Fig. 6 the scratch-brushed surface. Brushing is
work-hardened surface layer produced have a more irregular topography. The done from left to right. The tongue con-
by scratch-brushing and exposure of the width of each tongue is on the order of sists of a severely deformed structure
base material. 50-100 gm (2-4 X 10" 3 in.). The diame- which, at the right end, is teared over the
Figures 2-4 show SEM micrographs of ter of each wire in the steel brush is original surface so that a crack is appear-
the weld interface surface of Al — Al approximately 0.3 mm (0.012 in.), indicat- ing between the tongue and the base
(1100 alloy) cold welds after fracture by ing that each tongue might be made by a material. This is generally seen, and some-
tension testing. At a surface exposure single wire. times the crack is more than half the total
tongue length.
Microhardness measurements were
made both on sectioned specimens after
welding and directly on top of the
scratch-brushed surface. They indicated a
hardness from 178 to 193 k p / m m 2 of the
tongues and 38 to 55 k p / m m 2 (Vickers,
load 15 g) of the base material (in initial or
deformed state).
Both methods resulted in a hardness
ratio between tongues and basic metal of
3:7. This explains the brittle behavior of
the tongues. They probably consisted of
deformed material mixed with oxides,
and it is believed that they might have
been formed by Al particles that were
picked up by brushing, adhered to the
wire ends of the brush, and later were
rejoined to the surface by cold welding.
This would explain the rather rough sur-
face topography found next to the
tongues —Fig. 6.
From the above observations it follows
that the role of scratch-brushing is not
Fig. 4- Weld interface surface after fracture. Y = 0.72, p/o0 = 1.8, trB/tr0 = 0.71 just to clean the surfaces. It produces a

138-s | M A Y 1983
Contaminant Film
'.'V O.aRmyi where Y = 0.72 and broad bands of
As seen in Figs. 6 and 7 the brittle coalescence have been established.
Fig. 5—Section through Al — Al cold weld tongues do not cover the whole surface. Bands of coalescence extending into
Measurements on larger areas of scratch- the F zones from the C zones are gener-
brushed surfaces showed the brittle cov- ally found. This means that they are also
hard brittle surface film; this will crack er layer to be present as a fraction established in the F — F zones. The rea-
when being deformed and thereby \pc = 0.355 of the total area. In the son for this is assumed to be that the
uncover underlying base material kept remaining area where I/'F = 1 — \pc = large local surface exposure due to crack-
clean after exposure due to high vacuum 0.645, coalescence is hindered by the ing of the cover layer will continue in an
in the cracks. The high normal pressure contaminant film. Placing t w o scratch- extended band into the F zone. This is
between the contacting surfaces will brushed surfaces against each other, the because it will be less energy-consuming
allow no admission of air, thereby keep- areas of cover layer " C " and of film layer than when establishing uniform deforma-
ing the uncovered surfaces clean. " F " of the t w o surfaces can be assumed tion in the F zone; the latter would
The surface film on top of the tongues to be combined randomly as C — C, require a large velocity discontinuity in
consists of an oxide layer on the order of C — F, F — C and F — F. In the areas the deformation pattern at the boundary
100 A thick and of a contaminant film where one or t w o brittle cover layers are of the tongue.
consisting of water vapor, grease and present it can be assumed that the mech- This leads to the conclusion that the
gases that is about 30 A thick. This film is anism of metallic bonding will be as t w o mechanisms schematically outlined in
very thin compared to the thickness of described above, i.e., extrusion of base Fig. 9 are applicable (Ref. 12):
the tongues (1-5 X 105 A). This means material through cracks of the cover
Mechanism C: Fracture of brittle cover
that the contaminant film should not be layer. Vaidyanath, et al. (Ref. 1), have
layer, extrusion of base material through
able to get in touch with the base mate- shown that t w o opposing cover layers
the cracks and establishment of real con-
rial in the crack. This also means that the will break up as one single layer.
tact and coalescence between base
uncovered material, when getting into In the remaining area, F — F coales- materials.
contact with uncovered material from cence is also obtained and can be seen in Mechanism F: Fracture of contaminant
the opposing metal, will bond immediate- Figs. 4 and 8. Figure 8 shows a surface film and establishment of real contact and
ly as observed in Fig. 3. In addition, weld with Y = 0.45, a surface exposure large coalescence between base materials.
strength will increase with increasing nor- enough to obtain clearly visible bonds. Mechanism F is only functioning in the
mal pressure building up the contact area The areas of coalescence are seen in the contact zones F — F which are confined
by plastic deformation of the surface cracks of the brittle cover layer. Howev- to:
asperities of the t w o rough surfaces. The er, they are extended uninterrupted in a
brittle surface layer of tongues is, there- band from the crack into the F zone. This 0 = iAF2 = 0.6452 = 0.4, or 40% of the
fore, here termed the cover layer. phenomenon is also noticed in Fig. 4 total area.

Fig. 7-Section through scratch-brushed Al surface


a /Cover layer,-

B a a a a a
g B ^ g e S g i g B g

contaminant film

onset of extrusion

local thinning of contaminant film

Fig. 9 —Schematic outline of coalescence mechanisms

Fig. 8-Weld interface surface after fracture. Y = 0.45, p/o0 = 1.8,
<rB7<r0 = 0.24

Theoretical M o d e l for W e l d between the rough end surfaces essary to further increase of the coales-
Strength increases; pc is given by: cence or weld area (by plastic deforma-
tion of surface asperities). This normal
A theoretical model for the weld Pc PE (2) pressure equals the maximum applied
strength based upon the first coalescence compressive stress pc on the base metal
mechanism — namely, fracture of brittle In order to determine the nominal surfaces.
cover layer —has been described in the bond strength <rBc (corresponding to the Force equilibrium gives the relationship
literature (Ref. 7, 8). A model taking both final area AT), it is necessary to estimate between the weld strength <rBc corre-
mechanisms into account was later sug- the true strength of the welds. The SEM sponding to the nominal area AT and the
gested (Ref. 12). It was developed by micrographs showed that the weld frac- true weld strength p c corresponding to
considering each mechanism separately ture in tension testing was ductile. Con- the true virgin area:
as if it were applicable to the whole rad and Rice (Ref. 15) have investigated
surface, calculating the weld strength in the adhesion between clean surfaces of O-BC A, = p c (AT - A 0 )
each case, and then combining the t w o Ag, Al, Cu and Ni, using the technique of
or by inserting (1) and (2):
expressions obtained for the weld cold welding specimens previously frac-
strength. The analysis is briefly shown tured in an ultrahigh vacuum. They found «5c = YP_ PE
below. A more comprehensive descrip- that the weld strength obtained was (3)
tion is given in the literature (Ref. 12). almost equal to the compression load
applied in cold welding. Similar results As shown earlier (Ref. 8, 12), t w o
Mechanism C were found by Upit and Manik (Ref. maximum limits might be applied to the
16). expression above:
At a threshold surface exposure
It is reasonable to assume (Ref. 7, 8, 12)
dependent on the normal pressure p,
that the weld fracture is established by
extrusion of base material through the a /fraav 1 -
'max 1 = ,_ '
plastic deformation in the welds and that V3
cracks of the cover layer is initiated. The
the stress necessary to break the welds
pressure PE necessary to start the extru- telling that the maximum strength
corresponds to the normal pressure nec-
sion is estimated using Johnson's (Ref. 13) obtained is equal to the yield strength of
and Hill's (Ref. 14) slipline analysis of plane the coalescence bridges formed in the
strain extrusion through square dies.
cracks between the cover layer. And:
Applying their results to the present
extrusion model and introducing the sur-
face exposure Y instead of the extrusion
reduction RE = 1 — Y yields the relation-
C >max2-1
ship between pE and Y shown in Fig.
10. telling that the maximum strength equals
the yield stress of the deformed metal.
When the normal pressure p reaches The correct solution is believed to lie in
the required pressure pE for extrusion, between the t w o as discussed in the
the base material is forced through the
literature (Ref. 8 and 12).
cracks in the cover layer. The extruded
material of the t w o metals meet, and real 0.2 CK 0.6 0.8 1.0
Mechanism F
contact is established. If the pressure p is Y -SURFACE EXPOSURE
further increased, the normal pressure pc Fig. 10-Extrusion pressure as a function of In the areas F — F where no cover layer
and thereby the real coalescence area surface exposure is present, coalescence is obtained when

140-s | MAY 1983

a V °0
1.0 t /} = 0.415
THEORY V'= 0 35
p / o • 1.85
O 08

H 06 _ o Al • Al

UJ 04

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 06 09 1.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

Fig. 11 — Theoretical weld strength as a function of surface exposure Fig. 12 - Weld strength as a function of surface exposure. Al - Al,
and normal pressure Al - Al scratched-brushed, p/tr0 = 1.85

a threshold surface expansion Y ' neces- Combined Theory for Mechanism C and F For p/<r0 > 2.0 welding is initiated by
sary to break the contaminant film has fracture of the cover layer, extrusion
As mentioned earlier, the contaminant
been reached. This has been estimated to through the cracks and weld formation in
film fracture mechanism is acting in a
0.30 < Y ' < 0.35 in case of Al - Al cold between the segments of cover layer.
fraction 13 = 0.4 of the total area whereas
welding as discussed later. Mechanism F, the fracture of the contam-
the cover layer fracture mechanism is
Assuming no cover layer but only a inant film later comes into action, namely
acting in the remaining area. This puts
contaminant film to be present the actual at Y = Y ' ; this explains the bend at
forward the following suggestion for the Y = 0.35 of the curves for p/a0 > 2.0.
area of base metal being decovered will
combined theory for the weld strength —
be A i — A ' where A ' is the area corre-
see equations (3) and (5):
sponding to Y = Y ' . Similar to the calcu- Experimental Results and
lation above for mechanism C, a force Discussion
equilibrium gives the relationship be- ^=(i-^)Yp^B+/3i^r.ii (6)
tween the weld strength crBF correspond- a0 a0 1—Y aa In order to test the theoretical model
ing to the nominal area AT and the true for weld strength, experiments were per-
weld strength corresponding to the area In case of a normal pressure p < PE, set formed in equipment that allowed inde-
of base material surfaces AT — A ' . The p = pE, and incase of Y < Y ' set Y = Y ' . pendent variation of surface exposure
true weld strength equals p, the normal It follows that the first term in equation (6) and normal pressure when cold welding
pressure in the base material surfaces corresponds to mechanism C which Al — Al. The experiments as described in
comes into action when p > pi. The the literature (Ref. 7, 8) were done by
according to the same arguments as
second coalescence mechanism is func- plane strain compression in a channel
above based upon previously reported
tioning when the surface exposure Y forming tool. Weld strength was esti-
results (Ref. 15, 16):
exceeds the threshold value Y ' . mated by a specially developed tension
Figure 11 shows the theoretical model testing technique that allowed six small
<rBF AT = p(Ai - A ' ) (4)
for Al — Al cold welding when Y ' = 0.35 test pieces to be cut from each specimen.
and 8 = 0.4. At low normal pressures, The specimen material was annealed
From equation (1) it is seen that:
p/o-Q < 2.0, welding is initiated when 1100 alloy.
Y > Y ' by fracture of the contaminant Two series of experiments were per-
— = film. For p/a0 = 1.5, there is a bend on formed. One with scratch-brushed sur-
Ao " 1 - Y ' the curve at Y = 0.49 corresponding to faces allowed both coalescence mecha-
the starting point of extrusion through nisms to function. For the other series of
Together with (1) and (4) this gives: the cracks and weld formation between experiments, surfaces were milled with-
the segments of cover layer. This is in out a lubricant; this produced a surface
O-BF Y - Y' p accordance with Fig. 10 showing the with a contaminant film of oxides and
1-Y'a0 necessary extrusion pressure. water vapor (formed during the time

o o«

ft 0.415 1-
THEORY t 0.30 , 0.35
n 0 6
U 04 P/o0=5.1 -i 5 milled p/o 0 =l.33
5 0.4 + milled p/o 0 a3.85
o s c r a t c h - b r u s h e d p / o 0 = 1.45
o Al - Al
o® 0.2 9l O 0 =3,85 _
t h e o r y /3-l,V'=0.3
- aa} 8 oo I o 00'—9-&
0.2 03 04 0.5 0.6 0.7
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 05 06 0.7 08 0.9 1.0

Fig. 14 - Weld strength as a function of surface exposure and normal

pressure, Al — Al. Comparison between theory and experiments with
Fig. 13 - Weld strength as a function of surface exposure. Al - Al, milled surfaces, p/a0 = 1.33 and 3.85. Experiments with scratch-
scratch-brushed, p/tr0 =5.1 brushed surfaces with p/<r0 = 1.45


between milling and welding) but with no was also adapted in the theory. The Acknowledgment
brittle cover layer, i.e., only allowing the threshold value seems somewhat smaller
The author wishes to thank Mr. O.
second coalescence mechanism to func- than for the F — F zones of scratch-
tion. Welding in both series was per- Jagert for helping with the experimental
brushed surfaces (Fig. 13) where
formed after 5 minutes (min) exposure to investigations.
Y ' = 0.35 seems a better fit.
the atmosphere.
Figures 12 and 13 show a comparison
Conclusions References
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out. from process to process. The variation of 13. Johnson, W . 1954-55. Extrusion through
From Fig. 14 it appears that milling the threshold with the metal combination wedgeshaped dies, Part I, /. Mech. Phys. Sol.
gives larger weld strengths than scratch- can also be explained since Y ' and 8 will 3:218.
brushing. Increasing normal pressure will vary with the metal combination and 14. Hill, R. 1950. The mathematical theory
increase the weld strength also in case of since the ductility of the cover layer may of plasticity: 185. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
milled surfaces; however, the tendency is depend on the base metal. 15. Conrad, H., and Rice, L. 1970. The
much less pronounced than theory indi- cohesion of previously fractured FCC metals in
Experiments with milled surfaces show
ultrahigh vacuum. Metall. Trans. 1:3019-3029.
cates. The threshold surface exposure for larger weld strengths than with scratch- 16. Upit, C. P., and Manik, J. J. 1969. The
film break d o w n in case of milled surfaces brushed. This contradicts results in the effect of load on the cohesive strength of
seems to be about Y ' = 0.3 independent literature (Ref. 3). The threshold surface virgin surfaces of plastic metals. Wear 13:77-
of normal pressure. This independence exposure for breakdown of the contami- 84.
nant film appears to be independent of
normal pressure in accordance with the
theoretical considerations. Normal pres-
sure has a less pronounced influence on
coalescence in case of milled surfaces
than in case of scratch-brushed, and the
effect is much smaller than theory

142-s | M A Y 1983

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