General Thesis Format

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1. Comprehensive. It captures the essence of and gives a complete idea
about what the paper is.
2. Brief/Concise. It is not longer than 12 substantive words. Avoid the use of
starter phrases like “a study of,” “an analysis of,” “an evaluation of,” “an
assessment of,” etc.
3. Catchy. It attracts interest.
4. Informative.
5. No acronyms; no abbreviations.
6. See Appendix for Title Page template.

Indorsement Page
1. When signed by the Research Adviser, it indicates that the manuscript has
been thoroughly examined by the Research Adviser and is thus recommended
for oral examination by a panel of evaluators.
2. When signed by the Members of the Reading Committee (otherwise called
Panel of Evaluators or Research Panel), it indicates that they have scrutinized
the contents, style, and format of the manuscript and found them to be in
accordance with the prescribed institutional guidelines
3. See Appendix for Indorsement Page template.

Approval Page
1. When duly-signed by the Members of the Reading Committee, it indicates
that they have individually and collectively accepted and approved the
manuscript and thereby attest to the accuracy of its contents both in substance
and in form. They also signify their indorsement of the manuscript for the final
approval of the Dean.
2. When signed by the Dean as the final approving entity, the scholarly quality
manuscript is further attested to.
3. See Appendix for Approval page template.

Acknowledgment Page
1. This is intended for all persons who had a direct and significant contribution to the
conduct of the research and the writing of the manuscript.
Thesis Abstract
1. Write THESIS ABSTRACT as the main heading which should be bold-
faced, centered, and in uppercase letters.
2. This section should contain a concise summary of the most salient
elements of the study: the title, total number of pages, the researchers’ name,
the name of the thesis adviser, keywords and the synopsis/abstract of the
3. Keywords:
a. should include words/phrases which are central to the work but may not be
reflected in the title; not less than six, not more than ten; arranged
alphabetically; separated by commas; double-spaced; and
b. should include the field/s where the article may be situated (e.g.,
recruitment and selection, training and development, performance, etc.) and the
research method used.
4. The Abstract
a. The Abstract is presented in one paragraph; double-spaced.
b. The sub-heading Abstract should be flushed to the left margin, written in
bold characters, and followed by a colon.
c. The first line of the body must not be indented but immediately follows the
colon after Abstract; the text must be full-justified, i.e. left and right-justified.
d. It should be a summative essay that reflects the organizational structure of
the paper and answers the following questions:
1) What is the article all about? (focus of the study/issue/topic)
2) What does the paper addresses and intended to do? (research
3) What research method and procedures were used?
(methodology and research design including locale of the study,
participants, data measure, data gathering procedure, mode of
data treatment)
4) What are the most important findings? (central argument/
5) What is the main output of the study?
6) What major recommendation of the study should be highlighted?
e. It should not include details of the method nor should have references to
the literature, tables, or figures; no acronyms; no abbreviations.
f. It should use the narrative style with no separate headings; concise;
preferably between 150 to 200 total word count.
g. See Appendix for a Sample THESIS ABSTRACT.

Table of Contents
1. The heading TABLE OF CONTENTS must be bold-faced, centered, and
in uppercase letters.
2. Include Chapter heading and subheadings.
3. Include a separate List of Tables and List of Figures.
4. Use ellipses (dot space dot space …) to link the content to its page number.


1. All characters in the title heading should be in bold-face, upper case letters,
and centered.
2. Chapter number should be in upper case Roman numeral.
3. Chapter title should be written 2 spaces below the Chapter Number.
4. This chapter should contain the following sections: Background of the
Study, Theoretical Framework, Conceptual Framework, Review of Literature,
Statement of the Problem (Problem Area – for a qualitative paper), Hypothesis
or Assumption, Importance of the Study, and Definition of Terms.

Background of the Study

1. Describe the problem situation by considering global, national, and local
scenario. Discussions must be deductive in approach (from macro to micro;
from general to specific; global to local).
2. Justify the existence of the problem situation by citing causal analysis,
facts, figures and authoritative sources which will add substance to the
discussion. Include an analysis of the local scenario/environment scanning
relative to the perceived problem.
3. Write a clinching statement or paragraph that relates the background of the
study/situational analysis to the study.

Theoretical Framework
1. Present an integrated set of propositions (theory).
2. Include 3 to 4 theories;
3. Arrange the theories according to their relative relevance to the study.
4. Discuss each theory and its relevance to the study.

Conceptual Framework
1. Present the essential concepts involved in the study in terms of the main
dimensions or variables of the study based on the theories and the presumed
relationships among them. These variables should also be reflected in the
research paradigm or the research simulacrum and the statement of the
2. Include a brief manifestation on the anticipated output as an appropriate
measure designed to help address the problem situation.
3. Include authoritative references which can further substantiate the
4. Present the conceptual framework in diagram form (i.e., the research
paradigm/simulacrum). The Research Paradigm, whenever applicable, should
use the Input-Process-Output-Outcome scheme

Review of Literature
1. The important role of literature review as an integral part of research cannot
be overemphasized. It helps in the identification of the research problem area
and literature reviewed is subsequently used in corroborating the findings; thus,
only literature especially past studies that have been diligently reviewed can be
used to corroborate a finding.
2. There is no need for either an Introduction or a Conclusion.
3. Divisions of topics must be according to the variables of the study and
presented in their corresponding sequence (thematic approach) as reflected in
the Research Paradigm/Statement of the Problem.
4. Provide a synopsis of current literature on the topic in terms of content and
methodologies used.
5. Include reviews for the past 10 years for books/monographs and 5 years
for studies, except theories and landmark studies.
6. Rule of thumb: The volume of literature (number of references) reviewed
reflects the scholarliness of the study. While no specific numbers are
prescribed, the amount of literature review should provide a sufficiently
comprehensive discussion of the topics both in content and methodologies,
including those that provide varied, even opposing, concepts, and results.
7. Start with global and then local studies; foreign authors followed by local
authors; readings and/or monographs are usually followed by studies.
8. Point out gaps in the literature regarding content and methodologies and
explain how the study will try to fill the gap.
9. Use past tense to describe the literature and studies.
10. Document your study throughout the text by citing the author(s) and date
of the works you used. This style of citation briefly identifies the source for
readers and enables them to locate the source in the Reference List. Proper
documentation of in-text references should be done using the format as
prescribed by the American Psychological Association, as per its 7th edition, in
particular; page number(s) should be included for direct quotations.
Ex. APA style: (Garcia & Reganit, 2010); (Garcia & Reganit, 2010, p. 31);
Garcia and Reganit (2010)
variations: (Garcia & Reganit 2010); (Garcia & Reganit, 2010 : 31)
11. A material downloaded from the internet must be documented in-text by
indicating the protocol, host name, and path to document.
Ex. http:///

Protocol host name path to document

12. For additional guidelines, see Appendix F Checklist for Review of

Statement of the Problem (for a Quantitative Paper)

1. This consists of two parts: the Main Objective and the Specific Problems.
2. Write the main objective of the study in a complete declarative statement.
It must reflect the title as well as the anticipated output/result of the study.
3. Write the specific problems in interrogative statements. They may be a
combination of descriptive and inferential questions.
4. Descriptive questions tend to elicit responses that are generally treated
through means, frequencies, ranks, standard deviations, and other descriptive
statistical tools. Generally, data are gathered directly or indirectly through
interview, survey, pencil-and-paper test, observation, and other appropriate
methods of gathering data.
5. Inferential questions link one or more descriptive questions by asking
differences or relationships among the variables found in the descriptive
questions. Inferential questions are asked through inferential statistics (i.e. test
of significant difference or test of significant relationship) applied on data derived
from the previous questions.
6. Write the specific problems in logical order; that is, from factual to analytical
(i.e., descriptive to inferential).
7. Specific problems must cover mutually exclusive dimensions (no
overlapping), not answerable by simple yes or no, not indicative of when and
where; rather, must reflect relationships between and among variables
as indicated in the conceptual framework/research paradigm.
8. The research problems must imply the possibility of empirical testing.
9. This section must be written in the present tense.

Hypotheses (for studies concerned with correlation or comparison between


1. A hypothesis is a statement that negates or affirms the existence of a

relationship or difference between variables. It must be measurable and
2. The hypotheses must be based on the inferential problems of the study
and expressed in the null form.

Assumptions (for studies NOT concerned with correlation or comparison

between variables)
1. An assumption in research is a statement the researcher presumes to be
true and will no longer be proven statistically.
2. An assumption must be based on the specific problems are descriptive
3. Assumptions are formulated for each descriptive type research problem
and only in the absence of hypotheses.

Problem Area (for a Qualitative Paper)

This consists of three parts: The Problem Area, the Research Question, and the
1. The Problem Area pertains to the broad substantive topic the research is
concerned with (Mason, 2002). It is written in either declarative or interrogative
2. Research Question is the intellectual puzzle the researcher intends to
explain or explore. It is an answerable inquiry into a specific concern or issue
(Krishnaswamy, Sivakumar, & Mathirahjan, 2006). It is written in an
interrogative statement.
3. Write Assumption as a tentative answer to the Research Question. The
results of the study should confirm or negate the assumption.

Importance of the Study

1. Describe the contributions of the study to the discipline as new knowledge.
2. Cite the usefulness of the study to specific groups.
3. The groups of beneficiaries should be arranged accordingly, preferably
starting with the group perceived to derive the most benefit from the study.
4. The group is stated as part of a sentence describing how each would
benefit from the study.
Definition of Terms
1. Include only key terms found in the title and the research problems and/or
paradigm; except statistical terms.
2. The terms must be written in bold letters, indented, arranged
alphabetically, and defined operationally using complete sentences, and for
which references may be indicated.
3. Cluster definitions, if any, must be arranged in the same order as they
appear in the research problems/objectives, and should be double indented.
4. The operational definitions may include measures or indices used in
measuring the variable.
5. Operational definitions must be specific and unambiguous.
6. Conceptual or “dictionary” definitions must be documented as to reference.
7. A conceptual definition may be followed by its operational form.



(for a Quantitative Paper)

1. Introduce with a brief statement enumerating the main topics that are
covered in this chapter.
2. Use future tense for the proposal and past tense for the research report.
Research Design

1. State the type of research according to method, such as descriptive,

experimental, or applied.
2. The appropriate research design must be specified and described. The
research design is the plan or structure for conducting the study, whether it is
co-relational, evaluative, normative, causal-comparative, etc. It summarizes the
set of procedures that the researcher will use/have used to obtain the data
needed to answer the research problems. More specific designs must be
identified and explained in detail.
3. Explain why this particular research design/procedure was chosen and
how it fits with the research objectives/problems.
4. Indicate the reference(s) used to justify the use of the research design.
5. Include the limitations of the research design and/or of the materials used,
if any.

Sources of Data
Locale and Population of the Study
1. Describe the place where the study will be/was conducted in and the
reason for the choice.
2. Describe the human participants in the study (respondents) and the
sampling design to be used. Convenience sampling is not allowed.
3. To warrant the use of statistical tests, randomization must be employed
either simple or in combination with other sampling procedures such as stratified
sampling or systematic sampling (k th technique).
4. The size of the sampling group must be systematically determined through
accepted procedures such as by using Slovin’s Formula or Lynch Formula. In
either case, the margin of error should be presented and the reason for its
choice must be discussed. (Please see page 23 for Slovin’s Formula and
Lynch’s Formula).
5. Discuss the technique to be used/ used in selecting and identifying the
actual participants; such techniques should ensure equal opportunity for all
members of the study population to participate in the study. See Part D page 24
Determining the Specific Members of the Sample Group.

Instrumentation and Data Collection

1. State the type(s) of instrument(s) to be used or was used; the source(s) of

each; what each intends to measure; to who each will be administered; and how
they will be administered.
2. For the Proposal Stage, present the tools and procedure to be used to
establish the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, if applicable.
3. For the Research Report, discuss, too, the results of the procedures on
validity and reliability, if applicable.
4. Append sample computation and summary on the tests of validity and
reliability, including a summary of the validators’ comments and suggestions.
Tools for Data Analysis

1. Determine and justify the statistical tools for each problem statement.
Present the formulae. However, if actual computations are done through
statistics software, there is no need to show the formulae; the tools and the
justification for each are enough; the statistics software should be specified.
2. Set the level of significance and state the statistical package to be used/
used. (e.g. Microstat, SPSS version 24, Megastat, Stattext, PASW-21, etc.).
Data Categorization
1. Present the scheme for categorizing quantitative data such as scores,
ratings, frequencies, and percentages.
2. State the source or basis of the data categorization scheme (ex.
Researcher made, standardized such as those provided by DepEd or other
agency, institutional, or adopted/adapted from a past study. )

Formulation of the Proposed Output

1. The title for this sub-section is completed by deleting the word Output and
writing in its stead the title of anticipated output.
2. The output is the anticipated product of the research (ex. a plan of
development, a mechanical prototype, a training program, a book, a set of
modules, a business plan, a subject area articulation plan, etc.)
3. Include briefly how it intends to address the research problem.
4. Include the bases for its formulation and development, as well as its
essential parts which may vary according to the nature of the output.
5. Discuss briefly the procedure to: (a) establish its validity and to: (b)
advocate its dissemination, adoption, implementation, and utilization.

Ethical Considerations
1. Present adequate measures and procedures used to safeguard and
uphold ethical standards in research, such as along the following:
a. protecting the well-being of the human participants (respondents),
e.g. their free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC), freedom from
coercion/physical or emotional harm;
b. confidentiality of certain information;
c. observance of institutional protocol (guidelines and procedures);
d. the integrity of the sources/references;
e. intellectual honesty and diligence; and
f. avoidance of plagiarism.
2. Describe how ethical issues were considered and addressed.
3. Describe how researcher bias was addressed.

See Appendix Template Consent Form to Take Part in Research.



(for a Qualitative Paper)

1. Introduce with a brief statement enumerating the main topics that are
covered in this chapter.
2. Use future tense for the proposal and past tense for the research report.

1. State the methodological approach to be used (in the case of Proposal) or

2. State and explain the epistemological and theoretical basis for using it. Cite
reference/s for support.
3. Please see Appendix K for some methodological approaches and sample
methods for each.

Research Design
Study Site
a. Describe the place where the study will be/was conducted in and the reason for
the choice.
Selection of Participants
b. Describe the human participants in the study (respondents); the sampling design
to be used/ was used. (Please see Appendix L Notes on Data Collection Procedures
and Appendix M for sampling techniques for qualitative papers)
Data Measure
a. State the type(s) of data-gathering instrument(s) to be used or was used;
the source(s) of each; what each intends to measure; and to whom each will be
b. A standardized data measure is presumed valid and reliable per se;
however, the consent of its copyright owner must be secured first before it can
be used.
c. A researcher-made data measure such as a structured or semi structured
interview guide must be crafted following an appropriate procedure such by the
use of a priori coding. A priori approach makes use of the researcher’s prior
theoretical understanding of the phenomenon.
d. A researcher-made data measure needs to be validated by the Reading
Committee (internal validation) to ensure its fitness, the accuracy of language,
its completeness, and other elements such as style, length, and sequence.
e. Types of data measures include document analysis guide, focus group
discussion guide, and interview guide.

Data Collection Procedure

a. Explain in detail how the data measure will be administered.
b. Please see Appendix L for Notes on Data Collection Procedures for a
Qualitative Paper
Mode of Data Analysis
a. Explain how the data gathered from the data measure(s) used will be
analyzed (data explicitation).
b. Thematic analysis as typical procedure in data explicitation usually makes
use of a repertory grid and makes use of the acceptable steps such as Colaizzi
c. See Appendix N for Colaizzi process for phenomenological data analysis.

Formulation of the Proposed Output

1. In the Proposal Stage, this section may be set aside for the meantime while
pending the results of data gathering.
2. Please refer to pages 8-9 for the prescribed procedure

Ethical Considerations
Please refer to page 9.


1. Introduce the chapter with a brief statement enumerating the main topics
that are covered herein.
2. This chapter may be entitled Results and Discussion in the case of an
experimental research

3. Present a brief introductory paragraph that tells how the findings/results

were organized.
4. The presentation and discussion may come in center headings and
subheadings representing the various variables/themes of the study (thematic
5. Present the study’s data: what did you find out/observe?
6. The presentation may include tables and figures, but judiciously. (Is this
table/figure really necessary?) Note that tables contain statistical data; while
figures consist of pictures, pictograms, maps, charts, diagrams, or
7. For a qualitative paper, present the findings in terms of the main and
subthemes, if any, and substantiate each by citing 4-5 quotations from the
8. This chapter should not include each and every detail of what has been
found out in the study. Rather, be selective. Put in only those results/ findings
that build the manuscript’s thesis or argument.
9. Present salient findings/results based on the order or sequence of the
formulated specific problems.
10. What do the results/findings that you have presented mean?
11. How do these results/findings fit into the broader context/literature?
12. Discuss theoretical/methodological implications/practical
applications to the discipline/profession/practice/existing policy. Include
possible causes of the condition as well as its probable consequences if left to
13. Movement of ideas: from specific to general (i.e., relate your study’s
findings/data to the wider corpus of literature by corroborating them with the
theories and/or literature reviewed). Discuss how findings compare/ contrast
with what was known/or not known in the literature.
14. Present and discuss the output as well as the results pertaining to its



1. Present an introductory paragraph enumerating the main topics that are covered

1. Wrap up/summarize the study’s argument by:
a Writing a paragraph that briefly recapitulates the research
objectives/problem of the study, method, and procedures.
b Including a brief statement on the locale and participants as well as the
research instrument and statistical tools used.

1. For a Quantitative Paper
a. Present the salient findings/results on the specific problems; no need to
mention numerical figures (e.g. weighted means, coefficients, etc.).
b. Use numbered statements (enumerated, not paragraph format)
corresponding to the sequence of the research problems (one-is-to-one basis).

c. Present the output crafted based on the findings and the results on
its validity.
2. For a Qualitative Paper
a. Present the salient findings/results on the Research Question by
recapitulating the themes and sub-themes, if any.
b. Present the output crafted based on the findings and the results on
its validity.

1. For a Quantitative Paper
a. State generalizations based on the findings.
b. Observe “one problem: one finding: one conclusion.” Match each
conclusion with the finding(s), and each finding with the problem. Use
the enumerated format.
b.1. Flexibility, however, may be considered in making conclusions;
it is not a must to state conclusions on a one-to-one correspondence
with the specific problems and the findings as some or all the
findings can be merged into a single statement for which a
conclusion can be made.

2. For a Qualitative Paper

a. State inferences or implications of the identified themes as insights
to understanding the experiences of the participants.
b. Observe “one inference per theme.” Match each conclusion with the
themes. Use the enumerated format.
Flexibility, however, may be considered in making inferences; it is not always a
must to state inferences on a one-to-one correspondence with the
themes as some or all the themes can be merged into a single statement
for which an inference can be made.

1. State doable, feasible, and adaptable recommendations; based on the
findings and conclusions.

2. Point out direction/s for future investigation.

3. Use the enumerated format.


1 Rule of Thumb:
a. Include only the materials that are cited in-text; conversely, all references
in the List must be reflected in-text.
b. Ensure that all entries are complete and accurate in details.
2. Use the style guide prescribed by the American Psychological Association
7th edition.
3. All entries should be double-spaced (both within each entry and between
entries) and arranged alphabetically based on the lead author’s surname,
regardless of classification of material.
4. The first line is left-aligned; the second and subsequent lines are indented
5-7 spaces from the left margin or use the normal tab default.
5. All internet sources should include the complete website Uniform Resource
Locator (URL) and the date it was accessed/retrieved/ downloaded.
6. Software that automatically converts references into APA v.7 can be used.
7. See Appendix AG for a Sample Reference List


1. Include samples of communications, table of specifications,

questionnaires, raw data in excel format, sample computations, (e.g., test of
reliability and other complex computational/scoring procedures), photo-
documentation of research activities, and repertory grids.
2. Each appendix should be written on a separate page and affixed with the
appropriate heading (APPENDIX A, so on).


1. Include the following parts: Personal Data, Educational Attainment, Board

Examination/Civil Service Eligibility, Work Experience, Conferences/Seminars
Attended, Membership in Organizations, and Awards Received.
2. The first page should include a scanned ID photograph (2”x2”, most recent,
white background) at the upper right corner.

ANNEXES: These refer to separate compilations of transcripts of interviews,

participants’ consent forms, and/or accomplished questionnaires; duly
bundled/boxed and labeled as to: (1) title of study, (2) name of researcher,
(3) name of Adviser, and (4) date submitted.

Additional Guidelines
1. Writing Style
a. Be brief and straightforward (all paragraphs, phrases, and words
should count). Deliver the ideas in the shortest possible prose (concise
rather than verbose).
b. Be guided by the rules on the use of language, grammar,
punctuation marks, syntax, etc. appropriate to research writing.
c. Use of fluent English language; correct grammar and usage; clear,
concise writing, avoid bias in language; strong mechanics of style; use
of active voice rather than passive voice; use of contextualized language
to reflect interpretive stance.
2. Academic Writers’ Virtues
a. Honesty. Strive for honesty in all scientific communications; never
fabricate, falsify, or misrepresent data; NO to deception tactics; NO to
b. Objectivity. Avoid bias in research design, data analysis, data
interpretation, peer review, personnel decisions, grant writing, expert testimony,
and other aspects of research where objectivity is expected or required.
c. Social responsibility. Strive to promote social good and prevent or mitigate
social harms through research, public education and advocacy
d. Integrity. Keep your promises and agreements; act with sincerity; strive for
consistency for thought and action.
e. Coherence. Between title and abstract; between abstract and the body of
the paper; between focus of the study and literature reviewed; between
research questions/problems and methodology; between methodology and
procedures used; between methodology and findings; between findings and
discussion; between findings and generalizations/conclusions; between
findings, generalizations/ conclusions and recommendations.
f. Seek collegial opinion for both content and prose; avail of an outsider’s
g. Be open to editorial/referee’s critique; consider these as possibilities rather
than personal attacks.
3. Spacing
a. Double-spaces throughout the paper; however, flexibility is allowed for
entries in the tables.
b. Double-spaces between and within entries in the Reference List.
c. Double-spaces between subsections or subheadings.
d. Single-space between lines of the table heading and figure heading.
4. Tabular Presentations
a. Adopt continuous numbering of the tables in Hindu-Arabic
b. Table number is flushed to the left margin and written 2 spaces
above the table title.
c. Table title is flushed to the left margin; italicized; single-spaced; and
written 2 spaces above the table.
d. The first letter of Table is capitalized. Only the first letter of each key
word of the table title is capitalized.
e. The content of tables should be limited to essential materials. Limit
the use of rules/lines to those that are necessary for clarity; use
horizontal rather than vertical rules. Use generous spacing between
columns and rows to clarify relationships within a table.
f. Legend/Note should be placed below the table where the symbol(s)
or acronym(s) is/are first used; or to indicate source of data other than
the data measure; or to indicate other details not shown in the field of
the table.
g. The table is preceded by its discussion or a part thereof and should
appear on the page immediately following the page where the table is
h. In the text, tables should be referred to by their numbers, instead of
“table below,” etc.
i. A table should not be presented between texts. The table starting
from its heading should be written at the top part of the page; or the
entire table including the heading can be presented at the lower part of
the page especially when no more discussion follows.
j. When a table is necessarily split and continues on the next page,
column heads should be provided on each split section of the table.
Column heads should be written in bold letters for added clarity.
k. Example of Table:

Table 6

Proportion of Errors in Male and Female Groups

Male Female
Level of
Difficulty n M (SD) 95% CI
N M (SD) 95% CI

Low 25 .05 (.08) [.02, .11] 15 .14 (.15) [.08, .22]

Moderate 35 .05 (.07) [.02, .10] 13 .17 (.15) [.08, .28]

High 40 .05 (.10) [.02, .17] 10 .26 (.21) [.15, .39]

Note: CI = confidence interval

5. Figures
a. Figures, such as graphs, charts, maps, drawings, and photographs can be
used to present essential data.
b. They should augment rather than duplicate the text and convey only
essential facts.
c. The figure number and its title are written on the same line, centered-text,
and with a period separates them.
If the figure is more than a page long, the figure number and title are written 2 spaces
above the figure; for a figure not more than a page long, the figure number and title are
written 2 spaces below the figure.
d. Where applicable, a Legend or Note must give sufficient information
to make the figure understandable on its own including the reference source in complete
bibliographic details.
e. See page 76 for a sample figure presentation.
6. Type and Size of Paper
Copy/book paper (substance 20); 8½ inches x 11 inches
7. Typeface and Font Size
Bookman Old Style; 12
8. Margins
a. top and left: 1 ½ inch; right and bottom: 1 inch
b. border/margin lines should not be shown
9. Indentations
Paragraph indentation should be 5-7 spaces or the normal tab
10. Justification/Alignment
All texts must be fully justified, i.e., left-and-right-aligned, except entries in
tables which must be left-justified.
11. Pagination
a. The page number should be at top of page. (The header should be set at
1.0 inch). Hide page numbers on pages with major center headings; the first
page of every Chapter should not be numbered, but should be counted).
b. For the preliminary pages, use lower case roman numerals placed at
bottom center of the page
12. Title Page
a. The title is written in capital letters and in 2 to 3 lines using the inverted
pyramid style.
b. All text items are centered; double-spaced.
c. The title of the study and name of the researchers are written in bold letters.
d. The date of the final defense should be reflected at the bottom of the page.
13. Preliminary and Back Pages
a.Preliminary pages include:
Title, Indorsement, Approval, Acknowledgement, Dedication
(optional), Abstract, Table of Contents, List of Tables, and List of
b. Back pages include:
Reference List, Appendices, and Curriculum Vitae
14. Cover
a.Hard bound; color: dark green; gold letters (for the program/ major)
b. The text on the front cover should be the same as on the title
c. The spine should indicate the following:
Surname and initials of the researchers; the title; ISPSC, Program;
and year of completion of the study.

American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American
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