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Name: Arselita P.

Bandeco BSA-1A

NSTP Midterm Exam

1.Explain the significance of NDRRM plan of 2011-2018 to your life as

 As a student

As a student the National Disaster Risk Reduction Management plan of 2011-2018 plays a significant role
in ensuring my safety from any danger such as the natural disaster, fire and etc. this plan ensure that I
am informed of what to do before, during and after of occurrence of any disaster, in which it may not be
avoided at least it will prepared me in order to mitigate the impact, prevent worst and devastated effect
of the disaster. As a student, this NDRRM plan provides me more than enough knowledge and
information just like who is to call, where to go and what should I do when there is a disaster. Thus, this
NDRRMC plan lessen or reduce the risk of me being in danger, or will guide me what to do if ever I am in

 A member of the community

As a member of the community NDRRM plan ensures that sustainable development will be achieve
through inclusive growth while building the adaptive capacities of communities. This plan will serve as
guidelines to the community on how to prevent, mitigate and response to a disaster. Such as in
preparation-making everyone in the community ready, what action to take during the disaster, to rescue
the victims and an immediate response such as providing reliefs, goods, shelter and rehabilitation after a
disaster. Furthermore, this plan ensure that every localities has disaster risk reduction and management
office to perform its duties and to allocate fund in prevention, mitigation, response and rehabilitation.

 As a professional

As a professional ensure my safety while in my workplace. And will serve as guidelines in

implementing the rules and procedures at my workplace in what to do during and after a disaster.
Moreover, this plan will help educate me and my colleagues in order to be safe and reduced risk
during a disaster.

2. Explain the difference between Mitigation and Prevention and give one specific example each.

Mitigation is making something less severe, and mitigating disaster mean ensuring that it will cause less
damage to the community. For example, to mitigate the impact of an earthquake’s casualties such as
death NDRRMC secure to conduct drills in what to do before, during and after an earthquake. Whereas,
prevention is the act of hindering something to happen. For example, to avoid fire explosion NDRRMC
implement rules and regulations such as it is forbidden to throw used cigarettes anywhere as it might
triggered fire to start. In addition with this, NDRRMC personnel conduct seminars and campaign in
educating individuals on how to prevent fire explosion. For instance, it is prohibited to use phone near in
a gasoline station, which as we observe there are signs pasted in every wall signing that such activity
should not be done in the area. As they said prevention is better than cure.

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