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International Convention for the Safety of Life at

Sea (SOLAS) is an international maritime safety treaty. It
What is SOLAS? ensures that ships flagged by signatory States comply with
minimum safety standards in construction, equipment and
The SOLAS chapters are:
Chapter I General provisions
Chapter II-1 Construction: subdivision and stability,
machinery and electrical installations
Chapter II-2 Construction: fire protection, fire detection and
fire extinction
Chapter III Life saving appliances and arrangements
Chapter IV Radio communications
What does SOLAS consist of?
Chapter V Safety of Navigation
Chapter VI Carriage of grain
Chapter VII Carriage of dangerous goods
Chapter VIII Nuclear ships
Chapter IX Management for the safe operations of ships
Chapter X Safety measures for high-speed craft
Chapter XI Special measures to enhance maritime safety
Chapter XI-2 Special measures to enhance maritime security
Chapter XII Additional safety measures for bulk carriers
The causes of engine room fires can usually be traced back to
a lack of maintenance or bad watch keeping practices. They
are usually caused by fuel spills, overheating components or
What are the causes of engine careless use of electric welding or gas brazing gear.
room fires?

Engine compartment, paint room, cargo holds, bow thruster,

EDG, boiler room, separator room, steering gear room

What spaces are protected by

CO2 stationary system?

There are 3 ways to stop the combustion:

 Reduce the oxygen contents of the atmosphere to
below 12 %
What are the ways to stop the  Reduce the temperature of the burning products below
combustion? the flash point
 Remove the material producing burnable vapor and/or
prevent further supply of such materials
The following procedures to be taken :
 eliminations of all oil and fuel leakages, especially high
pressure oil pipes and connections
 clean empty and dry bilge
 no smoking in designated areas, no smoking in bed
What fire fighting procedures  proper lashing and stowage of drums containing oil
should be taken to prevent fire? and/or inflammable liquids
 proper disposal of oily rags, waste etc.
 regular inspection and repair of defective electric
cables, switches, junction boxes and/or equipment
 galley clean and secured and filter above oven regular
Actions to be taken:
 Locate the source, type and nature of fire
 Immediately inform the Engineer on duty and the bridge
 If the fire is at the beginning and still controllable take
adequate extinguishing actions
 General –fire alarm to be activated from the bridge. All
actions to be organized from there
 Stop main engine
 Check the whereabouts of the engine crew members
 Stop all the vents and close flaps and fire dampers
 Activate CO2 alarm
 Activate quick closing valves for all tanks, pumps,
 Verify that all crew is out the engine room
 Close all doors and skylights
 Activate CO2 system
What are your actions in case of
 Start emergency fire pumps and emergency generator
fire in the engine room?
 Prepare fire hoses for surrounding surface cooling of
funnel and engine casing
 Prepare life boats and all ships documents as well as
personal belongings of the crew
 Inform the company and the nearest Coast Guard or other
respective station
 Check any injuries to crew and treat them according to the
Medical Guide
 Carry out continuous inspections around the engine
room and check carefully the insulation attached to the
engine room casing
 Wait a few hours prior to re-entering the engine room
 Clearly define the route to inspect and the time to remain
inside the engine room. Good and permanent
communication is possible. Inform the company about the
results of the first inspections and discuss next steps to be
What is it STCW? This is the international Convention on Standards of training,
certification and watch keeping for seafarers.
The IMO Convention on Standards of Training Certification
and Watch keeping of Seafarers adopted a new set of
amendments in Manila in 2010 called "The Manila
Amendments". These amendments were necessary to keep
training standards in line with new technological and
operational requirements that require new shipboard
competencies.. The most significant amendments are:
 New rest hours for seafarers
 New grades of certificates of competence for Able
seaman in both deck and engine
 New and updated training, refreshing requirements
 Mandatory security training
 Additional medical standards
 Specific Alcohol limits in blood or breath.
The Duty Engineer is directly responsible to the C/E and has
fully authority over the proper and safe operation of the main
and auxiliary machinery during his duty period.
Before being relieved, the Duty Engineer will complete all
entries, as required, in the Engine Log Book.
What is the general responsibility
The relief Duty Engineer will carry out a thorough
of Duty Engineer?
examination of machinery spaces before taking over
responsibility for the duty period.
The Duty Engineer shall not be released from his duties until
formally relieved by another Duty Engineer. When handing
over to his relief the Duty Engineer shall inform him all
matters relating to the status of all machinery.
The Duty Engineer must make regular and frequent
inspections of all machinery during his watch, and must
What is the responsibility of Duty ensure that the plant is working safely and efficiently. All
Engineer with regard of temperatures, pressures, levels, flows, loadings etc. are kept
Inspection of Machinery? under observation and within normal operating limits and
where alarm conditions occur, he is to investigate the cause
and initiate remedial action immediately.
The Maritime Labour Convention is an International Labour
Organization convention established in 2006 and embodies
"all up-to-date standards of existing international maritime
What is MLC? labour Conventions and Recommendations, as well as the
fundamental principles to be found in other international
labour Conventions".

What does MLC consist of? The convention consists of the sixteen articles containing
general provisions as well as the Code.
The Code consists of five Titles in which specific provisions
are grouped by standard:
Title 1: Minimum requirements for seafarers to work on a ship
Title 2: Conditions of employment
Title 3: Accommodation, recreational facilities, food and
Title 4: Health protection, medical care, welfare and social
security protection
Title 5: Compliance and enforcement
Minimum requirements for seafarers to work on a ship
The minimum requirements set out in this section of the code
are divided in 4 parts and are summarized below:
Title 1: Minimum requirements for seafarers to work on a ship
Minimum age requirements: the minimum age is 16 years (18
for night work and work in hazardous areas).
Medical fitness: workers should be medically fit for the duties
they are performing.
Training: Seafarers should be trained for their duties as well
as have had a personal safety training.
Title 2: Employment conditions
The Title on employment conditions lists conditions of the
contract and payments, as well as the working conditions on
Contracts: the contract should be clear, legally enforceable
and incorporate collective bargaining agreements (if existent).
Payments: Wages should be paid at least every month, and
should be transferrable regularly to family if so desired.
Rest hours: rest hours should be implemented in national
legislation. The maximum hours of work in that legislation
should not exceed 14 hours in any 24-hour period and 72
hours in any seven-day period, or: at least ten hours of rest in
any 24-hour period and 77 hours (rest) in any seven-day
period. Furthermore the daily hours of rest may not be divided
Speak about MLC titles into more than two periods and, at least six hours of rest
should be given consecutively in one of those two periods.
Leave: Seafarers have a right to annual leave as well as shore
Repatriation: Returning to their country of residence should
be free
Loss: If a ship is lost or foundered, the seafarers have a right
to an unemployment payments.
Title 3: Accommodation, Recreational Facilities, Food and
The title specifies rules detailed rules for accommodation and
recreational facilities, as well as food and catering.
Accommodation: Accommodation for living and/or working
should be "promoting the seafarers' health and well-being".
Food and Catering: Both food quality and quantity, including
water should be regulated in the flag state.
Title 4: Health Protection, Medical Care, Welfare and Social
Security Protection
Title 4 consists of 5 regulations about Health, Liability,
Medical care, Welfare and Social security.
Medical care on board ship and ashore: Seafarers should be
covered for and have access to medical care while on board;
in principle at no cost and of a quality comparable to the
standards of health care on shore.
Shipowners' liability: Seafarers should be protected from the
financial effects of "sickness, injury or death occurring in
connection with their employment". This includes at least 16
weeks of payment of wages after start of sickness.
Health and safety protection and accident prevention: A safe
and hygienic environment should be provided to seafarers
both during working and resting hours and measures should
be taken to take reasonable safety measures.
Access to shore-based welfare facilities: Port states should
provide "welfare, cultural, recreational and information
facilities and services" and to provide easy access to these
services. The access to these facilities should be open to all
seafarers irrespective of race, sex, religion or political opinion.
Social security: Social security coverage should be available
to seafarers (and in case it is customary in the flag state: their
Title 5 sets standers to ensure compliance with the
convention. The title distinguishes requirements for flag
states and port states.

ISM Code
International Safety Management Code means the
“International management Code for the safe Operation of
What is ISM Code?
ships and for Pollution Prevention”, adopted by the
International Maritime Organization
What are the objectives of ISM? The objectives of Code are to ensure safety at sea,
prevention of human injury or loss of life, and avoidance of
damage to the environment and to property.
What is it SMS? What is the SMS means Safety Management System. \
purpose? The purposes are:
-provide for safe practice in ship operation and a safe
working environment
-establish safeguards against all identified risks
-take into account applicable codes, standard recommended
by the international Maritime organization
It means Designated persons ashore. The function is to
monitor safety and pollution prevention operations and have
the access to highest management.
Company’s DPA has responsibilities as follows:
- safety of human life, property, cargoes and ships,
- protection of environment from pollution,
- formulation and amendment of the policies of the
Company as found necessary,
- proper implementation of these policies through the
channels of relevant departments,
What does it mean DPA?
- analysis and review of the feedback from the ships
concerning these policies and recommend any required
- planning of audits, training and selection of internal
- collection and evaluation of all records in conjunction
with the relevant departments,
- adequacy of resources , both in the Office and onboard
all ships to provide the necessary support for
successful implementation of the policies.
This is the list what to do and where to go in emergency
All the crew listed in the muster list are assigned with duties
to perform in emergency situation like carrying EPIRB and
SART, lifeboat and life raft launching etc.
Different teams with assigned duties for the individuals of
the team for emergencies
Different teams are made to tackle emergencies. These are
1. Command Team: operated from bridge.
2. Emergency team 1: Operates at the point of scenario.
What is Muster list? 3. Emergency team 2: Standby team and helping hand for
emergency team.
4. Roving Commission: Team working along with all other
5. Engine room team: This team stands by in ECR.
A muster list is basically a list which is displayed in the
areas of the vessel so that every crew member on onboard can
read it on a go. Some of the important areas where the muster
list is posted are- Bridge, Engine room, accommodation,
alleyways etc., areas where ship’s crew spends the maximum
of their time.
An area of a ship where passengers are directed to assemble in
What is the Muster station? an emergency: everybody was told to go to the muster
stations and given life jackets.
What is an emergency situation? An emergency situation is one in which the safety of the
watercraft or of persons on board or on the ground is
endangered for any reason.
They may include:
1. Loss or contamination of 10. Grounding / stranding
2. Medical matters (illness or 11. Man overboard
What may examples of 3. Medical matters (death) 12. Collision
emergency situations include? 4. Oil spill 13. Search and rescue
5. Steering failure 14. Helicopter operations
6. Heavy weather damage 15. Power failure
7. Main Engine failure 16. Abandon Ship
8 Fire 17. Piracy
9. Explosion 18. Flooding
What drills shall be carried out at - Fire Drill
least every month’ - Abandon Ship Drill
What drills shall be carried out at - Oil Pollution Drill
- Flooding Drill
least every two months?

- Lowering of Lifeboat and Running Engine around Vessel

- Emergency Steering Gear Drill
- Rescue from an Enclosed Space
What drills shall be carried out at In addition, the Master must carry out further drills to ensure
proper preparation of the crew to response to emergency
least every three months? situations, which are the result of incidents such as:
- collision
- grounding or stranding
- excessive list
- oil pollution

Actions in case of general alarm? - Take immersion suit, life jacket put on corresponding
wearing and proceed to Muster Station
 Check if life jackets and immersion suits provided in the
engine room are in proper condition and well in number
 Check EEBD in the engine room
 Check Medical First Aid Box
What should you check in the  Check emergency escape routes from the engine room and
also find out where it leads on the deck
engine room from safety point of  Check all the life saving appliances for their starting and
stopping procedures, including those of emergency
view? generator, lifeboats, emergency compressors, and
emergency fire pumps.
 Check all engine room machines for abnormal operations
 Check location of water tight doors and their operation
and working
 - Check location of fire hoses and fire hydrants
 Check if life jacket and immersion suit are kept in
their designated lockers in your cabin.
 Check all fittings, accessories and condition of jacket and
 Check the location of the nearest fire extinguisher from
your cabin
What should you check in your  Check the emergency escape located nearest to your
accommodation?  Check the location of Emergency Escape Breathing
Device (EEBD)
 Check your duties posted in the Muster list along with
your lifeboat station
 Check the nearest fire hose in the accommodation area
 Check ship’s alarm description in the muster list
 Check location of alarm button near to your cabin
 Check your cabin thoroughly for presence of any
unidentified object
It means International Ship and Port Facility security
What does it mean ISPS Code?
code, which is designed to prevent acts of terrorism which
threaten the security of passengers and crews and safety of
ships and port facilities.
They are three levels.
Level 1 –Normal situation-there aren’t any concrete
references to assassinations. A minimum of protective
measures must be maintained any time. This doesn’t mean
that no protective measures are required. Security measures
have also to be maintained on level
Level 2 –Increased danger-there are concrete references to
assassinations. Additional protective measures have to be
How many levels are?
implemented for a limited time.
Level 3-Imminent or direct danger-attacks are probable or
are going on near-by. Further protective measures must be
implemented for a very limited time. Additional instructions
of the governments have to be followed.
Whenever a crewmember discovers strange behavior or
suspicious objects he reports this to the Ship Security
What constant measures are to be During port stay all crewmembers are requested to carry
taken all the time? on the personal ID cards. During the audit all watertight
doors around accommodation and deck to remain closed, also
the internal doors with digital codes as well.
You requested to maintain above security system to learn the
codes, especially for accommodation door and engineer’s
change room in A’ deck
In what cases will change Due to the vessel is passing through sensitive areas (Malacca
/increase the security level on strait, Gulf of Aden) security level increased to level higher
board? and reduce to previous after we clear these areas.
How often can the security It can be carried out every 3 months. According to the
meeting be carried out? Company policy.
What operational differences Level 1-5% loaded cargo checked (manifest, location, seals),
between security levels do you 5%of stores checked, 10% search belongings of persons
know? come on board (accommodation), patrol every 2 hours and
report to OOW Deck/Engine 100% persons come on board
identified by photo ID.
Level 2 – 50% loaded cargo checked (manifest, location,
seals),50 % stores checked,50% search belongings of persons
come on board (accommodation), patrol every 1 hour and
report to OOW Deck/Engine 100% persons come on board
identified by photo ID, vessel searched by the security team.
Level 3- Operation such as loading /discharging, receiving of
stores, bunkers, provisions, and embark/disembark of
crewmembers to be stopped. Accommodation and pilot
ladders to be secured and lowering only for identified
crewmembers or official authorities.
If you mark a suspicious
Immediately to be reported to Master or SSO(Ship’s Security
packages/device or activities,
what have you to do?
Bosun store, Emergency fire pump, bow thruster room,
passage way port and starboard, cargo holds, e/room,
Which are the restricted areas on
accommodation, bridge, Ox/ac room, CO2 room, fire station,
battery room, emergency generator, ballast room, steering
gear room, air-condition room, boat deck.
A citadel refers to a room where the crew of the ship can
hide in case there is a pirate attack on the ship or when the
pirates are aboard the ship. The citadel requires food and
What is a citadel?
water supplies, communication channels, system of
ventilation and first aid kit, and the panel for switching off
the engines –both main and auxiliary.
 To require ID of any visitor: check photo and exp date
 To fill up appropriate gangway log by Hand of gangway
Gangway watch actions when  To issue vessel visitor card while person is coming inside
anyone of visitor comes on board of accommodation
 To search by metal detectors as required according to
security level
 Report to duty officer about any visitor
What is EEBD? This is a compressed air or oxygen breathing device used for
escape from a compartment where the atmosphere has
become hazardous while a person is within it. Additional
sets should be provided for use as emergency escape
equipment during enclosed space entry. Each set has a
duration of not less than 10 minutes.
Procedure for donning and using EEBD:
Read the instruction on the EEBD bottle
Wear the hood or face mask provided with the EEBD
Make sure you tighten the hood opening from bottom to
avoid smoke or gases entering the face mask
Ensure the face mask is clear and the visibility from the
mask is good
 Hang the portable cylinder onto your neck or as described
in the instruction
Open the fresh air valve and check the pressure
Ensure the mask is properly fitted on the face and no
smoke or gases are coming inside
Do not attempt any rescue after donning EEBD
Your first priority after donning EEBD should be to
come out of the affected space in minimum time
Never use EEBD for fire fighting
Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) is a compressed
fresh air supplying device which is used for carrying out
operations such as enclosed space entry, fire fighting etc.
This device is mainly use in places where the air does not
have enough oxygen to support natural breathing. Every
seafarer must know how to operate the self contained
breathing apparatus.
Procedure for donning and using SCBA:
Check the pressure of the bottle to ensure it is full
Check the condition of the mask, its strap, and the back
strap of the bottle for any damage
Ensure that the warning whistle is working fine to give
alarm when the level is below critical limit
What is SCBA?
While donning the mask, strap it tightly in such a way
that it sits perfectly on the head, preventing any kind of air
Don the cylinder with the back strap and tighten the belt
 Always make sure that the cylinder is full and pressurised
before entering any confined or smoke filled space
While climbing or coming down a ladder, never lean
towards your back as the added weight of the SCBA can
topple you over
Ensure you have extra spares kept ready for use when
entering any space with SCBA
When the alarm sounds, come out of the space
immediately to replace the cylinder

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