Passive With A Reporting Verb

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Pasar de voz activa a pasiva y semipasiva:

The dentist will check my aunt’s teeth.

Pasiva: My aunt’s teeth will be checked by the dentist.

Semipasiva: My aunt will have her teeth checked by the dentist.

The mechanic is changing her car wheels.

Pasiva: Her car wheels are being changed by the mechanic.

Semipasiva: She is having her car wheels changed by the mechanic.

Someone has cut Peter’s hair.

Pasiva: Peter’s hair has been cut.

Semipasiva: Peter has had his hair cut.

Luke is painting Kate’s bedroom.

Pasiva: Kate’s bedroom is being painted by Luke.

Semipasiva: Kate is having her bedroom painted by Luke.

Passive with reporting verbs

Cuando queremos poner en pasiva una frase con sujeto genérico (del tipo “la gente dice…” o “se
dice…”, hay dos formas en inglés.

People say that The Old House is the best English learning centre in Cuenca.

-Forma fácil (tipo I)

1. Se usa “it” como sujeto.

2. Se pone el reporting verb (say, tell, think…) en pasiva.

3. Se transcribe la frase subordinada (lo que se dice o piensa)

It is said (that) The Old House is the best English learning centre in Cuenca.

-Forma difícil (tipo II)

1. Como sujeto usamos el sujeto de la frase subordinada: (The Old House)

2. Se pone el reporting verb en pasiva (is said)

3. Se introduce el verbo de la frase subordinada:

3a. Si está en presente simple o futuro, usamos to + infinitivo (is= to be)

3b. Si está en continuo, usamos “to be” + gerundio (ing)

3c. Si está en pasado o present perfect, usamos “to have” + participio (perfect)

The Old House is said to be the best English learning centre in Cuenca.


Everybody thinks that the war will be over soon.

Tipo I: It is said that the war will be over soon.

Tipo II: The war is said to be over soon.

All know that Susan is cheating her boyfriend.

Tipo I: It is known that Susan is cheating her boyfriend.

Tipo II: Susan is known to be cheating her boyfriend.

People thought that they were married.

Tipo I: It was thought that they were married.

Tipo II: They were thought to have been married.

Para hacer en casa (en los dos tipos)

Everybody knew that my husband took part in the race.

People say that they don’t speak with each other.

People think that my cousin has been involved in that crime.

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