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Speak English With Vanessa

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Real Life Vocabulary
Dear English Learner,

Get ready to speak confidently with real English. I recommend reading these sample sentences
out loud, watching the original lesson to view the original context, and using the blank space on
the last page to answer my challenge question using the vocabulary. Thanks so much for
learning English with me!

Your teacher,

Bake With Us: Blueberry Oat Muffins

Notice that the best way to learn language is to imitate, just like children do!

1. To eyeball something: to estimate a measurement

It doesn’t have to be exact, we’ll just eyeball it.
There isn’t an exact measurement in this recipe, so I’ll have to eyeball it.

2. To pass something off: to give something over to someone, in a nice or mean

You can pass it off to each other.
When I get tired of mixing, I’ll pass it off to you.
Somehow my little sister always passed off chores to me, even when I didn’t
want to do them.

3. To take on the role of: to take on new responsibilities

Theo is taking on the role of teaching baking.
As they have gotten older, I have taken on the role of supervisor when the boys
help me in the kitchen. 1
4. You know what? A phrase used to convey a realization or a rhetorical question
used before a statement
You know what? I think you could even put in a lot.
I was going to measure out these chocolate chips, but you know what? I love
chocolate, so I am going to pour in the whole bag.

5. Got the crazies: an informal term for when someone has a lot of energy and is
acting silly
You guys (have) got the crazies!
If I don’t get enough sleep, I start to feel like I’ve got the crazies!

6. To mush up something: to mash something into a soft, pulpy consistency

Can you mush up the bananas?
When the boys were really young, I would mush up their fruit and vegetables so
that it was easier for them to eat.

7. May the chaos ensue! A phrase meaning that something crazy (good or bad) is
happening as a result of something else
I taught Theo how to use the electric mixer–may the chaos ensue!
I just found out I won the lottery–may the chaos ensue!

8. I wouldn’t…: a polite way to give advice

I wouldn’t eat that, it’s been on the floor.
I wouldn’t say that if I were you. You never know who might hear you.

9. Taking turns: when two or more people alternate when doing something
First it’s my turn, then it will be his turn.
Can I have the next turn?

Parenting Note: Encouraging your children to “take turns” works better than
saying “You need to share.” Let the child decide when their “turn” is finished, and 2
help the other child wait as long as needed. This builds generosity and
companionship instead of creating battles for control.
*I highly recommend reading this book “Peaceful Parent, Happy Siblings.”

10. Whole thing of: an informal way to indicate an entire measurement or container
of something
Can you dump that whole thing of blueberries in the bowl?
Did you really just eat that whole thing of cheese?

11. Why don’t you…: a polite suggestion, especially when giving directions to
Why don’t you put those in the batter.
Why don’t you pick up your toys, and I will make you a snack.

12. All you do to…: a way of simplifying something

All you do to make a shoelace cake is bake some shoelaces. 😂
All you do to make bread is mix together flour, yeast, salt, and water.

13. Bonding: spending time with someone to establish or build a relationship

The important thing is bonding and spending time together.
Cooking is one of my favorite ways to bond with my family.

14. Forgiving: when something is flexible, easy or safe to deal with

I like making recipes that are forgiving.
These tools are really forgiving–it’s actually hard to make a mistake when you’re
using them. 3
Quiz Time!

1. I love baking with my kids. It’s a great _______ experience.

a. mush up
b. forgiving
c. bonding

2. I don’t need to measure all these ingredients, I’ll just ______.

a. pass it off
b. eyeball it
c. take a turn

3. ______ to make those cookies is to mix up peanut butter, white sugar, and an
a. Why don’t you
b. All you do
c. I wouldn’t

4. Can you _____ these bananas for the recipe?

a. mush up
b. eyeball
c. pass off

5. I like making soups and stews because they are pretty ____ if you don’t have all
the exact ingredients.
a. bonding
b. pass it off
c. forgiving

Answer key: 1: Bonding, 2: Eyeball it, 3. All you do, 4. Mush up, 5. Forgiving 4
Vanessa’s Challenge Question
Use the space below to write a few sentences answering this question: What is your
favorite thing to do when bonding with your friends or family?

Sample answer: Food and nature are two things that I really love and appreciate. So
when I am bonding with friends and family, I like to grill or barbecue in my backyard
when the weather is nice. After dinner, we will sit around the firepit, making smores and
telling stories. It’s such a great way to spend time together.

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