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The Lion and the Mouse

Read the story and underline the prefixes and suffixes and write
them down.

Once upon a time there lived a lion and a mouse. One hot summer day the lion was very tired and
was sleeping under a tree. A playful little mouse started to play all over him. He disturbed the lion
and he woke up growling. He angrily caught the mouse and was going to kill him. The mouse was
terrified. He begged the lion for forgiveness. The lion took pity on him and hesitantly let him go.
The mouse was grateful and decided not to do it again.

After some days, the lion was in danger. Unluckily, he was caught in a net and was helpless. The
mouse recalled how the lion had let him go. He didn’t want to be ungrateful, so he decided to help
him. Before the hunter came, the mouse quickly cut the net with his sharp teeth and freed him. The
lion was relieved that he escaped from being killed. He was extremely grateful to the little mouse
and thanked him. The mouse was glad that he was able to be helpful and return the favour. They
both became friends and lived happily.

Choose any 6 suffixes and prefixes and write your own sentences.

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